2005年澳洲法輪大法法會發言稿: 堅持大法修煉形式 正信正悟正念正行(中英文)

Ashfield 練功點全體學員

【光明網 2005年10月28日】

堅持大法修煉形式 正信正悟正念正行
Persist in the form of Dafa Cultivation, Righteous Faith, Righteous Enlightenment, Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Action

下面向師父和同修們彙報一下Ashfield 練功點在過去近十年來,尤其是中共邪黨打壓法輪功後六年多來,如何堅持師父指定的集體學法、集體練功的大法修煉形式,排除各種外來的和同修思想觀念方面的干擾,正信正悟正念正行的修煉歷程。

I would like to talk about our experience since the Ashfield practice site was established 10 years ago. Especially after the evil party started the crackdown on Falun Gong 6 years ago, what we practitioners of Ashfield area have dealt with the regarding interference due to external factors and fellow practitioners’ notions. I will also talk about how we persist with master’s teaching about the cultivation form i.e. “Studying the Fa with the group and practising together”, and our journey of Fa-rectification.

Ashfield 練功點是澳洲最早的法輪大法練功點之一。聽最早期的學員說,師父兩次來悉尼講法都曾在公開或個別場合提醒佛學會的負責人和學員要組織大家一起學法,師父也在經文中提出過”集體學法、集體練功和法會”是大法的修煉形式。所以我們很早就悟到,我們堅持師父指定的集體學法、集體練功的形式,就是按師父指定的、永遠不變的修煉形式去做。約在97年初,我們點早上煉完功後,留下來的學員就用30-40分鍾來學”轉法輪”,每次學完後,還用一定的時間在法理和實修體會上進行交流。這樣經過一段時間的學法,大家都覺得法理上獲益很大,心性方面也有了很大的提高,也就更意識到集體學法、集體練功和集體交流的重要性,這樣去做很自然就會形成一個象師父在《環境》一文中說的那樣的修煉環境。師父說:”我給大法弟子留下的修煉形式是要弟子們能夠真正提高上來的保證,如我叫你們到公園裡面大家集體練功形成一個環境,這個環境是改變人表面的最好辦法。”後來,為了使上白班的學員也能參加集體學法,我們改成了每逢二、四、六三晚集體學法。儘管在Ashfield 練功點已換第四批輔導員,學法地點換了6個地方,原來早期的學員幾乎都搬到別的地方居住了,其間也由於正法的事情越來越多,學員也越來越忙,也出現過要減少集體學法次數提法,但由於大部分學員意識上很清楚,我們就是要按師父講過的去做,纔會有最好的過程和結果。所以至今包括組織學員參加星期五晚的大學法,仍然是保持每週三晚的集體學法。

Persistent with master’s teaching on the form of our cultivation
Ashfield is one of the earliest practice sites to be established in Australia. What veteran practitioners have said is that when Master came to Sydney twice to preach the Fa he told the Foxuehui, no matter in private or in public, assistants need to study the Fa with fellow practitioners. Master also said in the scriptures: Studying the Fa in groups, Practising together and Holding Fahui” is the only formality of our Dafa cultivation. Therefore, we enlightened that we must forever follow this path Master tells us without altering it. Early in 1997, after finishing the practice, practitioners would stay for another 30 to 40 minutes to study the Fa together and even share a bit afterwards. After a while, everyone experienced great gain from the Fa and greatly improved their Xinxing, so therefore we have understood how important it is for Group Fa-study, Group practice and sharing. Master says in the scripture “Environment”: “The cultivation practice form that I have left for Dafa disciples ensures that disciples can truly improve themselves. For example, I ask you to do the exercises as a group in parks in order to form an environment. This environment is the best way to change the surface of a person.” Later, in order to allow the fulltime working practitioners to join the Group Fa-study, we changed our Fa-study to night time on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Even though many circumstances changed, including practitioners having moved to other districts, the Fa-study venue changing 6 times, and practitioners became busier and busier, we still continued our Group Fa-study because we know we need to do what Master has told us which is best for us. So today, we still have our Group Fa-study 3 times a week.

Generate a field filled with Righteous Enlightenment and Compassion


Every matter has its own field and this field can affect the environment. Because we have enlightened and persisted with Master’s teaching of the cultivation form from the very beginning, we think this is already a type of Righteous Wu which can help us form a good cultivation environment, and can help us find the shortcomings in ourselves. Open sharing, as well as Fa, can guide us to a righteous and compassionate field, more practitioners can find the righteous path quickly, more learners can fit in easily with cultivation, more practitioners who cannot keep up with the Fa-rectification will try to catch up.


Looking back on the cultivation path we have walked in the past 10 years, since we have been trying to assimilate the Fa and not to follow ordinary people’s notions, as well as the righteous field, there never been any room for the evil interference. There aren’t any extreme conflicts or arguments or other interference at our practice site.


In fact, with a stable and righteous environment, those who are destined to come into Dafa will find it attractive, will be willing to learn and eventually become Dafa practitioners to join Fa-rectification. I remember that there is a man from northeast China, He firstly only tried to enquire why Falun Dafa practitioners can peacefully resist this evil persecution, which is not backed by personal profit or money matters. After studying Lecture One of “Zhuan Falun” he found the environment very strong and serene. Later he gladly became a Dafa practitioner and joined the stream of Fa-rectification.

這樣的環境,也能使由於某些原因,如怕心等不修了的學員,重新回到大法修煉中來。我們點上就有這樣的學員。一次在街上她遇到一個大腹便便、身懷七個月身孕的學員在發資料,當她接到資料時順便說了一句:”我以前也煉法輪功”,大肚子的女學員就笑著對她說:”歡迎您再回到我們練功點來”。這句似為簡單的話,使她感觸很大。不久, 她就回到練功點來練功,後來也參加學法和交流,很快就去掉了怕心,還敢打電話給她住在國內、已不敢再修大法、也不同意她再修大法的母親說:”我決定再繼續修煉大法”。後來幾年的各種證實大法的活動中都可見到她堅定證實法的身影。如去年在紐約泰晤士廣場的酷刑展上,堪培拉中國駐澳大使館的拉橫幅的學員群中,街頭的”《九評》退黨服務中心”的工作人員或悉尼領事館前面星期天早上的發正念清除邪惡。

Such an environment can also bring back those practitioners who dropped the practice due to their fear. There was one practitioner at our practice site who was pregnant, and one day she was handing out truth flyers in the street and met a lady who took the flyer. That lady told her that she used to practise Falun Gong. This pregnant practitioner then said to her with smile “Welcome back to our practice site.” Only simple words but they touched the other lady. Later she indeed came back to practise Dafa again and got rid of the attachment of fear. She even made a call to tell her mother in China who stopped practising Dafa that she is practising Dafa again. You can see her in Fa-rectification activities no matter whether in New York, Canberra or in front of the Chinese Consulate.

還有一位大陸來的學員,來澳前由於兩次去天安門廣場證實法,而被中共邪黨桊養的惡警百般折磨和監禁。出獄後,想盡辦法,來到了澳洲。來後就住在Ashfield Park附近,由於各種怕心的干擾,開始她讀不敢參加點的練功。後來,她自己在夜深人靜的時候,偷偷摸摸地去Park練功,在練功時,心裡還忐忐忑忑的,時不時地睜開大眼,四處張望,擔心有人監視她。最後,簽證快到期了,回去又擔心再受迫害,知道只有同修纔能幫她,她纔硬著頭皮來到Ashfield Park來練功。練功點上的同修都熱情地對待她,也在生活上關心她,使她覺得大法弟子象家人般溫暖。開始參加每周的學法,與大家互相交流,堅定了她修煉的勇氣,也慢慢修去了擔心國內親人會受牽連和”打死也不敢去發資料”以及去領館發正念等怕心,終於大膽的參加各項證實法的活動。

There is another practitioner who came from China. Before coming to Australia, she went to Tiananmen Square twice to validate Fa, but she was put into the prison and endured many hardships and torture. After getting out of the labour camp, she found a way to come to Australia and stayed near Ashfield Park. Because of the interference of fear, she was afraid to join the group practice. She use to wait when it’s dark to practice secretly in the park. Even so, she still felt afraid and had to open her eyes now and then to check if there’s anyone watching her. Later, her visa was close to its expiry date and she didn’t want to return to China to suffer the persecution, but she knew that only practitioner could help her in this situation. She then came to the Ashfield practice site one day. All practitioners treated her with warm hearts and cared for her, which made her feel like coming back home. She then started joining the Group Fa-study and sharing which encouraged her to step out to validate Dafa in the open.

Form a pure and righteous one body

1、 各種由學會組織的大型活動–慶祝遊行、各種研討會、新聞發佈會、領事館前發正念、燭光悼念、各次酷刑展以及絕大多數的學員自覺地參與紐約講真相全救大發弟子證實大法的活動,個別學員還去過兩次;而且,他們在紐約也象悉尼一樣,正念正行,出色地配合或作好各項活動。
2、 采用或支持配合用多種方式方法對可貴的中國人講真相。如堅持了兩年多的Ashfield Townhall的真相電影;近幾個月設立的Ashfield Mall”退黨服務中心”,廣傳〈九評共產黨〉;組織學員或學員自己主動地大量用傳真、郵寄等方式給大陸的人民和單位發送大法真相資料<和九評〉等;組織學員或自發地去堪培拉中國大使館前拉橫幅等。
3、 向當地市政府官員、市議員和國會議員講真相,呼籲他們聲援法輪功等。

Master says in “Drive Out Interference”: “The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts.” Since the cultivation form has been followed for a period of time, through Fa-study and sharing, we understand that following the cultivation form persistently itself is denying the arrangement of the old force. Also, that practitioners can look inside themselves to find problems which prevented the evil from interfering with us to validate the Fa. We also understand that we are Dafa disciple, are a particle of Dafa, and our responsibility is to validate Dafa. Therefore, our local practitioners are always cooperative in all activities; we don’t wait and rely on others to join all types of Fa-rectification events.
1. All events organized by the Foxuehui – festival parades, press conferences, forums, candle-light vigils, SFRT in front of consulate, torture enactments and New York Fa-rectification events, our local practitioners all join them voluntarily.
2. Supporting and organizing the truth clarification to precious Chinese people, such as playing movies at the Ashfield Townhall. This lasted for more than 2 years. In recent months we also set up a “Withdrawal from the Communist Party Service Centre” to spread the 9-Ping. We also posted a large amount of truth clarification materials to China, etc…
3. Clarifying the truth to the government officials and parliamentary members, calling for their support towards Falun Gong.

Cultivate ourselves well in Fa-rectification


What we often share during our Fa-study is that validating Dafa is not just doing ordinary people’s work, we should be like what Master says in “Lecture in Manhattan”: “That’s why when you validate Dafa and save sentient beings you cultivate yourself at the same time. You’re all very clear on that.” Master also says: “Dafa is about cultivation, there is nothing else apart from cultivation.”
We understand that the process of validating Dafa is actually cultivation, during which we can get rid of our attachments and improve our Xinxing. This is exactly the special form that is adapted for Fa-rectification disciples.
For example, playing movies to clarify the truth to the local Chinese, we know that we are not a charity organisation just to entertain people. Even though we adapt the ordinary people’s form to play movies, our truth clarification movies can cleanse the poison of evil communism in people’s minds, the way they think about things or the misunderstanding towards Dafa. It’s our Fa weapon. Any situation is a good chance for us to cultivate ourselves. Sometimes, we have handed out many tickets, but not many people turned up at the movie. Then we started sharing on this, not to complain or blame other practitioners, but to look inside to see where went wrong. One practitioner shared that when she handed out tickets, it’s like finishing a job quickly instead of thinking that every ticket is a tool for a sentient being to be saved. Then all practitioners would SFRT to eliminate the evil interference in other spaces and try to do everything properly. Another time, while we were playing the movie, some people started arguing about our movie, we realised that its interference and asked one practitioner to explain to them kindly, and the rest of the practitioners started to SFRT. Soon, it became peaceful and the audience feedback on the movie was good.

向政府官員和議員講大法真相也是救度眾生的重要一環。我們知道西方國家的議員,市政府官員都是民選的,這些人都代表著他們選區的民眾。所以我們練功點也很重視保持與他們的聯係;但一直效果不見理想。後來經過交流,覺得我們還是有一個誤區,每次做這種事時,只是讓一兩位英語好的學員去講就算了,而不是想到作為大法案弟子往某一區域,那個地區的人民就有不同的緣分,而不是某幾個人的緣分,而是整體學員的緣分,大法的緣分。所以應整合整體學員配合去做。沒多久,師父法身安排了我們整體提高的機會,上個月有一週是Ashfield Council week,我們點的學員提前知道了,我們認為這是一次很難得向市政府官員和議員講清法輪功真相和揭露中共邪黨的邪惡面目的大好機會,這是我們點所有學員證實大法和使本地區更多善良人們得聞大法真相得救度的機緣。我們就提前為市長等市官員和每個市議員準備了一份完整的真相材料,包括《九評》等,而且還分別提前一天將材料送到他們的手中,先讓他們知道法輪功的事情。到那一天,我們點上能去的學員都去了,當時,市長等市官員和12位市議員全在場,講英語好的學員去交談,其他學員在旁邊一直發正念支持,形成了一個強大祥和的整體場,所以議員門和我們交談甚歡,尤其對我們所提的,希望他們在惡黨領館對Ashfield 地區法輪功活動干擾破壞時,應維護澳洲公民的權益,他們都表示贊同,起到了很好的講真相的作用。

There is another important part which is to clarify the truth to the government officials and members of parliament. We know that the MPs of western countries are elected by the people; they are the representatives of people in the district, so we keep in constant contact with them. At first, it was not great, then after sharing with practitioners we found a mistake, because every time we ask two practitioners who can speak good English to meet them, instead of thinking that this MP represent so many people who should be saved, it’s the blessing of Dafa. All of the local practitioners should cooperate with each other to do it as one body. Soon, Master gave us a chance. Last month, there was an “Ashfield Council Week”. We thought this would be a great chance to clarify the truth about Dafa and expose the nature of the evil communism to the local government and MPs. We prepared a full pack of truth material including the 9-Ping, and handed them out in person to the MPs in advance. On the day of the “Council Week”, all local practitioners participated; the mayor and 12 councillors were there. English speaking practitioners went over to talk to them while the rest of the practitioners SFRT. It formed such strong field that all the councillors were very happy talking with practitioners, especially they all agreed when practitioners raised that Australian citizens should be protected when facing interference from the Chinese consulate.

在現在的正法進程中,我們也悟到,廣傳《九評》,使更多的中國人拿到《九評》,閱讀《九評》,清除人們頭腦中的惡黨文化思想和思維方式,退出惡黨的一切組織是當前救度眾生,講清真相的當務之急,所以點裡不少學員已多次閱讀《九評》,較全面瞭解惡黨邪靈的邪惡,清除了許多殘留在自己頭腦裡惡黨文化餘毒;大家很主動地以”退黨服務中心”的形式,堅持講真相。由於中共邪黨的干擾,做了一次後Shopping Centre和市政府就沒給我們更多同意證書。但我們並不氣綏,而是把牌子挪到面向大街的花壇邊上,繼續以”退黨服務中心” 這種形式廣傳《九評》。服務開始後,頭幾個週末,不少學員都曾經被一些不明真相、腦裡有惡黨文化餘毒的人的咒罵;我們的學員都能守住心性,保持平和的心態,和善友好地和他們交談,講清真相。現在,人們已明顯地從惡言相向,反對和不理解到理解和接受。先已有許多人看到我們時態度明顯友善了,不少人主動來拿《九評》了。有一天,一位學員正在發放《九評》,這時一對夫婦走了過來,這邊學員就問他們看過《九評》沒有,他們說看過了,我們學員工就勸他們退黨,他們不但同意”三退”,而且還答應回去後動員他們的親戚好友”退”。又有一天,有個人氣沖沖地問我們:”你們乾這些事不是反黨什麼?”我們的學員平靜地告訴他:”我們不是反黨,而是把中共的實質和所作所為告訴世人,讓人自己作出選擇,並且幫想三退的人義務服務。”這樣這人也變友善了,並說:”那我也退”。

In our Fa-rectification, we also enlightened to spread the 9-Ping as wide as possible to let more and more people read it, in order to eliminate the evil party’s poison in their minds. Withdrawal from all the evil party organisations is a way for sentient beings to be saved and it’s urgent to do so. Many of our local practitioners have read the 9-Ping and understand more clearly about the evil CCP, and to get rid of the poison in our own minds. We also voluntarily set up the “CCP Withdrawal Service Centre” to clarify the truth, but because of the interference of the evil CCP, after holding the event once, we couldn’t get the approval from the shopping centre and the council. We didn’t give up, we moved to the side of the street, continuing the CCP Withdrawal service. At first, many practitioners were abused by some ordinary people, but they maintained their Xinxing and peacefully and politely clarified the truth to these people. After a while, seeing our practitioners’ attitude is kind and friendly, people become friendly too. Many even approached us to get the 9-Ping themselves. One day, a couple came over to a practitioner who was handing out 9-Ping. He asked them if they have read 9-Ping and they said they have. Then this practitioner recommend to them to sign up to withdrawal from the CCP membership, which they happily did. Another day, there was one person who was very angry and challenged practitioners that what we are doing is overturning the party. Our practitioner peacefully told him that all we are doing is to tell people what the CCP is all about and the people can make up their own mind to do what they think. Then this person became friendly and even said he would resign as well.
Nowadays, we are the only hope for sentient beings to be saved. No matter how much we have done it is still a long distance compared to what is the requirement for us by our Master, so we local practitioners always remember and will follow the teaching of Master, i.e. to study the Fa, cultivate our Xinxing, look inward and to form a truly righteous enlightenment, and a harmonious environment which can dissolve all the evil forces.
If you find anything incorrect in our understanding or sharing, please kindly point it out.

Thank you to Master and to fellow practitioners.

From practitioners of the Ashfield practice site.

Ashfield 練功點全體學員
