在大纪元销售中的成长与体悟 Improving in Cultivation as a Salesperson for the Epoch Times
在大纪元销售中的成长与体悟 Improving in Cultivation as a Salesperson for the Epoch Times 昆士兰 Kevin Xu 尊敬的师父好! 各位同修大家好! Greetings Master! Greetings …
在大纪元销售中的成长与体悟 Improving in Cultivation as a Salesperson for the Epoch Times 全文我们比我更强大 The Power of We Is Greater Than That of I
我们比我更强大 The Power of We Is Greater Than That of I 全文在协调悉尼720排字活动中学会向内找 How I Learned to Look Within
在协调悉尼720排字活动中学会向内找 How I Learned to Look Within 全文在媒体协调人岗位上修自己 Cultivating Myself in the Role of Media Coordinator
在媒体协调人岗位上修自己 Cultivating Myself in the Role of Media Coordinator 全文做政府工作中的修炼体会 My sharing on dealing with government officials
做政府工作中的修炼体会 My sharing on dealing with government officials 全文在讲真相中修好自己 Cultivating myself while clarifying the truth
在讲真相中修好自己 Cultivating myself while clarifying the truth 全文在推广神韵中放下自我 Let Go of Self in Promoting Shen Yun
在推广神韵中放下自我 Let Go of Self in Promoting Shen Yun 全文Improving through Sharing With Fellow Practitioners 在与同修的交流中提高自己
I first attained the Fa in October of 1999. It was a bit of a rocky start for me, but in early 2000, I started to really cultivate properly
Improving through Sharing With Fellow Practitioners 在与同修的交流中提高自己 全文在助师正法的同时修炼自己 Cultivate Myself While Assisting Master in the Fa-Rectification
在助师正法的同时修炼自己 Cultivate Myself While Assisting Master in the Fa-Rectification 全文助师正法参加香港七一大游行 Partaking in Hong Kong’s July 1st Parade
助师正法参加香港七一大游行 Partaking in Hong Kong’s July 1st Parade 全文以营救母亲为契机 救度更多世人 Using the opportunity of rescuing my mother in China to Clarify the Truth
以营救母亲为契机 救度更多世人 Using the opportunity of rescuing my mother in China to Clarify the Truth 全文全职做大法项目的点滴体会 Sharing on Working Full Time in Dafa Project
全职做大法项目的点滴体会 Sharing on Working Full Time in Dafa Project 悉尼 马駿 Maree from Sydney 尊敬的师父好!同修们好! Greetings respected Master and …
全职做大法项目的点滴体会 Sharing on Working Full Time in Dafa Project 全文