擺正修煉與學習的關係(Balancing the Relationship between Cultivating and Studying)

我叫蔣鎮鴻,今年十一歲,我有幸出生在一個大法弟子的家庭裡。“我是從天上下來的,我下來是為了讀法。” 這是我在2017年為美國法會寫的交流稿的第一句話。我從三歲起就能背誦《洪吟》,在五歲生日前我讀完了第一遍《轉法輪》,感謝父母和爺爺奶奶的幫助與支持。從我出生到現在,我從來沒有吃過藥和打過針,在師父的慈悲呵護下健康成長。我曾在2017年和2018年有幸去美國參加法會見到師父,參加過紐約和華盛頓的遊行。雖然,我沒有機會去中國大陸,但是我參加過兩次香港遊行。在我學小提琴之前我經常參加各種講真相活動。(My name is Dante. This year, I am eleven. I was very privileged to be born into a family of Dafa practitioners. I wrote an experience sharing for the 2017 Fa conference in the US and the first line I wrote was: “I came from heaven, I came to study the Fa”. From the age of 3, I could recite Hong Yin. Before my fifth birthday, I had finished reading Zhuan Falun for the first time…. …)

擺正修煉與學習的關係(Balancing the Relationship between Cultivating and Studying) 全文