信師信法 在修煉的路上正念正行 (Believe in Master, believe in the Fa, Righteous thoughts and righteous actions in cultivation)

我於2009年在澳洲得法,之前從修煉大法的父母身心上的變化,看到了大法的美好。雖然我那時沒有修煉,但是我把父母告訴我的「法輪大法好,真善忍好」幾個字,始終記在心裡。在2008年、2009年兩次體驗念「九字真言」的威力,化險為夷,促成了我修煉的機緣,我開始真正走入法輪大法的修煉。(I obtained Falun Dafa in Australia in 2009. I saw the beauty of Dafa through the physical and mental changes of my parents who practiced Dafa. Although I did not practice Falun Dafa at that time, I always kept in mind the words my parents told me, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” In 2008 and 2009 I experienced the power of reciting the “Nine-Character Mantra”, which turned danger into safety and gave me the opportunity to learn about Falun Dafa. After these instances I began to truly practice Falun Dafa)

信師信法 在修煉的路上正念正行 (Believe in Master, believe in the Fa, Righteous thoughts and righteous actions in cultivation) 全文