突破各种人心 助师救众生
我想起师父说:“很多西方人没有受中共邪党的毒害,那么对那个人来讲,也可能他会表现的淡漠,这个也没有关系。至于说《九评》,当前对人类而言就是救度世人重要的一步。下一步,也许很快世界上人人都得在要不要邪党的问题上表态,人人都得选择未来。” [1]
我感到了时间的紧迫, 疫情很凶猛,西方的众生也都在等着得救,我要突破各种人心走出去参与结束中共徵签项目,我果断的给协调同修发去消息说,我可以在那天去做徵签。
徵签的过程也是 一个修炼提高的过程,有一段时间我经常想,出国后环境变宽松了,那我的怕心怎么去呢?
师父说:“其实,你作为大法弟子的责任全在那里了。救度众生这件事情不做,你就没有完成你大法弟子的责任,你的修炼就等于零,因为叫你当大法弟子不是为了你个人圆满,是身负重大使命的。”[2] 读到师父的这段法,我再次认识到救度众生的重要性。
三、突破困魔的干扰 每天坚持早起炼功
[1] 李洪志师父著作:《各地讲法七》〈美西国际法会讲法〉
[2] 李洪志师父著作:《二零零九年华盛顿DC国际法会讲法》
[3] 李洪志师父著作:《北美首届法会讲法》
[4] 李洪志师父著作:《精進要旨三》〈越最后越精進〉
Breaking Through Attachments to Assist Master to Save All Sentient Beings
By a Falun Dafa Chinese practitioner in Sydney
Greetings honourable Master!
Greetings to fellow practitioners!
I will share my recent cultivation experience from three aspects, and I would like to ask my fellow practitioners to kindly correct me for any shortcomings.
1. Breaking through various mortal attachments to collect petition signatures in front of the Chinese Consulate
Since arriving in Brisbane, Australia in May 2014, I have been involved in truth-telling projects in Chinatown and other tourist attraction points around the city. After the outbreak of the Chinese Communist Party virus (COVID-19) in Australia in early 2020, I didn’t need to go to the tourist spots as no Chinese tourists were coming to Australia. Fellow practitioners soon launched an End CCP petition signature collection project on the street across from the Chinese Consulate. I started out going with fellow practitioners and never imagined that I can collect signatures by myself. Usually, when participating in Dafa events, I always tend to be at the back, holding the banners, reluctant to hand out the leaflets. That’s because I feel my English skills are poor and my introverted personality.
One day, I saw a notice sent out by the coordinating practitioners that a time slot in the schedule for truth-clarification and petition signatures collection on the street opposite of the Chinese Consulate was empty for a day, and no practitioners had signed up. I remembered what Master said,
“Many Westerners haven’t been harmed by the poison of the malevolent Party, and in those instances the person might come across as a bit indifferent. That’s not a problem. As for the Nine Commentaries, at this time they are an important step in saving humankind. Perhaps, during the next stage, every single person on this earth will soon have to give his stance on whether he wants that evil Party around or not. Each person must choose his future.” (Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference, in Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. VII)
I felt the urgency of time. The impact of the pandemic was fierce and all the beings in the West were waiting to be saved. I had to break through my mental and emotional barriers and participate in the End CCP petition program. So, I decisively sent a message to the coordinator that I could go and collect the signatures that day. The streets of the city after lockdowns were cold and empty with little traffic. After I arrived on the street opposite of the Chinese Consulate, I started to recite the Fa-rectification mantra in my mind, pleading for Master to arrange the people fated to be saved to come for signing signatures, and in a short while people came to sign. I experienced many touching examples in the process of collecting signatures. Once an old Western gentleman who looked very dignified came up to me to sign and pointed his finger across the street to the Chinese Consulate and said a lot of things. I didn’t understand everything, but I understood the general meaning. He said he knew a lot of bad things the Chinese Communist Party did and told me with great concern that I need to pay attention to safety. I said, “I am not afraid, I have God’s protection.”
One day, about a year later, a man ran across the street and waved at me while crossing the street, saying loudly, “God is with you.” It was the same elderly Western gentleman I had met last year. Coincidentally, I saw this gentleman again at noon of the day when I was revising this cultivation experience sharing article. He said many blessings and expressed many thanks. He said, “Bless all the volunteers who are standing here to collect signatures, God will bless you, God will always stand with you, thank you, you are doing a very great thing!”
Another time a Western man came up to me and said I’m very supportive of what you are doing, but the Chinese Communist Party is very powerful, and you can’t do anything. I said to him, “Do you believe in God? He said, “Yes”, and I said that, “the CCP had done too many bad things and that God would help to end it, and that the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was also very powerful, and who could believe that it would disintegrate overnight?” The man signed the petition immediately after hearing that. There are often Westerners passing by who say, “you’re doing a great job! “After signing the petition, some people try to give money, some people hug me; and some people are afraid to sign, passing by silently but extending a thumbs up salute. The process of collecting signatures is also a process of cultivation and improvement. For a while, I often thought, after leaving China, the environment has become less harsh, so how can I let go of my fear?
During that time, I often saw Chinese people taking pictures of me. Once a young man took a picture of me, I followed him and took his picture, and told him: “Young man, it is good if you take pictures to help me publicize quitting the evil party, but if you use it to do bad things, it is not good for you.” He looked a little uncomfortable when I took his picture, he asked me why I took his picture. I said, “If you take my picture and give it to the Chinese Embassy, I can also give your picture to the Australian government, this is Australia, freedom of belief.” I also told him the basic truth about Dafa. Later, his tone became kind, and he told me he was in a hurry to go to work and asked if I could delete his photos. I said, “Yes, but you have to delete my photos first.” He took out his phone and deleted the photos of me, and I also deleted his photos. After this incident, I was concerned about people taking my photo, and fear arose in my heart.
Because I had that fear, that improper thought led to some interference later. One Sunday at the end of June this year, I remember that I deliberately pressed my hat down, thinking that it would be better to cover my face more so that people would not know who I was, even if they took photos. There was also a fellow practitioner who collected petition signatures with me that day, but later that practitioner had to leave for half an hour early because of some other matters.
After the practitioner left, a Chinese lady in her 30s came up and asked me if I was Chinese. I said, “Yes,” and she said, “You are not patriotic”. I said: “I am standing here because I love my country; I help people understand the evil of the CCP, loving my motherland China is not the same as loving the party CCP”. This lady didn’t listen to me at all and was taking pictures and filming me from different angles. I immediately took out my phone and took pictures of her as well. She started cursing me and I ignored her. I tried to tell her the truth, and she kept cursing me, and she kept recording as she swore. She also pushed and shoved me and knocked my phone to the ground.
That lady came over and harassed me three times in half an hour. The last time she grabbed the Dafa materials on the table and hurried away. I rushed up and took them back from her. I cried after I got the Dafa materials back. I pitied her. Those who do not know the truth and come with blind hatred to make trouble; the purpose was to scare me off. During this process, we reported it to the police. When the lady heard the police were called, she rushed away. Then, Western practitioners helped to report the case to the police. When I returned home, I looked inward and found many of my own everyday people attachments: fear, seeking comfort, and an attachment to the affection of family members. Cultivation is serious, and it was my wrong heart that caused the trouble. Later, I strengthened my study of the Fa, sent out righteous thoughts, and continued to do the END CCP petition signature collection project.
As I gradually cultivated my heart and got rid of human attachments, my righteous thoughts became stronger and stronger, and my fear was gone. The environment had changed when I was doing the petition project. There were no Chinese people taking photos of me, and I stood on the street to collect petition signatures, free of fear. I told myself that even if no one signed, I was spreading the beautiful positive energy of Dafa and this energy should be shining like gold because I was doing the most righteous thing in the universe. Once this thought developed, I felt that my body became extremely tall and unstoppable.
2. Study the Fa more and the outcome of saving people will be more effective
Master said:
“In reality, your responsibilities as Dafa disciples all lie right there. If you don’t take action to save sentient beings, you will not have fulfilled your responsibility as a Dafa disciple and your cultivation will amount to nothing, for your becoming a Dafa disciple was not for the sake of your own Consummation. This means that you shoulder a monumental mission.” (Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference – in Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. IX)
Reading this passage of Master’s teachings, I realised once again the importance of saving sentient beings.
As the pandemic in Australia began to spread, there was a time when the city was locked down and I couldn’t go out, so I would make phone calls to the people in mainland China on the RTC to clarify the truth. If I didn’t pay attention to studying the Fa and sending righteous thoughts before calling, I would be cursed severely. So, I usually study the Fa first and send righteous thoughts to remove all the evil beings and factors that interfere with the salvation of sentient beings. Subsequently, the truth-telling feedback will be very effective and positive every time I study the Fa and send righteous thoughts.
For example, once a man answered the phone, and said, “If you are talking about the Communist Party being bad, I will not talk to you and I will hang up the phone.” I was not moved and calmly told him, “Brother, I am calling to you to send peace.” I started with the pandemic and then talked about the corruption of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), how all the senior officials were corrupt and had transferred their money overseas, how the CCP had killed 80 million Chinese people in various political campaigns, and now they were suppressing and persecuting good people who believed in “truthfulness, compassion and tolerance”. Heaven will not allow them to do so, and I also talked about the prophecy of “the stone with Chinese characters naturally formed 270 million years ago in Guizhou Province” (the characters read ‘the Chinese Communist Party is dead’). I told him Heaven will destroy the CCP. During that time, he interrupted me several times and asked some questions, which I answered patiently. Finally, he was convinced and said, “You have a point, you can help me quit the Chinese Communist party.”
3. Breaking through the interference of the demon of sleepiness, and persisting in getting up early every day to practice the 5 sets of exercises
I have always loved to sleep since I was a child. I thought it was a great happiness to sleep until I wake up naturally every day, and then take a nap at noon. I remember when I was in secondary school, I stayed at home during the holidays, reading in bed during the day and sleeping whenever I got sleepy, and still sleeping soundly at night when it’s time for bed. When the school holiday was over, I had white skin due to lack of sun exposure and was plump due to lack of sports. When I grew up, I often encountered upsetting things and I liked to sleep even more; while others could not sleep when they were upset, I slept better the more upset I was. I also often reassured myself that I wasn’t a glutton for food either, so the least I could do was sleep for a while.
Because of my previous habit of sleeping, it has been difficult for me to break through the hindrance of the demon of sleep. I wanted to get up early to practice the exercises, but every time the alarm went off, I could seldom get up in the morning and felt terrible about it afterwards. After years of studying the Fa and sending forth righteous thoughts, I have broken through the interference of the demon of sleep. I am now up every morning at 5:10 am on time to practice exercises, and I am very energetic throughout the day; as opposed to the past, when I did not get up early to practice exercises, I only felt groggy after waking up.
Master said:
“Has it ever occurred to you that cultivation is the best form of rest? You can obtain the kind of rest that can’t be obtained through sleep. Nobody would say: “The exercises are making me so tired that I can’t do anything today.” One would only say: “The exercises are making my whole body relaxed and at ease. I don’t feel sleepy after a sleepless night. I feel full of energy. I feel completely fine after a day’s work.” Isn’t that the case?” (Teachings at the First Conference in North America, 1998)
I still have many human attachments that I have not removed, such as the attachment of comfort, the attachment of not wanting to be criticised, the attachment for a good reputation and the attachment of love for my son. I know that only by rectifying myself in Dafa can I walk the final path of cultivation well. To save more sentient beings and leave no regrets on my path of cultivation.
Finally, I would like to encourage us all with the following words from Master’s article.
Master said,
“Actually, if you think about it, the cultivators of the past didn’t dare to slack off for even a second, and that was when it took an entire lifetime to complete the journey. So how can Dafa disciples—who are to achieve the celestial rank of a being who is saved by Dafa and who have the most convenient cultivation way—not be even more diligent when they are given this most glorious honor of Fa-validating cultivation in a brief cultivation period that passes in the blink of an eye?” (“The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be” – The Essentials of Diligent Progress III)
In this life, I have been so fortunate to practice Dafa, and I am often endlessly grateful in my heart for Master’s compassionate salvation!
Thank you, Master!
Thank you, fellow practitioners!
(Presented at the 2021 Australia Online Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)