2020年澳洲在线法會發言稿 19: 參與RTC平台打真相電話的修煉體會 (with English translation)


師尊開示:“雲遊是相當苦的,在社會中走,要飯吃,遇到各種人,譏笑他,辱罵他,欺侮他,什麼樣的事情都能遇到。”[1] 這就好像在RTC平台上打電話一樣,接電話的眾生持各種態度,有接電話的,有不接的,有罵人的,有侮辱的,有要錢的,有找媳婦的,有被中共謊言欺騙的太深而誤解大法的。雖然坐在電腦前打電話,其實就是雲遊,修煉。下面我就把自己在這半年多參與打真相電話的修煉體會向師尊匯報,與同修分享。

半年多前隨著中共肺炎在澳洲的爆發,所有面對面講真相的項目都暫停了,我就決定參與在RTC平台打電話、救中國人這個項目。因為師尊告訴我們:“你們別小看了往國內發的一張傳單、一本資料、一個電話、一個傳真,各種信息,起的作用是相當大的,對邪惡的鎮懾和消除起的作用是巨大的,真的是巨大的。” [2]

我很佩服這位台灣同修,誇獎她:“你真厲害,那麼長的大法真相資料你都背下來了。”台灣同修連忙解釋到,她是照稿子讀的。然後她說剛開始不熟悉,你就照著讀,又問我要不要試打一個。我正在猶豫著,說今天第一天上來沒準備好。那個台灣同修用自己親身經歷告訴我:“你聽別人打一百通電話,不如自己打一通”。在她的鼓勵下,我就關閉我在平台的聲音,在底下打了一通,稿件雖然很短而且還是用讀的,可是我還是緊張到渾身出汗。第一次撥打經歷雖然膽戰心驚,也總算順利講下來了,對方雖然沒有退,但是也沒有惡言相對。這時台灣同修又對我說, 你自己關嘴打一百個,也不如放出聲音來打一個,因為培訓同修都非常有經驗,會指出你的不足,並分享他們多年的撥打經驗,對提高大有裨益。在同修的建議下,第二通電話我就放出來了。打完之後,培訓同修指出我沒有抓住勸退點,並且告訴我一些很受益的勸退小技巧。在培訓同修的指導下,那天我打完了一包十個電話,有五、六個接聽的,而且成功勸退一個少先隊員,這讓我信心倍增。
之前我一直認為開口打電話要經過很長時間的培訓,沒想到真正打起來也沒有想像中的那麼難。這第一次開口撥打經歷真像師尊講的那樣:“難行能行”,“看著不行,說難行,那麼你就試一試看到底行不行。如果你真能做到的話,你發現真是柳暗花明又一村!。”[1] 我意識到我順利的第一次撥打經歷是師尊給我安排的,鼓勵我參加RTC打電話救人的項目。後來在夢中我又夢到師尊點化我應該堅持打電話,多救人。夢中的場景是師尊在對我和很多同修講法,我非常清晰的記得講法中有這兩句經文:“你們是眾生的希望!你們也是未來!”[2] 我想師尊也希望我把這個夢和同修們分享,希望更多的同修可以參與RTC打電話救中國人這個正法項目。

通話結束後,撥打房間的所有同修都安慰我不要在意他說的那些難聽話。這時我驚訝的發現,之前我剛開始撥通這個電話的時侯,這個房間大約只有四、五個同修,而且都是最近一起撥打的,比較熟悉了,可是在打電話的過程中,不知道房間裡什麼時候一下子又來了五、六個同修。這意味著剛才那些難聽的辱罵性語言,這十幾位男男女女、老老少少的同修們都聽到了。想到這裡,我恨不得馬上找個地縫鑽進去,覺得太丟人了。那感覺完全就像師尊開示的那樣:“我說這還不夠,將來說不定就在你最怕丟面子的人面前,叫人給你兩個嘴巴子,讓你丟了醜了,你怎麼去對待這個問題,看你能不能忍。你能忍的住,但心裡放不下,這也不行。” [1] 想起師尊這段講法後,我意識到遇到當眾被羞辱決不是偶然的,就是衝著我這顆愛面子的心來的,是要給我提高的,我不要往心裡去,要抓住這個機會去掉這顆愛面子心。想到這裡,我豁然輕鬆。

三、不被常人不好的態度帶動 ,有誤解的男士最後連聲說謝謝
讀過這段法,我跟自己說不能再被常人的態度帶動了。不久就遇到了這樣一件事,一開始是一個男士接的電話,剛講切入短稿,就听那個男士旁邊的一個女的說“法輪功”,然後就掛斷了。之後又打了一次,講到用化名三退,這樣以後上天清算中共時就和他們沒關係了。這時電話突然被剛才那位女士給搶走了,只聽那個女的歇斯底里的喊著: “那跟你有關係,然後你就不死了,永生了,你們不騙人能死啊!” 說完馬上掛了電話。對於這突如齊來的一席話,加上之前他們就知道我是法輪功學員,我推測他們可能本來對大法就有誤解,這個電話不但沒解開他們的心結,反而加深了他們對大法的誤解。我覺得我必須再打一次,一定不能讓他們再誤解大法了。

抱著這樣的正念,我又撥通了電話,接通後我真誠耐心的說:“我本來不想再打了,因為覺得你們已經掛了幾次了,但是我覺得還是有必要澄清一下你們的誤解,希望你們能給我一分鐘,請先冷靜的聽我說一說,然後再作評論。”可能那位男士感覺到了我的真心,他說:“說吧,說了我聽聽。”我告訴他們:“我說的不是假話,我沒有騙人,因為法輪功學員是按照’真、善、忍’為原則修煉的。”我接著解釋到:“上天為什麼要清算中共?因為中共從建政以來,歷次運動中迫害死了八千多萬中國同胞,上天能不清算它嗎?這八千多萬冤魂能放過它嗎?但是中共這個組織很邪惡,讓人加入黨、團、隊的時候,讓人發了獻命的誓言,它利用這個毒誓把善良的民眾和它捆綁在了一起。所以上天懲罰中共時,就會波及到這些加入了而又沒有退出來的人。 ”我接著告訴他們法輪功是佛家修煉,在煉功的同時,要求煉功人按照真誠,善良,忍讓做一個好人。因為是佛家功,所以書上明文規定禁止殺生和自殺。而且全世界有一百多個國家的一億多人都在煉法輪功,怎麼可能只有在中國出現‘自焚’呢? ”


还有一次我接通了一个哈尔滨的年青小伙子,这个小伙子只入过队,我告诉他用一个化名退队,他很爽快的就答应了,而且他让我再重复一次他的化名,他要笔把这个化名记下来。后来我告诉他九字真言,并详细的介绍了大法洪传自焚伪案,和活摘真相,他都非常安静的在听,还时不时的会问我一些问题。我告诉他把三退保平安,九字真言,大法洪传,自焚和活摘等真相分享给身边的亲朋好友,让他们明白真相是在做好事,是在救这些人,他说好,他说他想救人。他还告诉我他经常看到人民币上印着法轮大法好,问我是怎么回事。我解释那是大法弟子在救人,让更多的人能受益于这佛家真言。他就问我,他是不是应该把他所有的钱也写上法轮大法好去救人。这个小伙子一共听了三十六分钟电话,中途他父亲喊他吃饭,他都说不吃,要听这个电话。看到这个众生善良的本性被唤醒,我又一次感动到潸然泪下。师尊告诉我们:我拖着这个时间,也就是给你们、叫你们赶快去做的!”[6] 每当遇到这些期盼的众生,我就体会到师尊把结束的时间一拖再拖的佛恩浩荡,所以我一定要坚持上平台打电话,多救人,做到师尊要求的那样大家把剩下的事做好,用你无悔的修炼过程走向未来。[7]


那怎样才能打好电话、多救人呢?师尊开示:对炼功人讲,人的意念指挥着人的功能在做事。” [1] 我悟到,表面上看我们是讲真相,其实我们讲话的同时是用我们修炼出的功能在做事。师尊还开示:有坏思想的人,想不正确的东西的时候,在你场的强烈作用下,也能改变他的思想,他可能当时不想坏事了。可能有人想骂人,突然间改变思想,不想骂了。只有正法修炼的能量场,才能起到这样一种作用。[1] 师尊在新经文中也一再强调学好法、修好自己是做好证实法、讲真相的基础。例如,师尊告诉我们:大法弟子是未来的希望,大法弟子肩负着救众生的历史责任。为了完成好这重大使命,大法弟子一定要学好法,只有修好自己的同时才能做好、完成好这一切。[8] 从法理上我理解,只有学好法,修好自己,真正提高上来了,才有更强大的能量,讲出的话才能解体众生背后的邪恶因素,功能才能打到众生明白的那一面,这样就会使他们得救。所以我要求自己除了每天集体学一讲《转法轮》,还要背《转法轮》。

虽然完成了第二遍背诵《转法轮》,可我却还是没能背下来。最近在RTC平台上和越南同修们一起学法、打真相电话,对我触动很大,也让我找到了自己没背下来《转法轮》的真正原因。我遇到的越南同修在修炼前大部分中文是零基础,可是现在她们不但能够用中文流利的读下来《转法轮》整本书,有的真相电话打的也很好,劝退率也很高。有位越南同修一天要打一百个电话,花六个多小时讲真相救人。她们之所以能做到这样,是因为她们有坚定的决心,下决心一定能用汉语读《转法轮》,一定能用汉语讲真相。而我却没有一颗坚如磐石的心,所以总是用不要追求速度,不要执着进度当作冠冕堂皇的借口挡住了自己在背法这件事情上的步伐。说白了就是自己不敢相信自己能够流利的、一字不差的背下来《转法轮》。我就好像师尊讲的那个人:他说:我上不去了,不敢上了,再也上不去了。 [1]  师尊告诉我们:你呀,想修多高,你只要敢! [9] 意识到这些,我告诉自己一定也要敢下决心,敢相信自己一定能够一字不差的把《转法轮》背下来。我现在用坚定的信心开始第三遍背《转法轮》。

以上是这半年多我在电脑前云游,在RTC平台讲真相的修炼体会。当然表面上是我在打电话,讲真相,其实我知道修在自己,功在师父 [1]。每次打电话救人的时候,都是师尊在做,我只不过是在这个空间讲讲话罢了。我每次打电话都能感觉到师尊用强大的能量在加持我,整个身体被能量包围着,一直在发热,有时候和心结很多的众生讲一通电话要一个多小时也不觉得累。比起那些常年坚守在RTC平台上讲真相、劝三退的同修,比照师尊对我们的要求修成无私无我,先他后我的正觉[10],我深感自己的差距还很大,做的还非常不够!最后,恭录师尊两句法与同修互相勉励。师尊说:“修炼如初道必成!越到最后越精進![11] 让我们共同精进,不辜负师尊的慈悲苦度!




[1] 李洪志师尊著作: 《转法轮》

[2] 李洪志师尊著作: 《北美巡回讲法》

[3] 李洪志师尊著作: 《致二零一八年亚洲法会》

[4] 李洪志师尊著作: 《各地講法十》 <曼哈顿讲法>

[5] 李洪志师尊著作: 《各地講法七》 <芝加哥市法会讲法>

[6] 李洪志师尊著作: 《二零一六年纽约法会讲法》

[7] 李洪志师尊著作: 《致加拿大法会》

[8] 李洪志师尊著作: 《致日本法会》

[9] 李洪志师尊著作: 《二零一九年纽约法会讲法》

[10] 李洪志师尊著作:《精進要旨》 <佛性无漏>

[11] 李洪志师尊著作:《致台湾交流会》


English translation of the sharing:

My cultivation experience of making truth clarification phone calls to mainland Chinese on RTC platform

Greetings benevolent Master!

Greetings fellow practitioners!

Master said:“Wandering around in society is rather torturous. It must beg for food and run into different kinds of people who will scold, insult, or take advantage of it. It might encounter all kinds of things.” Zhuan Falun

Making truth clarification phone calls is similar to the experience of wandering around; you often encounter different attitudes and reactions from sentient beings: There are those who answer the phone, those who don’t, those who curse, those who insult, those who want money, those who are looking for a wife, and those who have been deceived too deeply by the CCP’s lies and misunderstand Dafa. Sitting in front of the computer and making phone calls is actually just wandering around and cultivating. Below, I will report my cultivation experiences of participating in the project of making truth clarification calls over the past six months to Master and also share such experiences with fellow practitioners.

  (I) The experience of making the first truth clarification call is really like what Master told us: “When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.” Zhuan Falun

With the outbreak of the CCP virus in Australia more than half a year ago, all the face-to-face truth-clarification projects halted. I decided to participate in the truth clarification project of making phone calls to save Chinese sentient beings on the RTC platform, because Master told us:“Don’t underestimate your sending even one flyer or one booklet to China, making one phone call there, or sending one fax there or sending all sorts of information – the effect is quite significant, and its effect in frightening and eliminating the evil is huge, truly huge.” Touring North America to Teach the Fa

Before I started making calls, I planned to spend a month attending RTC training and listen to fellow practitioners to see how they made calls, which would help me accumulate a variety of truth clarification materials and understand how to respond to different queries from sentient beings. After one month, I would then try to make phone calls myself. On my first day on the platform, I went into a training room and asked the training practitioner how to register a training program. The training practitioner asked me if I had any experience in dialling before and also sent me a short truth clarification script. I replied that I had never dialled before, so I planned to take the training, listen to other people, and then start on my own.

She encouraged me and said having experience or not does not really matter. This Taiwanese practitioner had zero experience before, but in less than a month, she can do it very well, and the rate of persuading people to quit the CCP by her was quite high and stable now. At that moment, it was that Taiwanese practitioners turn. She used the short script sent to me and successfully persuaded a Chinese person to quit the Communist Youth League. Then, she also gave a long and detailed explanation of what Dafa is and the benefits of practising Falun Gong. Once she finished the phone call, I praised her: “You’re amazing, you’ve memorized all that long information about Dafa.”

The Taiwanese practitioner explained that she had read it from the scripts. Then she told me it was OK to read the scripts when you were not familiar with them and asked me if I wanted to try a call. I was hesitating and said I wasn’t ready yet because this was only my first day. The Taiwanese practitioner told me from her own experience: “Making even one phone call yourself is much better than listening to one hundred phone calls by others.” With her encouragement, I made a call with my voice muted. I was so nervous and sweated all over, even though the script was quite short and I just needed to read it. Despite feeling nervous, I managed to finish the first phone call. The guy who picked up the phone did not quit, but he did not say bad things to me either.

That Taiwanese practitioner gave me further advice: “You will benefit much more by letting the RTC training practitioners listen to even one phone call by you than to make phone calls a hundred times by yourself, because the trainers are very experienced and will point out your problems and share their rich experience. Taking her advice, when I made the second call, I unmuted myself so that it could be listened by the trainers as well. After the call, the training practitioner pointed out that I didn’t catch the very moment to ask that person to quit and then provided me with some useful tips. Under the guidance of the trainer, I completed a pack of 10 calls that day, with five or six of them being answered. I also successfully persuaded a person to quit the Communist Young Pioneers, which boosted my confidence significantly.

I had always thought it would take a long time to learn how to make truth clarification phone calls, but I never thought the very first experience was not as difficult as I imagined. This whole experience was just like what is described in Zhuan Falun:“When it’s impossible to do, you can do it. When it looks impossible and is said to be impossible, give it a try and see if it is possible. If you can actually do it, you will indeed find, After passing the shady willow trees, there will be bright flowers and another village ahead!”

I realised that my smooth first dialling experience in fact had been arranged by Master to encourage me to participate in the truth clarification phone calls project. Later in a dream, Master also enlightened me that I should keep calling and save more lives. In the dream, the scene was that Master was giving teachings to many practitioners, including me. When I woke up, I could still clearly remember the two phrases:“You are the hope…, you are the future…”, which appeared in “To the 2018 Asia Fa Conference” and the original teaching is: “You are the hope of all living beings! You are also the future!”

I think Master also wanted me to share this dream with fellow practitioners to encourage more people to participate in the project of truth clarification phone calls to save Chinese people.

(2) Using the incident of being humiliated in public to eliminate the attachment of the fear of losing face

From time to time, I got nervous when I make phone calls on the platform. The superficial reason for the nervousness was because of the unfamiliarity of the truth materials and lack of confidence. In fact, the root cause is that I am always worried that I will not speak well, lose face and make a fool of myself in front of the practitioners. It is this attachment of fear of losing face that makes me nervous. Master must have also seen this was my attachment and arranged for me to meet such an everyday person.

That day, I called and got through to a man who was a member of the CCP and he thought the CCP was very good. During the conversation, he asked for some personal information about me, such as what country I was in, my age and my job. Based on my previous experience of truth clarification at tourist sites, every time I answered similar questions from mainland tourists in a sincere and honest manner, they found me to be a reliable person. This made it easier for me to clarify the truth to them. They could easily accept the truth, and some of them even agreed to quit the CCP. So I also answered the man’s question with all the real information.

But to my surprise, the reason for him to get this information from me was to insult me. He then used lots of rude language to converse with me, which made me want to hang up immediately after I heard these words. But I told myself to be a little more patient and to be persistent. As long as the person did not hang up, I should catch every opportunity to clarify the truth. He said to me: “I think you should get a job as a prostitute, which will be more valuable than what you’re doing now.” I solemnly explained to him: “I think what I’m doing now is good deed, the most valuable thing in this universe. I am saving people and I sacrifice my time and money to do it on a voluntary basis.” After hearing what I said, he ended up hanging up first.

At the end of the call, all of the practitioners in the dialling room reassured me not to pay attention to the rude and insulting words he had said. Suddenly, I was surprised to discover that more than a dozen practitioners were in the dialling room. But when I first started dialling the phone, there were only 4 or 5 practitioners in the room and we were already quite familiar with each other because we had been making phone calls together recently. During the phone call, more practitioners came into the dialling room.

This meant that all of them, men and women, young and old, all had heard the insulting and abusive language by that guy. As soon as I thought of this, I felt so embarrassed that I just wanted to dig a hole on the ground and vanish into it. This strong feeling was exactly as described in Zhuan Falun:

“I say that this is not good enough. Perhaps in the future you may be slapped in the face a couple of times, and you will lose face in front of someone whom you least want to see it. It is to see how you will deal with this issue and whether you can endure it. If you can tolerate it and yet it preys on your mind, it is still not good enough.”

After thinking of the teachings from Master, I realised that nothing was accidental; the incident of being humiliated in public and losing face was arranged by Master for me to eliminate the fear of losing face. So I should seize this very opportunity to get rid of this face-saving attachment.

(3) Not being led by bad attitudes, a man with misunderstandings of Dafa ended up saying thank you

When I first started making phone calls, I was often easily carried away by the bad attitudes of everyday people. At that time, a fellow practitioner promptly shared with me a passage from Master’s teachings:

“Don’t be bothered when people have a certain attitude or misunderstandings. When you act just to save the person, to save sentient beings, then I think the impact of that can change everything. If, however, as you clarify the truth your mind is affected by ordinary human attachments, then you won’t be able to achieve anything. When in your truth clarification you run across ordinary people who have listened to and believed the lies and propaganda spread early on by the wicked CCP via its media, they might have misperceptions about Dafa disciples, be harsh toward you, or not willing to listen to you. At those times, if your emotions are stirred up by them, and you feel wronged, get upset, and maybe even aren’t all that rational, then you won’t be able to clarify the truth nor save those people. And in fact, the evil is constantly using the misperceptions of Dafa disciples that ordinary people have as a way to make the person feel increasingly at odds with you. But if your righteous thoughts are strong, the evil will be dissolved. The power of true compassion can dissolve all deviant factors, and when you talk with a person you will be emitting energy outwardly that dissolves evil things, and the evil in other dimensions will not dare to approach or control that person anymore. When you then reason with that person, he will listen, and you will be able to purge the lies infused into him by the wicked CCP, thus removing the block in his mind.” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. X, (Fa Teaching Given in Manhattan)

After reading the teachings, I told myself that my heart should no longer be moved by the attitudes of everyday people. Soon after, I encountered an incident. A man answered the phone and as soon as I spoke, I heard a woman next to the man saying “Falun Gong” and then hung up. The second time I called, I asked them to use a pseudonym to quit the CCP so that when it comes to the day that Heaven is going to eliminate the CCP, all the bad things done by the CCP would have nothing to do with them.

All of a sudden, the phone was snatched away by the woman, who shouted to me hysterically over the phone: “This (quitting the CCP) has something to do with you and then you won’t die, you will live forever? Stop telling lies anymore!” She them hung up the phone again. With these words and the fact that they knew that I was a Falun Gong practitioner, I surmised that they might have misunderstood Dafa already. Instead of removing the block in their minds, it seemed that this call deepened their misunderstanding of Dafa. I told myself I must call again and I must not let them misunderstand Dafa anymore.

With such righteous thoughts in my mind, I dialled the phone again, and when I got through I spoke to them sincerely and patiently: “Initially, I didn’t want to call again because I felt you had already hung up a couple of times, but I strongly feel the need to clarify your misunderstandings. Could you please give me one minute and listen to what I have to say calmly before you make a comment?” Maybe the man sensed my sincerity and replied: “Go ahead, let’s see what you will say.”

I told them: “What I said was not a lie at all, because as a Falun Gong practitioner, I use the principle of ‘Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance’ to discipline myself.” I then explained: “Why will Heaven eliminate the CCP? Because the CCP has persecuted and killed more than 80 million Chinese people in various campaigns since its founding; can Heaven spare it? Can the 80 million dead spare it? But the CCP is an evil organisation that makes people take a vow of sacrifice when they join the Party, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers. The CCP uses this poisonous vow to bind the good people to it. So when Heaven punishes the CCP, it spills over to these people who joined but did not quit.”

I continued to tell them that “Falun Gong is a form of Buddha school cultivation, and that while practising it, the practitioner is required to be a good person according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. Because it is a Buddha school practice, the teachings forbid killing and suicide. Moreover, with over 100 million people in more than 100 countries worldwide practising Falun Gong, how could ‘self-immolation’ occur only in China?”

Then I said: “I have no intention of changing your beliefs by telling you all of this, but I hope that you can respect the Buddha Fa so that they will have favourable returns. Because the CCP demonises the Buddha Fa, it will be punished by Heaven, that is why I am telling you to quite the CCP and unbind your ties with the it. All of Falun Gong practitioners are trying hard to clarify the truth and to save people because we want to be good people. If I knew the danger of not quitting the CCP but I did not tell you, I would feel so guilty. However, after I have told you all of this, it is still up to you to make the right choice.”

In the end, I said: “I hope this phone call did not disturb you.” The man had been quietly listening and his attitude suddenly changed, saying repeatedly: “Not at all, not at all, I believe in this, I believe in the Buddha.” He also started to call me sister, saying with a thankful manner: “Sister, thank you, thank you!” His tone was very sincere and I felt that he truly understood the truth of the Dafa.

(4) I was touched by the expectation and awakening of the sentient beings

There were also many touching stories during the phone calls and I was so touched by those sentient beings’ words. Some sentient beings had never joined any organisation of the CCP. I felt these people were just waiting to receive the information of Dafa when they received the call. Once a middle-aged lady in Ningxia Province answered the call with a very strong accent. Initially, I could not understand her dialect, so I asked her to speak slowly. Later, I understood that she had never had any schooling so had not even joined the Young Pioneers, that was why she could not understand the contents of quitting the CCP. However, when I told her that if she sincerely recited the nine-word phrase “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good”, she would receive blessings, she suddenly became very interested. Later she was sad because she said she had a bad memory and could not memorise the phrases.

I told her that I would teach her and that I would help her memorise the nine words by reading to her word by word. I encouraged her by saying: “Come on, I am sure you can do it”. Then I read one word out loud for her to follow. On the other end of the phone she was struggling to understand what I was saying while imitating my Mandarin pronunciation. After she could say the four words “Falun Dafa is good”, she practised them over and over again for fear of forgetting them. When I taught her how to recite “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good”, she said she couldn’t do it, so I explained to her the meaning of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance”. In the end, she understood the meaning and was able to follow through. Together with her, we recited the nine words a few times and I asked her to say them herself.

After several attempts, when she was finally able to recite the nine words with her strong accent, I was moved to tears, and I gave her a big clap over the phone, praising her: “Sister, you’re really great, well done, I felt so happy for you and I gave you a big clap.” Feeling very happy herself, she repeated the nine words over and over again, and she became more and more fluent. At that moment, I felt that the entire life of this sentient being, all her previous lives, and countless and measureless lives of higher planes that she represents had been waiting for receiving information about Dafa by this truth clarification call. It is just like what Master told us:

“[Because] it is something that history has entrusted you with, for these people [you are to save] represent immense groups of beings. So this isn’t just about people, but is about the hope that the beings of the cosmos have placed in you, and placed in the fact that Dafa is spreading broadly throughout the world today.” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. VII(Teaching the Fa in the City of Chicago)

One day, a young guy in the city of Harbin answered my phone call. I explained to him the reason for quitting the CCP and gave him a pseudo name he could use to quit. He immediately agreed and he asked me to repeat that pseudo name again so that he could write it down. Then I started to clarify the truth to him. I told him about the nine-word phrases, a detailed introduction about Dafa, the ‘self-immolation’ faked by the CCP, and ‘live organ harvesting from Dafa practitioners’. He had been listening very quietly and from time to time he asked me further questions to clarify.

I also told him to share what I had told him to his family, relatives, and friends. Once those people understood the truth, their lives would be saved. He agreed and said he wanted to save others. He also told me that he often saw ‘Falun Dafa is good’ printed on money and asked me what it was about. I explained that Dafa practitioners want more people to benefit from the Buddha’s phrases. He asked me if he should also write ‘Falun Dafa is good’ on all his money to benefit more people. This young man listened to the phone call for 36 minutes, and in the middle of the call, his father called him to have dinner, but he said he wanted to listen to the call. Seeing the good nature of this sentient being awakened, I was moved to tears again.

Master told us:

“I keep prolonging this time to give it to you and have you do things quickly!” Fa Teaching at the 2016 New York Fa Conference

Whenever I encounter these sentient beings, I can feel “Buddha’s infinite grace” from Master by prolonging the time again and again. So I must keep up dialling truth clarification calls to save more people like Master has asked us to do:

“Everyone, do well what remains to be done, and, with a cultivation process that is without regret, walk toward the future.” To the Fa Conference in Canada

(5) Study the Fa well, recite the Fa well and cultivate myself well to save more people through truth clarification calls

So what should I do to save more people through truth phone calls? Master said:

“For a practitioner, one’s mind-intent dictates supernormal abilities to do things.” ‘Zhuan Falun’

My understanding is that on the surface we speak and tell the truth, but we actually use our supernormal abilities to tell the truth.

Master also said:“When an evil-minded person is thinking of something bad, this person might change his mind due to the powerful effect of your field; he might then no longer want to commit the wrongdoing. Perhaps a person wants to swear at someone. Suddenly, he may change his mind and will not want to swear. Only the energy field from cultivation in a righteous way can produce this effect.” ‘Zhuan Falun’

Master has also repeatedly emphasised in the teachings that studying the Fa well and cultivating oneself well is the basis for doing well in truth clarification projects. For example, in ‘To the Fa Conference in Japan’, Master told us:“Dafa disciples are the hope for the future. Dafa disciples are shouldering the historic responsibility of saving sentient beings. To complete this tremendous mission well, Dafa disciples must study the Fa well. Only by cultivating yourselves well can you, at the same time, do well and successfully accomplish all this.”

From these teachings, I understand that only by studying the Fa well, cultivating yourself well and constantly improving yourself can you improve your gong potency. So when you clarify the truth, your words then can dissolves evil things behind sentient beings and your words can reach people’s awakened sides so that they will be saved. That’s why I require myself to recite Zhuan Falun every day in addition to group Fa study to study one lecture of Zhuan Falun.

Although I completed the second round of reciting Zhuan Falun, I was still unable to memorise it. Recently, I have been studying the Fa and making phone calls with Vietnamese practitioners on the RTC platform. What they have been doing touched me greatly and helped me find out the real reason why I have not been able to memorise Zhuan Falun.

Most of these Vietnamese practitioners I met had not even known a single Chinese word before they cultivated, but now not only can they read Zhuan Falun fluently in Chinese, they can also make phone calls in Chinese. Some of them do very well in truth clarification calls and have a high rate of persuading people to quit the CCP. A female Vietnamese practitioner makes 100 phone calls a day and spends more than six hours to clarify the truth and to save sentient beings.

It is their firm determination, a determination that they believe themselves that they can read Zhuan Falun fluently and can clarify the truth in Chinese. Looking inward, I do not have such rock-solid determination, so I always use some seemingly good excuse, such as not pursuing speed and not having the attachment of pursuing the progress of reciting to block my own pace of reciting Zhuan Falun. To put it simply, I do not believe that I can recite the whole book of Zhuan Falun. It’s like the man Master described in Zhuan Falun:

“He said, ‘I can’t keep going. I don’t dare to climb any further; I’m unable to climb any further.’”

But Master told us in ‘the Fa Teaching at the 2019 New York Fa Conference’:“Set your cultivation goal as high as you want, as long as you dare to!”

Having realised this, I told myself that I must also dare to be rock-solid and determined and dare to believe that I will be able to recite Zhuan Falun word by word. I have now begun the third round of reciting with great determination.

This is my cultivation experience in the past six months of wandering about in front of the computer and dialling truth clarification calls on the RTC platform. Of course, on the surface, I am the one who is making phone calls, clarifying the truth, and saving sentient beings, but in fact, I know that: “Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.” Zhuan Falun

Every time I make a phone call, Master does all the things behind the scene, and I only do things in this dimension. When I make phone calls, I can always feel that my whole body is surrounded by a strong energy field strengthened by Master. I hardly feel tired even when I have needed to talk to someone more than one hour over the phone to unblock his misunderstandings.

I feel that I have not done enough and still have a big gap compared to fellow practitioners who have been persistent in making truth clarification phone calls to save people and compared to Master’s requirement “to attain the righteous Enlightenment of selflessness and altruism” Essentials For Further Advancement (Non-Omission in Buddha-Nature).

Finally, I will finish my sharing by using the teachings from ‘To the Taiwan Experience-Sharing Conference’:

“Do not be interfered with by the chaotic manifestations of the murky human world. Practice cultivation in the way you did when you first began, and the Dao will be achieved! Be even more diligent as the end draws nearer!”

Dear fellow practitioners, together let’s cultivate diligently so that we are worthy of Master’s saving grace.

Above is my personal understanding. Please point out anything inappropriate!


Thank you dear Master.

Thank you fellow practitioners.

(Editor’s note: The author of this article is a young female doctor of education who started practicing Falun Dafa in 2013)