2021年澳洲法會發言稿 14: 心在救人, 兑现誓约 (with English translation)

心在救人 兑现誓约





一、 远赴万里之外,參与拍摄真相电影 





还有一件事情很神奇,剧中我饰演参与插播的同修雷明,在观看电影后我突然想到, 十八年前我参演过一部电视剧,里面我演的角色名字叫明雷,不禁感慨机缘巧妙的安排,谢谢师尊!

二、 为法而存在、为救度众生而存在 

一次步行发放英文真相特刊时,突然想到师尊在《精進要旨》中的一篇經文《为谁而存在》,当时我的思维被打开,悟到作为一名正法时期的大法弟子,除了修好自己,最重要的就是助师正法,为法而存在、为救度众生而存在!这是我们来世的目的,也是来世的誓约,在师尊慈悲伟大的安排中,我与大法接上了缘,在大法中受益很多。自青年時期得法,一路走來,在師尊的慈悲呵護下有驚無險的闯过了几次生死大关:我曾經从四楼坠落,人却安然无恙;還有一次在交通事故中,车辆几乎报废,我卻毫髮無損;也有过病业関时头痛难忍,思想中冒出中年人也会脑溢血死亡的不正念头,自己正念否定清除邪恶的迫害,通过向内找,归正自己的修炼状态,正如师父说:咱们就讲,好坏出自人的一念,这一念之差也会带来不同的后果。”[1] 身体在得到進一步清理后,很快恢复了正常。在后来的修炼中,身体出现一些不正确状态時,我就正念否定邪恶对我救人的干扰,一般很快就能过去。 


三、 心在救人 兑现誓约 

有一次凌晨四点多准备起床发正念时,脑中闪出起师尊的一段法:连上之后,我有点受不了,不管我层次多高,也不管我层次多低,因为我在常人中,我还做着一种有为的事情,度人的事情,心在度人。”[1] 我突然想到师尊正法,救度全宇宙众生,心在度人。而我们大法弟子应该是心在救人,时时都要站在救人的基点上看问题,有了救人的心,才会知道去精進,去抓紧做,多做和做好救人讲真相的事,在做好三件事的修炼中就是救自己和自己世界范围的众生,同时救度那些同样为法而来,却迷在常人中的可怜众生。当我想到时间紧,依然有那么多众生没有被救度,還有接下来的大淘汰,我就时刻提醒自己要精進,要努力兑现自己的誓约。 



四、 放下自我 圆容整体 抓紧救人 









[1] 李洪志师父著作:《转法轮》

[2] 李洪志师父著作:《弟子的伟大》

[3] 李洪志师父著作:《美国佛罗里达法会讲法》



Putting heart into saving lives and fulfilling vows

By a Falun Dafa Chinese practitioner in Australia

Greetings to revered Master!

Greetings to fellow practitioners!

I am a veteran disciple who obtained the Fa in 1996. Looking back on my 25-year cultivation course, I was filled with emotion. I have stumbled through it with remorse, tears, joy, gain, and gratitude. Now I will report to Master on my practice and saving lives in recent years and share it with fellow practitioners.

1. Travelled thousands of miles and participated in the filming of the movie Eternal 50 minutes

When I was doing a part-time sales job in The Epoch Times, a fellow practitioner told me that the cast and crew of “Coming For You” in Toronto was recruiting actors worldwide. Because I was inspired by the moving story of “Coming For You”, the initial film, I looked forward to the sequel, “Coming For You II – Eternal Fifty Minutes”. I learned that this new film would restore the historical truth about the staged Tiananmen Square “Self-Immolation” in 2001, and the “Changchun Cable TV Interception” in 2002. I thought this was another powerful project for clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings. I thought, ‘Now they need our support. I wanted to sign up for it. If I’m hired, it would be Master who arranges for me to participate in this project.

I received the admission reply from the cast and crew, and then started to apply for a visa to Canada. Because I used a Chinese passport and did not have any visa records in the United States or Canada, and also had a record of military service, the visa agent said that it might be hard to get the visa in two weeks and that it was too tight. I thought that as fellow practitioners in Canada would let me go there, it must be a Master’s arrangement. I told the agent that it was possible – and to just apply normally!

While I was waiting, I adjusted my cultivation status, did the ‘Three Things’ well and continuously sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the interference of evil on my visa application. A week later I received notice that I was required to go to Sydney to do fingerprint sampling for entry into Canada. So, I bought a one-day return ticket to Sydney and arrived at the Sydney office on Friday afternoon. I was told that there was one document missing and I wouldn’t be able to do the fingerprinting without the document.

But I hadn’t received this document and I thought this must be interference. So, I called the agent to ask about this document, and then I sat in my chair and sent righteous thoughts. About ten minutes later, the agent called and said he had just received this document. I was grateful to Master’s compassionate care, and everything was going well.

During the more than 20 days of filming in Toronto, the crew worked for more than 10 hours a day, with little sleep. However, no matter how busy we were, everyone insisted on Group Fa study in the morning. Even during the filming, everyone would stop and send forth righteous thoughts together. Our fellow practitioners cooperated very well. When there were some different opinions, we would not quarrel; instead, we worked together and cooperated quietly, and it did not affect the progress of the filming. It gave me a chance to see the overall cultivation status of the Canadian practitioners, which benefited me a lot.

Another amazing thing is that I played the role of a fellow practitioner – Lei Ming, who participated in the Changchun TV interception. After watching the film, I suddenly remembered that I had acted in a TV series 18 years ago in which I played a character named Ming Lei, and I felt the greatness of Dafa and the ingenious arrangement of chance. Thank you! Master!

2. Existing for the Fa, Existing for the salvation of sentient beings

During a walk to distribute the Epoch Times Special Editorial, I suddenly thought that Master had an article titled “For Whom do You Exist?” in ESSENTIALS FOR FURTHER ADVANCEMENT. My mind was opened at that moment. I realized that as a Dafa disciple in the Fa-rectification period, apart from self-cultivation, the most important thing is to help Master during Fa rectification. Existing for the Fa, existing for the salvation of sentient beings! This is the purpose and the vow we made when we came to this world. In the compassionate and great arrangement of Master, I have connected with Dafa and benefited greatly from Dafa.

Since I obtained the Fa when I was a young man, I have been through several life-and-death situations, including a fall from the fourth floor and a traffic accident in which my vehicle was almost wrecked, but I was unharmed. There have also been times when the headache was unbearable during eliminating sickness karma. The bad thought that ‘even middle-aged people die of cerebral haemorrhage’ popped up in my thoughts. I denied and cleared the persecution of evil by righteous thoughts. I corrected my state of cultivation by looking within.

Master said,

 “Good or bad comes from a person’s initial thought” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun).

My body quickly returned to normal after being further cleansed. In later practice, when some incorrect states of the body appeared, I negated the evil interference of my saving sentient beings with my righteous thoughts, and the incorrect states usually passed quickly.

Through continuous Fa study, I have become more and more aware that I am the life saved by Dafa. It is the compassionate Master, who saw that we are willing to go down to save sentient beings, arranged us to attain Dafa and cultivate in this life, giving us the title of “Dafa disciples during the period of Fa-rectification”, which is praised by all the lives in the universe.

Master said,

 “Dafa disciples are magnificent, because what you are cultivating is the ultimate Great Fa of the cosmos, because you have validated Dafa with righteous thoughts, and because you have not fallen during the massive tribulation.” (“The Disciples’ Magnificence”, Essentials for Further Advancement II)

We are lives existing with Dafa, and we are the luckiest beings saved by Dafa! Our greatest mission is to help our Master during Fa rectification, to do the ‘Three Things’ well, and to help save more sentient beings. Let’s live up to Master’s compassionate grand aspirations and live up to our original intention of being Dafa disciples because we all come to this world for the Fa, are being for the Fa, and are being for saving sentient beings!

3. Putting heart into saving lives and fulfilling vows

When I was getting ready to get up at 4 am to send righteous thoughts, I was half-asleep and half-awake when a passage from Master’s teachings flashed into my mind.

Master said,

“But once the connection was made I found it hard to take. That’s because regardless of my level of attainment, I am part of this mortal world and acting with a purpose—to save people—and my mind is on that. ” (Lecture Three, Zhuan Falun)

It was a sudden and clear reminder. Master is saving all sentient beings in the universe and is devoted to saving people. As for Dafa disciples, our hearts should be devoted to helping Master in saving people. We must always place ourselves on saving people and look at things from that perspective. Only when we have the heart of saving people will we know to be diligent in cultivation, to grasp time to do more and do a good job in saving people and clarifying the truth. The practice of doing the Three Things well is to save ourselves and all beings within our worlds. At the same time, we are saving those poor sentient beings who also come for the Fa but are misled by this mortal world. When I think that time is so tight, there are still so many sentient beings who have not been saved, and the elimination catastrophe is coming, I always remind myself to be more and more diligent and to work hard to fulfil my vows of saving sentient beings.

I have arranged for myself to work seven days a week on the project of saving people. Apart from selling advertisements and delivering newspapers for the Epoch Times, I go to truth-telling spots and markets three times a week, to tell the truth to people face to face, hold banners and collect petition signatures. I bought ten mobile phones to participate in the project of sending truth-telling MMS messages to Chinese people to save their lives, and have so far sent more than two million MMS and SMS; I have participated in the project of making automatic truth-telling voice calls to Chinese people, and have dialled more than 40,000 calls, and more than one-third of the audience have listened to the truth-telling recordings, and some of them have directly agreed on “Quitting the CCP”. In my daily life, I try to tell the truth to as many people as I can when meeting them. In my English tutorial class, most of the students have quit the CCP. Many of the Chinese business clients I contacted also chose to quit the CCP after learning about the truth. I also coordinated and participated in the monthly Quit the CCP truth-telling car parade project. I have also persisted in going to different markets every weekend to collect signatures for the End the CCP petition.

Once, I ran into a Chinese lady who was carrying two shopping bags and asked me where to take a taxi. I realized that there was no place to catch a taxi around there and thought it was not accidental that she could meet me. In my heart, I wanted to save her. I then asked her to get in my car and said, ‘I will take you home’. It really was a compassionate arrangement by Master, as I clarified the truth to her while driving. In China, she was persecuted by the local police when her house was demolished, and she was forced to move out. I asked her to quit the CCP and she readily agreed and said she would quit in her real name. Another time, after collecting petition signatures, I was waiting at a traffic light in my car. I saw so many people moving around in the night, busy with their lives and thought, “Dafa disciples are either in the process of saving people or on their way to save people.”

4. Letting go of the ego, harmonizing the whole team, and make better use of time to save people

Since the CCP virus, local practitioners have exchanged ideas on the Fa. We realized we cannot stop saving people. Instead, we should work harder. Originally, we kept up with the process of Fa-rectification. But recently, we have added many projects to save people. Last year, we distributed more than half a million copies of the English special issues on truth to local sentient beings. We delivered truth-telling newspapers which reported on the pandemic and exposed the evil of the CCP to local residents. In the coordination and delivery, there were also many factors that will test the “xin-xing” and improve the cultivation.

I made appointments with a fellow practitioner to meet up every morning before dawn and then drove to the community which is dozens of kilometres away and located at the coastal area to do mail-drops. Sometimes the weather was very cold, sometimes it rained, and sometimes it was very hot. We kept doing that for over six months. During this time there was also a desire for comfort. However, when thinking that so many people were waiting to be saved from the pandemic, thinking that Master told us that that time was running out fast to save people, I dared not slack off anymore and hurried up to save people.

Many times, when I was doing mail-drops, I felt my body was light and airy as if my toes were not touching the ground. While walking, I chanted silently in my mind, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance is good”. Sometimes I felt that all the sentient beings in the different microscopic layers of my whole body were also chanting together: “Falun Dafa is good, “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance” is good”. That kind of superb feeling is beyond words.

While doing car parades for Quitting the CCP, sometimes there were disagreements among fellow practitioners about time, places, weather, and routes, etc. Especially when the plan had been finalised and announced, and even at the event site, some practitioners again put forward their ideas and even questioned the arrangements made by the coordination team. At this time, my attachments to everyday people popped up. I would think, ‘what a trouble-maker this person is’! Master’s words in Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A came to my mind.

Master said,

“Dafa disciples often have some arguments with each other over things related to spreading the Fa (hong-fa) and rectifying the Fa. I think this is normal. But if you argue endlessly, refusing to give ground, then there’s a problem. Why is that? It’s guaranteed that you haven’t examined yourself. Having arguments is normal, but arguing endlessly and refusing to give ground, and thereby affecting Dafa work, is not normal.” (“Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A”)

Master told us to let go of our ego, harmonise the whole team, and look at problems from the point of saving people. I thought: “Fellow practitioners give their different opinions based on good intentions, but they didn’t know much about the event as a whole and didn’t quite understand our comprehensive considerations. And the event is about to begin. We can’t let evil create a gap among practitioners or even interfere with our efforts to save people”. Thus, I patiently explained to them, “We are already on the spot, and maybe the route we made is not the best. We should all strengthen our righteous thoughts, quietly cooperate, and focus on how to do this event well”. Later, the fellow practitioners cooperated well. The parade ended successfully, and the sentient beings who watched our parade also gave us very good feedback.

Fa-rectification is getting closer to the end, and the time left for us to save people and cultivate is also getting less. Especially in mainland China, there are so many sentient beings waiting to be saved. Recently, I have also joined the project to make truth-telling phone calls to the people in mainland China. I will become familiar with all the methods and opportunities as soon as possible to save more predestined people, follow Master’s directions, do three things well, be more diligent, fulfil my vows, and return to heaven with Master, achieving consummation.

The above is my rough and superficial personal sharing. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

Thank you, Master!

Thank you, fellow practitioners!

(Presented at the 2021 Australia Online Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)