第一次跟同修去发信箱的经历让我很难忘,因为发信箱的范围不小,要不停的走三、四个小时,我那天还特意穿了一双很耐走的鞋,我原本自己也挺能走的,感觉应该没啥问题。但是没想到我才发了一半的范围,脚就开始磨得特别疼,感觉两个脚都起泡了,每走一步都是扎心的疼,我当时觉得很奇怪这鞋以前不磨脚啊,怎么今天这样。然后我又想到这可能是对我的考验,看我能不能坚持,我就开始一边走一边背师父说的:“大觉不畏苦 意志金刚铸 生死无执着 坦荡正法路”[1] 还是疼,我咬着牙跟自己说这点苦都吃不了还想修炼救人,这点苦算什么苦,我是修炼人我能坚持。就这样坚持下来发完了剩下的一半区域。现在想想,那次是我第一次走出来证实法救人,所以一定是在考验我是否有决心和毅力。那次之后我再出去发报纸,不管走多远什么路什么鞋,健步如飞,发的很快,脚步很轻再也没有累的感觉了。
很快我之前想加入媒体项目组的想法也实现了。当时正好有一个希望之声新开的视频项目组需要设计人员做节目图片,我有幸加入了这个团队。这样一做一年多一眨眼就过去了。我们的频道订阅数在这一年里也从几千涨到了十多万。我记得最开始节目的观看人数和订阅人数一直上不去,我心里默默的着急,每天关注着数据,有一点点小進步就会很激动。有一次跟同修交流的时候,同修对我说了一句话:“师父都是看着我们的心性安排的,我们的层次到了自然就会有更多的。”我当时一下子想到了师父说:“心性多高功多高,这是个绝对的真理。”[2] 心也就放下了。
[1] 李洪志师父著作:《洪吟二》〈正念正行〉
[2] 李洪志师父著作:《转法轮》
[3] 李洪志师父著作:《洛杉矶市法会讲法》
[4] 李洪志师父著作:《精進要旨》<学法>
Coming Back to Dafa
By a Falun Dafa Chinese practitioner in Australia
Greetings Master!
Greetings Fellow Practitioners!
Last year, I returned to cultivation in Dafa as a new practitioner. I would like to take this opportunity to report my two years cultivation experience to Master. I also like to take this opportunity to calm down to review my cultivation process so that I can elevate myself. Many impure human thoughts appeared before I started to write this article. I wanted to wait until I had a breakthrough in cultivation so that I looked better in cultivation, which was a show-off mentality. I was afraid of losing face if I didn’t write well, which was my vanity. When I decided to get rid of those bad human thoughts, I found I was able to calm down.
1. Unforgettable Experience of Coming Back to Dafa
I obtained the Fa when I was little. My grandparents took me to the practice site when I was a bit over two years old. From my memory, the routine in my family was that the whole family sat and watched Master’s video lectures after dinner and then practiced the exercises together. I didn’t finish reading the whole book of Zhuan Falun due to my young age. But I often watched lecture videos and listened to the audio lectures. The Fa seeds had already rooted and sprouted in my little body before I could understand life. At that time one of my father’s colleagues could see the Falun in my lower abdomen with his Tianmu. In my small mind, I had only one thought, that Falun Dafa is good. I didn’t have any doubt of this thought even if the persecution blanketed China.
I stopped cultivation due to my laziness and playfulness after I came overseas, though I knew Dafa is good. I printed the whole book of Zhuan Falun from my school printer. I kept it with me for 15 years. To my regret, I didn’t keep cultivating or reading the Fa, though I had the book all the time. In a blink of an eye, I had wasted 15 years. I became worse in the dye vat of ordinary society.I was seeking fashion to show off, talked with dirty words, learned to ride motorcycle, and smoked. I didn’t behave like a gentle girl. I felt more and more lost in my heart. I saw practitioners practicing the exercises in the city park several times after I found a job in Sydney. Every time when I saw them, I thought to myself, “next time when I have time, I will go and ask them whether they will allow me to join them.” But I never put it into action. It might be because I still had the heart to cultivate, that Master dragged me back into cultivation at the final time.
One day last year when I woke up from a nap, a voice suddenly appeared in my mind: “It is time for you to cultivate.” “Ok” I replied in my heart without any hesitation. Then I got up and started looking for Dafa books. I learned the five sets of the exercises from the Video again and took out the printed copy of Zhuan Falun which had been put away for 15 years. I started to study the Fa and then searched for the Falun Dafa website. I clicked the link and found that there were so many of Master’s lectures. I was very surprised because I only knew one book Zhuan Falun from my childhood. I started reading Master’s lectures in different cities and new articles. I felt excited and great. It was during the first lock down. I stayed at home reading the Fa all day long for at least more than ten hours every day. My feeling at that time was just like what Master said in Zhuan Falun, Lecture Eight.
Master said,
“Once they learn our Falun Dafa, they will understand at once many questions in life that they have wished to understand but could not answer. Perhaps along with their minds being elevated, they will become very excited—this is for sure.” (Lecture Eight, Zhuan Falun)
2. Joining Practitioners to Validate the Fa
As I studied the Fa more, I felt more and more urgency to save sentient beings. It was time for me to change my cultivation state after I cultivated myself at home for several months. It was time for me to go out to help save sentient beings and fulfil my historic vows. As soon as I had this thought, I contacted the local assistant. I was in the profession of graphic design. It would best utilise my skills if a media project had a position for me. But because I came back to Dafa so late, I was ok with distributing newspapers.
My first experience of letter box dropping was unforgettable. I had to cover a relatively large area and might have to walk 3 to 4 hours. I specifically wore a pair of comfortable shoes. I thought I should be ok because I walked a lot. Unexpectedly, my feet started to get sore when I just covered half of the area. It felt like my feet had started to blister and every step became excruciatingly painful. It was strange because the shoes were comfortable and didn’t have such a problem before. Then I realized it must be a test to see if I could persevere. I recited the poem “Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions: from Hong Yin II while I was walking.
Master said,
Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions
“A Great Enlightened One fears no hardship
Having forged an adamantine will
Free of attachment to living or dying
He walks the path of Fa-rectification confident and poised”
(Hong Yin II, Translation Version A)
It was still very painful. I bit my lip and laughed at myself for talking about saving sentient beings when I could not bear such a little pain. I am a practitioner; the pain is nothing and I could keep going. So, I persevered and finished the rest of the area. Looking back, I understood that it must be a test by Master to see how determined I was because this was the first time that I stepped out to validate the Fa and save sentient beings. Since then, when I distributed the newspapers, I walked briskly and fast no matter how far it was, what the road conditions, or what kind of shoes I wore. I always had light steps and was not tired at all.
3. Letting Go of Attachment to Myself While Doing Projects in Media
Soon my hope to join a media project came true. A new video project team in Sound of Hope was recruiting a video editor. I was lucky enough to join this team and have been with them for over a year. The subscribers to our channel have jumped from a few thousands to over a hundred thousand. But at the start the subscribers and viewers of our program remained low. I became anxious. I stared at the data every day and became excited when the viewers went up even a little bit. One day I shared with a practitioner who said to me: “Master arranges it according to the level of our xinxing. If our level is elevated, we will certainly have more viewers.” I thought of Master’s Fa.
Master said,
“One’s gong level is as high as one’s xinxing level” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun).
So, I was no longer obsessed with the data.
At the beginning of the project, I was full of myself and didn’t take criticism well. I felt that I was a professional with many years of experience and had authority in my area. When I did the design, I had the mentality of an everyday person and tried to align my work with modern appreciation standards. I forgot that the modern morality and artistic appreciation were deviated and went downwards and away from human being’s standard. As a Dafa practitioner, I should lead everyday people back to tradition. When other practitioners referred me to other designs done by influential online designers, I was not convinced. I thought myself better than them and was not willing to go in that direction. I wanted to establish my own style and thought a designer should have their own taste. Gradually, I realized that my mentality was not correct. I tried to change myself and accept other people’s suggestions but hadn’t done it completely. An incident happened so that I had to completely let go of this attachment.
One day a practitioner asked me to update a poster for the petition for an outdoor display board. I changed the poster as much as I could according to my thoughts and sent it to him. Unexpectedly, he replied to me a week later saying that my work was not good and a lot needs to be adjusted. He asked me if I could take my computer and meet him in the city so that I could make the changes in front of him. It was beyond my forbearance though I didn’t show it in my face. I was angry in my heart. I said no to him without any hesitation. I said that I didn’t have time. When I calmed down, I knew that I was not right. My attitude was not good at all. I looked within and told myself that it was for saving sentient beings and I shouldn’t refuse him simply because I didn’t want to take the trouble of going into the city.
The practitioner asked me again the following week if I could go there. I agreed and made an appointment of seeing him in the noon on Sunday. I had Fa study in the afternoon, so I wanted to finish it as soon as possible. When I arrived at the site, I saw him practicing the exercises. Luckily, he was doing the last movement of the second set of the exercises. I expected that he would talk to me after he finished this last movement. He stopped and chatted with me for a few words and continued doing his exercises. I got impatient, although I waited until he finished the exercises. We sat down at a café and started to change the design. I thought he would tell me where to change and I could leave and make the changes at home. Yet he didn’t follow that logic. He instructed me to change bit by bit and asked me to move this a bit left and move that a bit right. My face changed immediately. I still told myself to forbear, but I didn’t look within. By the time we finished I had to rush to the Fa study. I was not happy at all and full of grudges.
When the practitioner took me back to the Fa study by car, I felt uncomfortable and didn’t say anything. I tried to look inward and asked myself why I felt uncomfortable and if I should let go of any attachments. But another thought came into my mind: “I was not wrong. I went so far away to help him. I have better artistic appreciation than he does. Yet he still made troubles for me and even was not watchful of the time.” My positive and negative thoughts were fighting with each other in my mind. I was almost unclear which one was right, and which one was wrong. At that moment I heard a loud “bang”. A strong force attacked me from my back. My head hit hard against the seat. I saw our car drove through a red light uncontrollably. I was shocked. The practitioner said that we were hit from back. I realized that we had a car accident. My mind became clear at that moment as if the moment my head was hit against the seat was the moment that all my thoughts were hit out of my mind. I immediately looked within and found my strong ego of not taking criticism, being full of myself, looking down on others, my show-off mentality and vanity. All these attachments were mixed together and made me feel uncomfortable and dragged me down from improvement.
This accident served as a grave warning by Master. I was very clear that I must let go of those attachments.
Master said,
“It’s not as if only when your technology is adopted will you improve in cultivation. Working well with and cooperating with others and working together to do a good job with the tasks at hand, that is how a cultivator should be, and that is first and foremost.” (“Teachings at the Conference in Los Angeles”)
Gradually, in subsequent projects I placed less importance on my own suggestions. I considered more how to do a better job using my ability while complying with other practitioners’ suggestions and achieved good results by doing so. Our channel became more and more popular via the US election videos. Our team members became increasingly mature in cultivation. Everyone tried hard to improve themselves and harmonize the whole body.
Part 4: Cultivating Diligently during Lock Down
The pandemic became worse in Sydney in May. My boss decided to close the company and went back to China for development. I lost my job as a result. I was calm and understood that my Dafa project might need me more. Master must have arranged me to do the project full time. I felt happy because I could study the Fa with the team every morning and have more time for cultivation and doing the project.
I got up 5:30 every morning, picked up a fellow practitioner and drove to the office for exercise and Fa study. We wouldn’t finish work and come back home until 10 o’clock at night. I could do the three things every day. Our cultivation state was very good during that time. We set up an outdoor practice site near our office. A westerner came to do the meditation with us one week later. She wanted to learn Falun Dafa. I sent Dafa books and an exercise video to her. One night when I was in the petrol station, I saw a few udumbara flowers on the back screen of my car. I was very excited. I knew Master was encouraging me and Master knew that I like udumbara. Thank you Master for your compassionate protection.
As the lock down became stricter, I lost the group cultivation environment. I became lazy and started to seek comfort as time went on. Before, I didn’t feel tired from morning till night. But now I got up late and felt sleepy after working only two or three hours. Though I increased my Fa study time to two to four hours a day, I felt absent minded when I was working on my project. I could only do a limited amount of work every day. I felt anxious and lost my direction. Master always arranged new tasks for me when I started to relax and didn’t give me space to get lazy. Master has been pushing me forward.
One practitioner said in the big group Fa study that they needed practitioners to distribute the newspapers and do letter box dropping. I wanted to join them, but my laziness started to interfere and used the excuse that I should leave this opportunity to those practitioners who were not involved in Dafa projects. Anyhow, I had been working in the media and felt I was over skilled for letter box dropping. I hesitated for a week and realized that it was arranged by Master and it was also an opportunity for me to overcome my laziness. I asked for a map from the coordinator. She sent me two maps. I estimated that I had to distribute 2600 copies of newspapers. I felt a bit chilly in my heart because the area was too large and doubted if I was able to complete the task. But it was too late for me to say no since the maps had been sent to me. So, I took 2600 copies of newspapers and started to work out a plan for my distribution. I got up at 7 o’clock in the morning and distributed for one hour for the first day, then two and a half hours to three hours a day. I would achieve a better result if I had strong righteous thoughts while distributing the newspaper. I recited “On Dafa” to replace my other thoughts. Sometimes I recited word by word so that every word came up before my eyes. When I was putting the papers into the letter boxes, I sent forth righteous thoughts to dissolve the evil elements that prevented sentient beings from knowing the truth and being saved.
5.Dafa Projects Are Equally Important
I found that the cultivation state I had when I came back to cultivate in Dafa had returned while distributing the newspapers. Master might have seen my good cultivation state, as another big project came up. I received an email from the New York project team for recruiting a graphic editor. I sent my resume to them without thinking too much. I received their reply to the next day and two rounds of interviews were arranged. During the interviews, the practitioner there said that they might arrange a better position for me based on my ability and might ask me to do the designing. I was very happy. My complacency came up unconsciously. I felt I was capable. The project in U.S. was very big and much bigger than the one in Australia. I differentiated the projects into important and less important.
Strange things happened. The interviews went well but I didn’t receive any reply. I became vigilant. Did I do anything wrong? Was the opportunity not for me? Was it only a test to let me get rid of my complacency? These were the most agonizing two weeks I had experienced. Every day I was thinking, why didn’t they send me an email. Was I not accepted? One day when I was doing the exercises, one thought came into my mind: “Do not differentiate the projects.” Yes, I suddenly understood that every project was saving sentient beings and there were no more important or less important projects. I said to Master in my heart: “Master, I am wrong. Sorry. I shouldn’t categorize such sacred Dafa projects into important one or lesser important one. I am looking at Dafa projects from everyday person’s perspective.” I felt relieved after I said that to Master. Two days later, I received the letter of offer and joined the U.S. team. I enlightened that as a practitioner, I will get what I deserve when I let go of my attachments. It is truly “gain things naturally without pursuing them”. (“Learning the Fa” – Essentials For Further Advancement) Thank you Master for your compassionate arrangement.
This is my recent cultivation experience for less than two years. Thank you Master for saving me with compassion and not giving up on me at this last moment. I will continue cultivating diligently with fellow practitioners in my team and be worthy of Master’s careful protection and arrangement. I hope all practitioners will cultivate as we just started. Let’s cultivate diligently, reach consummation, and return home with Master.
Thank you Master!
Thank you, fellow practitioners!
(Presented at the 2021 Australia Online Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)