Melbourne: Mai Pham (墨尔本:范梅)
Greetings Master!
Greetings fellow practitioners!
My name is Mai Pham, I’m a practitioner from Melbourne. I have practised Falun Dafa for 5.5 years. Thanks to the guidance of Master Li Hongzhi, my life has changed significantly, especially since I became a local coordinator for the Vietnamese group in Melbourne. I would like to share my cultivation journey through the role of a coordinator, and I hope to improve further in my cultivation practice.
Part1. Becoming a coordinator in different projects
One day, a veteran Chinese coordinator called me and asked if I wanted to become a coordinator. At that time, I had been practicing for more than a year. I asked her what it entailed, and I simply thought that because I was proactive and had no significant language barrier, I could help the Vietnamese group by updating some information when needed.
For the first few months, I mainly translated messages for our group and did nothing else. Afterward, a few coordinators approached me and asked for help with various other projects. Initially, I felt a bit overwhelmed when I saw the list of projects. I secretly complained, thinking I was so busy with my work that all I had time to do was translate information into Vietnamese. However, the more I cultivated and read Master’s teachings and Jingwens, the more I realised that coordinating with other groups and practitioners was the path Master had arranged for me, and it was part of my cultivation journey.
I started taking on more projects, and the Vietnamese practitioners coordinated very well with me, which led to the smooth completion of many projects and earned me praise from many practitioners. After a while, when I saw other people not performing as well, I became dissatisfied with the coordinators and even looked down on them, feeling that I could do better than them.
Then I remembered what Master said in the Fa Teaching Given at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Practitioners (2004):
‘’ The coordinators among Dafa disciples are in fact just coordinators, points of contact, and people who relay information. Don’t think of them as Master, and don’t have such high expectations that you rely on them as you cultivate and expect them to handle everything just right. It’s not like that. If the coordinator were really like Master, or able to consider things from all angles and never be wrong, then a lot of people in that area couldn’t cultivate successfully, since with him thinking things through so well there’d be nothing left for you to think about. If he were to do everything just right you wouldn’t have a chance to show your great qualities’’.
Thanks to Master, who sees all attachments that can arise during our cultivation. Master often arranges for sharings or articles for me to read whenever I encounter an attachment, as a reminder or guide to help me overcome it.
During my involvement in various projects, I realised that I had many attachments that I previously believed I didn’t possess. On one occasion, I had prepared all the materials, made the necessary connections, and ensured there were enough practitioners to attend a Hong Fa event. However, I couldn’t attend the event myself as I had planned a holiday with my family.
I thought I had prepared well, but during my holiday, a practitioner called me and complained about the lack of preparation. He questioned why our group allowed the guests to take multiple lotus flowers when each person should have received only one. I told him that I was on holiday and couldn’t control this situation, and we had an abundance of flowers. Since I have been a coordinator, many practitioners from Vietnam have generously donated numerous lotus flowers with various designs to Australia.
我以为把一切都准备的很好,但是在我度假期间,有同修打电话给我,抱怨我准备得不够充分。他质疑为什么我们要允许访客拿走很多的小莲花,而每人本应只拿走一朵。 我告诉他我正在度假,无法控制这种情况,而且我们有足够多的小莲花。自从我担任协调人以来,许多越南学员慷慨解囊,向澳洲法轮大法团体捐赠了无数各种各样的小莲花。
I asked him not to worry, but he insisted that I call our group and remind other practitioners about the value of these flowers as resources. We should appreciate the efforts of the practitioners who made them. Reluctantly, I agreed, even though I didn’t feel comfortable. I thought that the more flowers we provided, the more sentient beings might benefit, and I couldn’t understand why he was being so critical. However, Master always reminds us to look inward if we hear any negative feedback. I remembered Master’s words.
Master said in Zhuan Falun: ‘’Tense situations with others will come up unexpectedly for those of us who practice. How can you be prepared, then? “
Thinking of these words, I reminded myself that I was in the wrong. There was no reason for me to get upset when the practitioner simply wanted to preserve our resources. A few days later, during a group Fa study, another practitioner shared that they had found some lotus flowers being sold in a charity shop, which was very close to our recent Hong Fa event. Upon hearing this, I approached the practitioner who had previously expressed his concerns and apologised to him. We both learned the importance of better and more conscientious care for the Fa’s resources.
Being a coordinator offers a valuable opportunity to improve in cultivation. I find that I tend to cultivate more diligently when I’m in charge of various projects, where I need to interact with other practitioners and networks. This role also exposes my attachments more readily, and allows me to identify and eliminate them. I’ve come to realise that there is a distinction between being a coordinator of a project and being a practitioner who participates in a project. When I’m a participant, I sometimes struggle with laziness since I have the option to choose whether to engage or not. However, as a coordinator, the added responsibility serves as a form of cultivation, especially as I must be open to hearing different opinions.
As Master has said in Fa Teaching Given at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Practitioners 2004:
‘’ Coordinators have to be willing and able to listen to different opinions. But if you think about the coordinators, they’re cultivators too and they’re not perfect. … If I were to do everything, or to tell you how to handle each specific thing and you just followed my direction, sure the coordination would be good, since [you’d think,] “That’s what Master told us. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Let’s just follow Master.” But would you have any mighty-virtue then? What would you have forged? Would you have walked your own path in the face of challenges or hardship? Only when you find ways to do things well as you validate the Fa and meet with challenges, and when your success comes from your own efforts—only that is extraordinary.’’
Part2. Being a coordinator in my family
I was born into a family heavily influenced by the Communist Party culture, which had become a habitual and integral part of our lives. Despite presenting myself as calm and polite, I was often grumpy at home, especially with my husband and children. I had a tendency to dominate my husband, and this behaviour persisted even after I began practicing Falun Dafa. I tried to persuade my husband to study the Fa with me, believing it would be highly beneficial. However, he insisted that if the Fa were genuinely good, I should focus on self-improvement first. He needed to see a positive change in my behaviour before fully embracing the value of the Fa.
I see that I had been a good coordinator for our group, but I couldn’t say the same about my role as a coordinator within my family. I thought that if my family members were to become practitioners, then I should be able to do a good job at home. It wasn’t easy, especially because my husband has a doctorate of science degree and believes in evidence-based reasoning. However, I reminded myself that I must cultivate well in the family environment, and with Master’s guidance, I should be able to do it.
I started making changes, even in small things, like refraining from pushing or raising my voice to hurry my children up in the mornings as they got ready for school. I began allowing them an extra 5-10 minutes to put on their shoes. Despite receiving suggestions from fellow practitioners and others that we might be late for work or school if we didn’t rush them, I realised that such impatience was rooted in a selfish attachment. While we adults often rush to complete our tasks, we sometimes lack the patience to give our children the time they need to dress or prepare themselves. I remembered instances where practitioners had asked Master many similar questions, and Master responded with compassion and patience.
So, if my children made the same mistake or required more time to prepare, I made the effort to wake up earlier to afford them the time they needed, using a patient and compassionate tone. Gradually, they developed excellent habits, and I no longer had to plan my schedule around their readiness or be late for work due to my children.
Master said in Zhuan Falun: “Of course, while we’re cultivating in the ordinary world, we’re supposed to respect our parents and be good to them, just as we should teach our kids and discipline them. In every situation we should be good to others and be kind to people, let alone your family members. We should treat everyone the same, be good to our parents and our kids, and always be considerate of others. Then your heart isn’t a selfish one when you do that, but a compassionate one—it’s compassion. Emotion is the stuff of ordinary people. They just live for emotion.”
My daughter is now 17 years old. When I began practicing five and a half years ago, she used to listen to the lectures. However, since I didn’t understand the English content and she couldn’t read the Vietnamese version, we couldn’t continue in this way. Over the years, I wished to inspire her to return to Fa study, but she declined.
Recently, there was a day when she was feeling overwhelmed and distressed by schoolwork. Patiently, I shared examples of how Master and the Fa had helped me overcome numerous challenges. I recognised that in countries with freedoms, children don’t readily accept their parents telling them what to do. Hence, I often provide instances of how I integrate the Fa into my daily life and emphasise that only Master and the Fa can truly assist her. Consequently, she agreed to return to studying the Fa, and now we study together once a week. Although it might not seem like much, it’s certainly better than nothing. She’s been sharing her positive views about Falun Gong with friends, asserting that it’s a beneficial practice.
最近有一天,她被学校的功课深深困扰,苦恼极了。我耐心的分享了师父和大法是如何帮助我克服重重挑战的。我认识到,生长在自由的国家这些孩子不容易接受父母的教导。因此,我经常向女儿列举实际例子来说明我如何将大法融入到日常生活中,并强调只有师父和大法才能真正帮助她。 于是她同意重新开始学法,现在我们每周一起学一次法,看上去可能不多,但总比没有好。女儿一直与朋友们分享她对法轮大法的积极看法,并声称这是一种令人受益的功法。
I usually remind myself of Master’s Fa in Zhuan Falun:“Some people lose their tempers when disciplining their children and get all worked up. But it needn’t be like that. You shouldn’t genuinely get angry. You have to be calm and rational for your child to be reared well.”
Since obtaining the Fa, my husband and I have witnessed a remarkable improvement in our relationship. There was a time when I would urge him to practice, despite his lack of readiness, leading to his departure from and return to Falun Dafa three times. It was during the third instance that I whispered to Master to help me relinquish my emotional attachments towards him, in hopes that he might obtain the practice.
In the beginning, I grappled with harmonising my understanding of the Fa with the demands of family life. I found myself veering towards extremes, imposing lofty standards upon my husband. I would dictate his behaviour, and grew frustrated if he didn’t engage in daily Fa study or practice. Although our relationship appeared amicable on the surface, a discernible gap persisted between us.
I misunderstood when I read in Zhuan Falun, ‘’ Emotion is the stuff of ordinary people. They just live for emotion.”
During this period, I exhibited a stern and distant demeanour towards my husband. This attitude was particularly pronounced during the lockdowns. While my husband expressed interest in going to the park or engaging in local family hikes, I perceived these activities as unproductive for me and declined to participate. I stubbornly opposed all such outings, leaving only my husband and daughters to participate. Our relationship deteriorated to the extent that both of us contemplated divorce. We had reached a point where we no longer felt a mutual need for each other’s presence.
I remember what Master taught in Zhuan Falun:
‘Those who do, will be free of human sentiments and unflappable. In its place will arise compassion, something far more noble. Of course, you’re not likely to end emotion overnight; spiritual development is a long journey of gradually stripping away attachments. But you have to be strict with yourself.’’
I also keep reminding myself according to Master’s teachings in Zhuan Falun, ‘’Even though you practice, and your spouse might not, it is not permitted for you to get a divorce because of the practice.’’
I resolved to change the way I practiced cultivation to enhance our family’s relationship. I no longer expressed my discomfort when my husband chose not to practice with me in the mornings, or study at a time that suited him. I cultivated my speech, avoiding negative comments about his cultivation path. I became more open and compassionate towards him. I only encouraged him to participate in Hong Fa activities where he had the chance to meet other practitioners and listen to their sharing. I noticed his improvement when, deep within my heart, I let go of any pushy attachments.
As Master said in “Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. IX:
“When you change such that your presence is refreshing and uplifting to people, and your mind becomes broad and full of optimism, you will find the things around you to be correspondingly different.”
Many times recently, he has told me that he feels much better because he has the freedom to choose his own way of cultivation. He appreciates that I interfere less and don’t try to push him towards a specific path, as I have come to understand that only Master can truly guide and look after him, not me.
As I improved my cultivation, slowly, my mother and two sisters in Vietnam also became practitioners. My dad hasn’t obtained the Fa yet but he always encourages my mum and my sisters to be more diligent as he has seen the improvement in their health. And the relationship between our family has improved a lot.
Master said in “Fa Teaching Given in Manhattan,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. X: “If you can help your family members to start cultivating, that’s best of course. But if they can’t cultivate, then you have to ensure that they are beings who can be saved, and at a minimum, be good people so that they may enjoy good rewards one day.”
Part3. Being a better leader of my company
I believe that Master arranged for me to prepare for my role as a coordinator through various experiences in my life. As a child, I used to be a leader of a music group. In university, despite being among only six females in a class of 50 male students, I was chosen to be the class captain. After coming to Australia, I opened my own company. I used to be a hot-tempered and authoritarian leader. Since obtaining the Fa, my character has improved significantly, which has been a tremendous help in running a business, especially in the health industry, where we work with disabled clients. I transitioned from being a hot-tempered boss to becoming a good listener and an empathetic leader.
While running a business that provides occupational therapy, speech pathology, and psychology services, our clinicians have left for various reasons. I consider myself fortunate that all our clinicians have informed me at least six months to one year before leaving, despite the company only requiring four weeks notice. They often mention that I am very different from other business owners who never take issue when staff want to express their concerns or have negative comments about the company. I explain to them that I am a Falun Gong practitioner, and our company follows the principle of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, which I have clearly stated in my public profile on our website.
Like many business owners, I also face numerous challenges. However, I understand Master’s teachings in Zhuan Falun:
“Things will work out well if you are always compassionate and good to others, thoughtful towards people, and handle whatever situations you get into with people by first pausing to consider how well your actions will go over with the other party and whether anyone will be hurt by them.”
Therefore, I understand that when staff decide to leave, it’s because they need to find a place that best suits their needs at that time.
Recently, we had a couple of clinicians who left to work for a worldwide company or a company where the leader had over 30 years of experience. However, they later expressed their desire to come back to work for us because they value the unique principles of our company that they couldn’t find in everyday businesses. I realised that all the roles I have experienced, which Master prepared for me, are intended to help me become a better coordinator. To achieve this, I need to put in daily effort by studying the Fa more diligently and being a compassionate coordinator to save more sentient beings.
I would like to conclude by quoting Master’s words in The Master-Disciple Bond, HongYin 2 to encourage fellow practitioners and myself:
‘’When disciples have ample righteous thoughts
Master has the power to turn the tide’’
Thank you Master.
Thank you fellow practitioners.