21年澳洲法會發言稿 16: 努力成为精進实修的大法小弟子 (with English translation)



























师父说:大法弟子是人类得救的唯一希望。”[4] 我知道我不但要修好自己,还要救度众生。所以,我经常和妈妈参加各种讲真相活动,我自己在学校也利用各种机会讲真相。














[1] 李洪志师父著作:《大法洪传二十五周年纽约法会讲法》

[2] 李洪志师父著作:《二零一九年纽约法会讲法》

[3] 李洪志师父著作:《再造》

[4] 李洪志师父著作:《致欧洲法会》

[5] 李洪志师父著作:《洪吟》<得法>



Striving to become a diligent little Dafa disciple

 By a Young Falun Dafa Vietnamese practitioner in Australia

Greeting to revered Master!

Greetings to fellow practitioners!

I’m a young Falun Dafa practitioner from Viet Nam. I am ten years old. When I was four years old, I obtained the Fa with my family in Vietnam. I moved to Sydney in 2018. After coming to Sydney, I started learning Chinese and dance at Minghui School. Under the care of Master, I have always tried my best to cultivate diligently.

1. Studying Fa and doing exercises are the most important things for me every day

After I get up at 6:30 in the morning, I study Fa with my mother. We study Zhuan Falun both in Chinese and Vietnamese for about an hour. After dinner, I study Chinese first, do my homework at Minghui School or join a Fa-study group. Then I joined an online group to do exercises for one hour. Before going to bed, my mother reads me some cultivation stories or traditional cultural stories in Vietnamese, such as Journey to the West, cultivation stories of Milarepa and so on.

2. Learning to cherish time through practicing the flute

I joined my school band two and a half years ago. I played the flute. It was not until I studied with Conductor of Tian Guo Marching Band more than a year ago that I started playing the flute seriously. I hope that I will become a flutist in the future and be able to perform solo and validate Dafa.

When I started learning the flute, I couldn’t concentrate on playing it. I often stopped playing after less than ten minutes and then ran around the house. My mother saw that I was too easily distracted, so she showed me a video about time management techniques.

I realized that as Dafa disciples we have more responsibilities and more things to do, and I can’t waste any of my time or my mum’s time. Now, I have learnt to cherish time. I spend one and a half hours every day standing still to concentrate on practicing flute, so that my mother can quietly do what she is doing.

3. Keeping in mind Masters teachings and quitting online games

I once played a game to learn mathematics. Although it was for learning mathematics, it also affected my ability to concentrate and do my homework. Later, my mother stopped me from playing it. I know my mother is right, because if we play games for a while every day, we will gradually become addicted to it.

Master said,

“Today’s video games are all made by people who are acting at the prompting of aliens.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the New York Fa Conference Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Dafa’s Spreading”) 

Master also said,

 “Spending unnecessary time on the computer or playing video games has the same effect; it’s the same idea. If you want to quit, that thing won’t want you to since it would die. And so it will do all in its power to make you engage in those things. And if you try not to, it will interfere with your work or studies by causing your mind to crave them. If you refuse, it might even make you do those things in your dreams.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2019 New York Fa Conference”)

So, I’ve kept in mind Master’s teachings and stayed away from computer games. Of course, at first it was not easy to quit computer games because everything is alive in other dimensions. But I believe as long as I have a righteous mind, Master will definitely help me. In the end, I was able to quit it.

4. Eliminating attachments through helping with housework

When I was younger, I rarely did housework. As I grew older, I quickly realized that I should also help with housework because I know that each family member should do housework. I often wash dishes with my mother. I also clean the table, take out the rubbish, collect washing and help with gardening.

I like doing housework now because I feel it is beneficial. Also, it helps me get rid of some attachments such as laziness and fear. I used to be afraid of using a knife while cooking, but now I can use it easily.

5. Persevering in studying Chinese and reading Masters original teachings

In order to be able to read the original book Zhuan Falun I learned Chinese with my mother. With the help of a Taiwanese fellow practitioner, we learned Zhuyin [zjew-yen] symbols and tried to memorize those every day. After more than half of a year, now we can read the Zhuyin version of “Zhuan Falun” in Chinese by ourselves. We also read “Zhuan Falun” in Vietnamese so that we can understand the meaning of the Chinese version at the same time.

I thank Minghui School for helping me improve my Chinese. I can read Chinese better now, I can recite “Hong Yin” and “Lun Yu” more fluently. If I can master Chinese, then I can master three languages, and I can clarify the truth to more people. 

6. Following Masters teachings and returning to the traditional path

Master said,

“Return to tradition to connect with the divine.”(“Re-Creation”)

My mum thinks that it is good for me to understand the traditional culture of ancient China and how people treated others kindly in the past. The books I read in Vietnamese or the audiobooks I listen to are about many great figures in Chinese history. For example: Stories of General Yue Fei, The conflicts between Chu and Han, Investiture of the Gods and so on.

I am also very fortunate to be able to learn authentic Chinese classical dance at Minghui School. It helps me understand the traditional art of Chinese classical dance. It also helps me know how to express myself. It teaches me many traditional values. 

7. Helping Master in Fa Rectification and saving sentient beings

Master said,

“Dafa disciples are the hope of humankind – the one and only hope.” (“A Congratulatory Letter to the European Fa Conference in Paris”)

I know that I do not only need to cultivate myself well, but also save sentient beings. So I often participate in various truth clarification activities with my mother, and I also use various opportunities to clarify the truth at school. 

Every year, students from Year three to six in NSW have the opportunity to participate in a “Multicultural Speech Contest.” I think this is a good opportunity to clarify the truth and save people, so I took part in the contest and included truth clarification content in my speech. Last year, I only took part in the class contest. This year, I thought I have to do better so that more people can hear the truth.

My speech started with a sentence from the Australian national anthem: “We are one and free.” I compared the state of freedom in Australia to that in communist countries. I gave the example of Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in China and described how our fellow practitioners were cruelly tortured when they refused to give up their faith and how cruel the Communist Party is.

This time, I performed very well because I memorized the entire speech. My teacher and the other two teachers liked my speech very much. My teacher told me that she liked the part about Falun Gong the most. I was selected to participate in the school competition with two other classmates. A total of 84 people including three teachers and three classes heard the truth at the school competition. I will work harder to clarify the truth to more people next time.

In addition, I also make paper truth lotus flowers and distribute them at the truth clarification site in front of Town Hall to save sentient beings. The process of making lotus flowers was much longer and more complicated than I thought. I tried to remember each step. At home, it took me a long time to make one. However, I did not give up, I was determined to do it well. Later, I found a faster way. I knew that Master gave me the wisdom to encourage me. Thank you Master! Whenever I finished a box of lotus flowers, my mother would take them to the truth clarification site to save sentient beings. During the lockdown, I made two hundred lotus flowers. I will make more, and I hope that they can save more sentient beings.

I will try to be a diligent little Dafa disciple, so I can return home with Master!

Finally, I will end my sharing with a poem from Master’s Hong Yin.

Master said,

Gaining the Fa

Cultivate Dafa with all your heart.

Nothing could be more important.

Become one with Dafa,

And Consummation is, in time, certain.”

 (Hong Yin, Translation Version A)

The above is my cultivation experience. If there’s anything inappropriate, please kindly point it out.

Thank you Master! 

Thank you, fellow practitioners!

(Presented at the 2021 Australia Online Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)