一切都是最好的安排 (Everything Has Been Arranged Perfectly)


Everything Has Been Arranged Perfectly

西澳/WA: Gladys Liu


Greetings to esteemed Master!

Greetings to fellow practitioners.

又是一年一度的澳洲法会。 从去年开始,有了想写交流稿的念头,师尊就鼓励我,迈出这一步。 

It is the annual Australia Fahui again. Since last year, I have been thinking of writing a sharing article. As soon as I had this thought, Master encouraged me to take this step.


A while back, I often thought of when I first began to practise cultivation. I was ignorant then and loved to read books. I found a copy of “Falun Gong” at the bookstore and began to read it. The chapters on the principle of loss and gain, and improving xinxing, left a deep impression on me. The image of myself holding the book in my hand and reading it at the bookstore became fixed in my mind. I had a simple thought at that moment: this is a book that teaches one to be kind and good. Since then, I embarked on my journey of cultivation.


Although I had been practising Falun Dafa for a long time, I only recently started to truly practise cultivation solidly. I had been understanding the Fa perceptually all along and regarded it as a basis for one’s behaviour among everyday people. I only learned to truly practise cultivation in the last two years. I also discovered my fundamental attachment, that is, I was after a perfect life in the human world. Furthermore, when I first began to practise, I thought moral standards were declining. Dafa was a stream of clear water that cleansed my soul. I regarded myself as pure and noble, and didn’t want to go along with deteriorating moral standards. If I stayed among Dafa practitioners, I would be far away from human vices and right and wrong. I nearly became estranged from Dafa as a result of holding onto this fundamental attachment.


Part1. Benefitting From Morning Group Practice



When I first started to practise cultivation, I would get up before daybreak and ride my bike to a park nearby for morning exercises. Although it was only a short period of time, these beautiful moments were engraved in me. When I read the chapter on the celestial eye, I felt the muscles between my eyebrows piling up together and drilling inward. When I embraced the wheel, I felt Falun spinning between my arms. I realised everything Master said is true. I could also sit in the full lotus position when I first learned the fifth set of exercises. Practitioners said I had good inborn quality. Although I was just a teenager, I was exceptionally calm because I recalled Master’s words in “A Cultivator is Naturally Part of It “ (Essentials for Further Advancement):

“For a cultivator, all the frustrations he comes across among everyday people are trials, and all the compliments he receives are tests.”

在国内时, 有机缘在同修亲戚家住了大约一周的时间,可是却让我认识到了实修的重要性。亲戚把我早早叫起,然后350分开始一起晨炼,天天雷打不动。白天就嘱咐我背法。也就是那时,几天的时间,第一讲没背完,但是已经深切体会到背法的益处了。 

In China, I had the opportunity to stay with a relative who also practised Falun Dafa, for around a week. It made me realise the importance of truly practising cultivation. This relative would wake me up early in the morning. We did the exercises at 3:50 a.m everyday without fail. She asked me to memorise the Fa during the day. It was also at that time, I experienced the benefit of learning the Fa by heart, although I only managed to memorise a few pages during the short stay at my relative’s place.


In the last two years, I learned to cherish the opportunity to practise cultivation and was determined to practise solidly. I realised that persisting in doing the exercises in the morning was a part of practising cultivation solidly. Master arranged everything when I wanted to join group exercises in the morning. Last year in June, due to a change in my work schedule, I did not have to work on Sunday. Since then, I began to join a practice site doing exercises in the morning on Sundays. In the beginning, I went out to do the exercises once a week. 


One of the ways the CCP persecutes practitioners in China is to forbid doing the exercises outside publicly. Since I was overseas and I had a car, and a day off from work on Sunday, there was no reason for me to be controlled by my attachment to comfort. As I kept up with Fa study and became more focused when I read the Fa, I learned to distinguish my true self, from the thought that I didn’t want to wake up early in the morning. When I had righteous thoughts, those thoughts that interfered with my practice became weak and disappeared. 


Later on, a practitioner wanted to join the practice site and asked if I could give her a lift. Master told us to think of others first, so I should be responsible for other beings. Thus, all the more reason to wake up early. Everything happened in order and fell into place. Since the start of this year, I began to take that practitioner to a park nearby for exercises from Monday to Saturday. We are grateful to Master for the arrangement. Perhaps to many practitioners, getting up early in the morning to do the exercises has already become a part of their daily lives, but to me, such an opportunity is precious.



Once, while doing the second set of exercises, I kept thinking of how I can repay my mortgage as soon as possible. Somehow, I could not stop thinking about it. I even began to do the maths in my mind. I then recalled Master’s teaching in Zhuan Falun:

 “Whenever there is interference of one kind or another in qigong practice, you should look for reasons within yourself and determine what you still have not let go of.”


I made an effort to dispel these human thoughts that were interfering with my practice. I discovered that I still had a strong attachment to gain. If I don’t get rid of it, it will stay in my dimension and pop up in my mind when I do the exercises. I knew what I had to do.


After finishing the exercises, I called my husband on the phone while driving home. He was on his way to work. I told him that all these years I had saved some money in a bank account in my name. I did not want to put this money into our joint account or use it to pay our mortgage. I was not one to spend money randomly. I just felt better having some savings. My husband asked how much I had saved. I hesitated but decided to tell him in the end. I told myself I should not continue to let selfishness control me. I told him how much I had saved. In that instant, I felt incomparably relaxed. I knew Master had taken away a layer of me that was selfish. 

先生很平静的在电话里告诉我:好, 我知道了,你存着吧。就这样,当我的心放下时,真的感到一切只不过是考验,在我修炼的这条路上的一个小关。心性提高上来,它就什么也不是。 

My husband calmly told me, it’s all right, you keep the money. Just like that, I let go of my attachment, it was just a test after all, a small tribulation on my path of cultivation. It is nothing at all when I make progress in cultivation.


All sorts of human notions would pop up often when I am doing my exercises. Now, I have learned to grab these thoughts quickly and I know clearly they are not me. The real me is here, doing the exercises. Layers of my body, every cell should be assimilating to the characteristics of the universe unconditionally. These thoughts that are obstructing my practice, they are bad matter, able to penetrate my pure dimensional field, they are not me, they are things I must distinguish and eliminate in cultivation. They are matter formed in my body postnatally. The real me only wants to get on with my exercises with a quiet mind.

而这些经历也让我对于发正念有了更一步的认识。 一直知道发正念是师尊要求我们做的三件事之一,后来认识到,因为要分清好坏,善恶,特别是在一件事情出现后,能够分清哪些是正念,哪些是人心,才能够时刻保持正念。 

These experiences also helped me gain a better understanding of sending righteous thoughts. I knew all along that sending righteous thoughts is one of the three things Master told us to do. Later on, I realised that as long as I could distinguish between good and bad, in particular, after something happened, if I could tell what are righteous thoughts, and what are human thoughts, I will be able to constantly maintain righteous thoughts.


Part2. Master Knows Everything


I work full time in an ordinary person’s job. There was a time when I wanted to drop off Dafa papers in letter boxes in residential areas. I only had time in the afternoon after work. However, my mother needed a nap after picking up my two kids from school. I had to take care of my children then. Yet one day, just as I thought of going out to drop off papers, in 2-3 seconds, my mother suddenly came out of her room. She had woken up from her nap. I realised that because I had the thought of saving others, Master helped me and arranged everything. It goes to show how important our thoughts are.


This year, I began to take part in car tours organised by local practitioners to clarify the truth to the Chinese community. I just had a simple thought at that time: I have a car and it happened to take place on my day off. We put simple messages on top of our cars to inspire people to think of the evil nature of the CCP.


I know we should not go to extremes in doing anything. At home, I usually arrange homework for my children or find time to mark their work or help with household chores. Therefore, although my family members don’t practise Dafa, usually, when I tell them I have things to do on weekends, they never ask any questions.


Before doing a car tour, I first made sure I did the exercises in the morning. On the way, I listened to sharing articles on Minghui radio. I’m aware that cultivation is not following what others do. That is not acting in accordance with the Fa. We are also not here for political campaigns or jumping onto the bandwagon. I simply want to do what I can. After all, everything is arranged by Master. We just need to cultivate ourselves, and get rid of human thoughts within his arrangements.

记得一次,车队在唐人街缓慢行驶,我开始在心里背法,背会背的《洪吟》里的诗词,突然看到十几年前的房东夫妇,鼻子一酸, 眼泪掉了下来。 当初只是跟他们讲过我修炼大法,大法在中国受迫害,可是没有提到三退的事。师尊安排有缘的人经过这里,因此有机会看到真相。车又继续往前开了三分钟,又看到读书时的同学,想起这个同学也是当年没有讲三退的人,已经很多年没有联系了,师尊以这样的方式又让他们再一次接触到真相。

I recalled that one time, cars in the car tour were moving slowly on the streets in Chinatown. I began to recite the poems in Hong Yin. All of a sudden, I saw the couple whom I rented a room from more than 10 years ago. I wept. At that time, I only told them I practised Falun Dafa and it was persecuted in China. I did not tell them about quitting the CCP. Master arranged for predestined people to pass by and therefore learn the truth. Our cars continued to drive forward for three minutes. I saw a classmate. Again, she was someone I had not told about quitting the CCP. We had not been in contact for many years. Master used this to help them learn the truth once again.


I was reciting “Fulfilling the Vow” in Hong Yin. I was in tears reciting the phrase, “With shared purpose did you come to the earth and in gaining the Fa you took the lead”. These people had a predestined relationship with me, and due to my attachments, I did not clarify the truth to them. Yet we are beings that took the lead in gaining the Fa. How can we leave them behind?


I thought of those years when I was in China. Due to the suppression and censorship of information, at one point in time, I thought no one practised Falun Dafa anymore. Yet when my mother received a note with truth clarification messages about Falun Dafa on it, it was as if I was struck by electricity in that instant, I was shocked and elated. It was that note that reconnected me to Dafa.


一切都是师尊的安排。 我能做的就是信师信法,不报任何常人观念的做好自己该做的事。纯净自己的心,使自己做的事、参与的项目更能够发挥作用。  

If these beings learned the truth after seeing our display boards and receiving a flyer, perhaps it would also bring an earth shaking change to their lives.

Everything is arranged by Master. All I can do is believe in Master and Dafa. I should not have any human notions, and do what I should do well. I should purify my heart so that whatever I do, the projects I participate in can be more effective.


Part3. Getting Rid of Selfishness

一次在晨炼中,突然开始下雨,雨越下越大,后来我和一起晨炼的同修彼此看了看对方,决定去附近的小亭子下面继续炼功。事情发生的太突然,我本能的拿起座垫,举到头顶避雨,飞奔向亭子的方向。跑到半路,扭头看同修,她好掉了东西,在地上捡,是手套。因为天还没太亮,又下雨,最后我们在亭子下面继续炼功了。但我一下子明白过来了,看似是突发情况,正是这样的经历,让我暴露出了那个隐藏很深的为私为我的私心而这, 正是修炼人要去除的。 

Once, it began to pour suddenly as we were doing the exercises outdoors. The rain got heavier. We looked at each other and decided to go to a covered area nearby to continue with our exercises. Without thinking, I picked up the exercise mat, covered my head with it and dashed towards the undercover area. Halfway there, I turned back and looked at the other practitioner. She seemed to have dropped something and bent down to pick it up. It was a glove. As it was still dark and raining, we finished the exercises in the undercover area. But I understood in an instant. It appeared to be something that happened all of a sudden, however, it exposed my selfishness that was hidden deep inside — only thinking of myself to be safe as soon as possible. This is what a cultivator needs to get rid of.

炼功结束后,同修找不到眼镜和车钥匙了。决定帮同修一起找,天还没亮,在炼功的地方和亭子间走了几个来回也没找到。最后我们决定求师尊吧,因为我们都要赶着去上班。我心里对师尊说, 师父,我错了,弟子一定改,一定吸取这次教训,修成先他后我的正觉。那个私心不是我,我要为别人着想。最后我在天亮些后在草地上找到了同修的眼镜。 而同修的车钥匙却在她的车门上挂着。

After we finished our exercises, the practitioner could not find her glasses and car keys. I decided to help her look for it. It was still dark as we walked back and forth a few times. We could not find her belongings, and in the end, we decided to ask Master for help, because we had to go to work. I said to Master: “I was wrong, I will change my ways and learn from this lesson. I have to cultivate to the righteous enlightenment of selflessness and altruism. That selfish thought is not me, I want to think of others first. In the end, we found the practitioner’s glasses on the grass just after dawn. Her keys were hanging on the door of her car. 


After everything was resolved, I looked at the time and it was time for me to get to work. As I had to attend a training that day, I was only required to report to work an hour later than usual. It seemed that everything was arranged for me to see my selfish heart. Most importantly, I needed to take action to get rid of it. The practitioner kept thanking me for staying back to help her find her lost belongings. But I knew I should thank her instead. I realised I not only have to do the exercises to cultivate my body, I also need to improve my moral character. We do the exercises together but also encourage each other and strengthen our righteous thoughts. Master arranged for such a good environment so that I can quickly catch up in cultivation. All I have to do is listen to what Master tells us to do.


As I studied the Fa together with other practitioners, I gradually learned how to practise cultivation. We have to restrain our hearts based on the teachings. There was a time when I paid attention to every thought in my mind. 

In group study and sharings, I was able to refrain from doing bad things and cultivate my speech. However, there is still room for improvement in cultivating my every thought. For example, my first thought would be: why is this practitioner acting like that, he is not conducting himself like a practitioner should. He has so many human notions. However, my next thought is: why did he act like that in front of me, why do I feel uncomfortable. Later on, I realised that because I am obstructed by my fundamental attachment, I am attached to the human world being a pure land, I don’t want to see all those human thoughts and conflicts appear. It is because I still have a shallow understanding of the Fa. I don’t understand our cultivation form.

当学会向内找时,我发现修炼太美好了。现在偶尔看到同修人心表现时,我发现自己的容量在不知不觉中扩大了。不会再去动心了,因为我知道,我们都是这样走过来的,这些表现也都是修炼的过程,当同修修到要去这个心的时候,他一定会在师尊的指引下去除那些不好的行为与表现。 而这个认识的过程,不是强为,而是每个人在学法实修中要走的路。  

When I learned to look within, I discovered how wonderful it is to practise cultivation. Now, whenever I see a practitioner acting like an ordinary person, my forbearance is increasing and my heart is no longer moved because I know this is how all of us improve in cultivation. When it is time for that practitioner to get rid of that attachment, he will surely eliminate that bad behaviour under Master’s guidance. Yet, this progress in cultivation is not forced, but part of the journey every cultivator goes through while studying the Fa and practising cultivation solidly.

看同修的交流文章,都提到要无条件向内找,而自己以前是在有条件的向内找,那个条件就是,说我的人或是提出问题的人,要是我认可的修的好的,而且在提出问题时要和颜悦色的,在这个条件下我才会去向内找。现在想想, 自己还是被这些观念束缚着,被观念环绕着,怎么和宇宙真、善、忍的特性沟通呢?最近两年,开始学着在看到别人的执著时,看到别人不符合法的做法时去向内找,看看自己是不是也有这样的问题,也总是能找出自己的问题。 

We often see in practitioner’s sharing articles, the phrase, “looking inward unconditionally”. In the past, I looked within on condition that the person who pointed out my problem must be someone I regarded as a practitioner who has practised cultivation well. In addition, when he pointed out my shortcoming, he should say it pleasantly, and only then would I look within. Now, thinking back, I am still bound by such notions, therefore, how can I connect with the universal characteristics of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance? In the last two years, I started to look within whenever I see someone’s attachment, or if they did not act in accordance with the Fa. I would reflect to see if I had a similar problem. Many times, I found my shortcomings.


Recently I realised that if I truly follow Master’s teachings, cultivate myself well and assimilate to the Fa, it becomes natural for me to participate in truth clarification projects as if this is something I should be doing. It is nothing spectacular, just practising cultivation solidly and steadfastly. It comes from the heart of acting for the good of others and consequently, I am walking on the path of assisting Master in Fa rectification.


I end my sharing with Master’s poem in Hong Yin “Assisting Fa” :


Make the wish to save all beings, Assist Master with the journey in the world;
Aid me in turning Falun, Fa forms, heaven and earth move. 



Thank you, Master! 

Thank you, fellow practitioners!