2021年澳洲法會發言稿 13: 缘归大法, 精進不怠 (with English translation)

缘归大法 精進不怠













一次,单位里新来了一个小妹。年长的大姐可能有了危机感,对小妹很不友善。冷嘲热讽,百般刁难想赶她走。小妹刚来,又遇到这样的人,对我就比较亲近。这样就更加激怒了大姐,她指桑骂槐,连摔带打。当时觉得自己很委屈,在之前,她对我是言听计从,我说怎么做她就会怎么做。现在竟然骂到我头上来了。当时,师父说:作为一个炼功人首先应该做到的就是打不还手,骂不还口,得忍。[1] 的法理打入我的脑海。是啊!我现在是修炼人,我要是和她一样,我不就是个常人吗?我强忍着泪,背诵《论语》。背完了,我回头看看,她还在那骂个不停。我就向内找,想起师父说: 忍是提高心性的关键。气恨、委屈、含泪而忍是常人执著于顾虑心之忍,根本就不产生气恨,不觉委屈才是修炼者之忍。[2] 


我也想起师父说:他要不给你制造这样一个环境,你上哪去提高心性呢?你好我也好,一团和气坐那儿就长功,哪有那个事啊?正因为他给你制造了这样一个矛盾,产生了这样一个提高心性的机会,你从中能够提高自己的心性,你这个心性不就提高上来了?三得。你是个炼功人,你心性上来你功不就上来了吗? [1]




一天,我又戴上耳机听同修在平台学法。对面工作的大姐说,你天天听的是什么呢?我们一起听好吗?后来悟到,这是师父通过这位大姐让我在单位洪法讲真相呢!我把手机连上了音箱,播放师父广州讲法录音的第三讲。大家都静静的听着,一个多小时很快就过去了。一位同事问我:这是什么呀?讲的太好了,还有吗?我还想听。我告诉他这是法轮功师父的讲法,让大家做好人的!遇到事向内找,要做到师父说的:打不还手,骂不还口 [1] 的人。同事说,真的吗?我说:你看一下我一年来的变化!他说:是的,是变了。内心的变化和心性的提高,我们都看到了。大家都不约而同的笑了。














[1] 李洪志师父著作:《转法轮》

[2] 李洪志师父著作:《精進要旨》<何为忍>

[3] 李洪志师父著作:《洪吟二》<法正乾坤>



Cultivating in Dafa and keep improving myself

By a Falun Dafa Chinese practitioner in Australia

Greetings Revered Master

Greeting fellow practitioners.

I am a new practitioner who obtained the Fa one and a half years ago. I would like to take this opportunity to report to Master and share with fellow practitioners my process of obtaining the Dafa, and the changes I have undergone in the past year, as well as the limited time I have spent clarifying the truth to people around me.

I used to be a primary school teacher in China. However, because of my outspoken personality and my dislike for the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, as well as my desire for the democratic and free life of the West, I often expressed views that were different to those of the evil Chinese Communist Party. This led to my being suppressed and persecuted by the school authorities and the local government. The school authorities forced me to leave my beloved teaching post and work as a school handyman.

At a time when I was confused, depressed and extremely negative, the senior director of the school helped me just at the right time.  He is a Falun Dafa practitioner. He explained to me the meaning of life and the value of life and introduced me to the five exercises of Falun Gong. I regret that I did not really step into Falun Dafa cultivation at that time, but since then, the beauty of Falun Dafa has taken root in my heart. The distortion and scandal of Falun Gong by the evil Chinese Communist Party, the darkness of society, and the corruption of the Chinese government were all factors that forced me to flee mainland China. I eventually came to the land of freedom that is Australia.

1. Being rescued from deaths door

Shortly after arriving in Australia, I suffered from Trigeminal Neuralgia, which is extremely severe chronic pain that affects the nerves in the face. The medical profession calls it “the world’s greatest pain” and “the cancer that won’t die”. The doctors warned me that I would have to take medication for the rest of my life and that I would have to take more to keep me alive. Also, my face became so extremely sensitive that I could not stand feeling a breeze, eating anything hot or cold, or any irritating food; I could not speak loudly, or laugh, or even have a hair touching my face that made it flare up like crazy. Sometimes it would come every few minutes and the pain were so excruciating that I wanted my life to end as soon as possible. At that time, I had already decided to jump into the ocean to end my life, and I had my portrait taken and my memorial written. You could say that every moment of my life was in agony.

It was then, by what seemed like an incredible coincidence, that I walked into Dafa cultivation and found Master!  I became a true Dafa disciple! It was as if, when I was sinking into the depths of despair, Master extended a warm hand to me, giving me life when I was desperate and bringing me back to life. With the selfless help of my fellow practitioners, I woke up at five o’clock every morning to practice the five exercises, and in the evenings, I studied “ZHUAN FA LUN” and” Master Li’s Recent Articles” and recited “Hong Yin”, which I had been waiting for. I put on my headphones and listened to Minghui radio during my workday and listened to fellow practitioners studying the Fa online. I am now physically and mentally happy, I walk quickly with a light body, and I often smile. I am bathed in the light of the Dafa every day.

After attaining the Fa, my body and mind changed dramatically. One month after learning the Fa and practicing the exercises, my Trigeminal nerve pain was cured. The doctor told me never to stop the medication, but I didn’t take a single pill and never had a single attack. My daughter said I could laugh and did not lose my temper anymore. Other symptoms such as frequent crying and insomnia have also disappeared.

2. Verifying the Fa with every word and deed, clarifying the truth to those around me and persuading them to quit the Chinese Communist Party

The beauty of Falun Dafa brought out my previous enthusiasm and energy again. Without any physical illnesses or mental health problems, I treat people sincerely and kindly in my work environment. I work in a restaurant where a lot of my colleagues are Chinese. My colleagues once said that in their view, people who practice Falun Gong seemed to be an alternative group of people who commit suicide, do not do their own work, don’t care about anything else except Falun Gong. Seeing the changes in me over the past year completely changed their perceptions. My boss said that I was transformed. I always remind myself that I am a Falun Dafa disciple, and everything I say and do must be the reflection of a real Dafa disciple, and that my actions are the best way to clarify the truth. I also cherished this cultivation environment and improved my “xinxing levels” while I was working.

We had a new colleague, a young girl, to work with us. An older lady probably felt a bit threatened and was very unkind to her, often sneering at her and trying to get rid of her in every possible way. This new girl had just arrived here, so she became closer to me. This angered the older lady even more, and she pointed her fingers and yelled at me. At the time, I was astonished because she used to like me a lot before the young girl came. Now she even scolded me. At that time, I suddenly remembered Master’s words.

Master said,

 “not hit back when attacked, not talk back when insulted.” (Lecture 9, Zhuan Falun)

Yes! I am a practitioner now. If I were to be like her, wouldn’t I be an ordinary person? I held back my tears and recited Lunyu. When I finished reciting it, I looked back, and she was still there cursing me. I then looked within and remembered more of Master’s words in What is Forbearance (Ren)?

Master said,

“What is Forbearance (Ren)? 

Forbearance is the key to improving one’s xinxing. To endure with anger, grievance, or tears is the forbearance of an everyday person who is attached to his concerns. To endure completely without anger or grievance is the forbearance of a cultivator.” 

Yes, not only should I not feel aggrieved, I had to thank her. I also remembered Master told us,

“Also, it would be hard to perfect your character without going through situations like the one that person created. We couldn’t expect our energy to increase if everyone got along well and just meditated away as one happy family. It was in fact due to the situation that the person created that you had an occasion to work on your character and grow. And assuming you did, then that’s a third benefit. And since you are a practitioner, your energy is going to grow whenever your character does.” (Lecture 4, Zhuan Falun)

At that moment, instead of glaring at her, I looked at her with kind eyes, filled her cup with hot water, brought it to her respectfully, and said with a smile on my face, “Let’s take a break and you can hear my explanation, okay?” After she listened to my calm explanation, she was stunned for a while before she slowed down. She took my hand and said, “You’ve really changed, I misunderstood you!” The older colleague also expressed her gratitude to me, and I replied, “If you want to thank someone, thank Master, for Master made me a good person who follows “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance”, which you know I could never do before.”  She said, “Thank you, Master of Dafa!” I silently thanked our great Master in my heart for his care and compassion.

Through daily Fa study and exercises, and by comparing myself with other practitioners, I was able to be a good person according to the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance”. And at the same time, I also realized the infinite wisdom of Falun Dafa and Master’s great compassion. I also clarified the truth about Dafa to my friends and relatives and brought Dafa to my workplace.

Once, when I put on my headphones to listen to other practitioners studying the Fa online, my older colleague who worked opposite me said, “What is it that you listen to every day? Can we listen together?” Then I realised that this was Master telling me through this colleague to tell the truth about the Fa in my workplace!  I connected my mobile phone to the speaker and played the third talk of Master’s Guangzhou lectures. We all listened quietly and an hour or so passed quickly. A colleague asked me: “What is this? It’s so good, is there more? I want to keep listening.” I told him that it was a lecture by the Master of Falun Gong. Falun Gong has taught us how to be good people. Whenever we encounter anything, we must look within and be people who “do not return curses and beatings”. They asked me: “Really?” I said, “Look at the changes I have made in the past year!” He said, “Yes, you have indeed changed inside out. We’ve all seen it.”  We all laughed in unison.

After work, with the help of fellow practitioners, I downloaded all the recordings of Master’s nine lectures, and at appropriate times at work, we quietly listened to Master’s lectures. Once, while listening to Master’s fourth lecture, Master mentioned that the towels that the employees had taken home were all brought back. My boss was sitting next to me at some point and had been listening to Master’s talk. After listening to the fourth lecture, my boss took a stool and put the speaker in the middle of us and we listened to it again. From then on, we listened to Master’s teachings whenever conditions permitted. If they didn’t understand anything, they asked me, which increased my motivation to learn the Fa well.

During this period, I talked to them about quitting the evil Chinese Communist Party. At first, they didn’t understand. However, I told them to recite the nine truthful words during the pandemic, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness- Compassion-Forbearance is good!” Later, they all quit the CCP. It’s just as Master said in The Fa Rectifies the Cosmos from Hong Yin (II).

Master said,

“The Fa Rectifies the Cosmos

Compassion can harmonise Heaven and Earth, ushering in spring

Righteous thoughts can save the people in this world” (Hong Yin (II))

One of my colleagues, a woman from the northeast of China, gave me a note with the names of her brother and sister-in-law in the United States, and she asked me to help them quit the evil party. And she told me that her sister-in-law’s father was a general in the Chinese Communist Party when he was alive. She asked me to help him quit the CCP. I looked at her and I could feel that she was truly grateful to our Great Master from the bottom of her heart, and I was also very happy, from the bottom of my heart with the joy of seeing a life and family saved. I thanked Master for enlightening me so that I could work and at the same time save the sentient beings around me and save their loved ones and those who passed away. Thank you, revered Master, for the supreme blessings that Falun Dafa bestows on us.

From the year since I obtained the Fa, I have kept in mind the three things that Master told Dafa disciples to do well and to save those around us. Once, when I was waiting for a bus to go home, an elderly lady was waiting with me. We chatted and talked. When I told her from the bottom of my heart some of the truths covered by the CCP and the lies that the CCP used to deceive people, she looked at me carefully and said, “I have never heard about this before. You are a very kind and good person.”

Next, I talked about Falun Gong and the Tiananmen Square self-immolation was fake news and forced organ harvesting. At this point she slowly asked me, “Are you a Falun Gong (practitioner)?” I said, “Yes!” She told me that she had received calls from Dafa disciples in China about quitting the CCP. I asked whether she had quit. She said that she did not believe it so she did not quit. But now she decided to consider quitting the CCP. Then we shook hands and said goodbye with mutual blessings.

A week later, she called me and said that she’d like to quit the CCP using her real name. She also said that she would tell the other Chinese friends who they should thank and who they should hate. I said, “I’m really happy for you and I’m going to include you when I write my sharing articles in the future.” She said, “Okay fine, as long as it saves lives, you can write about me!” Thank you, Master, for giving me the wisdom to save those around me.

Looking back on the years I have walked through, there is nothing more fortunate than the fact that I have attained the Fa! I have a Master now! It has been a busy and tiring year, but it has been the best time of my life! In the past year, my body and mind have changed so much that I can’t express my gratitude to Dafa and Master with all the words I have learned. From now on, I will cultivate with the heart I had when I first started cultivating. I will learn the Fa well, improve my mind, save more sentient beings, fulfill my prehistoric vows, and live up to Master’s merciful salvation.

If there is anything not on the Fa, please kindly point it out.

Thank you, Master!

Thank you, fellow practitioners!

(Presented at the 2021 Australia Online Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)