美國會中國問題委員會發表聲明 紀念四﹒二五

美國國會及行政當局中國委員會(CECC)主席、新澤西州聯邦眾議員克里斯﹒史密斯(Chris Smith)和聯合主席、俄勒岡州聯邦參議員傑夫﹒默克利(Jeff Merkley)在聲明中說:「二十五年前的今天,法輪功修煉者和平地聚集在北京,要求自由實踐他們的信仰。然而中共卻對他們發動了一場拘留、酷刑和騷擾運動,中共必須停止對法輪功長達四分之一世紀的迫害。」

美國會中國問題委員會發表聲明 紀念四﹒二五 全文



嵐的故事 全文



全世界大法弟子恭祝慈悲偉大的師父過年好 全文




致參加台灣法會的大法弟子 全文

聽師父的話 走好修煉的路 (Following Master’s guidance and cultivating well)

 我来自一个偏远的山村,因为家中人口比较多,小时候生活很贫困, 家里劳动力少,有时吃了上顿没下顿,也没读过什么书,不认识几个字。在这样的环境下长大,到我十四岁左右懂事时,便开始负担起了家里的大小事,包括挣钱帮助减轻家里的经济负担。

I come from a remote mountain village in China. Due to my large family and limited resources, my childhood was marked by poverty and hard work. I had to take on various responsibilities at 14 years old, including earning money to ease our financial burdens. I faced many challenges and even experienced homelessness and so many hardships. I couldn’t understand the purpose of life during those difficult times.

聽師父的話 走好修煉的路 (Following Master’s guidance and cultivating well) 全文

 在实修中修去人心与人念 (Getting rid of my notions by truly practicing)


I feel ashamed that it was only through hints from Master and the encouragement of fellow practitioners that I began to write a sharing article.

I was moved deeply by Master’s three new articles. I gained a deeper understanding of the seriousness of cultivation, and particularly the harm that can be caused if we treat cultivation with human attachments, notions and emotions.I was determined to catch up with the process of Fa-rectification.

 在实修中修去人心与人念 (Getting rid of my notions by truly practicing) 全文

一切都是最好的安排 (Everything Has Been Arranged Perfectly)


A while back, I often thought of when I first began to practise cultivation. I was ignorant then and loved to read books. I found a copy of “Falun Gong” at the bookstore and began to read it. The chapters on the principle of loss and gain, and improving xinxing, left a deep impression on me. The image of myself holding the book in my hand and reading it at the bookstore became fixed in my mind. I had a simple thought at that moment: this is a book that teaches one to be kind and good. Since then, I embarked on my journey of cultivation.

一切都是最好的安排 (Everything Has Been Arranged Perfectly) 全文

修煉如登山 (Cultivation is like climbing a mountain)


I realized that cultivation is like climbing a mountain. You have to endure hardships, persevere and keep climbing upwards. You cannot remain stagnant and become someone who, “pausing half way makes salvation hard”. Therefore, my sharing is titled, “Cultivation is like climbing a mountain”. 


修煉如登山 (Cultivation is like climbing a mountain) 全文

只有学好法,才能走正修炼的路 (Only By Studying the Fa Well Can We Walk a Righteous Path )


In the past year, I have not been very diligent in my cultivation, and I am very ashamed of myself! When I picked up a pen to write this sharing article,  it was extremely difficult and I felt very heavy hearted. Why is it so hard to write a sharing article, and what is holding me back? I found that I had a heart that seeks fame, and a heart that seeks to protect itself! ……

只有学好法,才能走正修炼的路 (Only By Studying the Fa Well Can We Walk a Righteous Path ) 全文

推廣乾淨世界 重在參與 (Promoting Gan Jing World: Participation is the Key)


Once again, we have come together for the annual Falun Dafa conference for sharing cultivation experiences. This is one of the cultivation forms Master has prescribed for Dafa disciples. The process of writing our experience-sharing articles is a way to learn more from the Fa, look within, and further purify ourselves as part of our cultivation progress. With a heart full of gratitude, I would like to share my experiences in participating in the promotion of Gan Jing World and exchange thoughts with fellow practitioners to enhance our understanding together.

推廣乾淨世界 重在參與 (Promoting Gan Jing World: Participation is the Key) 全文

Master’s benevolent arrangement helped fellow disciples resist persecution (师父慈悲安排, 帮助弟子反迫害)

Always believing teacher and Dafa’s teachings have more compassionate solutions created many opportunities for me to stop fighting with other disciples to prove my point, cultivate xinxing more diligently, and resist the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution during the final stage of Fa Rectification.


Since obtaining the Fa in 1999, I endured some very harsh lessons while assimilating to Zhen Shan Ren, and validating Dafa with fellow practitioners for the past 24 years.

Master’s benevolent arrangement helped fellow disciples resist persecution (师父慈悲安排, 帮助弟子反迫害) 全文

从一点一滴做起,做一个真修实修的大法弟子(Every small thing counts: cultivating as a genuine Dafa disciple)


When I heard the call for experience sharing articles for the annual Fa conference, I didn’t really think about it too much. I felt that I hadn’t cultivated diligently and was far behind other practitioners. I didn’t have much to write so I gave up before I even picked up my pen. But then several practitioners asked me to write a sharing article. This got my attention, because I realise that nothing is accidental. Whether I cultivate well or not, I’d better submit a report on my cultivation to Master. 

从一点一滴做起,做一个真修实修的大法弟子(Every small thing counts: cultivating as a genuine Dafa disciple) 全文

擺正修煉與學習的關係(Balancing the Relationship between Cultivating and Studying)

我叫蔣鎮鴻,今年十一歲,我有幸出生在一個大法弟子的家庭裡。“我是從天上下來的,我下來是為了讀法。” 這是我在2017年為美國法會寫的交流稿的第一句話。我從三歲起就能背誦《洪吟》,在五歲生日前我讀完了第一遍《轉法輪》,感謝父母和爺爺奶奶的幫助與支持。從我出生到現在,我從來沒有吃過藥和打過針,在師父的慈悲呵護下健康成長。我曾在2017年和2018年有幸去美國參加法會見到師父,參加過紐約和華盛頓的遊行。雖然,我沒有機會去中國大陸,但是我參加過兩次香港遊行。在我學小提琴之前我經常參加各種講真相活動。(My name is Dante. This year, I am eleven. I was very privileged to be born into a family of Dafa practitioners. I wrote an experience sharing for the 2017 Fa conference in the US and the first line I wrote was: “I came from heaven, I came to study the Fa”. From the age of 3, I could recite Hong Yin. Before my fifth birthday, I had finished reading Zhuan Falun for the first time…. …)

擺正修煉與學習的關係(Balancing the Relationship between Cultivating and Studying) 全文