用心讲真相 大法威力处处显 Use heart to clarify the truth, the power of Dafa shows everywhere




Greetings to great Master!

Greetings to fellow practitioners!



I came to Australia more than a year ago. During this time, I have cherished this free cultivation environment, put truth clarification and saving people as my top priority. During truth clarification, I melt into Fa, and see myself as one of the firm particles among Dafa; the power of Dafa shows everywhere when saving people. I will share some of my experiences and feelings with you today.


一、 学法炼功发正念是讲好真相的基础

1.   Fa study, exercises and FZN are the foundation of truth telling



I enlightened that Fa study, exercises, and FZN are closely related to each other, and influence each other. Only when exercises have been done do I have the energy to FZN and clarify the truth; when Fa study has been done, righteous thoughts are strong, the energy field is strong, and the power of the Fa is shown; doing FZN well is important to efficiently eliminating all the interference so we can save sentient beings, and tell the truth efficiently. During truth clarification, it also helps us to enlighten to more laws and the inner meaning of the Fa, thus encouraging us to study the Fa better.


二、 在讲真相中放下自我

2.   Let go self during truth clarification


在讲真相中,会冒出各种人心,比如好面子心、安逸心、争斗心、气恨心、担心众生不退的心、欢喜心等等。每当冒出这些人心时,我都及时向内找,去掉它们。比如有一次,在公交车站等车,椅子上坐着两个中国女孩,我上前打招呼说:“你好,请问你们是从大陆来的吗?”“我想帮你们免费办一下三退,免灾得福保平安的。” 她们没有搭理我,就像没听见一样,连正眼看都不看我一眼。我觉的她们中毒太深挺可怜的,同时发正念清理空间场。我内心很平静,就像什么都没发生一样。这时,又过来两个男孩两个女孩,我热情的上去打招呼,一下子把这四个众生全退了,后来在回家的路上又陆陆续续退了十几个。假如我因为前面两个女孩拒绝而感到不好意思没面子,那后面的众生就退不了了。象这样的例子很多。我深知,我们是大法弟子在救人,做的是最正的事情。讲真相就象云游,会遇到各种各样的人。但是只要我们始终把自己当做修炼人,及时向内找,彻底放下自我,放下一切人心,溶于法中,纯净的一念力可劈山,就会展现大法救人的威力。

During clarifying the truth, various human feelings will come up, such as the attachments to saving face, comfort, competitiveness, anger, elation, worry about people who don’t to quit the CCP, etc. Every time when these feelings come out, I look inwards immediately, and eliminate them. For example, when I was waiting for the bus at a bus stop, there were 2 Chinese girls sitting there. I greeted them: “Hello, are you from Mainland China? I want to help you to quit CCP for free; it will help you to avoid disaster and you will have good luck.” They didn’t respond, just like they didn’t hear anything; they didn’t even look at me. I felt that they were very poor, that they had been poisoned too deep. At the same time, I FZNed to clear the field. I was very calm inside, just like nothing had happened. At the same time, there were 2 boys and 2 girls coming. I greeted them and helped them quit the CCP very smoothly and quickly. And I helped more than 10 other people quit on my way home. If I had felt awkward and lost face because of the refusal of the first 2 girls, other sentient beings I met after them would not have been able to quit. There are many examples like this. I clearly know that we Dafa disciples are saving people, doing the most righteous thing. Truth telling is like wandering about; we will meet various people. But as long as we see ourselves as practitioners, can look inwards immediately, completely let go of self, melt into the Fa, and our pure thoughts can split a mountain and show the power of Dafa.


三、 用心抢人,大法慈悲显神威

3.   Using my heart to touch people, the benevolent Dafa shows divine power



During truth clarification, I enlightened that we need to use our hearts to tell the truth. It is not just to finish a task, and we are not doing this for Master. Telling the truth is to save people, save those who are savable; it is to fulfil the prehistoric vows that we made. The process of Fa rectification is becoming faster, and the opportunities left for us Dafa disciples are not many. The old forces want to destroy sentient beings; we are racing against time and the old forces. However, we Dafa disciples are very lucky, because we have the chance to “assist Master as He journeys this human world” (Hong Yin) during the period of Fa rectification.





Master says in Fa Teaching on World Falun Dafa Day

Your life came to this earth all for this. How could you not be diligent, and grow lax? This is your moment of destiny, the chance you have waited all eternity for! For however long it has been, you were all along preparing for this, suffering and shedding karma. Yet now, after all the hardship and pain, when you have made it to this day, somehow you have become not diligent. Isn’t that a shame?! Yet this juncture is critical, and if you are not diligent now, you’re done for.



When I think of Master’s Fa, I feel how great Dafa is. Such an opportunity with a predestined fate from 10,000 years is a great treasure. A Dafa disciple’s mission is divine. A feeling of urgency to save sentient beings and a sense of responsibility comes up, and my benevolence and compassion also come up. I enlightened: We must use our hearts to tell the truth, use our benevolence and righteous thoughts. I always ask myself: Have I put my whole heart and body into it? Have I put sentient beings into my heart? Have I 100% believed in Master and the Fa? Have I genuinely understand the Fa from my heart?



As long as we let go self, use our hearts and compassion to tell the truth, the power of Dafa will show everywhere. For instance, I go to school in the morning, then go to clarify the truth in the afternoon, and go back home late. I stay out for more than 10 hours daily, and haven’t rested for a single day in a month, but I never feel tired when I’m telling the truth. Fellow practitioners said that when I was running and chasing a tourist, it was just like I was flying. I could also feel the assistance from Master; my body was very light. I could still feel that I was surrounded by a very strong energy when I got home.

有一次在中国城讲真相,游客里的一对青年男女看到我对他们讲真相,态度非常不好,还骂我:“你是中国人吗?你给中国人丢脸,我为你感到羞耻!”眼睛里露出敌视仇恨的眼神。我不为所动说:“我才是真正的中国人啊,爱国不等于爱党,中共不等于中国。” 我继续真诚的给他们讲真相。他们过去之后,我为他们不明白真相而难过,同时心里为他们发正念。他们再回来时,停在展板前认真的看,我没有打扰他们,等他们不看时,我又真诚的对那位男士讲真相,并办三退,同时给他真相资料。没想到他就好像换了个人似的,同意三退并接过我给他的资料。因我给的不全,他主动要所有不同内容的材料。脸上露出欣慰的笑容。我又抓紧时间帮那位女士办三退。那位女士为刚才骂我而感到不好意思,面带愧疚之意,点点头同意三退。我为众生脱离魔掌选择美好的未来而愉悦。


One time when I was telling the truth at China Town, a young couple among the tourists saw me; they expressed a very bad attitude and scolded me: “Are you Chinese? You are losing face for Chinese people, I feel shame for you!” I wasn’t moved and said to them: “I am a real Chinese person; love for China doesn’t equal love for the Party. The CCP doesn’t equal China.” I continued to clarify the truth to them sincerely. When they passed by, I felt sorry for them for not knowing the truth, and FZNed at the same time. When they came back, they stopped in front of our information boards and read the info. I didn’t interrupt them, and waited until they stopped reading. I told the truth to the gentleman again, helped him to quit the CCP, and gave him some materials. He even asked me for more materials because I didn’t give him everything. And he smiled. After that, I tried to help the lady to quit. The lady felt sorry that she scolded me before, and she agreed to quit as well. I felt very happy for them for choosing a bright and beautiful future.



There was another time when a young man wearing headphones saw us clarifying the truth, so he tried to walk faster to get away from our truth clarifying site. I saw him, so I quickly ran after him, and told him the truth at the same time. I gave him a name, and wanted to help him to quit the CCP, but he seemed very distant and did not respond. When he walked to a crossing, I felt very anxious, because this sentient being might miss the chance. I said: Young man, I don’t want a cent from you, I just hope that you can avoid disasters, I hope you will be saved. I won’t harm you; otherwise, God will punish me. I truly want good for you from my heart! He suddenly stopped, took off the headphones, turned around, bowed to me and did Heshi. He said: “Thank you! I quit, thank you!” Just like this, another sentient being was saved.



One time in the Gold Coast, it was raining. I wanted to have a rest at home, but I had the thought that it was the peak travel season, and there were so many sentient beings waiting to be saved. Other practitioners and I drove more than one hour to get to the Gold Coast to clarify the truth. There was a lady with a very cold attitude. I asked her to quit, but she didn’t respond. I gave her an Epoch Times newspaper. She accepted, then held it up above her head, and used it as an umbrella to walk to the bus. I saw this, and asked her to give the newspaper back. She begged me: “Please give it to me.” She seemed to really need an umbrella, I quickly grabbed one from another practitioner, held her arm, and said to her: “Let’s go, I send you there.’ I held the umbrella for her and talked to her: “This is not an ordinary newspaper; this is a newspaper to save people. If you use it as an umbrella, I worry that you will accumulate karma. It’s not good for you. If it was an ordinary newspaper, I’d definitely give it to you.” Then I further clarified the truth to her, and gave her a name to quit the CCP. She was very touched, and said repeatedly: “I quit, I quit, we all quit!”


那晚还有一对母女,起初对真相很抵触。我说三退,孩子的妈妈摆着手说:“不用,不用。”看着她们就要离开了,我心里着急,也没顾上打伞,冒着雨跟着她们讲:“你们瞧,这么大雨,我完全可以呆在家里陪孩子。我不要你们一分钱,也不挣一分钱,就是希望你们母女好人能幸福平安,别跟着坏人受牵连,我没有任何恶意,就是为了让你们了解真相,希望你们母女能平安躲过将来的劫难啊,我要骗您害您,上天会惩罚我的。” 那位母亲听着我说完这话有所触动,抬头看着在雨中淋湿的我,很感动,同意做了三退,并连声说“谢谢你!谢谢你!”

There was mother and daughter that I met on the same day. They were very much against the truth. When I mentioned quitting the CCP, the mother waved and said: “No, no.” I saw they were leaving, and felt very worried. I didn’t even get an umbrella, and said to them: “Look, it’s raining so hard. I could have stayed at home to stay with my child. I don’t want a cent from you and don’t earn a cent. I just want you and your daughter to be safe and happy, and not be harmed by bad people. I don’t have any bad intention. I just want to let you know about the truth, and hope that you can both be safe and avoid any disaster in the future. If I lie to you or harm you, God will punish me.” The mum was moved after listening to me. She raised her head and saw me getting wet in the rain. She was very touched and quit the CCP. She said to me: “Thank you, thank you!”


师尊说:“慈悲能溶天地春,正念可救世中人”(“法正乾坤”《洪吟二》),大法弟子的慈悲穿透了中共谎言的坚冰,融化了众生一颗颗冷漠的心,扫尽了众生心中的阴霾,把大法的美好、温暖、光明和希望带给了众生。有的众生坚持用真名做三退,有的众生说“不要说九评,十评也说不尽共产党的罪恶”,有的众生背着不明真相的导游偷偷拿真相资料,有的众生冲我们竖大拇指称赞,一些好导游还主动帮着我们给游客发真相资料, 还有的众生主动给我留姓名电话,有的众生非常感激我,要跟我像亲戚一样来往……众生都在觉醒,都在等着得救啊!

Master says: “Compassion can harmonize Heaven and Earth, ushering in spring… Righteous thoughts can save the people in this world.” (The Fa Rectifies the Cosmos in Hong Yin II). The benevolence of Dafa disciples can break through the icy lies of the CCP to melt the cold hearts of sentient beings, sweep away the fog inside sentient beings, and bring the beauty, warmth, brightness, and hope of Dafa to sentient beings. Some sentient beings use their real names to quit the CCP: Some have said: “Not 9 commentaries, not even 10 commentaries can tell all the evil things the CCP has done.” Some sentient being sneakily collected our materials, not allowing the tourist guide who doesn’t understand the truth to see them. Some of them put their thumbs up for us; some good tourist guides have proactively helped us to hand out materials; some sentient beings have left their contact details with us; some were very thankful and kept contact with us. Sentient beings are awaking, waiting to be saved.



In more than one year, I helped almost 5000 people to quit the CCP by telling them the truth. I know that all these results are with the assistance of Master and the power of Dafa, and also from the cooperation of fellow practitioners. Compared to the requirements of Fa and the expectations of Master, I still need to improve. In the very limited time that’s left, let’s work together, treasure the opportunity created by Master’s great suffering, be more diligent, save more sentient beings, don’t let down the mission of ‘Dafa disciples of the Fa rectification period’, and go back to our true home!



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Thank you great benevolent Master!

Thank you fellow practitioners!