用智慧和慈悲来救度众生 Use wisdom and benevolence in Fa-rectification to save sentient beings

Use wisdom and benevolence in Fa-rectification to save sentient beings

悉尼 Winny Zhao
Winny Zhao From Sydney

Greetings, Revered Master! Greeting, fellow practitioners!

Today, I am here to share with you my practicing experience on clarifying the truth and doing the “three withdrawals” at tourist sites this year.

1. Wisely clarifying the truth to the tourists by identifying their points of interest

At tourist sites, it is the challenge to deal with everyday – how do we stop those passing by tourists long enough to clarify the truth. I found that if we start with the higher theory or saying “the Heaven will ruin the Chinese Community Party, quit Chinese Community Party for safety” and etc., which sounds like shouting slogans, those tourists would run away from us immediately. It is probably because Chinese tourists have been told by the wicked CCP for all those years, in which case they do not know that Falun gong practitioners are good people cultivating “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance”, they do not understand why quit CCP can ensure their safety and Falun Dafa is good. If we can keep a positive and kind attitude with friendly and warm wordings, they would feel being treated like friends and start to relax. The more we relax in talking, the less precaution they have. At that point, I would have a chat with them on their interested subjects. When they start to sense my kindness and sincerity we would talk more of other things. This is how I find the breakthrough point in a conversation, which is based on their points of interest. I could tell them the truth and answer the questions that had tied them in knots  and explain what is Falun gong all about.

For example, if a tourist approaches your way you can come forward saying “ Did you have fun today?”, or “Such beautiful weather, isn’t it so lucky for us”. We need to spot their extrinsic features immediately and start a conversation about it, like I would compliment women on their dressing style saying “you are really good at dressing, aren’t you?” or “you do look like a person with temperament”, and etc. There is one week I walked up to talk to the three Chinese men who were enjoying their ice cream while walking. I was talking in a smile “eh, it is rare to see men enjoying ice cream, does it taste different in China?” After hearing this, they noticed my existence and talked to me. In a very cozy and friendly atmosphere, another fellow disciple and I clarified the truth to them and convinced them to quit CCP. They talked and asked lots of questions while they kept moving and we gave all the answers as well as the “Stop organ harvesting in China” newspapers, which they were very interested in reading and hid in their jackets.

在旅游点最好能让游客把真相资料带回去,因为里面的真相信息量大,但有时游客被导游吓唬的不敢拿资料,但是有希望了解真相时候,我们也可以用和他们聊天的方式帮他们三退。有一次在旅游点遇到一个男士,我和另外一个同修都在劝他看报纸,但他就是不敢拿。但看到他还想听的样子,我们就马上转话题劝他三退,当把道理说清楚时他说: 那我就退吧。退完后他继续往前走,走了几步,他突然转回头来说,“把报纸给我一份吧”,然后放在口袋里带走了。
It is better for the tourists to take paper resources like brochures, leaflets and newspapers about organ harvesting and quit CCP with them, because these resources have contained a great amount of undisclosed information in China. However, we could also casually chat to convince them to quit CCP when it comes to the situation that the tourist guides would frighten those who want to know about the truth but are scared to take our paper resources. Once a man was very interested in our organ harvesting newspaper but too scared to take one with him, even though the other disciple and I both tried very hard to persuade him. So we changed our strategy on quitting CCP subject since that man looked quite eager to listen to us. After we explained why quit CCP could ensure his safety he said, “Alright, I quit it”. We wrote down his agreed name for him to use to quit CCP and he left. After a few steps he returned again saying “well, give me one newspaper anyway”, and put the newspaper in his pocket and then left.

Here I would like to share a story of mine in convincing a great number of tourists at a time to quit the CCP, which may provide you with some useful ideas on how to deal with it. There was one afternoon at the tourist spot I saw a bunch of Chinese tourists shopping in a gift shop and three of them waiting outside. I immediately walked up and gave each of them the The Epoch Times special event, one of them looked like he was in charge and said to me, “do you live on distributing newspapers? You look like you once worked at a high position, a director at least in China. It’s a pity what you are doing right now.” I smiled at him saying, “I have my job and our disciples have paid to print out the newspapers. This one is for you as a gift as you have been blocked from knowing the truth in China.”  He could sense the sincerity in my words, but he couldn’t understand it and ask me, “then, without any benefits, what is this for? Did you come to this country because you embezzled plenty of money when you were in China?”

I found him quite interested in the subject of corruption and I wanted to encourage him to say more, so I complimented him , “you brought up a very good question, good on you!” He looked very happy when he heard me and I used this precious moment to tell him the truth by the newspaper. At that time, those tourists who finished shopping came out the shop and asked for the newspaper too, the man who looked in charge said to me, “well, it looks like we have predestined relationship, give me your newspapers and I will hand it to them, you can go home early.” But I said, “The newspaper is made with great dedication with effort. I can only give it to those who will cherish it.” (I was playing hard-to-get). Since I said so, those tourists started to grab the newspaper from me. Some saying, “I will cherish it”, some saying, “I will definitely read it carefully”, and their responses lifted up the atmosphere suddenly, which became very active. I was surrounded by them to answer their questions.

One asked me, “why did the newspaper not report Lipeng, do you know how corrupt he is?” I said “I know, Lipeng’s family have taken possession of the power resources, Zhou Yongkang’s family have possessed the petrol resources, Jiang Zemin’s family have possessed the telecommunication resources, these “ three representatives” have carved up the country’s fortune from its people, what else it left? The only things we have got is the polluted environment and corrupt moral standards. No matter how wealthy and powerful they are, they have created themselves karma for the bad things they have done, they will definitely be punished one day.” I showed them the examples of those bad people who had received the karma in the newspaper. I also explained to them that the CCP leaders have done so much damage to the country and its people, a lot of people who have known the truth, quit the CCP immediately, you really should quit it too for your own safety. A few people standing near me nodded their head. I gave each of them an alias quietly to use to quit CCP while others were still reading the newspaper, and they agreed. After we finished, I started to use my normal voice to answer other questions which arose from the tourists. There was one who asked, “Did Falun gong practitioners predict the Tianjin explosions?” I said, “we practitioners are not palm readers, but we all know that the CCP did so many terrible things in the past. Even in peacetime there were 80 million innocent people died in unjust cases. If bad people cannot be punished by their own system, the heaven will do it anyway. If they cannot stop committing crimes, the natural disasters and human tragedy will come along more frequently. The best and the only way to be safe is to be away from the devil by quitting CCP. This is why we give up our private time to be here telling people the truth. By now there were more than 10 people around me nodding heads to approve of my words, and showing respect in their eyes.

However, there were few in favor of the CCP who kept asking questions, “why would you keep saying bad things about CCP, some of them are, yes, corrupt but you cannot deny all of them saying they are all bad.” By answering the question I asked them two questions instead, “isn’t the one who launched the genocide a sinner against the human race? As a Chinese, shouldn’t we step forward bravely to say something?” They did not reply, so I continued to say with my peaceful voice, “Yuan Dynasty and Qing Dynasty both reigned China for years, but gradually they were assimilated by splendid Han culture. China, the Divine Land, remained in the hands of Chinese people. However, when the CCP came to this land it immediately introduced the evil possession to this country too, spreading the class struggle and atheistic thoughts, which have completely denied our 5000 years divine culture. Instead, the CCP has forced people in this country to treat Marxism-Leninism as our guiding ideology from the past, in the present and for the future. When a nation has lost its own faith and culture, then where should it go?” Those who brought up the question became silent and nodded to agree although I had not really finished.

This was when the tourist guide called them to get on the car, while I was walking them to the car people were quitting CCP with me as well. I felt that day was the most meaningful day in this year. More Chinese people were saved by knowing the truth. Master said that Dafa disciples are the only hope of the sentient beings to be saved. Actually how many of Chinese people have known about the truth now, 10% of them? The sentient beings are waiting to hear the truth, and I haven’t done enough and I felt ashamed. I know that being more and more diligent in cultivation is the only way I can live up to the title of Dafa disciple.

2. Mainland China tourists treat Dafa disciples as trustworthy people

On one weekend, a young man who was a director of company, came from mainland China to Sydney on vacation. He watched every truth-explaining banner carefully, paid enough attention listening to us clarifying the truth to him, and after he asked some questions he was deeply moved and said, “it’s been years that I haven’t come across anyone who is really kind to one another and trustworthy. I feel so lucky bumping into you today.”

这位年轻董事长一下旅游车就要真相报纸,先请他“三退”(退出中共党、团、队),他说:我不用退了。但是他却停下来看真相横幅,我就在旁边讲解给他听,法轮功教人 “真、善、忍” 做好人,在十几年间传遍全世界一百多个国家,成为中国的希望,如果中共不迫害法轮功,人人都从内心要求自己做一个更好的人,中国人就不会人人为近敌,互相不信任,为了钱什么都敢干,中国社会的道德就不会一日千里这么下滑等等。大概半个小时他仔细看了每一幅横幅,我给他介绍了每个横幅的内容,他很有思想,问了很多有深度的问题, 包括“自焚真相”、“三退原因”、“中共腐败对中国老百姓的危害”,为什么这些高官被起诉,法轮功现在在国际社会为什么这么受欢迎等。他的太太来催促他走,他不愿意走,说根本没有心情去看风景,留下来又问了许多问题。然后他告诉我他在中国是一位很成功的企业家,生活优越,但是在中国现在人与人之间没有诚信,感觉到社会和道德环境的危机。“好多年没遇到过你们这么真心为人好、能信任的人了,遇到你们(法轮功学员)真是福气!”
This young man asked for the truth-telling newspaper right after he jumped out of the tourist van. We invited him to do the “three withdrawals” (quit CCP, quit the youth league, quit young pioneers), but he said it was not necessary. As he stopped to watch the truth-explaining banners, I explained that Falun gong teaches people “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance”, to be good people in the society, which has spread to more than 100 countries around the world over the past decade. If the CCP stop persecuting Falun gong, it actually is the only hope to save China from being ruined due to the current social state. Falun gong teaches people how to be truly good by always looking inside for reasons and our shortcomings. When we do not treat one another as a potential enemy without trust, nor do harmful things to others to gain benefits, the moral standards will not drop so fast. Half an hour after he carefully watched all the banners, I explained the information on each of them. I found he had deep thinking himself and asked meaningful questions including “the self-burning truth”, “the reason to do three withdrawals”, “the damage corruption does to ordinary Chinese people”, “why those CCP leaders have been sued”, and “why is it Falun gong is popular around the world”, and so on. If not for his wife coming to take him away, he would have more to ask and we would have more to discuss because he said he is not interested in the scenery. He told me that he is very successful entrepreneur in China and lives a very comfortable life, but there is no trust left between people. He could sense the crisis everywhere in society and the lack of morality. “It’s been years since I have met anyone I think I can trust who is also so kind to one another. It’s been a pleasure to meet you (Falun gong practitioners) all and I feel so lucky.”

This young director did not wish to go. He had many more questions he wished to discuss with us but his tourist guide urged him to leave. In the end, he agreed to quit CCP before he left. He also left his phone number and company contact number with me for us to keep in touch in future. We soon got in touch on the Internet, he told me that he watched the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” CD with his other entrepreneur friends, and they all had lost the very last hope they used to have for the CCP. Now after their discussion, they have decided to do investment in immigration in Australia and asked me to help him with it as he believed Falun gong practitioners are trustworthy.

3. Being diligent in cultivating ourselves can save more lives

To be a cultivator or not depends on the very thought of a divine being or everyday person. I have been bothered by my practicing state, which is good sometimes, and bad sometimes. Sometimes I feel quite certain on Dafa but other times I think like a human: resting at home, enjoying easy life, showing-off and strong self-concerns. Sometimes I asked myself can I keep calm if someone said something quite nasty to me? How come at Arhat level there would be nothing to disturb the mind? Which level am I now – and all those sort of questions. Recently I have been preparing a sharing article by recalling what I have come through this whole year. I found practitioners have both sides of the divine being and the human being, which explains sometimes why I have god way of thinking, and sometimes I have a human way of thinking. When I have strong Zhengnian which is my god side, I felt I was given strength, wisdom and inspiration, and also my messy thoughts and notions were under control. I could understand more Fa than usual, and have been inspired when I did Fa-rectification, which made me feel surpassing the “human” state and stay in high spirits. A few hours sleeping would be enough for me, and my body felt fine. However, when my human side dominated, my god side became weak, messy ideas and personal notions interrupted me. If it went on for long then I felt I was less likely a practitioner and I couldn’t do Fa-rectification activities well. My body felt tired and sick from time to time. So I came to the conclusion that it’s necessary to suppress the human side frequently, reinforcing the god side, which helps us to walk smoothly on the path of being divine.

Dafa disciples being diligent in cultivating ourselves can change the sentient beings around us. Clarifying the truth by using our own behaviors, could more efficiently convince everyday people to quit theCCP. I came across some sentient beings who perfectly acknowledged the true face of CCP, which is because Dafa disciples around them have been doing very well. Those sentient beings have showed their sincere respect for Falun Gong disciples from whom they have seen the beauty of Dafa and therefore welcomed  the suggestion of quitting the CCP. Once I met a couple who told me, “We all know Falun Gong is good, and we did the three withdrawals.” I asked them how did they do the three withdrawals. They said, “we have our own business, and one of our employees is Falun Gong practitioner. He became homeless to avoid the police from arresting him. We took him in and let him stay in the company. We found he is always thinking for others’ benefits, the work no one likes to do he will take it without counting time or money. Even when he was in a financial or physical difficulty, there is not a time he would not put others’ benefits as priority, which has brought fresh air into the company and the working environment remains harmonious and efficient. Everyone honestly likes to make friends with him.

Later on he recommended other drifting practitioners to work in the company, and they are all very good, working hard, which has helped the company increase profits. Our business has been doing very well. If they have time they would come to me to tell me about the truth, so what you just said we are very well aware of. I believe once the Chinese people see the truth they will remember you, all the practitioners, forever.” I said, “ you are all very good people, you have helped our practitioners, you will be rewarded.” After they left, I was deeply touched by our disciples’ acts, I told myself I should be like them, being diligent, in which case I can save more lives.

In the end I would like to quote part of Master’s teaching at “Fa Teaching at the 2013 Western U.S. Fa Conference” to share with you:
“But all the same, Dafa is spreading widely, and I am still calling upon you now to save sentient beings. As for what the future holds, we’ll just have to wait and see. At present Dafa disciples are to go save people, and thus I have been watching how each area is doing in truth-clarification. Some truth-clarification sites have really done an excellent job. There is an increasing number of tourist groups from mainland China nowadays. There is an arrangement for people to hear the truth in a different setting. Our truth-clarification sites are, in fact, the front line-the front line for clarifying the truth. “

This sharing is my personal experience, please correct me if there is anything inappropriate.

Thank you Master. Thank you everyone.