向内找 平衡好家庭 (Look inward, Balancing Family Matters)


A few weeks ago, we all knew the time had come again for the annual Fa conference, which was also the best opportunity for every practitioner to summarise their cultivation journey for the year, report to Master and share with fellow practitioners. I picked up my pen, but put it down several times, because I felt I hadn’t cultivated well and was far behind the requirements Master set for us. I didn’t have any outstanding achievements and I didn’t feel I could write anything because my experiences were so simple and ordinary.


向内找 平衡好家庭 (Look inward, Balancing Family Matters) 全文

在学习乐器中升华 (Elevating in My Musical Journey)


I was touched after hearing a sharing from a practitioner who attended the Tian Guo Marching Band parade in Hong Kong, and it made me wish to join the marching band. But I thought that since I didn’t have any knowledge or music, nor did I understand music theory, I wouldn’t be able to join the band and learn an instrument. My wish was just that – a wish.


在学习乐器中升华 (Elevating in My Musical Journey) 全文

网络讲真相及推广干净世界的一点体会 (Clarifying the Truth on the Internet and Promoting Gan Jing World)


As the Fa-rectification proceeds rapidly and society is undergoing continuous changes, it is a crucial moment for Dafa disciples to fulfil their vows by seeing the chaos for what it is, upgrading our xinxing, and saving sentient beings.


网络讲真相及推广干净世界的一点体会 (Clarifying the Truth on the Internet and Promoting Gan Jing World) 全文

在媒体工作中的修炼心得体会 (My Cultivation Experience Working in the Media)

在写交流稿这件事上,我觉得我有一颗利益之心,就是如果写得不好不能被选上,那就是在浪费时间。其实在每天的日常生活中,我浪费了多少珍贵的时间在无谓的事情上,不想写交流稿就是在为自己的安逸和逃避找借口。我想作为大法中的一粒子,每年写一篇交流稿就好像学生每年都要進行一次期末考试一样,无论每道题会做不会做,做的好与不好,都要用一场考试来帮助我们认清自己,从而弥补不足,在所剩不多的时间里努力提高上来、跟上正法進程。 (During the process of writing this paper, I’ve discovered a trace of attachment to personal gain. I was afraid that if I didn’t write well, my paper wouldn’t be selected, and this would be a waste of my time. Actually, during everyday life, I’ve wasted precious time on trivial matters. Not wanting to write this sharing paper is simply an excuse for seeking comfort. I feel that as particles within Dafa, writing an annual sharing paper is just like students taking an annual final exam. …… )

在媒体工作中的修炼心得体会 (My Cultivation Experience Working in the Media) 全文

信師信法 在修煉的路上正念正行 (Believe in Master, believe in the Fa, Righteous thoughts and righteous actions in cultivation)

我於2009年在澳洲得法,之前從修煉大法的父母身心上的變化,看到了大法的美好。雖然我那時沒有修煉,但是我把父母告訴我的「法輪大法好,真善忍好」幾個字,始終記在心裡。在2008年、2009年兩次體驗念「九字真言」的威力,化險為夷,促成了我修煉的機緣,我開始真正走入法輪大法的修煉。(I obtained Falun Dafa in Australia in 2009. I saw the beauty of Dafa through the physical and mental changes of my parents who practiced Dafa. Although I did not practice Falun Dafa at that time, I always kept in mind the words my parents told me, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” In 2008 and 2009 I experienced the power of reciting the “Nine-Character Mantra”, which turned danger into safety and gave me the opportunity to learn about Falun Dafa. After these instances I began to truly practice Falun Dafa)

信師信法 在修煉的路上正念正行 (Believe in Master, believe in the Fa, Righteous thoughts and righteous actions in cultivation) 全文

正念正行修好自己 广传真相救度众生 (Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions to Improve in Cultivation, Clarify the Truth, and Help;ing Saving Sentient Beings)

為了將真相傳播到澳洲偏遠地區,讓那裡的眾生了解真相,得到大法救度,去年八月二十日,我和昆士蘭同修共5輛真相車,開始了從布里斯本往返凱恩斯的真相之旅,我駕駛的是全車貼膜的解體中共(“END CCP”)的大真相車,同修的車則在車頂固定真相展板,我們沿途通過車輛和展板的信息傳遞真相,每到一個小鎮,就去圖書館送真相書籍,或者去海灘和城鎮發放資料和征簽等。 (In order to clarify the truth in remote areas of Australia, so that the people there can learn about Falun Dafa and have a chance to be saved, in August last year, I went with some practitioners in Queensland on a car tour truth clarification project, from Brisbane to Cairns. I drove a large van that had information about  “End CCP” all over the side panels, the roof and the front and back of the van. …)

正念正行修好自己 广传真相救度众生 (Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions to Improve in Cultivation, Clarify the Truth, and Help;ing Saving Sentient Beings) 全文

推广神韵中的修炼体会 (Cultivation journey whilst promoting Shen Yun)

(Dear Master, and dear fellow practitioners, I obtained Falun Dafa in 1996 after seeing a newspaper advertisement for free classes to teach the Dafa exercises. I also had the honour of attending Master’s first lecture in Australia. 

In Lecture Given at the Conference in Sydney, Master said: “Some people have asked me, “Teacher, you have taught us so many things and given us so many things—what do you seek?” I said, “I seek nothing. I am just here to save you. I just want to see you strive to become a better person and for you to be able to advance and improve yourself.”)

推广神韵中的修炼体会 (Cultivation journey whilst promoting Shen Yun) 全文


One day, a veteran Chinese coordinator called me and asked if I wanted to become a coordinator. At that time, I had been practicing for more than a year. I asked her what it entailed, and I simply thought that because I was proactive and had no significant language barrier, I could help the Vietnamese group by updating some information when needed. 

AU Fahui 2023



澳洲法輪大法修煉心得交流會墨爾本召開 全文
New message


大法修煉是嚴肅的。師父來世之初,只為救眾生於覆滅。無牽無掛隻身赴惡世,轉生人中,又分身無數,遍及世界各個角落、各個民族;從君王到庶民,從三界神仙至陰曹地府,無所不在。因此與各界眾生廣結親緣,從而生生世世結下各世各界無數父母、妻子兒女、兄弟姐妹 。。。

正確對待師父家人 全文



明慧編輯部通告 全文