在讲真相中修好自己 Cultivating myself while clarifying the truth

Cultivating myself while clarifying the truth

昆士兰 涤非
Di Fei from Queensland

Greetings Master!
Greetings fellow practitioners!

I started cultivation in May or June of 2012, and I have being in Australia for more than 6 months. During this time, I mainly go to Chinatown, Gold Coast and Sunnybank to clarify the truth to the Chinese tourists and local Chinese and help them quit CCP membership. Here I want to share some of my truth clarification methods with you and share my cultivation experience.

1. Eliminate the attachment of fear

When I first came to Chinatown to tell people the truth, I was at a loss when I faced those Chinese people who were deceived by the Chinese Communist Party’s lie. I felt a bit afraid, and I could not get very good results in helping people quit the CCP. With other practitioners’ encouragement, I had a thought from my heart: I’m a Dafa disciple. Saving sentient beings is my mission and responsibility. If I have the attachment to fear, how can I save people?

师父的《洪吟 二》“怕啥”中写道:
“你有怕 它就抓 念一正 恶就垮 修炼人 装著法 发正念 烂鬼炸 神在世 证实法”
Master wrote in “What’s to Fear?” in Hong Yin II,
Should you have fear,
it will seize upon you
If thoughts are righteous,
evil will collapse
The cultivator’s mind
is loaded with Fa
Send righteous thoughts,
and rotten demons explode
Gods walk the earth,
validating the Fa

I thought: “Evil cannot overpower the righteous. Evil can only fear me; how can I fear evil? I have to get rid of such a bad state. Master, please support me.” After I had this thought, the fear was disintegrated, and my state became better and better. In the beginning, I could only help one or two people quit the CCP, now I can help ten to twenty people quit. So far, I have helped about 900 people renounce their CCP membership.

有一次, 在黄金海岸讲真相时,一位游客突然从我身后伸过来 一个长长的杆子,我无意识的用手抓一下,才发现是给我照相或录像呢,于是,我拿好了报纸,微笑着看着那镜头,心想:照吧,无论你出于什么目的,我都要给你留下一个和善的大法弟子的形象。
Once, when I was clarifying truth at the Gold Coast, a tourist suddenly put a very long stick next to me. I instinctively grabbed it and realised that he was trying to take a picture or shoot a video with me. So I held up the Epoch Times newspaper and looked at the camera with a smile. I thought: “Feel free to take pictures, no matter what your purpose is, I will leave you a good and compassionate image.”

二、    讲真相中去掉争斗心
2.  Relinquish the competitive mentality through clarifying the truth

Before I started practicing Falun Gong, everyone said that I was good tempered, and I rarely argued with others. But during the process of clarifying the truth, certain things made me angry. When I could not maintain my xinxing, I would develop competitive mentality.

Once, when I clarified the truth at Chinatown, a tourist team leader incited a group of tourists to provoke us by singing the evil CCP’s song. I was suddenly very angry. I raised my voice and shouted at them. After a while, a fellow practitioner heard the noise and came over. At that moment, I was still very angry.

After I calmed down, I realised that I had developed a huge competitive mentality. I wasn’t able to maintain my xinxing level, and evil just took advantage of the gaps. When I started to fight with the tourists, not only could I not save them, but I could even destroy them. I really felt deep regret. In  Essentials for Further Advancement – To Shandong Dafa Assistance Center, Master says: “When there are issues, look inward. This is the fundamental difference between Dafa disciples and everyday people.” (Non-official translation)

I started thinking, why did I develop such a competitive mentality? Finally I realised that when I study the Fa, I often look at the Fa with my eyes, read the Fa with my mouth, but I do not study the Fa with my heart. Even if I used my heart when I studied the Fa, I did not follow the Fa in practice. My competitive mentality does not come from a kind and compassionate heart. If I want to save people, I need to have a kind heart and good thoughts. I must have compassion, then I will be able to break through the evil’s interference and control of beings, and help the sentient beings become clear-minded so they can be saved.

So I began to disintegrate this competitive mentality and my uncompassionate heart. No matter what insults people threw at me, such as, you have mental problems, just shut up, go away, you’d better go home and have a rest etc. I was able to laugh it off, and then I would continue to tell them the truth with compassion. From my heart, I wanted them to know the truth as soon as possible, and be saved as soon as possible.

They had come from such a long way away. Isn’t it Master who arranged for them to come to hear the truth and be saved? No matter what their attitude was, what they chose to do, I should treat them like my family member. I should show them the beauty of Dafa and the compassion of a cultivation practitioner, and let them feel Dafa disciple’s sincerity and kindness.

3. Getting rid of zealotry while clarifying the truth

在讲真相过程中,也会遇到很多明白真相的善良民众,会经常听到一些表扬、敬佩的话,比如:“你辛苦了”、“支持你们”、“你真了不起”、“佩服你们”、“谢谢、喝口水吧”等等, 当时心里也是美滋滋的,尤其是三退人数比往常多一些时,欢喜心就出来了,有时就不在法上修,起了证实自己的心了。我意识到后,想起师父在《美国佛罗里达法会讲法》中说的“修炼人的思想如果离开法,邪恶就会钻进来”的法理,明白了我做的这一切都是师父加持的,是师父在做,我只是动动嘴、动动腿罢了,可千万不能有欢喜心和证实自己的心,被邪恶钻空子。
During the process of clarifying the truth, I met a lot of good people who already knew the truth. Sometimes they would praise me and say things like, “You work very hard”, “I support you”, “You are just amazing”, “We admire you”, “Thank you, please drink some water and have a rest” and so on. When that happened, I felt really happy. Particularly when I helped more people than average to quit CCP, my sense of zealotry came out. If I did not cultivate on the Fa, I would start to validate myself. Once I realized this, I thought of what Master said in “ Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.” that “When a cultivator’s mind departs from the Fa, the evil will find its way in.” I understood that all I did was supported by Master. It was Master who did the real thing, and I just used my mouth and legs to help. I must not have any zealotry or any heart to validate myself. I must not let my gaps be taken advantage of.

In the process of clarifying the truth, I gradually found many attachments, such as having apprehensions, showing off mentality, and easily being moved by family and friends. As I saw each human notion, I would try to eliminate it. In this way, the capacity of my heart was broadened, and my Xinxing was improved. I used my compassion and wisdom to clarify the truth, and save people according to their ordinary people’s attachment.

Many people from China have a strong sense of self-protection. They are always wary of others. Plus the Chinese Communist Party has created lies to poison their minds, which made it even harder for us to tell them the truth and help them renounce the CCP. So I put a lot of effort into eliminating this mindset. I tried to find some common ground as I talked to them.

For instance, I have lived in Taiyuan city, Beijing, in the North-east part of China and in Sichuan province, so sometimes when I met Chinese tourists, I would ask them: “Where are you from?” If they mention one of those places, I would say:” This is such a coincidence, I happened to live there for a while.” Or “I come from that place.” That way it was easier to help them quit CCP.

Once at the Gold Coast, I met a group of Chinese tourists who happened to come from North-east China, my hometown. We quickly built a good rapport, and I used the opportunity to help them quit the CCP.

Everyday people like to hear nice words about themselves. So I just follow their attachment and give them auspicious names to evoke their happiness, to make it easier for them to listen to the facts and renounce their CCP’s membership.

例如:遇到中年妇女,我就夸她们气质好、年轻,用“富贵”、“高雅”、“文雅”、“高贵”等作为化名做三退;遇到年轻的女孩子,我就夸她们像莲花一样圣洁,出淤泥而不 染,就用“荷花”、“莲花”、“美莲”、“美丽”、“漂亮”等名字做三退;遇到中年男士就取“成功”、“顺利”、“好运”、“福气”、“高升”的名字;遇到老年人多用“幸福”、“健康”、“长寿”等名字;年轻学生就取“聪明”、“智慧”、“有才”等名字。如果是一对情侣,我会取个“甜甜、蜜蜜”,“和和、美美”等有关联的词,给两个人同时做三退。
For example, when I meet middle-aged women, I will compliment them and say that they have a good temperament and look very young. I will give them a name that means “rich”, “elegant”, or “noble” to quit the CCP. When I meet young girls, I will tell them that they are just like a lotus flower that is pure and holy. Then I will give them names that mean “lotus flower”, “beautiful lotus flower”, ”beautiful”, or “pretty”. For middle-aged men, I will give them names that mean “successful”, “smooth”, “good luck”, “blessing” or “be promoted”. For a student, I will use names that mean “clever”, “wisdom” or “skillful”. For a couple, I will use names that mean “sweet”, “honey” or  “harmony” “beautiful life”and so on to help them both quit.

Another time when I was at the Gold Coast, I saw a man about 50 years old waiting at the door of the coach. I went up to him and said:” You look like a government official.” He did not talk to me. Then I said:” If you are not an officer, you must be a big boss. I think you have a very unique temperament, you must be wealthy.” He answered my question modestly and I could sense that he was very wealthy. So I said to him: “You earn more because you make more effort; the richer the better. If you have ever joined the Chinese Communist Party, League or Pioneer, you can quit them. The Chinese Communist Party has committed enormous sins by persecuting Falun Gong. Good and evil will have their due karmic retribution. If we don’t quit it, wouldn’t we suffer as well? You’d better quit it now, and if you do so you may earn even more money.” He smiled and asked: “Really? If that’s the case, I’ll quit. ” So I gave him a name that means to “get richer”, and helped him renounced his League and Pioneer memberships.

由于受邪党党文化多年的毒害,很多中国人养成了不管别人,只关心自己的思维模式。在黄金海岸一位男士听到法轮功被迫害,就说:我没兴趣,和我有什么关系,我只关心自己。我赶紧接上说:您说的对,谁不关心自己啊,咱的生命和鲜血是自己的,谁也不能献,什么为共产主义奋斗,你看,那些高官那个不是为钱、权奋斗 呢。他马上接过来说:这话对,有一个算一个……,很快,他也同意三退了。我还告诉他要记住:真、善、忍,记住法轮大法好。
Due to the brainwashing of the CCP’s party culture, many Chinese people have developed a mindset that they do not care about other people, but only focus on themselves. One man I told about the persecution of Falun Gong said: “I’m not interested in it. It’s none of my business. I only care about myself.” I followed him: “You are right. We all care about ourselves. Our life and blood are ourselves. We can’t give them to anyone else. Why do we struggle for Communism? Don’t you see that the high-rank officials are battling with each other for money and power?” He answered: “You are right, each one of them are all like that…” Very soon, he agreed to quit the CCP. I also told him to remember “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance” and “Falun Dafa is good”. 

Another time I asked a young man to quit the CCP. I already knew that he was a Young Pioneer, so I told him to cancel his oath by quitting CCP organizations. He did not agree with me and said that he did not make any oath. I suddenly had a thought and asked him: “Have you ever sung the Young Pioneer’s song?” He said: “Yes I have, everyone has sung the song.” I said: “In that song, there is a sentence that we are the successors of Communism, isn’t there? If you are the successor of the Communism, are you its people? You should quit its membership quickly; otherwise you will really be its successor and suffer.” He understood and quit his membership.

When I tried to help a driver to quit the CCP, he said: “I’m just the driver. Please don’t talk to me.” I said:” As a driver, you work very hard. Please pay attention to safety. I can give you a name that means “safety”. Please quit.” After listening to this, he agreed.

When I help people quit the CCP, I always remember to tell them that Falun Dafa is the Buddha Fa, that the Tiananmen self-immolation was false and that the Chinese Communist Party persecutes Falun Gong. Sometimes, I tell them that after I practiced Falun Gong, my illnesses were cured and I became very healthy. As they are going into their hotel or getting on their bus, I tell them that they should remember “Falun Dafa is good; truthfulness, compassion and forbearance is good”. If you say that sentence with your heart, you can avoid misfortune and have good luck. You can avoid the coming catastrophe.

There are many examples. Because of the time limit, I will not list them all. I’m very happy to clarify the truth at the tourist sites. Whenever I stand at the site, I feel that I have entered a realm of selflessness. My heart is focused on saving people. I appreciate Master’s salvation and the opportunity for me to save sentient beings, to improve my xinxing level, let go of all kinds of attachment, and cultivate myself in the Fa.

“修炼路不同 都在大法中 万事无执著 脚下路自通”
I would like to finish my sharing with Master’s poem “Unimpeded” in Hong Yin II,
“The paths of cultivation are varied
But none is outside the Great Law
When one is attached to nothing
The path underfoot is naturally smooth”

Thank you Master!
Thank you fellow practitioners!