2021年澳洲法會發言稿 17: 感恩师尊棒喝 不争气的弟子奋起直追 (with English translation)

感恩师尊棒喝  不争气的弟子奋起直追






在孩子几个月的时候,我经常抱着孩子上楼都会有一脚踩空就三个人一起摔下楼的假想,因为实在太累了,在师父的看护下,这样的事情没有发生。在日复一日的煎熬中,我的身体每每接近承受的极限,又要再次突破极限。师父说:身体不舒服,心也不舒服。”[1] 。我将这一切的根源归结为家人催促我生二胎,公公,先生和女儿成为了我发泄的对象,每每孩子吵闹的我心烦意乱,我就会借口一些小事对他们发火,说很多难听的话,我的怨恨越积越深。忙碌又混乱的生活使我无法静下心来学法,越不能学法情况越是糟糕,我感觉生活看不到希望,学不了法,想着未来的日子,一家子的家务与教育孩子几乎都是我一个人的事情,我绝望极了,这种心理压力让我产生了放弃修炼,破罐子破摔的念头,我开始放纵自己,通过看电视剧和各种视频来逃避现实。




我進到客厅坐下来,我试着念九字真言,但是想不起来,但是师父的一句法却一直非常清晰谁能动了你,就能动了我,说白了,他就能动了这个宇宙。” [1] 这一句法给了我很强的信心,慢慢我能想起九字真言,我一遍遍念,并求师父救我,发正念否定旧势力,接着来了一车同修,先生同修也回来了,我们一起学了一讲法,学完我四肢正常了,师父告诫我们:大法弟子中不精進的、走极端的,马上归正自己,真心学法、修炼,因为你们在最危险中。”[2] 至此,我明白,即使我还年轻,不精進,也可能会被旧势力钻空子甚至失去生命,得了法而不精進修炼是危险的。我要精進起来,不能辜负师父的慈悲救度。





由于长期以来把自己目前不理想的生活状态都归结为是家人催促我生二胎造成的,对家人的怨恨越积越深。我和公公一直不和,虽然表面没有矛盾,但看到一些不符合我观念的做法时心里的厌烦就涌上来了。师父说:怨恨心哪,就是养成了那种喜欢听好听的、喜欢好事,否则就怨恨。大家想想啊,这可不行的,修炼不能这样修吧。我一直在讲,修炼人要反过来看问题,你碰到不好的事的时候你要认为是好事、是要提高你来了,这个路我得走好它,这是又要过关了,修炼来了。”[3] 经过一段时间的学法,学会了反过来看问题,把坏事当成好事,我发现我没有刻意做什么,对公公的不满却渐渐的淡了。





有一天早上上网课前,我叫女儿赶紧收拾房间,突然女儿跑下楼来告诉我说她把水洒在书桌上了。我当时很平静,没有一丁点想要责备她的意思,我叮嘱她照看弟弟,我自己上楼去收拾,一边收拾,我一边向内找,为什么会发生这样的事,师父说:事事对照 做到是修” [4] 


意识到与修去还是有很大的距离,每每看到或听到其他孩子的出色表现时我的求名的心,攀比心又会冒出来,教孩子读法时学到:为名者气恨终生”[5] 我意识到,求名的心也会引起怨恨心,争斗心,这个心必须要去掉。我不断的发正念清除它,一冒出来我就抑制它。我决心一定要修去这颗求名的心。






在培训房间坚持打了一段时间后,同修给我安排到直播室值班,我报名了三个班,协调同修跟我说了一句话:谁修谁得”[6] ,我理解,也许一个生命的得救与否最后的结果已经在那里了,这个生命若是能得救的,那么如果不在我这里得救,也许会在其他同修讲真相中得救,但是过程中,众生的各式各样的表现,却是给我修去执着心提高心性的。修在自己,功在师父” [1],救人都是师父在做,我只是有救人的这个愿望,过程中修去执着提高心性,走好师父安排给我的修炼道路,不辜负师尊的苦心安排,这就是我要做的。






[1] 李洪志师父著作:《转法轮》

[2] 李洪志师父著作:《理性》

[3] 李洪志师父著作:《二零一八年华盛顿DC讲法》

[4] 李洪志师父著作:《洪吟》<实修>

[5] 李洪志师父著作:《洪吟》<做人>

[6] 李洪志师父著作:《为长春法轮大法辅导员讲法》 



A Stern Warning from Master, Disciple Wakes to Solid Cultivation

By a Falun Dafa Chinese practitioner in Australia

Greetings to revered Master and greetings to fellow practitioners!

I obtained the Fa in 2013. However, I haven’t been a good practitioner because I gave birth to kids twice, and I didn’t really understand the meaning of real cultivation until 3 months ago. I would like to share my recent experience with everyone here.

A few years ago, I was saying to other practitioners that I wouldn’t want more than 1 child because raising kids is too time-consuming. But my family and in-laws urged us to have another child, and my daughter also repeatedly asked for a younger sibling. Soon I was pregnant again, with twins this time. I didn’t have any other choice.

When the twin boys were a few months old, I often felt so exhausted that I feared I could fall over anywhere I went. Luckily, Master made sure that didn’t happen. I was on the edge of collapsing physically and mentally every day, and I blamed everything on my family. I often took out things on my daughter, husband and father-in-law. I said a lot of horrible things to them and my attachment to resentment was getting out of control. I couldn’t even study the Fa, which made the situation worse more quickly. I couldn’t see any hope in my future; all I could see was forever losing myself while looking after the kids and their education. I even thought about ending my life, but I really couldn’t do that to the 3 kids. All that made me unable to carry on my cultivation, so I started watching soap operas and YouTube videos to get some temporary relief.

Benevolent Master didn’t give up on me. He always sent practitioners to talk with me on the phone. I finally started Fa study with a practitioner, 3-4 lectures a week. Soon after that, I stopped watching soap operas, but I still watched some truth clarification videos.

1. Waking up after a Stern Warning

One day at the end of June, I was about to drive my children to childcare when I suddenly felt a wave of dizziness, followed by not knowing where my right hand was. Then I suddenly saw my right hand become a snake writhing on the floor of the car. As I sat in the driver’s seat, I couldn’t feel my left hand, my legs were out of control and my mouth was salivating. I wanted to call someone for help, but I couldn’t talk clearly. Miraculously, I managed to call my husband. By then, the two kids were crying in fear and got out of their seats (I later realised that Master must have helped them take off their seat belts). I don’t remember how I got to the front door of the house. When I sat down on the ground at the door, I tried to calm myself down and repeatedly begged Master to help me. At that moment, a fellow practitioner arrived, and I asked her to help me take my children to the childcare. She said that I shouldn’t worry about my kids that much. I felt that reminder came from Master and it was time for me to reduce the amount of sentiment I had for my kids. As soon as I sat down in the living room, I tried to say the nine-word mantra, but I couldn’t remember the words. There was just one sentence from Master in my head loud and clear, that was, “someone would have to be able to harm me in order to harm you, which means that they would have to have the power to harm this universe.” This sentence gave me incredible confidence and I could slowly repeat the nine-word mantra and send righteous thoughts. More practitioners arrived with my husband, and we studied one lecture of Fa. After that, I could move my limbs.

Master said,

“Those among Dafa disciples who are not diligent or have gone to extremes, hurry and set yourselves straight; study the Fa and cultivate yourselves sincerely because you are amid the gravest danger.” (Stay Rational)

Now I have understood that being young doesn’t guarantee me safety, not being a diligent Dafa disciple will give the old forces excuses to kill me. Therefore, being diligent is the only way to go after obtaining the Fa, and also this will not let Master down.

First and foremost, I need to let go of my attachments to my kids. They are Master’s disciples in the first place. I need to learn to educate them through my cultivation as they are here to obtain the Fa. That’s my top priority. How can I educate them well if my cultivation is not good?

Going back to Fa study was not easy for me as I couldn’t talk or read properly. It seemed like I had never studied Zhuan Falun. I made mistakes in every sentence I read. There were words that I knew but couldn’t pronounce correctly. Studying 2 lectures took all my free time during the day, but I didn’t give up. I studied the Fa with other practitioners online during the day, and I studied the Fa with my family practitioners at night. After a month, I could read the Fa like before.

2. Fa Study helped me dissolve the grudge against my father-in-law

During the last 3 months, I cultivated like a brand-new practitioner. I don’t waste time on YouTube anymore, and I spend more time reading and listening to Minghui sharing articles. I also looked within to find my attachments to complaints, especially with family members.

Because I always blamed my imperfect life on my family members for making me have more kids, the grudge was getting deeper every day, especially when it came to my father-in-law. Although things seemed fine on the surface, I felt really frustrated when he didn’t do things well enough to my standards.

Master said,

 “Resentment. It comes from the habit of your liking to hear nice words and liking good things to happen to you; otherwise you become resentful. Think about it, everyone, this is not acceptable. Cultivation shouldn’t be practiced like that. I’ve always said that a cultivator should look at things in reverse. When running into bad things, you should think it’s a good thing as it’s here for the purpose of improving you. I should handle it well. This is about passing another test. It’s cultivation here now.” (Teaching the Fa in Washington DC in 2018)

After reading that, I realised that I have to look at things in reverse so that bad things would become good. I didn’t do any specific things, but my grudge against my father-in-law was slowly disappearing.

One morning, when I saw my father-in-law sitting at the dining table, I realised the grudge against him had completely disappeared. I also realised that Master put him in my life to improve my Xinxing level, and all the conflicts we had was to get rid of my human attachments. I really need to seize every opportunity to improve myself so that my father-in-law would see the beauty of practising Falun Gong. At that moment, I seriously had the vision that he might become a fellow practitioner in the future. It was impossible for me to think like that before because I used to see him as a very stubborn guy who believed all the lies from the CCP. As soon as my grudge was taken away by Dafa, I no longer complained about his minor problems. Instead, I happily helped him finish the chores he didn’t finish well. I no longer worry about him looking after the kids. He is happy to help with the childcare and shopping for groceries while I’m busy. Since I changed my attitude towards my father-in-law, the kids have been much better with him too.

3. Treating my daughter with kindness

I have always been a strict mother, and I yelled at the kids from time to time although I did sit down and talk to them afterwards. After a recent Fa study, I realised that losing my temper in front of the kids was not going to help educate them, and it was a form of demonic interference. How would a real cultivator educate their kids? I should create a warm and harmonious home environment for them. I’m still a strict mum, but I’m trying to keep my temper under control. When the kids make mistakes, I don’t criticise them, I calm down and look within. I could see my attachments to fame, competition, ego and pursuit of perfection.

One morning before my daughter’s online class, I asked her to tidy up her room. She then came downstairs to tell me that she had spilt water on her desk. I didn’t get angry at all. I told her to mind the twin boys while I went to her room to do the tidying up. When I was cleaning her room, I asked myself why this happened.

Master said:

“Examine how each and every thing measures up, achieving these is cultivation.” (“Solid Cultivation”, Hong Yin)

I suddenly realised that I didn’t put myself in my daughter’s shoes. I had never taught her how to tidy up her room; how could I expect her to know that? This is like giving her extra stress than she could handle. I have always expected my daughter to be better than her peers so that I can show her off in front of my husband and other friends. This is a filthy attachment to fame, and I want to get rid of it.

Honestly, it takes time to get rid of it, especially when I hear about other kids’ great achievements, I couldn’t help comparing my daughter with them.

Master said,

“He who is for fame resents throughout his life.” (“Being Human”, Hong Yin)

I quickly got to see that attachment to fame can result in resentment and competition. I have to eliminate it through sending more righteous thoughts; I must get rid of it.

4. Joining RTC platform to call China

I started the 8-day training session on the RTC platform. At first, I thought it shouldn’t be too hard, so I didn’t take it seriously enough. On the last day of the training, we were asked to make calls individually. I had never had any real experience, so I was absolutely petrified when speaking on the phone. I knew that my fear was also substance in other dimensions, so I sent righteous thoughts to eliminate it. Just when I was slowly feeling less nervous about making the calls to China, another practitioner said to me that, “The fear practitioners in China have is real as a result of the brutal persecution there. What do we need to be afraid of while talking to people in China on the phone? It’s not fear, it’s human attachment.” Precisely! I have nothing to be afraid of. It’s my attachment to fame. I’m afraid of losing face. Every precious Chinese life matters so much that I really have to do my very best to save them. With Master’s help, I started to make fast progress. I felt greatly encouraged so that I make calls to China every day, including my workdays. One day, there was a man saying that he wouldn’t quit the CCP membership because the CCP gives him a good job and money. I quickly found the talking scripts for this type of misunderstanding of the CCP and I explained everything to him patiently. He finally agreed to quit. After hearing the truths about Falun Gong, he said: “I hope Falun Gong stays in China forever.” I know this Chinese man has completely understood the truths and I thank Master for arranging for him to be saved!

I think every phone number I get to call has a predestined relationship with me. Therefore, I should absolutely do my best to clarify the truth to them and save them. Sometimes, when my call is rejected by the receiver, I call them again in a couple of days just to give them another chance. I call each number 4 times in total. One night, I was looking at a phone number which had nobody answer it 4 times. I decided to give it another chance and rang again. This time, an elderly lady picked up the phone and she was happy to quit the CCP very quickly. She seemed as if she had been waiting for me to ring her! I then told her important truths about Falun Gong and she couldn’t agree more with it. She was so happy to memorise the nine-word mantra that she didn’t want to hang up at the end of the conversation. Thanks to Master for getting her to finally pick up her phone and be saved.

About a month after the training, I had some new understanding about saving people on the phone. I think Master has already arranged everything, including whether someone can be saved or not. If someone is meant to be saved, then they will be saved; maybe when they talk to me on the phone, or with another practitioner. However, Master has also used their reactions to help me see my attachments so that I can get rid of them. Everything is a result of Master’s arrangements.

Master said,

“You put in the effort and Master will handle the rest.” (The First Talk, Zhuan Falun)

What I need to do is to cultivate myself well and keep the thought of saving people in mind, so that I don’t waste any opportunities Master has arranged for me.

The above is my cultivation experience in the last 3 months. Fa rectification is not over yet, so it’s still not too late for practitioners who haven’t cultivated well. We should all make the most of the remaining time to really focus on our cultivation, eliminate human attachments so that we can all return to our original home with Master. I am forever grateful for Master’s protection and benevolence.

Thanks to my fellow practitioners. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

(Presented at the 2021 Australia Online Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)