一九九五年九月份我開始修煉法輪大法後,經歷過初得大法的喜悅、生命得以回歸的激動、無病一身輕的自豪、道德水準提高後脫胎換骨的玄妙 。二零一一年,我從中國大陸來到了堪培拉,開始了我的澳洲修煉之路。澳洲的修煉環境與國內截然不同,這不單單是指整個社會提供的自由的修煉環境,同時也包括我們修煉的這個群體所形成的一個小社會環境中,來自於不同地域各個階層的修煉人由於社會關係、文化背景、教育經歷、成長環境、生活理念的不同相互之間的一個理解和包容的過程。可是我明白不管身處何地,都是要按照“真、善、忍”來要求自己。今天我將分享一下這九年在澳洲的一些修煉經歷。
剛到堪培拉時,我滿懷希望等著同修來找我做三件事,並在周六大組學法結束後自告奮勇的說:“我剛來到這裡,目前還沒有什麼工作,我有很多時間,我可以做講真相的事。” 三個星期過去了,沒有人來找我。我心裡默默的跟師父說:“師父,我留在澳洲是想好好修煉,可是沒有同修搭理我,我該怎麼辦呢?這時一句話突然就出來了:“修乃個人之事,無人可代之。 ”我一震,我明白師父是在提醒我,修煉不能等,不能靠,要主動去做。可是怎麼主動去做呢?我什麼也不知道呀,不會說英文,不會坐(做)公交,不認識路。有一次我問一個同修:“這裡講真相的項目很少嗎?我在國內了解到海外有很多講真相的事要做。 ” 同修回答我說:“你想做講真相的事,那好啊,你可以去湖邊真相點,也可以去大使館,那裡都有同修在。 ” 我聽了很高興,知道自己該做什麼了。
在參與這個手動自動撥打電話的項目時,我還有這樣一個觀念,認為自己已經參與了一些項目了,不必每個都參加。可是有一天我在為電台寫人體養生專題時忽然認識到,這些項目就好比我們人體的各個組織器官,各個臟腑,缺一不可,只有相互協調才能構成一個健康、正氣存內的人。至此我對師父說的 “玄關設位”[1]又有了另一層的認識:玄關在每次換位時,都要在玄關里形成一套人體的精華來充實將要形成的那個世界。對應於人類社會的講真相的項目,每個項目都有其存在的意義和因素,所以自己要轉變觀念,合理的分配好時間去參與和配合。
有一次我的手臂和手腕由於長期高強度的工作,突然之間不能動了,修煉這麼多年,一般過病業關時我基本不會告訴不修煉的家人。可是這次不用告訴,人家就知道了,不能動了,還劇烈的痛,不能碰,先生就在一旁看著,一邊說:“這次你的胳膊廢了,這根本沒法治,你知道不知道,你這是殘廢了。” 我沒有理他,向內找自己的問題,還是痛,我不知道該怎麼辦?就在這個時候,我們居住的房子租期到了,房東要收回房子,我們要把房子打掃乾淨。平時的衛生都是我自願打理的。可是現在我的胳膊動不了,而且還要打包搬家,打掃衛生,怎麼辦呢?先生自告奮勇的說:“你別管了,我來處理吧。”當時我有一個餐館的生意,我高興的去上班了。晚上下班回來後,一看客廳、廚房、臥室裡亂哄哄,先生在自己的臥室裡睡大覺。
我用僵直疼痛的手一點點的干著,廚房被搞得很油膩,我沒有怨言和攀比,不知不覺三個多小時就清潔好了,整整裝了二十多袋的垃圾,感覺就是一瞬間。這時已經是晚上十點半了,就在這時我感覺到自己的手腕好像有什麼東西輕輕吹了一下,瞬間疼痛就消失了,我站在那裡,不知所措,我掐了一下自己,是真實的,再碰碰手腕,確實不疼,活動活動,靈活如初。就在這時先生睡醒覺從臥室裡出來,看到我愣愣的站在那裡,並看到干淨整潔的廚房,大聲說到:“你不要命了,你的胳膊不要了?誰讓你幹的?你為什麼不聽我的話?” 我笑著對他說:“你看看我的胳膊,看看我的手腕,全好了。”先生問:“咋好的?” 我回答:“就在你剛剛出來之前好的,我師父給我治好了。”先生什麼也沒說,也不發脾氣了。他在深思。
去年六月初,身體出現了消業的狀態,就是常人所說的一種很嚴重的“蛇盤瘡”。業來勢洶洶,整條右腿的里側佈滿了層層疊疊的水泡。我清楚的明白這是假相。這時有一念出來:這次的消業是要向家人堂堂正正的證實大法,因為不修煉的先生對消病業不理解。早上起床後告訴了先生,作為中醫醫生的他嚇了一跳說:“快躺下,我給你治治,對這個病我很拿手。” 我說:“我當然知道你可以幫我治,如果我讓你幫我治,你是不是需要我臥床休息呀,那咱家的餐館你去炒菜呀?或者你找個人幫我炒菜,我就躺在家裡休息了,讓你治。” 他說:“我不會炒菜,我也找不到人來幫你,可是你這樣怎麼辦呢?這很危險呀。” 我說:“沒事的,我還有一個辦法,既可以治好它,又可以不耽誤餐館的事。“先生問:”什麼辦法?“我說:”就是我要靠自己的修煉方法,我的師父會幫助我的。“ 之前多次的過關他也看到了,於是他沒再說話。大概第五天的時候,早晨起來腿一寸都不能挪動了,腫脹的腿粗了一大圈,劇痛使我精神恍惚。不要說走,站立都不能控制了。
我強迫自己一寸一寸的將自己笨拙的身軀從臥室裡挪到樓梯走廊上,大概只有六米遠吧,我卻花了十五分鐘,來到走廊上我就再也不能動了。不管我怎麼指揮自己的右腿,它就是不能動,好像與我脫離了。我努力的集中自己的正念,心裡想著如何破解這個假相。我想剛才自己那種一寸一寸的挪動,即使是常人患了重病為了生存也會做到的,這只能是一種意志堅強吧,還不能說是修煉人的正念。師父:“你真正作為一個修煉的人,我們法輪會保護你。我的根都扎在宇宙上,誰能動了你,就能動了我,說白了,他就能動了這個宇宙。” [1]
[1] 李洪志師父著作: 《轉法輪》
English translation of the sharing:
My cultivation journey in Australia
By Canberra practitioner
Greetings, revered Master!
Greetings, my fellow practitioners!
My sharing is about my cultivation in Australia.
I started cultivating in Dafa in Sep 1995. On 14 Sep 2011, I came to Canberra from China and began my cultivation journey in Australia. Prior to that I had cultivated in Dafa for 16 years, during which I experienced the joy of obtaining the Fa, the pride of being free from illness and the wonderful feeling of being reborn after improving my moral standard. Today I would like to take this opportunity to share some of my experience for these 9 years of cultivation in Australia.
- Cultivating myself, changing human notions, adapting to the overseas environment and persisting in doing the three things
The practice environment in Australia is completely different from that in China. This not only refers to the free cultivation environment, but also includes our cultivation community. People from all walks of life need to practise tolerance and achieve mutual understandings due to different cultural and education backgrounds, different upbringings and views about life. But I understand that wherever I am, I should require myself to uphold Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
When I first came to Canberra, I was looking forward and hoping that local practitioners would come and ask me to do the three things with them. After group Fa study on a Saturday, I volunteered and said: “I just arrived here and haven’t found a job yet, so I have plenty of time, and I can help clarify the truth.” One week passed and no one came to me. Two weeks passed and still nobody arranged any tasks for me. Three weeks passed and the situation remained the same. I silently said to Master in my heart: “Master, I want to stay in Australia and cultivate well, but what should I do if no fellow practitioners take care of me?” At this moment, these words suddenly came to me: “Cultivation is your own affair, and nobody else can do it for you.” I had a shock, and I understood that Master was reminding me that I should not wait and rely on others, I must take the initiative to do things.
But how do I proactively do things? I cannot speak English. I don’t know how to take public transport and don’t know any places, I am not even familiar with where I live. Once I accidentally mentioned to a fellow practitioner gently: “There aren’t many truth-clarification projects here… But I read in China that there were lots of truth-clarification sites overseas.” The fellow practitioner replied to me, “If you want to clarify the truth, that’s great. You can go to Lake Burley Griffin or the Chinese embassy. There are practitioners there.” I was very happy upon hearing that and knew what I should do. Later, when I reviewed my cultivation at that stage, Master let me understand that waiting and relying on others was the initial manifestation of being attached to comfort.
Thanks to Master’s compassionate guidance, my main consciousness chose to assimilate to Zhen–Shan–Ren, so the difficulty was gone. Since then, upon finishing my part-time work and cooking for my family, I have spent all my spare time going to the lake and embassy, distributing Shen Yun flyers, and sending forth righteous thoughts. Because I often clarified the truth with fellow practitioners, I gradually integrated into the cultivation environment of Canberra. I understand that I can’t slack off. My revered Master is still being defamed, and Dafa is still being slandered by the evil forces. Also, many fellow practitioners in mainland China are still being brutally persecuted. My slacking off would make me feel guilty, as I bear in mind that all beings have come for the Fa.
I was always thinking about fellow practitioners and sentient beings in China. I thought that I should go on the RTC platform to make phone calls. But I was worried that I could not clarify the truth well. Meanwhile, I was afraid of being verbally abused by others, so I did not join in the project. Master saw that I had the heart of saving people, HE arranged a fellow practitioner to encourage me to participate in the automatic phone dialling project. On the one hand, I was doubting whether this project could save people and on the other, I was concerned about the monthly phone cost, thinking that if that money could not save people, it would be wasted, so I promised to join.
After 6 months’ hesitation, shortly after the coronavirus outbreak, I realised that it was urgent to save people. With the help of the coordinator and other practitioners, I let go of many negative thoughts, such as worries, fear of trouble, fear of spending money, not having faith in fellow practitioners, and not wanting to make extra efforts. I started to participate in the project of automatic truth-clarification calls in May this year. At first, I bought two mobile phones, and within a month, I changed my mind and thought this project was marvellous. This was because I received many SMS replies from sentient beings. I knew that they received my truth calls. My confidence was enhanced, so I purchased another two mobile phones. By then, the bad stuff causing my many attachments had been disintegrated and my mind became pure and clean.
When observing the phone dialling every day, I found that when I did the three things properly and was strict with myself, sentient beings would send more replies to my phone calls, and vice versa. I understand that there are clear links between my Xinxing level and everything that I come across, and there are no coincidences. For instance, I did not receive a return message for more than two weeks. When I was struggling and wandering, Master arranged fellow practitioners to help me elevate my Xinxing level. After I looked inside unconditionally, I was surprised to find that I received return messages again.
I realised that only by continuing to cultivate my xinxing can I save more sentient beings. In other words, when we encounter trouble, it’s Master who is using it to cultivate disciples and helping disciples save sentient beings.
While participating in the project of automatic phone dialling, I had such a notion, thinking that I had already been involved in some projects, and there was no need for me to take part in every project. But one day as I was writing a program on how to maintain health for a radio program, I suddenly realised that those projects were just like our internal organs, not a single one could be left out. Only by mutual coordination could they constitute a healthy body. Therefore, I had another level of understanding about the Placement of the Mysterious Pass in Lecture 4 of Zhuan Falun: Every time when the Mysterious Pass changes position, a system of essence of the human body will be formed in it to substantiate the future world. Correspondingly, each of the numerous truth clarification projects has its purpose. So I need to change my mindset, and arrange my time sensibly so as to participate and cooperate.
- Having a righteous mind is the foundation for passing sickness karma tribulations. Only by cultivating myself solidly can I make it through eventually.
One day, my right arm and wrist suddenly couldn’t move due to long-term hard work at my restaurant. I usually don’t tell my family when I experience a sickness karma tribulation. But this time, my husband could certainly tell that my arm was not able to function properly. In addition, it couldn’t be touched as the pain was excruciating. Upon seeing that, he said: “Well, your arm is finished this time. You know there is no cure for that, you are disabled.” I disregarded what he said. Meanwhile, I looked inside. But my arm still felt painful. I didn’t know what I should do.
Just at this time, our rental lease was going to expire, and the landlord wanted to take the house back, so we had to do a thorough cleaning. A total of 7 people shared this accommodation. I normally took care of the cleaning, while the other tenants didn’t care about it. But now my arm could not move, and apart from doing the cleaning, we also had to move house. What was I to do? My husband said to me: “Don’t worry, leave it to me”. I was very happy and went to work. After I came back home from work, I saw the living room, kitchen and bedroom were in a big mess. Three other tenants had already moved. My husband was sleeping in the bedroom. I woke him up gently and asked what was going on, he said after I left for work, he had no idea where to start and felt very stressed. Since others did not care, why should we? I smiled and reassured him, letting him have dinner and take a break. Then I started cleaning. I thought that since I was a practitioner, I should consider others first. Since I could bear the pain of running my own business, I should do things for others even more. It was a cultivator’s standard, as well as the manifestation of letting go of the attachment to self-interest and selfishness. With my stiff and painful arm, I did the cleaning bit-by-bit. The kitchen was very greasy, but I didn’t have any complaints or resentment. Before realising it, more than 3 hours passed, and I finished the cleaning with over 20 bags of rubbish packed; the time passed in an instant.
It was then 10:30pm, just at that moment, I felt a gentle blow onto my wrist, and in less than one second, the pain disappeared! I stood there and did not know what to do. I pinched myself, it was real! I touched my wrist, indeed it was no longer painful. I moved it, it was as flexible as before. Just then my husband woke up and walked out of the bedroom. Upon seeing me standing there astonishingly, and seeing the clean and tidy kitchen, he said loudly, “Do you want to die? Don’t you want your arm? Who asked you to do that? Why didn’t you listen to me?” I smiled and said to him: “Hey, look at my arm and wrist, they are all good now”. “How did that happen?” he asked. “It was healed just before you came out, my Master fixed it”, I replied.
My husband did not say anything, but he wasn’t angry any more. He was instead lost in thought. Over the next few days, he kept asking me if my arm still hurt, and I told him not at all, and I also told him that my strength was getting better. My Master gave me more strength after I improved my xinxing, so that I was able to cope with the physically demanding work.
Over the following 6 years, merciful Master increased my strength each time after I passed a xinxing tribulation, so I became a Hercules from a weak person, enabling me, a non-English speaking lady, to make a living in Australia with my physical strength. It is beyond words to describe the wonders and miracles; only by cultivating oneself can one experience them in person.
In June last year, I experienced another physical cleansing. The symptoms were what ordinary people call “shingles”. The karma came fiercely, the inner side of my whole right leg was full of blisters. I understood it was only an illusion. A thought came to my mind: This time I am going to validate Dafa to my family members in an upright and dignified manner, as my husband, who does not cultivate, did not understand about karma elimination in the past. When I got up in the morning, I told my husband about it. He was shocked and said: “Lie down quickly and I will treat it for you. I am good at this.” I said: “I know you can treat it for me, but there is one point: if you treat it, don’t I have to lie down and rest at home? Then who will do the cooking at our restaurant? Can you find someone else to cook for me, then I can lie down and rest at home. He said: “I don’t know how to cook, I can’t find anybody to replace you, either. But what will you do about it? It’s very dangerous.” I said: “Don’t worry, I have another way to heal it, and won’t affect the restaurant, either.” He asked: “what is it?” I said that I would rely on my own cultivation and my Master would help me. He had previously seen my physical tribulations on many occasions, so he did not say any more. About 5 days later, my leg could not move an inch in the morning, the whole leg was swollen, doubling in size.
The excruciating pain put me in a trance, I could not stand up, let along walking. I forced myself to move my clumsy body inch by inch from bedroom to the stairway, which was about 6 metres away, but it took me 15 minutes. There, I could not move any more. No matter how I directed my right leg, it just wouldn’t move and seemed like it was separated from me. I focused my righteous thoughts, thinking how to resolve this illusion. I thought about the way I moved inch by inch just now, could even be done by an ordinary people when they were seriously ill. It could only be regarded as having a strong will, and could not be counted as a practitioner’s righteous thoughts.
Master said in Lecture One in Zhuan Falun: “If you are a true practitioner, our Falun will safeguard you. I am rooted in the universe. If anyone can harm you, he or she would be able to harm me. Put it simply, that person would be able to harm the universe.”
I also thought of what Master said in Lecture Three: “What is owed must be paid for. Therefore, some dangerous things may occur in the course of cultivation practice. When these things take place, however, you will not be scared, and neither will real danger be allowed to happen to you.”
I stood there, asking myself: Do I think that I am a true practitioner? I quickly reviewed my past cultivation experience, measuring myself again and again with Zhen-Shan-Ren, and I was certain that I was a genuine practitioner. I knew that Master was protecting me, and I would not encounter any danger. I asked Master to help me. Just at that instant, one thought came to my mind: Since I think it’s an illusion, what I am worried about? I should just go and do whatever I am supposed to do. It’s my leg, which I should be able to direct myself, and not be controlled by my fear of pain or karma. Upon thinking of this, I immediately moved my right leg and walked downstairs to go to work. It was absolutely amazing! And I was able to carry out my whole day of work smoothly. Since that day, although the karma still kept spreading in my body, I had been able to finish my busy work day as per normal. One week later, it extended to my waist and face.
Previously, although I could not go to sleep due to the leg pain, I was still able to lie down and rest, but now, the pain on my leg and along my waist was so severe that I could not lie down at all. I could only sit in bed to send righteous thoughts, not to mention sleeping. I kept sending forth righteous thoughts, made the effort to study the Fa, and continuously reminded myself that it was an illusion. I still went to work, and kept sending forth righteous thoughts, did the exercises and studied the Fa. When doing the sitting meditation, I could only cross my left leg. When reading the Fa, sometimes I had to repeat one sentence several times to understand, but I did not feel discouraged, as I knew that Master had been taking care of me and was by my side, it’s just that I had to resolve this tribulation by cultivating myself conscientiously.
In less than 20 days, the ferocious karma disappeared and I was back to normal. This experience of eliminating sickness karma made me feel that my cultivation speed was like a snail, therefore too slow. I knew that I was gradually being dragged down by the big torrent of ordinary society, with my willpower for cultivation weakening and I was slacking off. Cultivation is like sailing against the current, if one doesn’t advance, he will retreat. Let alone that, I was slacking off myself. Although I have been cultivating with my celestial eye closed, there is always a thought reminding me to quickly catch up and make good use of my time to cultivate well. I have made up my mind that I will bring back the feeling of when I first began cultivation. I tell myself that I should firstly do the three things well and then follow the state of ordinary society to play well this role as a person, and not to put my life in ordinary society first and then do the three things. Returning to one’s true self is the real meaning of life.
During my nine years of cultivation overseas, I have made it through the ups and downs under Master’s merciful help and protection. This is the first time for me to give a sharing at a Fa Conference. In the past, I had the thought of writing a sharing each year, but it didn’t eventuate. On many occasions, I just could not let go of my ordinary work, plus my attachments to self-interest, and the feeling of being troubled, my worries, etc., so I missed out on many opportunities to improve myself. Master has waited for many years and given me many chances, but I could not enlighten to it, and remained like that year after year. This year, Master saw that I still did not enlighten to it, so HE arranged fellow practitioners to help me.
Under fellow practitioners’ suggestions, continuous encouragements and sharings, I finally completed my sharing to report to Master.
Thank you Master! I will cultivate diligently to be worthy of Master’s mercy.
Thank you fellow practitioners! I will cultivate diligently and cherish our predestined relationship in the Fa.