2021年澳洲法會發言稿 8: 我在天国乐团的修炼体会 (with English translation)

















不久,师父为天国乐团发表经文:法鼓法号显天威 去邪除恶唤回归 末世救人惊天地 法正乾坤放光辉[1] 









师父说:可是我告诉你,你为了得这个法,可相当不容易,也许你前半生吃的苦都是为了得这个法,这是你知道的;还有你不知道的,也许在你前几世甚至于更长的时间,都在为得这个法在吃苦、受罪。还有的人为得这个法遭受过更大的痛苦,这是你不知道的。”[2] 师父还说:所以我告诉大家,不要因为得之于易而失之于易。”[3]











这几个月的考试经历让我感触最深的就是乐团不是常人中的娱乐,也不是大法弟子的自娱自乐,而是严肃的修炼。因为我们每一次的游行演出都是正邪大战的较量,我们每一次的练习就像是从里到外身心的洗礼,这都是在师父的呵护和加持下才能做到的。也就像师父说的:修在自己,功在师父。” [3] 作为乐团的一员需要在这个特殊的环境中不断的修正自己,去掉执着。

通过这次考试,我发现了自己初進乐团的安逸心、不求上進的心,到恐惧考试不过关时所隐藏的怕心、面子心,以及考试过关时的欢喜心等等执着心,师父说:我讲了,心性多高,功多高。” [3] 当我逐渐去掉这些执着心之后,我终于顺利的通过了这次考核,同时我发现我在吹奏的稳定性、节奏的把握、音准的控制等方面都有了长足的進步。


当我自己真正想要提高,想要精進时,机会就会出现,奇迹就会发生。就像师父所说的:弟子正念足 师有回天力”[4]








因为我们知道,师父说:大法徒兑现自己使命与否的最后时刻不远了,何去何从,好自为之吧!”[5] 时不待我,我们必须用最好的修炼状态,最好的演奏水准,助师正法,救度众生。






[1] 李洪志师父著作:《天国乐团》

[2] 李洪志师父著作:《各地讲法一》〈北京国际交流会讲法〉

[3] 李洪志师父著作:《转法轮》

[4] 李洪志师父著作:《洪吟二》〈师徒恩〉

[5] 李洪志师父著作:《猛喝》



My Cultivation in the Tian Guo Marching Band

By a Falun Dafa Chinese practitioner in Australia

Greetings Master!

Greetings fellow practitioners!

I’m a baritone player in the Melbourne Tian Guo Marching Band. I think, it is an honour for a Dafa disciple to be a member of the Tian Guo Marching Band. Today, I would like to share with you my experience in the band throughout the years.

1. Opportunity

I came to Melbourne in October 2014. One day at the end of that year, my wife and I visited a fellow practitioner’s home as a guest, and we saw a large brass instrument. We asked him what kind of instrument it was. He said it was a tuba and told us that he is a member of the Melbourne Tian Guo Marching Band, and that the tuba is his weapon.

So, my wife said to the practitioner, “My husband likes music very much, can he join the band?” The practitioner replied, “You need to have a certain foundation in music theory.”

The words of this practitioner made me feel very frustrated at the time. I didn’t have knowledge of music theory, so at that time I had little hope of joining the band. So my wife and I quickly immersed ourselves in other activities to clarify the truth.

At the beginning of the second year, by chance, I joined the Epoch Times in Melbourne and partnered with another practitioner to deliver the newspaper. A few months later, when I was sitting in the delivery truck, the practitioner who was driving the truck asked me if I wanted to join the Tian Guo Marching Band. At that time, I said without thinking: “No! Although I had played instruments when I was young, I cannot read the music, and I was old, and it will take a lot of time and energy to learn an instrument.”

This practitioner told me he was a trumpet player in the band. He said:“ In addition to music foundation requirements, you also have to look at your cultivation status. There’s still a chance you can join the band. Come to the rehearsal on Sunday night to try it out.”

On Sunday evening, I went to the band rehearsal and was thoroughly inspired by the music and the enthusiasm of the practitioners. That night, I chose my future instrument: the baritone. The sound of the baritone was soothing and relaxing, like a “gentleman”, or a “fair maiden”, among brass instruments

2. Joining the Band

When I first got my instrument, I didn’t practice smoothly. The sound that came out was sometimes a grungy noise, and sometimes a hoarse rough sound. It was not like a “gentleman” at all, but more like a “warrior.” The band’s conductor laughed when he heard the sound and said: it sounds like a bull!

The practitioner who plays the tuba was my first teacher, and he told me that in order to play well, I had to do more practice of the basic skills. But the monotonous and boring practice of basic skills made me gradually lose confidence, “It’s too boring! I’ll never be able to perform in public!” So I put my baritone down for more than a month. When the tuba player found out about my situation, he drove to my home to teach me how to play the instrument. He encouraged me, guided me, and helped me regain my confidence in playing the instrument.

Another practitioner in the band also encouraged me to persevere after acknowledging my situation, and telling me not to be afraid of hardship, because this is also part of cultivation and another way of improving. He told me that when he practised at home, he sometimes practised for 5 or 6 hours at a time, and sometimes his mouth was blistered and bleeding, but he kept going! A few years later I learned that this method of practice was not recommended. But his words at that time were very encouraging to me. If other practitioners can endure such hardships, I can do it too!

Soon after, Master published an article called “Tian Guo Marching Band”

Master said, 

“Tian Guo Marching Band

Drums and horns of Fa display divine might

Purging all manner of evil,

     beckoning souls back to heaven

Heaven n’ earth are in awe

     as the Band saves lives at the end of time

Its glorious light shines

     in the cosmic Fa-rectification”

The first time I read this article, my heart was racing, as if it was blowing a horn for me to enter the band.

In the days that followed, I often recited this article from Master and began to practice hard. I practised at home, in the park, in the outdoor stadium, and even in the car. If I wasn’t driving, I would practice with my mouthpiece, or listen to the band music to strengthen my memory of the songs.

In April 2016, I’d learned all the songs required and passed a simple test to become an official member of the Tiao Guo Marching Band. The moment when I put on the blue uniform and played the song “Falun Dafa is Good” at the World Falun Dafa event on May 13, I was excited and moved to tears.

3. Examination revealed the true level of skill

At the start of 2018, all members of the Tian Guo Marching Band were divided into three stages to take an examination, with three music pieces in each stage, and everyone must complete all 9 songs for the exam by the end of the year. Only those who passed the exam would be able to take part in future events. This test made me nervous! After all, I knew what my skill level was like.

When I think back now on my skill level when I first joined the band, I was only just able to play all the pieces completely, which was at best a beginner’s level. I was not anxious to play some of the pieces badly, because after all, there were so many other band members around, we could all help each other out. In fact, this is typical of the fill-in without qualification, but at that time I did not realize that.

But not anymore! Cultivation is serious and we cannot take any shortcuts. What could I do? When I thought about the exam, I was so afraid that I would not be able to pass, would not be able to take part in events anymore, and that I would lose face and I was even thinking of quitting the band.

So I started looking again at my original intention in joining the band: Why did I want to join the Tian Guo Marching Band?  I am here to help Master rectify the Fa and save sentient beings. The opportunity to join the band to save people is not easy to come by, so if I lose it, I may lose it forever, and I will definitely regret it for the rest of my life.

Master said,

 “But I’ll tell you, it has been really hard for you to obtain this Fa. Perhaps the hardships you endured in the first part of your life have been for the sake of obtaining this Fa. That’s the part you know about. There are still things you don’t know about; perhaps you have been suffering and undergoing hardships in your previous lives or for an even longer period of time in order to obtain this Fa. There are also people who have experienced even more intense suffering for the sake of obtaining the Fa, and this is what you don’t know about.” (Teaching the Fa at the International Experience-Sharing Conference in Beijing” from Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. I)

Master said,

“Therefore, I am telling you not to lose it easily just because you have obtained it easily.” (Lecture Six, Zhuan Falun)

With the presence of the teacher and the Fa, no obstacle cannot be overcome. At that time, I was encouraging myself: I will pass the exam!

When I look back at the exam period now, it is hard to describe how badly I played at that time. I passed only three out of the nine pieces in one go, and when I played the other six I had all kinds of mistakes. During the exam, the conductor who was also the examiner pointed out my mistakes one by one, but I couldn’t change them immediately because I’d developed so many bad habits in my playing and I needed to practice more to change them.

Of course, my biggest problem was the ‘second half-tone’! The Dafa music piece called “Deliver the Treasure”, is almost one-third these kinds of notes. The Tian Guo Marching Band exams stipulate that you cannot make a mistake on those kinds of notes, and if you make one mistake, you will not pass this song.

When I finally passed the exam on this song, after taking the test 5 or 6 times, I was as excited as if I had won the grand prize. However, this lack of solid skill made me show my true form again in rehearsals soon after, as I kept playing the back half-tone onto the front beat. Our conductor, who had a very good ear, would immediately notice when I made a mistake. During that time, the conductor was worried about me: Didn’t you pass the exam? Why are you back to your old self? The conductor’s words made me feel ashamed.

In order to get good at this song, I finally invited a professional teacher to guide me through practice. The teacher was very skilful and taught me many ways to practice it, but I wasn’t able to pick it up very well — after practising for a while, I hadn’t made much progress, which made me almost lose my confidence in playing this song.

In desperation, I started asking Master for help. I told Master that I wanted to play this song well so that I can help Master rectify the Fa and save sentient beings, so I asked Master to open up my wisdom so I could break through the difficulties as soon as possible.

Shortly afterwards, the Melbourne Tian Guo Marching Band took part in the Melbourne Show with some practitioners from the Sydney Tian Guo Marching Band. During a break, I exchanged views with fellow practitioners on the difficulty of the song “Delivery the Treasure”. A practitioner from Sydney summed it up by saying that this song is a test of rhythm: if your rhythm is unstable, you can’t pass this song. If your rhythm is stable, this song is very easy.

This is exactly what I mean by “nine words to persuade the lost, one word to awaken the dreamer”, Master used the mouth of another practitioner to wake me up. When I got home, I started doing targeted rhythm training, and after a month of intensive training, I once again sent the recording of myself playing this song to the conductor. The conductor’s response was perfect rhythm!

At the next rehearsal, the conductor asked me to play this song with the other instruments that were playing the regular beats, and I played perfectly without any interference from them. At the end, the practitioner gave me a round of applause. I had finally learned the song!

4. Playing in the band is cultivation

What struck me most during these months of examinations is that the Tian Guo Marching Band is not just entertainment for ordinary people, nor is it a self-entertainment for Dafa disciples. It is serious cultivation. Every time we perform in the parade, there’s a battle between good and evil, and every time we practice, it’s like a clarifying of mind and body inside out, which can only be done under Master’s care and blessing.

Master said,

“Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)

As a member of the band, I need to constantly correct myself in this environment and get rid of my attachments.

Through this examination, I discovered that I had the attachment of peace and I was unwilling to improve when I first joined the band. I had the attachment of fear when I was afraid of failing the exam. I had the attachment of frustration and helplessness when I failed the exam, as well as the attachment of zealotry when I passed the exam, and so on.

Master said,

“I have stated that one’s gong level is as high as one’s xinxing level.” (Lecture Three, Zhuan Falun)

After I eventually eliminated these attachments, I finally passed the exam and found that I had made great progress in the stability of my playing, grasp of rhythm, control of peach and so on.

At the same time, I realized that the reason the band does the examination is that as Fa rectification moves forward, the requirements for practitioners also have to increase, as well as the requirements for the Tian Guo Marching Band, as a group that can rectify the Fa and save sentient beings. Without improving the overall standard of performance, it cannot serve its purpose of saving lives.

When I realized and understood these principles and when I truly want to improve and upgrade myself, I know opportunities will appear and miracles will happen.

Master said,

“When disciples have ample righteous thoughts

Master has the power to turn back the tide”

(“The Master-Disciple Bond”, Hong Yin Volume II)

5. Further Improvement

In the same year of the examination, my wife watched the NTDTV program “Legends Unfolding – Tian Guo Marching Band” and was so impressed that she asked to join the Band. What I didn’t expect was that this would lead to more improvement in my own playing skills.

To help with teaching, my wife also chose the baritone. I taught her along with the tuba player who had taught me before. At first, I was not very confident that my wife would pass the exam of nine music pieces in a short time. The key reason was that she was at a level of pentatonic, out of tune while singing and stepping on feet while dancing. When she later passed all nine songs in just over a year, I was so surprised, my mouth dropped open. It was a miracle, a blessing from Master!

My wife is a very serious person, she is very serious about her basic training, singing the music, practising long notes, practising rhythms, practising one to two hours a day, and is very persistent. My wife always has new questions for me to answer during the lesson, often making me, a dabbler, feel confused because I don’t understand many questions myself, so I have to go to the conductor and fellow tuba player for help, and they always give us helpful guidance.

My wife always asked me to play each song as a demo to show her how to play and she often asked me to play only a few bars in the middle, which she said she can’t play. I can play the whole piece in one go, but suddenly I can’t get the tune when I’m asked to start from the middle. I had no choice but to practice on my own before teaching her.

In this way, I practised with my wife almost every day from the basics, and then practised all of the Dafa songs carefully again. Just practising the basics took more time than I would spend in a day practising when I first learned how to play the instrument. Both of us really were learning and cultivating together and refining ourselves together.

After the outbreak of Covid-19 last year, we had to suspend the Tian Guo Marching Band rehearsals. However, the band members set up a tuba-baritone practice group and a brass instrument practice group, and with the help and guidance of the conductor and a Western practitioner, we have been practising as much as we can whenever possible. Recently, we had a video meeting to bring the whole band together for rehearsal.

Master said,

“The final hour by which a Dafa disciple must have fulfilled his mission is imminent. Think about where you want to end up, and do what is in your best interest!” (A Strong and Urgent Warning)

So, we know there is not much time. We must do our best at practice and our best in our performances to help our Master rectify the Fa and save sentient beings.

There is no end to our cultivation, and we will never stop improving. In the future, I will always measure myself using the Fa and eliminate all human attachments. I will strive to do the three things well so that I can live up to the name of Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples.

This is my personal experience, and I would like to ask my fellow practitioners to kindly correct any inappropriate points.

Thank you, Master!

Thank you, fellow practitioners!

(Presented at the 2021 Australia Online Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)