修炼如初 做好媒体工作完成使命
一、得法初期 体会到背法的美妙
现在想来,是师父的呵护,以及我明白的一面对大法的正信使我没有动摇,没有放弃大法,并精進的修炼下去 。
然而,在惰性和各种观念、思想业的影响下, 在经历了得法、学法、背法和不断精進的几年后,我没有经受住常人社会的诱惑,逐渐失去了那种如饥似渴的学法、主动同化大法的精進劲头。
师尊说: “看到法之后真的是那个心情,简直太高兴了!太好了!终于找到了!人千万年的轮回等待的不就是为了这个吗?那时生命深处的感受使你什么人心都能放的下,下定决心一定要修好自己。那个兴奋的心情使人精進。可是时间一长渐渐的就没那感觉了,人的惰性啊,人的各种观念,在社会上的杂乱现象面前,对人都构成了各种引诱干扰,所以有句话叫“修炼如初,圆满必成”。”[3]
回想多年来,我从未放松过学法,并在各种过关中尽量用法理和正念想问题。但不知不觉中,我仿佛从主动同化大法到被动。尽管每天学法也从未间断过,可就是没有了当初得法时的喜悦和精進,正如师尊所说的:“那个兴奋的心情使人精進。” [3]
在我经过了十多年的精進实修后,我的家庭出现了一些变故。我经历了与亲人的生离和死别。由于十多年的学法为我打下了坚实的修炼基础,使我很快能从生离死别的痛苦中走出来,并开始全职做大纪元的新闻编译工作。我每天都在充实和忙碌中度过,但一到晚上,一个人守着空空荡荡的房子,周围是一片死寂,仿佛连地上掉根针都能听到。我突然感到了一种寂寞之苦。正如师尊所说:“难耐的寂寞是人最大的一个危险,也是修炼中最大的一个难,” [4]
三、坚定正念 闯过病业关
师尊说:“弟子正念足 师有回天力”[6]。如果病业一出现,就能正念对待,那旧势力的邪恶考验就无法得逞,因为那一念是正念,是大法弟子打下坚实基础修出的神念,这一念中有对师父和大法坚定的正信,师尊就会帮我们,为我们加持,铲除邪恶。
在做新闻编译的过程中,通过不断学法,我找到了自以为是的心。我告诉自己一定要谦虚, 把自己放在最小的位置,修去自以为是、看不起别人的心。我悟到,在常人中的自以为是,在修炼中与自心生魔可能就是一步之遥。
[1] 李洪志师父著作:《大法洪传二十五周年纽约法会讲法》
[2] 李洪志师父著作:《加拿大法会讲法》
[3] 李洪志师父著作:《二零一三年大纽约地区法会讲法》
[4] 李洪志师父著作:《北美首届法会讲法》
[5] 李洪志师父著作:《转法轮》
[6] 李洪志师父著作:《洪吟二》“师徒恩”
[7] 李洪志师父著作:《欧洲法会讲法》
[8] 李洪志师父著作:《二零零三年元宵节讲法》
[9] 李洪志师父著作:《洪吟》<缘归圣果>
[10] 李洪志师父著作:《致台湾交流会》
Cultivate with the heart I once had, do media work well and complete my mission
By a Falun Dafa Chinese practitioner in Australia
Greetings revered Master! Greetings fellow practitioners!
Master said,
“There is a saying in cultivation, “Cultivate with the heart you once had, and success is certain,” right? (Disciples applaud enthusiastically) Remember how you felt when you first gained the Fa and started to practice? When you realized what this Fa is about, wow, you were incredibly excited, and you set your mind to doing well! If you can keep alive that heart that you once had for your whole journey of cultivation, straight to the end, then you are guaranteed success—and even Heaven will vouch for you.” (Fa Teaching Given at the New York Fa Conference Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Dafa’s Spreading)
1. Early stage of obtaining the Fa
In June 1999, I started to practice Falun Dafa, and was deeply attracted by Zhuan Falun the first time I read it. I am keen to read Zhuan Falun and all Master’s books over and over. Dafa is in my mind all the time, except when dealing with business and everyday people’s social life. I even wake up at night still thinking of Dafa.
When I started to cultivate Falun Gong it was not for treating illnesses. But the first night I read Zhuan Falun, before I started reading, Master took one of my illnesses away. When I finished reading the book, and before I started to do the exercises, another couple of my illnesses had disappeared.
In July 1999, just a month after I attained the Fa, I saw on TV how the CCP persecuted Falun Gong practitioners and burned Dafa books. At the time I didn’t know any fellow practitioners and had never heard of the Minghui website.
But I didn’t give up Dafa because it I knew it was Master’s blessing to let me firmly believe in Dafa and become a diligent Dafa disciple.
I was a Catholic. Giving up the Catholic religion was another test at the time.
Master said:
“I would also like to take this opportunity to tell you that I don’t oppose any religion, and particularly those authentic and upright ones such as Catholicism, Christianity, and Judaism. I have never opposed such religions, including Buddhism. But consider this: Can people still achieve spiritual perfection through those religions? Who in those religions could enable you to achieve that? This is a real concern. I think it’s a good idea to reflect on this, for the sake of your eternal life. I’m not afraid to say that if you truly practice Falun Dafa, I can enable you to achieve spiritual perfection.” (Teachings at the Conference in Canada)
When I was a new practitioner, reading such Fa strengthened my righteous thoughts and helped me become a diligent Dafa disciple.
In 2003, I read an article from Minghui about a practitioner who memorized Zhuan Falun in prison. I thought, I should start to memorize the book. I used three years to memorize the Fa, repeatedly memorizing each paragraph one by one. Finally, I finished memorizing Zhuan Falun and shared my experience about it at the 2006 Australia Fa Conference. Many times, while memorizing Zhuan Falun, I cried at same time. I knew it was Master cleansing me as I assimilated to Dafa.
Later, the speed of my memorizing was the same as the speed of my reading. If some days I couldn’t find the time to read the Fa, I would memorize one lecture instead.
2. Further away from the heart I once had
However, after several years of continuous diligence in studying and memorizing the Fa, I did not withstand the temptation of ordinary society. As laziness, all kinds of human notions and thought karma arose, I gradually lost the strong motivation of studying the Fa eagerly and actively assimilating to Dafa.
Master said,
“This is wonderful! I’ve finally found it!” Weren’t all those thousands of years of reincarnating and waiting exactly for this? At the time, driven by the feeling from deep inside your being, you were able to renounce any human attachment and be determined to cultivate yourself well. That excitement could propel you to be diligent. But with the passage of time, that feeling was gradually lost. Human laziness, all kinds of human notions, and the array of chaotic things before you in society all combined to tempt you and interfere with you. Hence the saying, “Cultivate with the heart you once had, and consummation is certain.” (Fa Teaching at the 2013 Greater New York Fa Conference)
Looking back over the years, I have never relaxed my Fa-study, and tried my best to think about problems with the principles of Dafa and righteous thoughts in various tests. But before I knew it, I seemed to have gone from actively assimilating with Dafa to being passive. Although I had never stopped studying the Fa every day, I had lost the joy and diligence from when I first obtained the Fa.
Especially, being immersed in feelings of sentiment for family made me relax in cultivation practice and even forget why I came to the world.
After passing through more than ten years of diligent practice, there were some changes in my family. I experienced life and death separations from loved ones. As those ten years of Fa study had laid a solid foundation for my cultivation, I was able to quickly move on from the pain and loss I experienced and began working full-time as a news compiler for The Epoch Times. Every day was busy and fully occupied, but at night, I was alone in an empty house, surrounded by dead silence, as if I could hear a pin drop. I suddenly felt the pain of loneliness.
Master said,
“Unbearable loneliness is the most dangerous thing for a human being, and it is the greatest challenge in cultivation. ” (Teachings at the First Conference in North America)
In order to get rid this loneliness, I gradually became addicted to watching TV series, although I thought I was selective in what I watched. I don’t know how much time I lost chasing after dozens and dozens of dramas, one by one. Because I was doing The Epoch Times work full time, I rationalized that by doing media work every day, and continuing to do the Three things, watching those series was simply a bit of relaxation after a busy day. In this way, while I was being diligent on the surface, my heart was actually moving further away from true cultivation in Dafa.
I tried to stop it for a few times, but I quickly went back to it. Finally, I realised that it simply cannot keep going like this, I have to eliminate this attachment.
During the first few days of not watching series, I did not feel good at all. I knew it was my human notions interfering with me and I had to get rid of them.
I realised that enjoyment I got from watching the series was a serious test the old force had set for Dafa disciples. Its aim was to push us away from Dafa, unable to study the Fa, send righteous thoughts, and use a pure mind to save sentient beings. If I can’t maintain a righteous mind, if my heart is still soaked in the ordinary people’s life, Master will have to bear more for me.
Now when I have time, I listen to Minghui radio’s “Recalling Master” and the sharing of practitioners. After listening to fellow practitioners sharing their experiences of doing the three things, it was enlightening, just like attending a Fa Conference.
Now I can study the Fa with a pure mind and no longer pursue the number of Fa lectures studied. In addition to guaranteeing my own time to study the Fa every day, I recently study the Fa and send righteous thoughts together with the practitioners of Sydney Epoch Times every night. Listening to practitioners reading the Fa in such a pure way, I felt my heart is very clean and also there is some energy pushing me to be more diligent.
I finally returned to my original state of cultivating and was able to understand the principles of the Fa more rationally than before and assimilate to Dafa better. Every night, I look forward to studying the Fa with fellow practitioners. I told Master, ‘Master, disciples must be more and more diligent!’ I sincerely hope that more fellow practitioners can join in, so that everyone can work hard together, improve their character, and do a good job in the media.
3. Strengthen righteous thoughts, Passing the test of sickness karma
I would like to share my experience of breaking through the sickness karma barrier in 2017. Even though it seems like nothing now, the pain seemed endless at that time and it was the biggest difficulty I have encountered since I become a practitioner.
When I was unwell before, I could get through such barriers with righteous thoughts. I remember one time when I handed out Shen Yun flyers at night, I accidentally tripped over in the dark and fell straight to the concrete floor. After I got up, I couldn’t move my back, and later when I slept, I couldn’t turn over. But I endured the pain of one hour meditation in full lotus position every day, and I quickly got better. In my early days of cultivation, I had also vomited blood, but I only had one thought at the time: trust Dafa, trust Master, I’m all right, and very soon I was back to normal.
This time the sickness karma was a sudden severe pain in my leg, and it hurt uninterrupted 24 hours a day. Every night I had very little sleep, and only when dawn was about to come, I could rest for a while amidst quite a lot of pain.
During this test of sickness karma, I insisted on studying the Fa and sending forth righteous thoughts every night. I was studying Zhuan Falun in Chinese and in English. I also listened to many fellow practitioner’s sharing of passing the test of sickness karma on Minghui Radio. Although I knew that I had gaps in myself, had slacked off in my cultivation and was disturbed by the evil, I also remind myself to face the test with righteous thoughts. But the pain seemed endless. It really made me go through the biggest test since I cultivated Falun Gong.
Even though it hurt so much that I couldn’t sleep at night, I still endured the pain for one hour meditation in full-lotus position every day and I didn’t take a day off. The amazing thing was that I didn’t feel tired at all when I was doing translation during the day. With the blessing from Master, I energetically completed the translation work every day.
A few months later, the pain in my leg disappeared and I saw Udumbara flowers had bloomed in several places in my house. Thank you, Master!
Master said,
“Spiritual practice is extremely demanding and a serious affair. Even just being a little careless might prove to be your undoing and ruin you in no time. So it’s imperative that your thinking be right.” (“Your Thinking Needs to Be Right”, Zhuan Falun)
I understood that this time the sickness karma was caused by my mind not being righteous. I realized it was because my Fa-study and sending righteous thoughts became just a formality, and because I was too attached to the lives of ordinary people. Sometimes I completely forgot that I was a cultivator, which let the evil spirits interfere with me.
I realized the first thought when the state of eliminating karma appears is very important. It is necessary to look inward and send righteous thoughts in time to completely negate the evil test of the old force. Don’t wait until the evil is severely attacking and then think of looking inward and sending righteous thoughts. At that time, the mentality may be unstable, and even the human side may prevail.
I had experienced leg pain twice in my cultivation practice. When the leg pain started this time, my heart was unstable and I thought, ‘why does my leg hurt again’, instead of thinking, ‘I am a Dafa disciple and I would never admit the evil test of the old forces. I am fine’.
Master said,
“When disciples have ample righteous thoughts Master has the power to turn back the tide.” (“The Master-Disciple Bond” from Hong Yin II)
If the sickness karma can be treated with righteous thoughts as soon as it appears, then the evil test of the old forces will not succeed, because the first thought is a righteous thought, which is the divine power cultivated by Dafa disciples who have laid a solid foundation. In this thought, there is firmness towards Master and Dafa. Master will help us, bless us, and eradicate evil.
4. My experience in doing news work at Epoch Times
When I participated in World Falun Dafa Day activities in Sydney in 2004, I heard that the Epoch Times needed more news translators. I thought I would give it a try and joined the Sydney news tram. I started out by volunteering a few times a week and became a full-time staff member in 2010. Through the ups and downs, with the efforts of many practitioners, we have kept the media running until now.
Through continuous learning of the Fa, in the process of translating, I have found a self-righteous heart. I told myself that I must be humble, put myself in the lowest position, and get rid of my self-righteous attitude of looking down on others. I realized that self-righteousness among ordinary people may be just one step away from breeding demons in one’s own mind.
When doing news work, I try my best to cooperate and harmonize with fellow practitioners. I realized that we are all particles of Dafa and parts of the Epoch Times as a whole. When particles collide with each other, it will cause disharmony to the whole body. This is not in line with the truth, compassion, and tolerance of the universe and it could cause trouble for the entire media work.
Master said,
“Remember my words: Regardless of whether the problem is your fault or not, you should look inside yourself, and you will find a problem. If the matter has absolutely nothing to do with you or doesn’t involve any of the attachments you should break, then that thing would rarely happen to you. If you didn’t have an attachment the problem wouldn’t have come about. I have to be responsible for your cultivation.” (Teachings at the Conference in Europe – Frankfurt, Germany)
Every time I had conflicts with colleagues, I repeatedly reminded myself that the colleagues were good practitioners. Even if they talked to me really annoyingly at the time, it was because I had a fear of being talked about. The parts I have not cultivated will be reflected, and my attachments will also be exposed. Sometimes the conflicts between the two sides may be fierce and even worse than ordinary people. But, because the principles of looking inward have taken root in my heart, Master resolved many of the problems between me and other colleagues while doing news work. Every time I passed the xinxing test with fellow practitioners, my heart was very relaxed, and I even turned around and forgot what the conflict was all about.
I still have a lot of attachments that have not been cultivated away, especially the attachments to comfort, being afraid of suffering, saving face when clarifying the truth of Dafa to the people around me, the mentality of showing off, and the attachment to affection for family etc. These are all barriers that stand in the way of my cultivation, but I believe that I will continue to be purified while studying the Fa. Because I have Master, because Dafa is omnipotent.
Master said,
“You know what? Just on the one issue of cultivation alone it’s so complex at the cosmos’s lower levels. But it becomes simple at higher levels, where there’s no longer any concept of cultivation but only the concept of karma elimination. At levels higher up, all troubles are to pave the way for ascending to Heaven. And at even higher levels, concepts like eliminating karma, enduring hardships, and cultivation no longer exist, and it’s just a choice! This is the principle at high levels of the cosmos: you think someone is good enough, so you choose him–that’s the principle. “Cultivation? We didn’t arrange cultivation for him. What’s cultivation? We just want to cleanse it, cleanse it step by step, all the way up. Cleanse it–it’s as simple as that!” (Fa Lecture During the 2003 Lantern Festival)
It was Master who chose me and cleansed me, allowed me to become one with Dafa and fulfill the vows of saving sentient beings.
For my understanding, in this final hour of the Fa rectification, I must study the Fa more and more and melt into the Fa, then we can continue to let go of ourselves and make fewer detours, be brave and diligent for saving sentient beings, cultivate to be selfless and altruistic, and “follow Master in returning to heaven with consummation.” (“Destined Return for the Holy Fruition” – Hong Yin)
Finally, I’d like to share Master’s words from To the Experience-Sharing Conference in Taiwan,” Cultivate with the heart you once had, and spiritual perfection is certain! May you grow ever more diligent as you approach the end!”
If there is anything inappropriate, please kindly point it out.
Thank you Master!
Thank you fellow practitioners!
(Presented at the 2021 Australia Online Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)