万古机缘只此一次 彼此珍惜走好最好一程 In this “Once Only Opportunity”, let’s cherish each other in the last leg of our

记得上次为法会写稿,开始也曾经历了一个挣扎的过程,因为那是刚刚经历了对我来说一个不小的心性关,好不容易落笔成文却“遭遇”到来自审稿组同修负责任的评稿过程 I still remember the struggle when I wrote my experience sharing article for last year’s Fahui. It wasn’t easy for me to commit it to paper, because I had just overcome a X

万古机缘只此一次 彼此珍惜走好最好一程 In this “Once Only Opportunity”, let’s cherish each other in the last leg of our 全文