正念正行修好自己 广传真相救度众生 (Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions to Improve in Cultivation, Clarify the Truth, and Help;ing Saving Sentient Beings)

為了將真相傳播到澳洲偏遠地區,讓那裡的眾生了解真相,得到大法救度,去年八月二十日,我和昆士蘭同修共5輛真相車,開始了從布里斯本往返凱恩斯的真相之旅,我駕駛的是全車貼膜的解體中共(“END CCP”)的大真相車,同修的車則在車頂固定真相展板,我們沿途通過車輛和展板的信息傳遞真相,每到一個小鎮,就去圖書館送真相書籍,或者去海灘和城鎮發放資料和征簽等。 (In order to clarify the truth in remote areas of Australia, so that the people there can learn about Falun Dafa and have a chance to be saved, in August last year, I went with some practitioners in Queensland on a car tour truth clarification project, from Brisbane to Cairns. I drove a large van that had information about  “End CCP” all over the side panels, the roof and the front and back of the van. …)

正念正行修好自己 广传真相救度众生 (Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions to Improve in Cultivation, Clarify the Truth, and Help;ing Saving Sentient Beings) 全文