

該罪惡始於2000年以後,正是中共對不放棄信仰「真善忍」的法輪功學員大規模迫害與虐殺的高峰期。追查國際的調查結果顯示,中共中央政法委前後任書記羅 干和周永康主管的中共公檢法系統既是對法輪功學員實施迫害的主要部門,也是「新鮮人屍體」的供給部門。薄希來和谷開來都是涉嫌主要罪犯。被非法抓捕而沒報 姓名的法輪功學員便是塑化人體標本這一罪惡行業獲取「新鮮屍體」的主要對象。證據還提示有其他被害的異見人士。在中共國家部門的扶持下,法輪功學員被摘取 器官後,或者是被利用做人體死亡過程實驗後,屍體被塑化成人體標本,販賣到世界各地。中共將中國大陸變成世界上最大的人類屍體加工基地。

這是繼中共活體摘取法輪功學員器官的驚天黑幕被曝光後的又一個反人類罪和群體滅絕罪的實例,而且牽扯到世界上眾多國家和人群。制止中共的暴行,追查其罪 惡,是一場人類保為戰!追查國際呼籲各國政府和各界正義力量,立即停止在世界各地正在進行的人體標本展;共同追查中共的反人類罪惡,將所有參與迫害法輪功 的罪犯在全球範圍內繩之以法。匡扶正義,以正人道!

World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong

郵信地址:P.O. Box 84, New york, NY 10116

World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong Publishes 「Investigative Report on the Source of Plastinated Human Bodies」 On Nov. 13, 2012, WOIPFG published the latest report titled 「Investigative Report on the Source of Plastinated Human Bodies.」
(http://zhuichaguoji.org/node/26133 in Chinese.
English translation will be available soon.) The report includes evidences to prove that persecuted Falun Gong practitioners』 bodies are plastinated and sold for huge profit.
The crime started around 2000 when the Chinese regime intensified its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and continued through the peak of the persecution. The Chinese regime』s public security, procuratorate and court systems, controlled by the current and former head of the Political & Legislative Affairs Committee, Zhou Yongkang and Luo Gan, are not only the main agencies to persecute Falun Gong, but also the providers of 「fresh human corpses.」 Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai are both implicated as the main criminal. Falun Gong practitioners, who refused to reveal their identities during the illegal detention, were the main source of human body plastination. Evidences show that other persecuted dissidents』 bodies were also used. Under the Chinese regime, some Falun Gong practitioners were killed for their organs and some were killed in the process of human body experiments. These bodies were then plastinated and sold, generating huge profit for the Chinese regime. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has turned China into the biggest human body plastination factory.

Following the exposure of live organ harvesting, this is yet another example of anti-humanity and genocide committed by the CCP. Moreover, this crime has involved many people from different countries. Stop CCP』s atrocities and investigate its crimes are a battle to protect humanity!
WOIPFG urges governments and righteous organizations around the world to help stop the on-going human body exhibitions immediately; to join hands in bringing the CCP criminals to justice; to protect justice and to restore universal values!
World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
Tel: 1-347-448-5790; Fax: 1-347-402-1444
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 84, New York, NY 10116
Website: http://upholdjustice.org/,

(追查國際 WOIPFG)