大法修炼没有停歇唯有精進再精進 To Be More and More Diligent in Dafa Cultivation

Be More and More Diligent in Dafa Cultivation

悉尼 白淑慧 Bai Shuhui from Sydney

Greetings respected Master!
Greetings fellow practitioners!

今天我要和大家交流的题目是“大法修炼没有停歇, 唯有精進再精進”!
Today I would like to share “To Be More and More Diligent in Dafa Cultivation!”

I did not attend much school, but this never hinders me from learning the Fa and cultivating.

From the early days of obtaining the Fa, I have formed the habit of sitting properly to study the Fa, after showering and changing clothes. I require that I must study the Fa with full concentration, so every cell of mine is also learning. I recall in my cultivation over the years, it is this habit of learning the Fa to lay a solid cultivation foundation for me. As I coordinated the practice site in Darling Harbour, I also formed a good habit of morning exercises every day. I clearly understand, as I started practicing after 1999, I need to combine personal cultivation and Fa-rectification cultivation.

“Cultivation is up to you, gong is up to the master.” (Zhuan Falun). I would firstly choose what Master wants me to do at any time. I study the Fa daily in order to be able to measure everything with the Fa, and always look within. I try the best to remove every thought that is not on the Fa, and reform my mind to a pure state, so I rarely have distractions. This is my fundamental guarantee to bear a lot of hard work, and concentrate on Dafa projects for so many years. I am deeply grateful to Master, for changing me from a feisty impatient person to a Dafa practitioner who often thinks of others.

Remove Pursuit of Comfortableness, Fulfil Promise of Saving People

After came I back from the 2011 New York Fahui, I realized that I should set up a truth-clarification site. But I also wanted to take a good break from promoting Shen Yun, and lacked intention and a sense of urgency. One day, while I was driving on the highway, suddenly the epileptic symptoms that had disappeared for several years, reoccurred. I felt dizzy and was about to faint, and almost had a car accident. That day I reflected on my cultivation, found my slackness and pursuit of comfortableness, and realized that I had not fulfilled my promise of assisting Master in the Fa-rectification, and saving sentient beings.

第二天我就去就近商场 征签“制止中共活摘法轮功学员器官罪行”。当天有一位市民告诉我,她在Townhall看到过我们类似的活动。我突然明白这是师父用常人的嘴在点化我。我马上找同修去申请在Townhall设立讲真相的摊位,我自己找横幅、征签表等,诸事齐备后我和同修商量,马上有二十几位同修来支持这个活动。我意识到这是师父提醒我们应该向主流社会讲真相了,于是我们成立了周五固定在悉尼市中心Townhall的真相点。
The next day I went out to collect petitions of “stop CCP’s crime in organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners”. I was told by a lady that she had seen us doing a similar activity in Town Hall. It was a hint from Master to clarify the truth to the main stream. I immediately asked a fellow practitioner to apply for a site in Town Hall, while I looked for banners and petitions. I shared the idea with more practitioners, and over 20 practitioners supported the activity, so we established the Town Hall site for every Friday.

Put Saving People First, Master Helps me to Balance Family Life Well

Since then fellow practitioners and I organized many activities, collected lots of signatures from the society. Sometimes we do activities three times a week, even two activities a day. Some practitioners asked how I balanced doing the three things and family life.

I replied: I put aside the human things, regardless how important it is, as nothing is more important than saving people. If I have a little bit of hesitation or omission, the evil are watching and trying to stop me from going forward. Then it becomes difficult for me to abide by my pledge. Then I enlightened that cultivation is actually quite simple, if you know clearly what to do. I often alert myself – what does organ harvesting mean? It means that practitioners in China have their organs removed at any time without being anesthetized, and slowly die in the pain of every cells being cut, then get cremated and disappear. We even feel uncomfortable when sands are blown into our eyes, compared to organ harvesting, can I relax at home and do nothing to stop the crime? My mission then very naturally came out.

Similar to many other families, I have a child and disabled parents-in-laws in their 80s, as well as my own business, but also make sure that I do the three things well. Actually my answer is simple: Master will help you solve everything, as long as you have the heart of saving people. Everyone’s time and energy are limited, if we put energy on saving people, then we won’t spend too much time and energy on everyday matter. When I was not diligent, my child had fever, in-laws fell ill and were hospitalized, and family conflicts also increased. When I spent my weekends on saving people, I still had time to take my child to dance, violin and swimming. She goes to Minghui school every week, while on the surface a fellow practitioner helped me to take her there, in essence Master has arranged everything well.

Must Honor My Commitments

If I firstly consider what I can do or what is my ability, before doing things that I should do, then I would magnify the human side, while limit my true self. In fact, when I put importance on saving people, just do what Master or Dafa requires me to do, without any human notions, I can indeed feel Master helps and protects me everywhere.

Once I drove to Parramatta, and the brakes suddenly stopped working. I calmly said to the car: don’t worry, I will slowly drive you to a safe place. Then I slowly drove to the roadside nearby, but as it was a Sunday, no shop was open. I went there the next morning, and found the car parked right across from the car repairer.

I have been clarifying the truth on the front line, and experienced numerous troubles and challenges. However, this is cultivation, and I can only firmly move forward, as there is no retreat. One time I felt my human side had reached the limit of bearing. Sometimes I had diarrhoea before I went out, or my body was having cleansing, and headache or dizziness made me feel extremely uncomfortable. But as soon as I reminded myself that I had sent out the notice for the activity, I organized it to expose the evilest crime on the planet, I had to go out. I put my feeling into the minimal place, and did what I was supposed to do. Of course it was many times more hard work than usual. However when I concentrated on my work, there was no time for me to think about the physical discomfort. My whole body and mind had to consider where to place the banners, materials, petition forms and pens, and take care of everything large or small.

I know I have many shortcomings in the process of doing Dafa projects. However fellow practitioners tolerated me, so we could improve together, because we have a common wish – save people better!

Master said: “Cultivation is the cornerstone of what we do, and saving people is our responsibility. Both of these things need to be done well.” (Fa Teaching Given at the 2015 New York Fa Conference).

Therefore, when I felt fellow practitioners did not understand my hard work, did not come to the site earlier, helping me to unload the banners and materials, I then told myself, do not wait or rely others in cultivation, just unconditionally look within, more strictly request oneself but be more considerate of others, then a large layer of my attachment of complaint was eliminated.

Righteous thoughts and actions only possible through studying the Fa well

From Monday to Friday, I have to take care of my business and do deliveries to customers, so on Thursdays, in between taking care of the family and doing housework, I make the most of time to strengthen Fa study, send righteous thoughts and correct anything that might otherwise affect my cultivation state. On Fridays, with very strong righteous thoughts I am ready to face the tests and troubles that come with setting up a Dafa stall.

I would like to mention that I take Fa study very seriously. In Master’s recent article, Dafa Disciples Must Study the Fa, Master said: “But consider what I have said: if whatever it is that you’re doing is not grounded in the Fa, if it does not have the power of the Fa, and if you haven’t cultivated well, you will not do those things well. Although you might have done whatever it is, it has not achieved any effect and simply cannot save people, for you are ineffective in dissolving evil factors. That is why Fa-study is still the most, most important thing—it is the fundamental guarantee for all that you are to do.”

So, however busy or tired I am, I always find a way to guarantee the quality and quantity of Fa study. When I run into external factors that prevent me from calmly studying the Fa, I would take one to two hours to send righteous thoughts and eliminate the interference. If it gets to the point that I’m extremely tired, I might choose to take a short nap and then complete the day’s Fa study. In a nutshell, nothing can interfere with me calmly studying the Fa each day. Two hours at the very least.

Once, the goods that I sell for a living arrived on a Friday, two days later than expected. I dragged my worn out self to the warehouse to unload boxes of stock, and before I could even make it back to the Dafa stall, heavy winds started to kick in and rain came bucketing down. Practitioners called me to find out whether we were still planning to set up the stall that day. I could clearly see the tests and interference caused by the evil again and again. Without the slightest hesitation, I told practitioners, whether you come or not, I’ll definitely be there, ¬¬I won’t withdraw in the battle between good and evil. Regardless of the circumstances, we won’t cancel Friday’s activities at Town Hall, we are unshakeable! We must continue with getting people to sign the petitions, and continue clarifying the truth, until the persecution stops, until organ harvesting stops.

Sometimes we get a sudden stretch of stormy weather, but we go turn up for the battle nevertheless. Because I firmly believe that Master will bring predestined people to us. I realised that, if it’s something we have decided to do, we mustn’t let false illusions obstruct our hearts to save people. If we don’t get out there due to a certain attachment, then we won’t live up to Master’s painstaking arrangements.

I deeply realised that a lot of the time, changes in the cosmic climate are to test our human attachments. When faced with perilous weather, let’s see whether we can persist. For example, during one of the storms, about 10 practitioners held tightly onto a banner that read Falun Dafa is Good! When our righteous thoughts made it through, the storm stopped. We experienced this many times during the pelting rain. When we unfurled a banner, the wind and rain died down.

I deeply realised that righteous thoughts and righteous actions is what the Fa rectification wants, it is what Master wants. Master takes care of Dafa disciples time and time again. Master also looks at how disciples walk well the path of validating Dafa. From the very first day since the stall was set up, I told myself, this day has been kept for saving people. I must be there. Practitioners and I fulfilled the promise we made. We did not slack off once. The weather is becoming better and better. We have a Dafa stall at Sydney’s Town Hall for close to three years now. And today, we have set up another Dafa stall at Martin Place and it’s even better for clarifying the truth to mainstream society. When the white collared workers see the scenes of us dressed in yellow, doing the exercises and clarifying the truth, people go from being surprised to becoming grateful.

Master’s grace is infinite, disciples can only be more and more diligent, and repay Master with our results.

Since I started cultivating Falun Dafa, I experienced huge changes in my mind and body. Utilising the supernormal abilities and righteous thoughts given to me by Master, I can actually coordinate the activities well. I also have a great sense of direction. I load the car the truth clarification materials and equipment, then bring it to various truth clarification sites. I go wherever I want to go. As more and more mainstream Sydneysiders understand the facts about Dafa, my own technical skills have also developed on the path of validating the Fa. Now, during the stall activity, I also actively take photos and interview passers-by, so that I can submit first hand, detailed, vivid information to the media. I know that all of this is because of the abilities given to Dafa disciples by Master, because Dafa disciples walked the righteous path.

Thank you to Master for giving this opportunity and enabling me to create an avenue, a platform for practitioners to save people. I am so happy that practitioners have found their own place in saving people. Organ harvesting is still happening in China. Practitioners can get together with two or three other practitioners in their own neighbourhood to hold up banners, and sign petitions. I hope that we can see ourselves as the driving force, so that we can even better assist Master in Fa rectification, save more people sooner, completing our mission.

Currently I’ve not only taken up responsibility for Friday’s truth clarification activities in the Sydney CBD, but practitioners and I have also set up a stall on Saturday in various Chinese clustered areas around Sydney. Sometimes on Sundays, we have to set up a Dafa stall to complement interviews with the local media. For the July 20th events, I had to utilise Thursdays as well. The last few years of always being on the move and getting worn out have become so normal for me. The fear of suffering, which I’d developed while growing up in a comfortable environment, have naturally been cultivated away on the path of validating the Fa.

I’m someone who didn’t graduate from Primary School, I can’t use a map, I can’t even use a GPS. Whenever I’m driving a car full of truth clarifying posters and banners, I don’t rely on the GPS, I just rely on righteous thoughts to travel through Sydney’s streets and lanes. It feels like I’ve returned to a previous life. I always feel that I’m leading a magnificent army of men and horses, galloping across the battlefield. Just like what Master said:

Ten thousand miles I gallop, breaking demons’ battle array
Cutting down all dark minions, eliminating wicked deities
I heed not their thick fog or the gale winds they whip about
Mountain rains en route wash off dust from the expedition
(Hong Yin, Volume II, The Grand Verses)

Above is my personal experience, please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

Thank you Master.
Thank you practitioners.