以营救母亲为契机 救度更多世人 Using the opportunity of rescuing my mother in China to Clarify the Truth

以营救母亲为契机 救度更多世人

悉尼 Lisa Ng


During the last 2 years, by taking the opportunity of rescuing my mother in China, I gradually opened the door to clarify the truth to the Australian government and media. During the rescue, I assimilated to the Fa, and was able to upgrade myself.  I‘d like to share my experience with fellow practitioners.

Open the door to clarify the truth to my local government and media by taking the opportunity to rescue my mother from China

My mother, fellow practitioner Fengying Zhang, was arrested again in 2012 for truth clarification in Beijing. I was so worried but did not have any idea about how to rescue her form far away in Australia. All of a sudden, everyday people’s attachments such as sadness, depression, hatred all poured out. However, after sharing with fellow practitioners, I enlightened that only by exposing the CCP’s evil doings, could my mum be safe, and more importantly, more people will know the truth and be saved. Master said,“Before the time of Fa rectifying the human world you must save more people, and allow more of the world’s people to remain.”  (Fa Teaching Given at the Epoch Times Meeting, October 17, 2009)

After being enlightened by the Fa, I started to search the contact information of my local MPs, media and churches. I composed my mother’s persecution experience, sent it out to the above mentioned personnel via emails with the expression of hope for help. After got some response, I kept them posted. For those who did not respond to me, I was not attached to the results, and enlightened that as long as they open my emails they will learn the truth about the persecution.

I visited my local MP’s office and left them my mother’s story. The MP wrote letters to the then Foreign Affairs minister Bob Carr, and his department started to contact the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expressing concern for the violation of human rights and the release of my mother. Seeing the good start, I tried to maintain the relationship with them and express my appreciation. Every Christmas I would bring chocolates and cards with a big thank you. In addition, I sent them local news stories about my mother for updates, because MPs care about what iss happening in the community. By doing so, an indirect message was sent to them that what they were doing was also a concern in the community.

我主动联系当地报社,告诉他们母亲因信仰被迫害的真相,启迪他们的正义和良知。报社很同情也很支持,因为这是当地居民的新闻,他们有责任报道。就这样,这家报纸在我营救母亲的半年多时间里,先后5次对母亲迫害的進展進行了及时报道。母亲被迫害的新闻还曾经两次被刊登在悉尼主要报纸之一的《每日电讯》上, 对震慑邪恶起到了很大的作用。我还尽力联系澳洲主流电视和报纸,将母亲的消息发送给他们,虽然没有得到他们的反馈,但是我相信只要他们看了、读了大法弟子被迫害的真相,他们明白的一面是会散发出正的能量的。
Besides local MPs, I also contacted my local newspapers. They were shocked by the CCP’s brutality but also touched by my mother’s bravery. They would like to help also because this was what was happening to their local resident. Therefore, they followed my campaign to rescue my mother and reported 5 times in 6 months. My mother’s story also appeared on one of the mainstream media – the Daily Telegraph, all of which played an important role in disintegrating evil in other spaces. I also tried to contact other mainstream media by sending my mum’s story. Though they did not respond to me, I was sure that as long as they read the story, their true self would radiate positive energy.

母亲在劳教所半年的时间里,我时有人心反复,担心母亲承受不住迫害,或者不知哪天就接到通知“被失踪 ”或者 “被病危” 了……不敢再往下想下去了……想到那些,我的怕心以及急于求成的做事心涌了上来。心想,我每天只睡3、4 个小时,既要上学还要打工同时营救母亲,法也学了,有时困的学不了法就强迫自己站起来念,该做的也都做了,为什么母亲还不能回家?我气馁过, 失落过,羡慕过那些被营救出来来到澳洲能自由学法炼功的老同修们。跟同修交流后我明白了,如果我这边在情的带动下人心涌动,那在另外空间里这些负面的物质会影响母亲在劳教所的状态,会使邪恶加深对母亲的迫害。 师父在《转法轮·第六讲》中说:“你要想修炼,人的情就要往下放。”我悟到自己对母亲的情还很重,这种母女关系没有提升到同修间的在法上共同精進上来。于是我只有抽时间多学法, 用法来充实自己,加强正念,放淡母女血缘上的人情,将更多的精力放到不断曝光邪恶上来。
While my mother was locked up in the forced labour camp, my everyday people’s attachments often popped up to distract me. I worried that she could not survive the torture, or we might be notified that she was (forced to be) disappeared or dying…..I could not think any more. All of a sudden, my attachments to fear and swift and better outcomes popped up. I complained to myself that I slept for only 3-4 hours a day, was busy with university study and a part-time job to support my own family. But I studied the Fa everyday no matter how busy or tired. Sometimes I was so tired and sleepy that I had to force myself to stand up reading the Fa. I had done everything I could, but why mum still could not go home? I became disappointed and frustrated. So many times I envied those veteran practitioners who had been rescued and came to this free country to practice. After sharing with fellow practitioners, I enlightened that if I was so attached to my mum, the everyday relationship between a mother and a daughter, then, in another space, the negative substance would influence my mother in the labour camp, which would result in the exacerbation of the persecution to her. Master said, “If you want to practice cultivation, human sentimentality must be relinquished.” (Zhuan Falun, Lecture Six).  I realized that my relationship with my mother was still lingering at the everyday people’s level, and had not upgraded to the level of fellow practitioners who encourage each other using Fa to be more diligent. Therefore I studied more Fa to enrich myself , and put in more efforts to expose the evil’s doings.

当今世界社交媒体的力量很大,我便想到了为母亲建立网站,将她的故事传向全世界, 更大面积的曝光邪恶。也是因为建立了这一网站,使母亲被迫害的消息传到了遥远的前共产国家斯洛伐克,那里的圣伊丽莎白大学健康与社会科学系校长被法轮功学员坚持信仰、不屈强权迫害的精神所感动,决定颁发母亲“捍卫人权和信仰金奖”。
As the power of social media is immeasurable, I came up with the idea to set up a website for mum as a platform to expose the evil on an even larger scale. The story spread quickly around the world, and even to the former Communist country of Slovakia. There the School of Health and Social Sciences of St Elizabeth University was so touched by Falun Gong practitioners’ persistence to uphold their beliefs , they decided to grant my mother the Gold Medal for the Defence of Human and Religious Rights.

The university sent the invitation letter to the Beijing Changping Detention Center but my mother had already been transferred to the labour camp. Though my mother did not receive the letter, I had no doubt the evil would open the letter and be scared to learn that their brutality and atrocities had been known around every corner of the world.

颁奖日已近,但母亲仍被非法关押,我决定只身前往斯洛伐克为母亲领取这个奖项,因为我明白这个奖项不仅仅是奖给母亲一个人, 它也是对法轮大法的肯定,是对真善忍的褒奖,是对正义的支持和弘扬。
The days were counting down to the award ceremony, but mum was still in the labour camp. I decided to go to Slovakia on my mother’s behalf to receive the award, because I knew this award was not just for my mother, but an endorsement of Falun Dafa, an acknowledgement of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, and a signal of support for justice.

In Slovakia, on the day of the event, I met local MPs in the morning and briefed them about my mother’s plight, and also took that opportunity to clarify their confusion about the CCP.  The award ceremony was in the afternoon. The auditorium was filled with a few hundred people. The Dean introduced my mother’s experience to the attendees including the staff, professors from different countries, students, their family and friends, many of whom were touched and showed their support for Falun Dafa.

我还将母亲的消息放到脸书和推特上,并在网上征签,达到一定数量后将征签表寄给中国政府和澳外部长博卡。 我当时并没有追求征签的数量,旨在将邪恶曝光。我联系了国际大赦,与他们在英国总部的负责人联系,虽然他们由于人力有限最终无法启动营救母亲,但我没有气馁,再去想其他方法。总之,无论营救母亲成功早晚,我会把大法真相、大法弟子被迫害真相讲给世人,彻底戳穿邪恶欺世谎言,让真相曝光天下。
I also uploaded my mother’s story to twitter and facebook, together with an online petition planned to send out to China and Foreign Minister Bob Carr. I was not attached to the number of signatures, but used it as another channel to expose the evil. Besides these efforts, I also contacted Amnesty International headquarters in England.  Although, due to a shortage of manpower, they were unable to initiate the rescue action of my mother, I was not disheartened. I knew there would always be a way, and no matter when mum would be released, I would never stop telling the truth and exposing the evil to sentient beings.

我还在明慧中英文网站及时更新母亲迫害進展。其实我本人写作能力很差, 写那些迫害文章也只是陈述事实, 并没有浮华的词藻。那时我随身装个小本子,有想法有点子随时记录下来。 休息时师父就会把应该怎么叙述哪方面情况打到我脑子里,我立即记在小本子上,这就为明慧及时更新做好了铺垫。就这样,每次我的投稿都会在明慧网上及时发表曝光邪恶。邪恶真的很害怕,那时看守所一主审看到他的名字上了恶人榜,便威胁我母亲说:“还把我放到恶人榜,我把你们全家都抓進来在这里过年”,其实它们很害怕,也只是虚张声势而已。
I kept updating my mother’s situation on Minghui, both in Chinese and English. To be frank, my level of writing is just so and so, so those articles were not great but simply just stated the facts. I still remembered in those days, I had a notebook in my pocket, and whenever or wherever I had some ideas, I would jot them down. Sometimes when I was at rest, Master would imprint some information about how to state those facts in my head. I therefore immediately took them down, and in this way, I always had information to update on Minghui and publishing this made the evil really scared. For example, when the policeman in the detention centre who interrogated my mother saw his name on the evil list, he tried to terrify my mother: “ You dare to put my name on Minghui, I would arrest all your families and bring them here to spend the Chinese New Year in the detention centre!” This showed that he was actually really scared of what he had done to Falun Gong practitioners.

在宣传《自由中国》影片时, 因为已经与我们当地媒体建立了基础,他们欣然同意将母亲的故事与影片联系起来做了一篇影片首映报道,让人们来了解真相。
Because the foundation with the local media had been laid, it was so easy to promote other projects, for example, <Free China>. When I approached the media and told them the connection between the movie and my mother, they gladly agreed to write a story to inform local residents to get involved and learn the truth.

但那时除了报纸以外,我当时还没有触及当地电台。同修交流过可以联系当地电台做影片介绍或者社区广播。 于是,我学好法,在没有任何杂念、不带任何求成的执著心的状态下,我拜访了第一家电台,向他们讲明真相后,他们很愉快的答应在社区消息中宣传影片放映的消息。After sharing with fellow practitioners , I was enlightened that I could contact local radio stations for a film review, but I had no experience about how to approach radio stations yet. However, I did not get discouraged, and instead, I studied the Fa to purify my mind to discard any attachments to outcomes and then knocked on the door of the radio station 2GO. After clarifying the truth, they were happy to make an announcement to the community about the screening. 

我得到了鼓励,继续走访第二家也就是ABC 电台, 没想到事情的進展超出我想象的顺利,当我讲明来意后,他们真的同意在第二天连线当时在新西兰的《自由中国》导演Michael Pearlman 做影片介绍。采访播出后一周,他们又对母亲的迫害進行了一次直播采访,有力震慑了另外空间邪恶。
Encouraged by the first success, I then approached the next one, ABC central coast radio. Things went so smoothly beyond my imagination. After clarifying the truth, they agreed to do a film review by interviewing the film producer Michael Pearlman the next day, who was in New Zealand at the time. A week after the interview, I was interviewed live in their studio about my mother’s plight, which had diminished the evil in other spaces.

于是,我们当地电台就这样顺利打开了。 我悟到不是我个人能力有多强,而是对于弘扬大法只要认认真真去对待,怀着一颗纯净的心、为法的心, 师父就会开启我的智慧,就会加持我,为我创造所有的条件。值得一提的是,影片宣传活动正好赶上期末考试,时间很紧张。我当时心里有点犹豫,这个项目是不是要做? 要不等以后有时间再做吧。
The connection with our local radio stations was thus established. I was enlightened this time that it was not about my capability but about how we practitioner treat our projects. For any Fa clarification projects, as long as I purify my mind with diligence and put my sole focus on the clarification of the Fa, Master would open my wisdom,  consolidate my ability and create opportunities for me. One thing to mention, the promotion of the film was in conflict with my final exam timetable, so time was really precious. I was not sure in the beginning whether I should proceed with the promotion or give it up.

但是又一想,项目只有一次,机缘使我在中央海岸安了家,我就有责任救度这里的一方众生。而大法项目是救人的,机会不能放过,一切有师父安排,我放下心后去做了。而活动后我的考试成绩却一点也没少。 我又一次深切体会到了“弟子正念足,师有回天力”(《洪吟二·师徒恩》)这句法的内涵。
But I then thought: “the screening can be done only once, and it was because of the pre-destined relationship that I settled down in central coast, so I should be responsible for the sentient beings here. Dafa projects are to save people. I cannot miss out the opportunity. Master would arrange everything for me, I just need to focus on the project. After the screening, my marks did not reduce at all. This time, I was once again enlightened by; “When disciples have ample righteous thoughts, Master has the power to turn back the tide”( Hong Yin Vol. II·The Master-Disciple Bond).

Deepening the truth clarification to government and media by the opportunity of anti-organ harvesting event in Gosford

我自己以前是一个联系媒体和政府议员的门外汉,通过营救母亲,逐渐摸索到了适合自己讲真相的方式。由于有了以前营救母亲联系媒体和议员的基础,今年7月中 GOSFORD征签活动的媒体宣传就较顺利。我们当地报纸和广播分别对这次活动進行了前期预告, 现场采访和后续跟踪报道。
I was a layman for clarifying truth to media and government before, and had now gradually worked out a way to approach them through rescuing my mother. Also due to the foundation laid before, the media publicity of the event in Gosford for anti-organ harvesting petition this July was quite effective. My local media including newspapers and radio stations all got involved with this event. They did prior notification news, during-event interviews and after-event news.
活动当天,我们拜访了两位联邦议员,接受了ABC 电台的采访,主持人很惊喜居然亲眼见到了母亲,他谈到两年前的那次采访,母亲还远在北京的劳教所里。节目播出后我买了鲜花和巧克力表示感谢,他们很兴奋的告诉我网站上那么多对节目的正面反馈使他们很受鼓舞。当告知我们的炼功点自此已经建立,他们表示找合适时间再做报道。另外两家报纸媒体也分别作了后续报道,目前来点上学功的人大部分都是看了报纸上关于炼功点的宣传主动来学的。
On the day, fellow practitioners and I visited 2 Federal MPs who help rescued my mother before. We were interviewed by ABC Central Coast radio, and the presenter was so surprised to be able to personally see my mother. He remembered that 2 years ago when we did the interview, my mother was still in the labour camp in Beijing. After the event, I presented them with flowers, chocolates and Organ Harvesting books to say thank you for their great work. They were so excited to tell me of the positive comments on their website about the program. It was so encouraging. I told them our exercise practice site had since been established at the same spot of the event, and they offered to do another follow up interview for the exercise classes.  The good news kept coming and the 2 newspapers after-event news had attracted some locals to our exercising site to learn the practice.

这次活动给我带来的另一个提高是师父帮我去掉了一些不好的物质。活动当天,我与同修因活动安排发生口角,我很惊讶于她的态度,没守住心性,没有做到修炼人的忍。过后,我也没有意识到自己发脾气这个问题的严重性,反而对父母的态度也很蛮横, 还堂而皇之的给自己找理由是受生理周期的影响。
Through this event, Master removed some of the bad substance from me. On the day of the event, I argued with a local practitioner about the arrangements of the event. I was surprised at her attitude and lost my temper. After the event, I did not realize the severity of losing temper, even treating my parents with a bad temper and thought that was because of my menstrual cycle and that’s something I could not control but the hormones can.

师父说:“ 修炼人 自找过 各种人心去的多 大关小关别想落 对的是他 错的是我 争什么” (《洪吟三·谁是谁非》)。一波未平一波又起,突然有一天,父亲在我发完脾气后很严厉的指出了我发火的问题,那几句话虽然不多,但句句都敲在我头顶。我当时还是没有悟,反而心里觉得很委屈,还是没有向内找。 第二天,父母像没发生什么事情一样,还是对我像往日一样好。
Master said, “As a cultivator, one always looks for one’s own faults. ‘Tis the way to get rid of attachments most effectively. There’s no way to skip ordeals, big or small, [during a conflict, if you can remember:] He’s right, I am wrong, what’s to dispute?” (Hong Yin III· Who’s Right, Who’s wrong) Suddenly one day, my father seriously pointed out my bad temper. Though only a few words, each of them knocked on my head. However, I still did not enlighten to this and thought I was wronged. The next day, my parents still looked after me like usual as if nothing had happened. 

母亲同修交流说:“有可能是师父借你爸的嘴来点你。你看看你最近的脾气,大得不得了,生理周期那是常人的事,你是修炼人,要体现大法弟子的风貌。你连忍都做不到,还是大法弟子吗?”  母亲同修的一席话惊醒了我, 同时我也感到自前一天晚上父亲的严厉批评后,体内那种驱使我发火的不好的物质已被拔掉了, 脾气也好了很多。
My mother then shared with me saying: “ last night, it may be that Master used your dad to enlighten you. You are not aware of your bad temper lately, menstrual cycle is for everyday people, but you are a Falun Dafa practitioner, you cannot even discipline yourself by following “Tolerance”,  are you really a practitioner?” My mother’s sharing woke me up, and at the same time I felt that since the night before, the substance that drove me crazy had been removed, and thereafter my temper changed a lot.

 Master said, “Forbearance is the key to improving one‘s xinxing. To endure with anger, grievance, or tears is the forbearance of an everyday person who is attached to his concerns. To endure completely without anger or grievance is the forbearance of a cultivator.” (ESSENTIALS FOR FURTHER ADVANCEMENT·What is Forbearance (Ren)? ) . Master also said,"What is a "heart of great forbearance? As a practitioner, the first thing you should be able to do is to not fight back when you are beaten or sworn at—you must be tolerant. Otherwise, what kind of practitioner will you be? Someone says: "It’s really hard to be tolerant, and I’ve got a bad temper." If your temper is not good, you should change it, for a practitioner must be tolerant."(Zhuan Falun· Lecture Nine) I was later on enlightened that through the loss of temper incident, some of my attachments were exposed, such as the heart of ego and self-centredness, the prejudice and unwillingness to bear any criticism. These had exposed the shortcomings of my cultivation. Therefore I thank Master for equipping me with the wisdom for truth clarification and saving sentient beings, and also taking this chance to upgrade my level of cultivation by getting rid of bad substance which hinders the progress of my cultivation.

最后我想以师父《精進要旨二·正法时期大法弟子》 中的一段话结束今天的发言:“修炼与正法是严肃的,能不能珍惜这段时间,其实就是能不能对自己负责。这段时间不会长,却能锤炼出不同层次的伟大觉者、佛、道、神以至不同层次的主的威德,也能使一个放松自己的修炼者从已经非常高的层次毁于一旦。弟子们,精進吧!最伟大、最美好的一切都在你们证实大法的進程中产生。你们的誓约将成为你们将来的见证。”

I would like to conclude my speech today by sharing with fellow practitioners Master’s article : “Cultivation and Fa-rectification are serious. Whether you are able to treasure this period of time is, in fact, a matter of whether you can be responsible to yourselves. This period of time will not last long, but it can forge the mighty virtue of magnificent Enlightened Beings, Buddhas, Daos, and Gods of different levels, and even Lords of different levels. It can also destroy overnight a cultivator who has reached a really high level but who has become less strict with himself. Disciples, be diligent! Everything that’s the most magnificent and the most wonderful is developed in the process of your validating Dafa. Your vows will become testaments of your future.”(Essentials for Further Advancement II ·Fa-Rectification Period Dafa Disciples).

