
2004年澳大利亞法輪大法修煉心得交流會開幕、閉幕詞(中英 文- Chinese and English Translation)


Welcome to the 2004 Australian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference.

Let us first pay our highest respect to our merciful Master!

Greetings to our dear fellow practitioners in China who are validating the Fa with their lives, and also to our fellow Fa rectification practitioners outside of China.

日月如梭,斗轉星移;澳洲大法弟子在正法的路上摔摔打打走過了5個年頭, 在講清真象救度眾生中實踐著真、善、忍的宇宙法理,感受著師父的慈悲和法輪大法永恆不敗的殊勝.
Time passes fast. Our Australian practitioners have walked through five years of Fa rectification with many hardships, many ups and downs. On our paths, we clarified the truth and helped Master to save sentient beings guided by the principles of Zhen Shan Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance). We experienced the grand virtue of Dafa and the boundless Benevolence of Great Master.

Although we still have many human attachments and notions to recognise and eliminate; nevertheless, we are becoming more mature in the Fa and we are doing our best to fulfill our vows step by step.

偉大的師父為澳洲的弟子和眾生操盡了心.我們知道,澳洲的正法進程離師父的期望相差很遠,我們肩負的使命重大. 我們知道此刻慈悲的師父正殷切期盼著我們的提高,期盼著通過我們的講清真象去救渡澳大利亞這片國土上千千萬萬的生命。
Our grand Master has endured unimaginable hardships for us and for all sentient beings with painstaking efforts. We acknowledge the progress of Fa rectification in Australia may not be adequate and up to the standard of Master’s expectation and we acknowledge there are many important tasks still ahead of us. We know our merciful Master is now looking forward to our improvement, and hoping we can do more in clarifying the truth to the Australian people.

Today, in this special historical moment in Fa rectification, we have gathered together again.

Let us make the most of this precious opportunity to reflect, and share what we have achieved in the Fa rectification and our cultivation process through trials and tribulations. In sharing our experiences, we will endeavor to rectify ourselves and elevate together when letting go of human notions and walk towards enlightenment.

Let us continue to improve and be more diligent as one body. The brightest destination of our truth self is getting closer.

We wish a grand success for the Fa Conference!


2004年澳大利亞法輪大法修煉交流法會閉幕詞(Closing Remark)


2004 Falun Dafa Australia Experience Sharing Conference

Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow practitioners:

The 2004 Falun Dafa Australia Experience Sharing Conference has now come to a close. Let’s once again pay our respects and greetings to Master. Please also allow us to thank everyone here today for your participation. Without your support, we wouldn’t have successfully come so far in this conference.

With the Spring gone and the Autumn come,
Time passes in a flash.
How many hardships have we borne in the human world?
How much sentimentality have we entangled in the three realms?!

Within this dusty world,
Human life is like a play.
Who had awakened from the maze?
In heart, Dafa disciples know!

Centuries of waiting for grand Master,
Five years of rampant evilness shakes no one!
While evil busy yelling on the side,
The light boat has passed through thousands of rapids in the raging river!

Came to the Earth for the same Master,
Thousands of years destiny resulting in Cultivating together for once.
Treasure each other because of Fa,
Sail together, we have a common destination.

Fellow practitioners, let’s be diligent and work together as one body. We will make the Truth known to all Australians; we will spread the beauty of Dafa everywhere, only then will we be not ashamed to be in Master’s Fa Boat, and back to our true selves with a light heart.
