2021年澳洲法會發言稿 15: 一年来真修实修中我的变化和感悟 (with English translation)
























做到是修 [1] 









师父说:这都是你自己的难,我们为了提高你的心性而利用了它,都能让你过的去。只要你提高心性,就能过的去,就怕你自己不想过,想过就能过的去。所以今后遇到矛盾的时候,你不要把它看成是偶然的。因为矛盾产生的时候,会突然间出现,可是却不是偶然存在的,那是为了提高你的心性的。你只要把你当作炼功人,你就能够把它处理好。” [2]






下面分享一个故事,让我从中得到很多启悟。有一次,前一天打电话感觉挺好的,于是又起了欢喜心,结果第二天马上就不行了。就是说,有些心会反复几次,才能彻底去掉。当时,心里意识到自己又起了执着心后也沮丧的不行。那两天邪党封网严密,电话几乎打不通。这时,一个几次都打不通、原本不准备再打的号码,在我拨别的电话号码的时候,不经意看见了这个号码,同时金光闪了一下,我心里一动,悟到这个人是有缘众生,于是我就再给他打,结果他接了,而且他也同意三退(退出中共党、团、队)了。师尊说:修在自己,功在师父” [2],感恩师尊时刻在弟子身边,加持着弟子。不要追求数量,不能错过一个有缘人。












[1] 李洪志师父著作:《洪吟》<实修>

[2] 李洪志师父著作:《转法轮》

[3] 李洪志师父著作:《二零一九年纽约法会讲法》



My improvement through One-Year Solid Cultivation

By a Falun Dafa Chinese practitioner in Australia

Greetings revered Master!

Greetings fellow practitioners!

This past year has seen the biggest breakthroughs in the process of my cultivation, having experienced tremendous improvements both physically and mentally. I know that it was all due to the Master’s meticulous arrangements.

For many years prior, I had been practising alone without the ability to compare my cultivation state with that of fellow practitioners. I also did not make cultivation my first priority. These things combined led to serious physical symptoms including a sick thin body, a dull complexion, extremely bad eyesight, awakening 11 times per night and other symptoms. These had given my everyday friends and relatives a bad impression of Dafa. Master has repeatedly told us that cultivation is serious, but I had strayed too far away.

1. Attending early morning Fa study to improve my cultivation

Getting up early in the morning to attend group Fa study has long been a common practice for many fellow practitioners, but for me, it was a difficult task.

For a long time, due to my work schedule, I stayed up until 2 or 3am, going to sleep late and consequently waking up late. Getting up early was almost impossible for me at that time. Although many fellow practitioners had reminded me to get up in the morning to study the Fa, I just ignored them and did not want to participate.

Master had helped me to enlighten many times. I remember in a dream, I was sleeping on a pile of animal skins and was sleeping alone in a corner sinking further and further down. In the dream, I heard Master’s voice telling me, “You are not listening even though I have told you so many times already.” After I woke up, I resolved to change my cultivation state as I considered myself to not be a true practitioner. In September of last year, a fellow practitioner said, “Come and join us for Fa study at 5.15am every morning.” Various ideas and excuses prompted me to resist again, but the words of this practitioner hit the nail on the head. She said, “If you study alone, you may sometimes get lost and have trouble sticking to it every day, so it’s good to study with others at a routine time. We can remind each other.”

I agreed and I started Fa study early in the morning. For the first three months, even though I attended every day, I was sleepy during most of the day after reading and wanted to go to the bed whenever I could. However, I thought that since I had already made up my mind, I should stick to my decision and persevere.

I was ashamed of myself when I saw the diligence of other group members, who were never late or sloppy, no matter what the situation was. I was like a mediocre student in an accelerated class and was pushed to move forward and catch up. Over the past year, I have changed from arriving late into being punctual and diligent in my daily attendance. Now I am used to getting up early and I can participate in Fa study basically every day.

Because of my perseverance, Master has clearly helped me to enlighten to Fa principles and I have now experienced the wonder of group Fa study in the morning.

2. Join the RTC training while cultivating myself

The 4th of October 2020 was the tenth anniversary of my family’s migration to Australia, and I was thinking of doing something related to cultivation to celebrate, but I didn’t know what to do. Miraculously, at noon that day, a fellow practitioner called to inform me that the RTC telephone platform was going to hold a beginners training and asked if I wanted to join in.

I had no confidence in making phone calls. I had tried to do so before, but after dialling the number, I had been too afraid and could not speak, as if my mouth had been sealed off. So, I always felt that I was not suitable for this project. If it wasn’t for Master’s arrangement on that special day, I would not have signed up for it. I had studied the Fa with fellow practitioners that morning and persevered in breaking through and doing so for a month and had the desire to cultivate well.

Before the training class, I set myself a very small target: to be able to speak out, to be calm, and not to fear talking on the phone. As for whether I could successfully persuade people to quit the CCP and its affiliates did not bother me too much at that time.

After the step-by-step training by fellow practitioners, I was not afraid and could speak out on the phone. By communicating more and more with other practitioners, I felt that saving people through phone calls required language skills and familiarity with truth clarification materials on the surface level. However, the pure heart of a practitioner to save people and a good cultivation status are more important. Those words can go straight to the heart and the power of the Fa goes beyond words.

I often felt, “What Master wants is the disciple’s heart to diligently practice.” By comparing and learning, I realised that what I really needed was not only communication skills but also to be diligent in my cultivation.

The cultivation and mindset of my fellow practitioners were helpful to me both in my daily life and cultivation.

Master said,

Solid Cultivation

“Study Fa, obtain Fa,

Compare in studying, compare in cultivating,

Examine each and every deed,

Accomplishing is cultivating.”(Hong Yin )

I told myself that I should always keep a humble mind, keep up with the progression of Fa Rectification, and cherish Master’s painstaking arrangements. At the same time, I also had the confidence that Master would bestow wisdom on the disciple and honour him or her as long as the cultivation level required was met.

By constantly looking inward, I understood that behind my fear of opening up my mouth is actually the fear of being rejected with a “No”, the fear of being embarrassed, the fear of losing face, the fear of being berated, and in the end, it stems from vanity and the attachment to comfort that caused these obstacles for myself. It was shameful to see so many of these attachments surface. But it wasn’t difficult to get rid of them once they were identified.

From the training, I learnt some truth clarification skills. Alongside my past experience of face-to-face truth clarification, I was finally able to help Master save people side-by-side with fellow practitioners on the phone call platform, and I cherish this opportunity. I understand that there are all kinds of sentient beings on the other end of the phone, and every phone call and every statement is related to the salvation of that life and even the infinite number of sentient beings that this life represents.

In addition, I learnt a lot from the daily sharing sessions after finishing the phone calls, and I often find the “key” to eliminate my attachments from the unintentional words of fellow practitioners. For example, I immediately enlightened how I should treat my family members when others shared about it. I hadn’t been treating my daughter-in-law well before, and I then found and removed some deep-seated attachments, such as the mindset of looking down on the other person, the mindset that wants to get something in return, being unforgiving, etc. My daughter-in-law’s attitude toward me immediately changed as well. I realised from this that if there is any discomfort or unhappiness in my heart, then I must look inside myself. What is the root cause of my thoughts that are not in line with the Fa? And then make sure to fix it. It is already known that any thought or attachment is an obstacle to improvement, so what do I need that for? On the other hand, all people and things that create difficulties for us are the steppingstones for us to raise our xinxing levels.

Through this phone call platform, I’m helping Master save people and improving my cultivation rapidly. I thank Master for his painstaking arrangements!

Because I did my best to do well in the three things, the changes I experienced in all aspects of my life have been delightful.

First of all, my body has changed a lot. In my husband’s words – it has become very good. My face became radiant, and my eyes were brighter. A few years ago, my eyesight was so poor that I couldn’t even read on my cell phone clearly. Now I don’t need to wear glasses in the morning to study the Fa, my hair is slowly becoming darker without me realizing it, and I don’t get up at night anymore!

Master said, 

“To attain a healthy body and truly make progress toward high levels, you must cultivate by truly following our xinxing standard.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

Secondly, I learnt to look inward when things happened and I truly feel that Master is with us, watching over his disciples all the time. Master will arrange opportunities for us to cultivate our minds and rid ourselves of the unnoticed attachments, as long as they remain. When looking deeper within, the seemingly accidental troubles encountered, in fact, often conceal a hidden attachment.

Master said,

“These are all your own tribulations that we use to improve your xinxing, and you will be able to overcome them. As long as you upgrade your xinxing, you can overcome them. Unless you, yourself do not want to do so, you can make it, provided you want to overcome them. Therefore, from now on when you come across a conflict you should not consider it a coincidence. This is because when a conflict occurs, it will take place unexpectedly. But that is not a coincidence—it is for improving your xinxing. As long as you treat yourself as a practitioner, you can handle it properly.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

Now I occasionally encounter some conflicts at home, but in general, my family life is peaceful. My husband and my son’s family, all of whom do not practise, but they see the changes in me, they also feel the beauty and wonders of Dafa from the bottom of their hearts.

3. Removing the pursuit of results during phone calls

After overcoming the attachment of not being able to open up my mouth, I found that when I made calls on the RTC platform, I had all kinds of other human attachments. Those that were once hidden deep were exposed one by one, such as feeling happy when the sentient beings answered and we communicated smoothly, feeling happy when I had a high number of successful phone calls, and feeling frustrated when things didn’t go so well. I also felt complacent after receiving encouragement or attention during internal sharing sessions with practitioners.

With these attachments, the quality of the phone calls was up and down, even with exactly the same words. The more anxious I became, the fewer people answered the phone! Weren’t these all manifestations of pursuing vanity and fame?

I realised that, in fact, these results were a message from Master. Once I had an improper mindset, Master immediately lets me see it. After I noticed this a few times, I told Master in my heart that I would never allow myself to have that mindset again.

Here is a story that greatly inspired me. One day, I was doing well in my calls, and I felt overjoyed, then the next day it immediately became difficult. Some attachments and mindsets take several times before they are completely eliminated. At the time, I was frustrated when I realised that I had become attached to the results again. During those two days, the evil CCP tried to cut off the network, so the phone calls were almost blocked. There was a number that I had not been able to get through to several times. I accidentally saw that number when I dialled another number, and at the same time, a thought flashed in my mind. I was moved and realised that this person was a sentient being that I should save, so I called him again and luckily, he answered, and he agreed to “San Tui”.

Master said,

“Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

I am grateful that Master is always by our side, empowering us. We should not miss a single predestined person.

Master also arranged for me to clarify truths to predestined people face-to-face, to advise them to quit the CCP. I found that I benefited a lot from the experience I gained on the telephone platform when I do face-to-face truth clarification.

It was not easy to find tenants during the CCP virus lockdown, but soon after I posted an ad, two young people came to have a room inspection, and we talked for more than an hour. Both of them agreed to quit the CCP. The girl told me she would look online to read Falun Gong books. When they were moving in, I met two of their friends, and I found an opportunity to clarify the truth to them, and both of them were willing to quit the CCP. In addition, when changing gas stoves and range hoods at home, I also clarified the truths to the salesmen and the installers and helped them withdraw the CCP.

I think due to the truth clarification phone calls I have been making on the platform, my past attachment of being narrow minded is now gone, there are fewer bad thoughts in my mind. When my husband saw these changes in me, he was encouraged and inspired to recommend Falun Gong to two of his clients, and he recently told me that he wanted to start learning Falun Gong as well.

Master said,

 “How could it be okay to not do that when so many people are waiting to be saved?! Even I am helping you do that! Saving non-practitioners is supposed to be your responsibility. [The way it’s supposed to be is that] I save you, and you save them. Now I am even helping you do it, so if you don’t do it, are you a Dafa disciple?” (“Fa Teaching at the 2019 New York Fa Conference”)


I always remind myself now that I shouldn’t relax as my cultivation state is my guarantee to help save people efficiently. Getting involved in projects is what happens on the surface while cultivating is the basis of everything. For example, sometimes I cannot discipline myself and will indulge myself in ordinary people’s news, gossip and videos, which wastes a lot of precious time. Master has told us many times in his teachings that cultivation is serious. Not being able to discipline my own behaviour or attachments at this stage is not a minor problem. So, I’d like to take this opportunity to expose them and discipline myself to not make any more mistakes.

I will try my best to use my understanding of the Fa to guide my every thought, word and deed in my future cultivation, do the three things well, follow Master’s instructions closely, walk the final path of cultivation righteously, help save more people and return home with Master.

Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

Thank you Master!

Thank you, practitioners!

(Presented at the 2021 Australia Online Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)