去除争斗心无条件向内找 Abandon Competitive Mentality, Unconditionally Look Within

想起刚刚看完师父《对澳洲学员讲法》,师父当时说的有几句话对我印象很深,我想首先要把向外看别人的眼光收回来,只看自己。I had just watched Master’s Lecture to Australian Dafa Practitioners, and some words from Master imprinted in my mind quite strongly. I said to myself, I have to stop looking at others, but on

去除争斗心无条件向内找 Abandon Competitive Mentality, Unconditionally Look Within 全文

打好真相电话修好自己 Cultivating myself whilst making truth clarification phone calls

当我还在中国大陆时,家人同修经常用手机作为讲清真相的法器。刚来到澳洲,母亲同修和我就决定投入進一个正法项目,一直做下去,When I was still in China, my family members who were cultivators normally used their mobile phones as Fa instruments for truth clarification. When I arrived in Australia, my mother and I d

打好真相电话修好自己 Cultivating myself whilst making truth clarification phone calls 全文

正念破执着 正念救众生 Break attachments and save sentient beings

我从1995年初在北京开始修炼法轮大法至今,全身心都得到了彻底的变化,我从内心深处体会到师父的慈悲呵护。作为正法时期的大法弟子,我深深地感到修好自己、做好“三件事”,才能真正助师正法、救度众生。 I started practising Falun Dafa since early 1995 in Beijing. I have had tremendous benefits from the practice which I know from my heart that it is Mast

正念破执着 正念救众生 Break attachments and save sentient beings 全文

坚守唐人街十年讲真相 Persisting in Truth-Clarification at Chinatown over the Past Ten Years


坚守唐人街十年讲真相 Persisting in Truth-Clarification at Chinatown over the Past Ten Years 全文

正念正行推廣神韻 Successfully Promote Shen Yun in Perth Through Righteous Thoughts and Actions

今年五月,西澳珀斯首次迎來了響譽全球的神韻國際藝術團。因為久遠的期待和找劇場一波三折來之不易,所以珀斯同修們對推廣神韻的機會都倍感珍惜。In May, it was the first time that Perth, the capital city of Western Australia, had ShenYun . Due to the long period of anticipation and the trouble in securing a theatre, practitio

正念正行推廣神韻 Successfully Promote Shen Yun in Perth Through Righteous Thoughts and Actions 全文

万古机缘只此一次 彼此珍惜走好最好一程 In this “Once Only Opportunity”, let’s cherish each other in the last leg of our

记得上次为法会写稿,开始也曾经历了一个挣扎的过程,因为那是刚刚经历了对我来说一个不小的心性关,好不容易落笔成文却“遭遇”到来自审稿组同修负责任的评稿过程 I still remember the struggle when I wrote my experience sharing article for last year’s Fahui. It wasn’t easy for me to commit it to paper, because I had just overcome a X

万古机缘只此一次 彼此珍惜走好最好一程 In this “Once Only Opportunity”, let’s cherish each other in the last leg of our 全文