在实修中修去人心与人念 (Getting rid of my notions by truly practicing)


I feel ashamed that it was only through hints from Master and the encouragement of fellow practitioners that I began to write a sharing article.

I was moved deeply by Master’s three new articles. I gained a deeper understanding of the seriousness of cultivation, and particularly the harm that can be caused if we treat cultivation with human attachments, notions and emotions.I was determined to catch up with the process of Fa-rectification.

 在实修中修去人心与人念 (Getting rid of my notions by truly practicing) 全文

从一点一滴做起,做一个真修实修的大法弟子(Every small thing counts: cultivating as a genuine Dafa disciple)


When I heard the call for experience sharing articles for the annual Fa conference, I didn’t really think about it too much. I felt that I hadn’t cultivated diligently and was far behind other practitioners. I didn’t have much to write so I gave up before I even picked up my pen. But then several practitioners asked me to write a sharing article. This got my attention, because I realise that nothing is accidental. Whether I cultivate well or not, I’d better submit a report on my cultivation to Master. 

从一点一滴做起,做一个真修实修的大法弟子(Every small thing counts: cultivating as a genuine Dafa disciple) 全文

2020年澳洲在线法會發言稿 5 : 在媒体项目工作中的一点修炼体会 My recent cultivation experience while working in the media


2020年澳洲在线法會發言稿 5 : 在媒体项目工作中的一点修炼体会 My recent cultivation experience while working in the media 全文