

本文將描述的是發生在雷尼-利維森(Renee Levison)身上的奇跡。雷尼生活在澳洲南澳大利亞省的愛德雷德(Adelaide)市,由她的母親傑西-雷考特(Jesse LeCotte)執筆。




Oringinal Article:
EXPERIENCE re:- Renee L.
Written by- Jesse LC (Mother)

15 September 2003

I began to practice FaLun Gong 20 months ago at a Centre near Adelaide, I live with my daughter Renee, but this is not my experience but hers for Renee was born 25 years ago the last of 6 children with multiple health problems which became more evident as she grew, classified as mentally challenged, a deformed and bent spine with fused lumbar region causing a lifetime of acute pain, unable to stand for more than a very short period
of time, we used a wheel chair for outings and shopping, as leg movement caused severe pain from the bottom of her feet to the head, life was difficult and fearful with very little ability for academic achievement.

6 weeks ago Renee said she also wanted to practice FaLun Gong, I thought her heart knows the truth but how could she understand the principles, how could she learn the exercises, how could she stand or sit to do the exercises,-mission impossible I thought! I was unsure and afraid of just how to start, then I realised I did not need to start anything for Master Li and Renee were doing well very together so I handed over all outcome to Master Li and began to teach Renee the first exercise, just a little at a time, it took her two weeks to grasp #1 exercise but after a few days she was able to stand to do this, so off we went together to our practice centre, where Renee just sat in the circle for all other exercises.

Renee read the book <> and would have a huge understanding and insights, then one night 4 weeks later while we practiced at home she said she could stand for all the exercises, then she just sat for the sitting meditation and placed her leg in half lotus, I was in total shock and could only cry silently. This was just a miracle in action, then Renee began to take to walking 20 minutes a day, her feet and back have only slight discomfort at times, no wheelchair is needed for shopping. Renee says this is her path and she has her Master and is very focused and committed, and now keeps me in line. What more evidence of the power of FaLun Gong is needed, none of us as we live every day this beautiful miracle thanks to the love and compassion of Master Li.


