2020年澳洲在线法會發言稿 8: 心里怀着“真善忍” (with English translation)








我们班里有一个女孩,她总是喜欢很厉害的让别人按她说的话去做。我一看到她就躲开,我就想她很厉害,想离她远点。 后来我告诉妈妈那件事了。有一天妈妈给我说“观念”,不要一看到她就想“她厉害”。 后来我就把这个想法去掉。那个女孩再见到我 也不那么厉害了。



我胳膊摔了一下还疼着,妹妹拉了一下更疼了。我就给妈妈说了。妈妈问我,我哪里做错了。我就想,我心里为什么不舒服。妹妹为什么拉我胳膊。 我想起来刚才爬的时候,我们争着往上爬,我先拽了妹妹。是因为我没做到善。我脑子里不好的想法,我要把它去掉。首先要想到别人、为别人好。

我以前的学校有”show and tell”,就是从家里拿一个喜欢的东西带到学校,给大家说这是什么东西,为什么选这个东西,有什么特别的地方。妈妈就拿了神韵的单张,问我要不要给同学讲神韵演出。我就很高兴说“我要”。我知道我是过来救人的。我在家里练习怎么给同学讲清楚。我还带上了我在看神韵那里拍的照片。我给同学们说,我每年都去看,已经看了三次了。我讲完了我老师就问神韵在哪里演,我告诉她是在市里的剧院。我的同学也问,他也可以去看神韵吗,我说可以。






小神仙有的时候还和我一起玩,他在前边跑,我在后边追。我骑自行车的时候,有七个小神仙 坐在自行车的车把上和我一起骑车。我画画的时候,画一棵树,忘了那个树的花什么样子了。小神仙知道我想什么,就帮我显现出来了那个树,我就比着画。








English translation of the sharing

“Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance” in my heart

Gloria Park Melbourne

Greetings Master,

Greetings fellow practitioners,

My name is Huihui, I am seven years old and I am in Grade 1.

I study at a Christian school. I recently transferred to a new school and have no good friends yet. During an activity with other classes, I met a girl in Grade 3 who is two years older than me and wanted to be friends with me. I talk to her and play with her every day after class. One day when I went to find her after class, she said that she didn’t want to play with me. I understand that this is Master testing my xinxing. I just hold back and don’t let myself feel sad. I also want to think about it from her perspective, she also wants to play with her other friends too.

There is a girl in our class. She always likes to make others do what she says. As soon as I saw her, I would avoid her. I thought she was arrogant and wanted to stay away from her. Later, I told my mother about it. One day my mother told me about having notions, and that I shouldn’t think she is arrogant when I see her. Later, I got rid of this idea. That girl won’t be so arrogant or impolite when she sees me again.

I always have “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance” in my heart. When I feel uncomfortable, I wonder why I am uncomfortable.

Because of coronavirus pandemic, my sister and I attend classes at home instead of attending school. During this time, my father helped us build a small cubby house that we could climb into, and a slide. My sister and I are very happy. We climbed up as soon as it was built. As I climbed up, my sister pulled my arm.

My arm dropped and was injured, but my sister continue to pull it. I told my mother about it and she asked me what I did wrong. I just wondered why my heart felt so moved. Why did my sister pull my arm? I remembered that when we were climbing, we were competing to climb up, and I pulled my sister first. It’s because I didn’t do well. I recognised the bad thoughts in my head, I decided to get rid of them. First of all, we must think of others and be good to others.

My previous school had an activity called “show and tell”, which was to take a favourite item from home to school, and tell everyone what it was, why this item was chosen, and what was special about it. My mother gave me a Shen Yun brochure and asked me if I wanted to tell my classmates about Shen Yun performances. I was happy to say “I want to”. I understand I came  here to save people. I practised at home how to explain it clearly to my classmates.

I also brought photos I took at the theatre when we went to see Shen Yun. I told my classmates that I go to see it every year and I have already watched it three times. After I finished speaking, my teacher asked where Shen Yun was performing, and I told her it was at a theatre in the city. My classmate also asked if he could also go to see Shen Yun, and I said yes.

I especially enjoy participating in the parades we have in the city. Every time I am in the parade, I feel like I am stepping on a cloud. I wear ancient clothes and hold the “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance” sign. I want people to see the this sign and know the truth.

After the coronavirus pandemic started, one day the teacher talked about it in class. The teacher told us what the coronavirus pandemic was and showed us pictures. The teacher said that no one knew where it came from. I raised my hand, and the teacher asked me what I wanted to say. I said that the Chinese Communist Party caused it. The teacher did not speak. But I think the teacher totally understands.

Master encouraged me and opened my third eye.

Once when I was playing the piano, I saw seven little fairies next to me. They all wore clothes of different colours covering their stomachs – some were red, some were yellow, some were orange and some were blue. They all played with me with different instruments. Some held the violin and some played the harp. There was also a little fairy who pulled over a piano to play with me.

When I couldn’t find the notes or music score in the sheet music book, a little fairy flew to the book to point me, and stood on the cloud to help me.

During the meal, the little fairy stepped on the cloud and followed me to the table for dinner. Seven little fairies sat in a circle on the wooden mat, and they eat too. I saw a little fairy eating a peach, but it was orange inside. At the same time there was a person on the TV, and my mother said that the person looked like a cat. A little fairy told me that people cannot be said to be animals. I quietly told my mother not to say that. Mum knew that she was wrong, and said she wouldn’t say that again in future.

Sometimes a little celestial being would play with me. He would run out in front and I would chase him. When I was riding a bicycle, there were seven little fairies sitting on the handlebars of the bicycle and riding with me. When I was painting, I painted a tree and I forgot how the flowers on that tree looked. The little fairy knew what I was thinking, so he showed the tree to me, and I compared it to my painting.

The tips of my fingers have been itchy for a long time. I told my mother, and she said it was all fine. One night I didn’t sleep well as I was itchy, and I told my mother that I felt strange. I suddenly saw my hands glittering with gold. The things I touch are also shiny. I also saw that the hands of the people in my family were all golden.

There are many more magical things. I also saw some scary scenes. Once I saw the ground cracking, and a big black hand came out from the crack, pulling a lot of people underground. Those people looked scary, with red spots on their foreheads.

I also saw the golden carriage flying towards me. I told my mother that we are running out of time here. Hurry up and save people. I think I am very, very lucky because I practise Dafa. Thank you Master for giving me so many things. I want to be a good practitioner and cultivate very carefully.

Thank you Master!

Thank you Fellow practitioners.