不断的向内找过好修炼每一关 Looking Inward, Passing Every Test Well in Cultivation

Constantly Looking Inward, Passing Every Test Well in Cultivation

昆士兰 子茵 Ziyin from Queensland

Greetings respectful Master! Greetings fellow practitioners!

I started cultivating in Dafa seriously in May 2012. In the early days, I memorized Master’s poems “Don’t Argue” and “Who’s Right, Who’s Wrong”, because I didn’t like the way some practitioners argued or pointed the finger at each other, so I wanted to use Master’s Fa principles to tell them they were wrong.

Master said in Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference in Australia,
“…if when you encounter problems you are able to look for the causes on your part, think more about the welfare of others, cultivate yourselves, look inside, look less at others’ shortcomings, and manage to do as I teach with everything you do, then in fact you are already progressing diligently.”

After I enlightened to the profundity of Master’s teaching, I gradually turned around and started to look within myself. When encountering issues, even though I may still complain a bit at the time, I have learned to look inward afterwards, being reminded by Master’s poems that I often recite.

1.    Looking within, passing the tests well in interactions with family members

I started practicing Falun Gong at the same time as my daughter. Although she was young, she followed the Fa principles well and was quite diligent in cultivation. Gradually, my expectations of her became higher and higher and conflicts appeared.

At the beginning when I could not resolve these conflicts, I would keep studying the Fa and kept saying to Master in my heart that I would cultivate to the very end; I would overcome the tribulations. Then the conflicts disappeared gradually without me even noticing.

After a while, I found that this approach was no longer as effective, so I continued to look within more deeply. As a result, I found a lot of attachments I had, such as my strong sentimental attachment to my daughter; I always wanted to tell her what she should do on her path of cultivation, telling her she should do this and that without being aware that Master has made all arrangements for her and is taking care of her; sometimes I went from one extreme to the other , and when she was going through a karma-eliminating process, I didn’t really care about her, and just kept saying: you should keep sending righteous thoughts and looking within. As a result, my daughter sometimes said to me in tears: You are not like the mum I used to have. You are so cold and indifferent. You don’t even care when I’m feeling so miserable.    

Some issues were resolved through me looking within, but I felt I had not found the fundamental cause. I started to blame my daughter, saying she was immature and she didn’t understand me, and that her cultivation state was not good enough, etc. Sometimes I even thought: This test is so difficult to pass. When will I be able to truly get over it?

不过我发现没发生矛盾时,女儿和同龄人比是非常乖巧懂事的,上下学的路上都要听法,对常人孩子的吃喝玩乐也不太感兴趣;我还发现,每次和女儿的矛盾解决后,我对法理又有了新的领悟; 后来我又感觉很多矛盾往往都是在我懈怠和不精進时发生的。
I noticed nevertheless that when there were no conflicts between us, my daughter is actually very good and understanding in comparison with youngsters of her age. She always listens to the Fa on her way to and from uni; she shows no interest in pleasure-seeking pursued by ordinary people. I also found that every time after I resolved a conflict with my daughter, I seemed to gain some further understanding of the Fa principles. Later, I also felt that in most cases conflicts occurred when I was letting up in cultivation and not being diligent.

Gradually I realized that all these conflicts were for my cultivation and provided me with the opportunity to elevate my level. Even so, when I came across specific issues, I still felt a bit confused from time to time.

Master said in Fa Teaching Given at the 2014 San Francisco Fa Conference,
“Sometimes, when kids on the mountain behave poorly, I know that their parents haven’t cultivated well.”

When reading this paragraph of the Fa, I suddenly understood that it was my own cultivation state that had caused all those conflicts and it was me who failed to pass the tests arranged by Master. So I made up my mind: I will pass this test well. I will no longer treat the conflicts as grudges between a mum and her daughter. I will behave like a cultivator, looking within and cultivating myself well.

Once after I had an argument with my daughter I got so upset that when I was doing the washing up in the kitchen I thought: Master, when will I be able to pass this test? How come it never ends? Almost immediately I realized my thinking was wrong. The test was arranged by Master for my cultivation, how can I turn around and complain to Master? Isn’t this arrangement for my improvement?  It is a good thing. Since it is good thing, I should feel happy. But how come feel so unhappy?

我索性不洗碗了,心想:我非过好这一关不可,向内找,悟到更高、更新的法理。我开始背师父《洪吟》中“苦其心志的一段经文:“关关都得闯  处处都是魔”,背着背着,我又从头背:“圆满得佛果 吃苦当成乐”,突然我悟到了,把一切常人看做苦的事情,都当成乐事,才是修炼啊,才能修成圆满啊,这是一件大好事啊。
I stopped doing the washing up and thought: I will pass this test well; I will look within and enlighten to higher Fa principles. I started to recite the verse in “Tempering the Will” in Hong Yin: “Each and every barrier must be broken through, And everywhere does evil lurk.” Then I started to recite the poem from the beginning: “To consummate yourself, reaping Buddhahood, Let joy be found in hardship.” Suddenly I understood that I should regard all hardships in everyday people’s eyes as joy, and that’s cultivation and that’s how people can reach consummation. It is a good thing to encounter hardships.

等我回到房间时,女儿像没发生过争吵一样,笑眯眯的问我:你悟到什么法理了?我也很开心的告诉她:“圆满得佛果 吃苦当成乐”。这以后,我和女儿就很少争执了,以前的一切真好像就是为我修炼才发生的。
When I went back to the room where my daughter was, she looked as if we had not argued at all. She said to me with a smile: What Fa principle have you enlightened to?” I said happily: “To consummate yourself, reaping Buddhahood, Let joy be found in hardship.” Since then, we have seldom argued and it feels as if everything that had happened in the past truly took place for my cultivation.

One morning on the weekend, we had planned to go to one of the practice sites to do group exercise. But when I called my daughter to get up, she didn’t want to go. I tried to get her out of bed, but it didn’t work. As I walked to the kitchen I said to myself: Master, what other attachments do I still have? Before I finished, my daughter jumped out of bed and said: Mum, I will go and do the exercises.

We spend most of our time with our family members and we are most familiar with one another, and conflicts also most easily occur, and when this happens it is also very easy for us to forget to look within and forget this is also cultivation, also a test we need to pass.

Master said in Fa Teaching Given at the 2015 New York Fa Conference,
“Of course, since you are cultivating, everything you do, as long as you are a cultivator, is directly related to your cultivation, and those things in fact make up your cultivation path. Everything you do is integrated with your cultivation journey. Your cultivation is embedded in whatever you do, be it working out in the world, doing Dafa projects, or going about your daily lives, and that is for sure.”

I realised that everything around us has something to do with our cultivation and we must measure everything with the Fa and always look inward.

1.    Looking within when seeing the shortcomings in fellow practitioners

A fellow practitioner complained to me about other people on a number of occasions. I didn’t like to hear the complaints, but I didn’t know how to stop her complaining either. I thought: Is this a reminder to me from Master through her complaining? Maybe I was in a similar state of cultivation myself. When I looked within, I found that when I complained about other fellow practitioners, I was even worse and more critical.

Master said in Zhuan Falun,
“Maybe someone wants to badmouth somebody, but out of the blue he changes his mind and doesn’t want to talk badly about him anymore. Only the energy field from cultivating a true teaching can have this effect. That’s why there used to be a saying in Buddhism, "Buddha’s light shines everywhere, propriety and righteousness harmonize everything." That is what it means.”

I understood that the fact that practitioners complain to me about others is because my own dimensional field is not righteous and it has too many elements that accommodate such complaints. I can only cultivate myself and truly turn my own dimensional field into one filled with righteous energy from Fa-rectification cultivation.  Since I came to this understanding, that practitioner has seldom complained about others.

还有一次,有位同修因为不修口,让我和家人产生了很大矛盾,使我很痛苦。想到师父《洪吟三》“谁是谁非”中“对的是他 错的是我 争什么”。
Another time, a fellow practitioner didn’t pay attention to speech cultivation and caused a big conflict between me and my family members. I felt really miserable. Then I thought of Master’s poem “Who’s Right, Who’s Wrong” in Hong Yin III:
“He’s right, And I’m wrong, What’s to dispute?”

I realised that this was also a test. No matter how miserable I felt, I should still look within. I began to see that I hadn’t done well in cultivation of speech either and had said many things hurtful to others. So what had happened actually resulted from my own shortcomings, and it was because my own dimensional field was not pure. It was indeed my fault. After I understood this, I began to pay more attention to cultivation of speech, and the cultivation state of the practitioner concerned also improved. A little while later, when I slacked off a bit in cultivation, that practitioner started making detrimental remarks again. When this happened, I immediately started looking within and clearing out what was not pure in my own dimensional field. Very quickly, the practitioner stopped saying those things.

1.    Looking within when coming across hostile tourists

Once while I was clarifying the facts to Chinese tourists on the Gold Coast, a Chinese lady verbally abused me loudly. I maintained my xinxing at the time and didn’t get into any argument with her. After I came back home, I thought about it and started looking within. I remembered that on our way to the Gold Coast I talked about a lot of everyday people’s stuff with practitioners, including how I used to argue with people while doing business back in China, thinking that I was pretty tough at the time. All these human attachments had been taken advantage of by the evil.

After I realised this, whenever I came across tourists who were hostile and rude, I would look within and see if there was anything that I hadn’t done well or not on the Fa, and I would immediately rectify myself when I found anything I had not done properly.

1.    Looking within when hearing things to my own liking

 “如遇强辩勿争言 向内找因是修炼 越想解释心越重 坦 荡无执出明见”。
Once, at a sharing about our Shen Yun project, one practitioner said some people “speak louder than their efforts”. I felt as if he was referring to me. I wanted to explain, but then Master’s words came to me mind. Master wrote in the poem “Don’t Argue” in Hong Yin III:
“Don’t argue when people argue with you
Cultivation is looking within for the cause
Wanting to explain just feeds the attachment
Breadth of mind, unattached, brings true insight”

I tried very hard not to say anything at the time. When I calmed down, I understood that the more I felt uncomfortable about what was said, the more it had touched my attachment and this was the time when I should look within more deeply. So instead of treating it as a remark from a practitioner, I regarded as a hint to me by Master through the mouth of the practitioner. Through constant looking within, I felt that on the surface, the remark seemed to say that someone only talked with little action. If measured with Fa principles, it seemed to indicate that I was not cultivating solidly. Digging more deeply, I found many attachments that affected my cultivation state. Since then, I have paid more and more attention to solid cultivation in Dafa.

Nothing is too small in cultivation. As long as we have human attachments, there will be opportunities to expose them and for us to let go of them. I gave a fellow practitioner some things that I thought would be useful to her, but each time she said they were no good at all. I felt a bit upset, thinking I would never give her anything anymore.

“修炼人 自找过 各种人心去的多 大关小关别想落 ”
Later I remembered what Master said in the poem “Who’s Right, Who’s Wrong” in Hong Yin III:
As a cultivator
One always looks for one’s own faults
’Tis the Way to get rid attachments most effectively
There is no way to skip ordeals, big or small

I thought even though this was something trivial, I should still look within at why I felt upset. I found that I had always enjoyed hearing praise, and would feel unhappy upon hearing things that were not so pleasant to my ear. When I realised this attachment, I made an effort to consciously let go of it.

Once I formed a habit of “looking within”, passing tests also became a lot easier. Many things that I would have regarded as unbearable in the past are really nothing when I look back. I feel really light-hearted and the capacity of my heart is also becoming bigger and bigger. I can feel myself elevating in the Fa. When I read Master’s teachings again, I feel I have gained much deeper and clearer understandings of certain Fa principles that I didn’t pay much attention to or couldn’t fully understand in the past.

Thank you, Master for your compassionate salvation. Thank you, Master for giving us the precious Fa tool of “looking within”. I will continue to cultivate myself well in assisting Master in Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings, and will fulfil my mission as a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple.

Thank you, Master. Thank you, fellow practitioners.