
A Selection of the Sharing Articles submitted to

2008 Australian Falun Dafa Practitioners Experience Sharing Conference


第一部分 Section 1:

A.   新生 –不負師父慈悲救度        A Second Chance in Life
B.   恩師呵護到今天      Blessed under Master’s care until today
C.   在救度眾生中修煉自己      Cultivate Myself While Saving Sentient Beings

D.   在常人社會中修煉       Cultivating within ordinary human society

E.    在集體學法與證實法中昇華        Elevating Through Group Fa Study and Validating the Fa

F.    在神的路上奮起直追       Hurrying to Catch Up on the Cultivation Path

G.    我是大法小弟子        I Am a Little Dafa Disciple

H.    生命在大法修煉中昇華        Life ascends in the cultivation of Dafa

I.     向內找,在天國樂團修煉中放下自我     
       Looking inwards, letting go of self while cultivating in the Celestial Band

J.     在飛天藝術學院中修煉       My cultivation at Feitian College of Arts

K.   做輔導員的修煉體會        My Cultivation Experience as An Assistant

L.    我的華盛頓之旅–2008年7月        My Journey To Washington DC — July 2008

M..  救度可貴的中國人       Salvation for the Previous Chinese People

N.   正信正悟 走正回歸路      
       Steadfast belief and righteous enlightenment  Travel the path home righteously

O.   學好法 向內找 是做好三件事的保證       
       Studying the Fa well and looking within are guarantees for doing well in the three things

P.   夕陽無限好        The Setting Sun Has Boundless Beauty

Q.   啟動西澳大紀元過程中關於謙卑的考驗和啟悟
        The tests of humility and enlightenment while starting the new Epoch Times in Western Australia

R.   悉尼景點講真相的點滴體會       
       Tidbits of my experience in clarifying the truth at Sydney’s tourist spots

第二部分 Section 2:

A.   在拉廣告中救度眾生      Clarifying The Truth While Selling Advertisments

B.   我向澳洲小城鎮人講真相的修煉體會        Cultivating in a Small Town in Australia

C.   師父怎麼說我們就怎麼做       

D.   面對面講真象的心得      
       My Experience on Clarifying The Truth on Falun Gong Face to Face 

E.   佛恩浩蕩下的感動         Touched by Buddha’s Infinite Grace