Believing in Master, Experiencing the Miracles of Dafa 信师信法 见证大法的神奇

I obtained the Fa on the 28 of September 2001. I remember a couple of months later I saw Master on a video. I didn’t know then why I started crying and I could only stop seven or eight hours later. 我是2001年9月28日有幸得法的。我清楚的记得,得法一两个月后的一天,在一个讲法录像上看到师父,于是情

Believing in Master, Experiencing the Miracles of Dafa 信师信法 见证大法的神奇 全文

用心讲真相 大法威力处处显 Use heart to clarify the truth, the power of Dafa shows everywhere

来到澳洲已经一年多了,在这一年多来,我珍惜在澳洲的自由修炼环境,把讲真相救人作为头等大事,全身心去做。I came to Australia more than a year ago. During this time, I have cherished this free cultivation environment, put truth clarification and saving people as my top priority.

用心讲真相 大法威力处处显 Use heart to clarify the truth, the power of Dafa shows everywhere 全文

兑现史前大愿 Fulfilling My Prehistoric Vow

我把师父的话牢牢记在心里,我必须出去证实法,否则我就不是大法弟子。在以后证实法的路上我一直做着大法弟子该做的事,紧跟正法進程。I kept Master’s words in my mind. I told myself that I must persist in validating the Fa; otherwise, I couldn’t consider myself a Dafa disciple. Since then, I have been following the Fa-r

兑现史前大愿 Fulfilling My Prehistoric Vow 全文

实修自己与救度众生 Genuine Practice will save Save Sentient Beings

我每天早晨参加集体晨炼,炼完功后开始一天的活动。上午到景点讲真相劝三退,下午抽时间学各地讲法,有时也参加真相长城,征签,烛光守夜等大型活动。 I join practice every morning and participate in the “Three Withdrawals” at the tourist spots afterwards, then study the Fa in the afternoon. Sometimes I join the “Wall of Truth”

实修自己与救度众生 Genuine Practice will save Save Sentient Beings 全文

在景点讲真相的点点滴滴 Clarifying the Facts in Fitzroy Gardens

每天能看到形形色色的大陆游客,有一下车对你瞪眼的,有说你卖国的,有说你丢人的,有说你拿钱的。但是也有竖大拇指的,Every day I come across all sorts of Chinese people there. Some stare at me as soon as they get off the buses. Some say that I betrayed my own country. Some say that I am a disgrace. Some say th

在景点讲真相的点点滴滴 Clarifying the Facts in Fitzroy Gardens 全文

Learning to let go of a human mindset and catching up with Fa Rectification cultivation 放弃常人心 跟上正法進程

My name is Gray I am 29 years old and a practitioner from the UK. I would like to share about a few experiences I have had over the last couple of years, and realisations I have had about righteous thoughts and lessons I have learnt from thinking too

Learning to let go of a human mindset and catching up with Fa Rectification cultivation 放弃常人心 跟上正法進程 全文