修好自己 完成使命
以前我的妻子身缠多病,有过敏性鼻炎,乳腺增生,宫颈肌瘤,血压低等病,多方医治不好,但是修炼法轮大法不久后,身体就有所好转。那时我很反对她修炼,认为这是迷信,用离婚威胁她,不让她修炼。但我还是偷着看了她学的一本天书,其中有这样一篇说: “宇宙之浩瀚 天体之洪大非人所能探知 物质之微非人所能窥测 人体之穷奥非人知其表面一学之渺 生命之庞杂将永远是人类永恒之迷”[1]
师父说:“那么你们在做任何证实法的事情时,其中包括集体做事和个人做事,你们都会自己去思考,想办法解决难题。思考中用人的观念还是用修炼者的正念,做出的事情结果是不一样的。” [2]
我们还要提供资料给周边一些地区。把资料送到学员手中的经历也是修心的过程。多数情况下我开车去送资料。但有一段时间在过桥和过路的收费站,经常有警察持枪执行任务。一开始我心里有点紧张,马上想起师父说的:“讲真相救度众生,旧势力是不敢反对的,关键是做事时的心态别叫其钻空子。” [3] 于是发正念清除了干扰,觉的自己高大起来了,在师尊的加持下,每次都是这样正念过关。
三、放下亲情 走在修炼路上
师父说:“讲真相,救众生,这就是你要做的,除此之外没有你要做的,这个世界上没有你要做的。”[4] 我要遵从师父的教导,紧紧跟上正法進程,完成师父所要的,我加入了一些其它救人的项目。
师父说:“少看别人的不好,”[6] 因此我在思想中不加上同修不好的念头,这样就不会产生间隔,不能让旧势力鑽空子,从而阻碍我们救度众生。我想:素不相识的常人,我们都会想尽一切办法去救他们,为什么不能善待自己的同修呢。修炼人都有没修好的部份,我们看到不足就默默的去配合、去圆溶,这才是师父所要的。在做讲真相项目时,看到同修之间发生矛盾时,我会用正念加强同修之间正的因素,清除给同修造成间隔的负面因素。
[1] 李洪志师父著作:《精進要旨》<穹>
[2] 李洪志师父著作:《二零零三年亚特兰大法会讲法》
[3] 李洪志师父著作:《二零零二年波士顿法会讲法》
[4] 李洪志师父著作:《二零一五年纽约法会讲法》
[5] 李洪志师父著作:《洪吟三》〈唯一的希望〉
[6] 李洪志师父著作:《澳大利亚法会讲法》
Cultivate myself well and fulfil my mission
By a Falun Dafa Chinese practitioner in Australia
Greetings revered Master!
Greetings, fellow practitioners!
I obtained the Fa at the end of 1998. For the past 22 years I have been bathed in Dafa’s Buddha light, feeling that I am a very fortunate person.
My wife used to suffer from various diseases, such as allergic rhinitis, breast hyperplasia, cervical fibroids, low blood pressure, etc., which could not be cured by all the medicine we tried. But soon after practicing Falun Dafa, her health improved. Back then I was very opposed to her cultivation, thinking it was superstition, and I threatened her with divorce, not allowing her to practice. But I still secretly read her book The Essentials for Further Advancement, in which there was an article titled Firmament.
Master said,
“The vastness of the universe and the enormity of the cosmic bodies can never be understood by humans through exploration; the minuteness of matter can never be detected by humans. The human body is so mysterious that it is beyond human knowledge, which can merely scratch the surface. Life is so abundant and complex that it will forever remain an eternal enigma to mankind.” (“Firmament”, The Essentials for Further Advancement)
At that time, there were news reports about Taiwan successfully launching a rocket into the orbit. This immediately reminded me of the universe mentioned in Firmament. Is there an orbit in the universe? How come a rocket can be successfully sent into it? At that moment, all of a sudden, my mind seemed to have been blown open, it was like being connected with the universe, and could communicate with it. I think this is what people call enlightening.
Later, I asked my wife to bring back all the Dafa books. Previously I did not let her keep them at home, otherwise I would destroy them, so she kept the books at her workplace. Through reading Dafa books, I felt that I had found the most valuable treasure. I finished reading Zhuan Falun in three nights. On the third morning, Master cleaned up my body. I vomited a lot of blood. Upon seeing it, my wife was shocked. She then told me that it was okay. In fact, I was not afraid at all. Zhuan Falun enabled me to understand the principles of being a human, and I knew that one’s sufferings life after life were caused by one’s own karma. I knew it was Master who was cleansing my body, because I used to suffer from hepatitis B. I was 1.78 meters tall and weighed less than 60kg. But soon after I started cultivation, my weight increased, and it is now about 75kg. I am free of ailments and feel happy both physically and mentally. Since then, I have been on the path of cultivation, and I can no longer put down this book. How fortunate I am to be able to obtain Dafa in this life!
Through studying Zhuan Falun, I got to know the purpose of life and the logic for gains and losses. I gave back all the tools and other things I had taken from my workplace. I was once addicted to gambling and lost all my savings. After practicing, I stopped gambling or playing mahjong, and also quit smoking. I knew that I had to consider others before doing things. My mind and body changed a lot. In the past, my home’s electric meter was broken, and the pointer stopped moving. I was very happy then and felt that the electricity bill was saved. After practicing Falun Gong, I thought that our electric meter had been broken for a few years, so I took the initiative to tell the electricity supplier that I wanted to make up for the electricity bill that I didn’t pay for. In this way, I paid several thousand yuan for the electricity upon discussing with the electricity supplier.
1. Keep going when things seemed impossible
At the end of 2002, there was a shortage of Dafa books in the city where I lived. The practitioners there really needed them. Then I thought: I’ll learn to make the books. So I went to another region to learn how to make books. After I came back, I started to make Dafa books and truth materials myself.
I remember that at the beginning, I was learning to use the mouse. After playing with it for a long time, I still couldn’t control the cursor. It was like what a fellow practitioner said: I’d rather take a hoe than a mouse. I used to be a very impatient person. Ever since I practiced Dafa, I have been cultivating my patience. This time doing the truth materials was also a test of my endurance and perseverance. I had to adapt to this important job. There was a sense of mission deep in my heart, which urged me to keep moving forward, and I persisted in doing this for over a decade.
Due to the evil persecution, I lost my job. In order to concentrate on making truth materials, I did not look for a proper job. Family expenses basically depended on my wife’s job, and the funds for making truth materials were all donated by voluntary fellow practitioners. I knew that this was Dafa’s resources, so I should be cautious with the usage. One principle was that all the money donated by fellow practitioners should be used for saving sentient beings. Therefore, I kept the money donated by fellow practitioners separately from other funds. If I accidentally got them mixed, I would use my own money to make up for it to make sure I don’t use other practitioners’ money to for my expenses.
2. Righteous thoughts and righteous actions
Cultivation requires us to focus on the process rather than the results. For example, when machines stopped working, many fellow practitioners shared that we must first cultivate the character and then repair the machine. My job among ordinary people was mechanical maintenance, so in many cases, for example, when the printer was faulty, my first thought was to repair it. Later, through studying the Fa and reading fellow practitioners’ sharing articles in Minghui Weekly, I knew that the most important thing was to adjust my mentality, try to get rid of my attachment of impatience and rectify my behavior during the process of making the materials. As a result, there are fewer faults.
In Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference, Master said, “Then, while doing anything that has to do with validating the Fa, including doing things as a group and doing things on your own, you’ll think for yourselves and try to come up with ways to solve tough problems. And when you are thinking things over, whether you use human notions or the righteous thoughts of a cultivator is going to determine the different results you get.”
Along with the progress of Fa-rectification and the need for saving sentient beings, our material group made a variety of truth materials. There were truth-telling booklets, amulets, DVDs such as “Through Wind and Rain”, books and DVDs of “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”, Shen Yun DVDs and many more. Now I don’t even remember how those exquisite Shen Yun DVDs were made, but now that I think about it, I feel that it was really the divine’s help.
At that time, we also needed to provide materials to some surrounding areas. The experience of sending materials to fellow practitioners was also a process of cultivating my xinxing. In most cases, I drove to deliver the materials. But for a period of time, at the toll gates on the bridges and roads, there were often police officers armed with guns. At first, I was a little nervous, but I immediately remembered what Master said,
“The old forces don’t dare to oppose our clarifying the truth or saving sentient beings. What’s key is to not let them take advantage of the gaps in your state of mind when you do things.” (Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston)
So, I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the interference, and felt that I had grown very tall. With Master’s protection, I passed safely with righteous thoughts every time.
3. Let go of sentiments to family and walk on the path of cultivation
We came to Sydney in 2018. Our daughter had been living in Sydney for five years and has two children. We were very happy to be reunited with her family. But my daughter’s mother-in-law, a fellow practitioner told us that Canberra really needed manpower, especially in front of the embassy. I thought that I just arrived in Sydney and couldn’t do much, so it didn’t really matter where I was, as long as I could validate the Fa and help save sentient beings. But then I had to part with my wife and daughter, as my wife needed to help my daughter look after her young children and couldn’t go to Canberra with me. It was challenging for me to decide. However, I told myself that I must let go of my attachment – the sentiments to the family.
So, the next day, I said goodbye to them and left for Canberra alone. Very soon I joined Canberra practitioners’ truth clarification activities. I have been persistently going to our vigil at the Chinese Embassy regardless of rain or shine, hanging banners, doing exercises and sending forth righteous rights there for about three years now. Canberra practitioners take turns to be in front of the Chinese Embassy from 7:45am to 5:30pm and we cooperate well. Our banners, such as “Falun Dafa is good”, “Stop persecuting Falun Gong” deter the evil and let the public see the truth. There are often people beeping to show their support or giving the thumbs up when driving past.
One year later, my wife joined me in Canberra. We go to the Embassy together. I remember one day during last Christmas holidays; we were doing the exercises in front of the embassy. Upon hearing the sound of a car stopping on the side of the road, I opened my eyes and saw an old lady, about seventy years old, slowly getting out of the car, then walked to us. My wife greeted her. She held two blocks of beautifully packaged chocolates, placed them in my wife’s hand kindly, said a few words, and then slowly returned to the car with tears in her eyes. Upon seeing the awakening of the people, we felt really touched.
Canberra’s winter is very cold, and it’s getting dark early. Sometimes there is freezing cold wind and heavy rain. Some practitioners told me to go home early. My thoughts were: Things of validating Dafa cannot be compromised. I came to enlighten that the time we had agreed to be in front of the embassy was not without a reason, it must have been arranged. If someone with predestined relationship came, but because I left earlier, he didn’t get to see our banners or get to know the truth, hence he lost the opportunity of being saved, then wasn’t that our responsibility? This may be the chance that a sentient being has been waiting for thousands of years. Therefore, every time I go to the embassy, I would stay till the finishing time.
4. Participating in other projects of saving people
Master said,
“Clarifying the facts and saving sentient beings are what you need to accomplish. There is nothing else for you to accomplish. There is nothing else in this world that you need to accomplish.” (Fa Teaching Given at the 2015 New York Fa Conference)
I will follow Master’s teachings, keep pace with the Fa-rectification and accomplish what Master wants. Therefore, I have participated in some other projects of saving people.
In the latter half of 2019, we started to promote “Shen Yun”. One thing was to drop Shen Yun flyers into people’s letterboxes. Several of us would set off at 5am to various suburbs or small towns to distribute leaflets. It was summer. Although the weather was hot, the more I walked the lighter I felt and the stronger the energy was in my body. I knew that Master was helping me and encouraging me. Thank you Master! Sometimes I would sing Dafa songs, and I felt at ease and joyous at the end of the day. From that time on, I became more familiar with Canberra. At the beginning, a fellow practitioner led us to distribute flyers, but later I could drive around to do it myself.
After the CCP virus outbreak, I deeply felt that Fa-rectification was advancing rapidly. Numerous lives were taken by the pandemic. Upon thinking of Master’s words in Hong Yin III.
Master said:
“Dafa disciples are the sole hope for people’s salvation” (“The Only Hope”, Hong Yin III)
I felt more of the urgency of saving people and huge responsibilities on my shoulders. When the pandemic first started, Canberra was in lockdown. I thought: How can I go out to clarify the truth and save people? But then the Epoch Times sent us in a timely manner the special edition, exposing the truth about the CCP. I went out with many Canberra practitioners to distribute the paper in people’s mailboxes as soon as possible. Later, there were papers introducing Falun Gong and more Epoch Times Special Edition exposing the evil CCP. Here I would like to thank those fellow practitioners for providing truth clarification materials. My wife and I often go and distribute them as a pair. Sometimes we would cover a whole area within a couple of days.
In both China and Australia, I participated in the project of automatic phone calling for truth clarification. Once, I bought several second-hand mobile phones in order to save money as long as I they can make calls. When I installed the software and phone numbers for automatic calling. But I found that I needed a passcode to unlock the phones. I didn’t have it, what should I do? Then I thought I would ask Master for help. So, I calmed down and sat with legs crossed to send forth righteous thoughts. I don’t remember how long I sat there for, suddenly a group of numbers appeared on my mind. I immediately wrote them down and applied them to the phones. I tried several times with different combinations of those numbers, then the phone was unlocked! My eyes were in tears. Even now when I wrote about this, my eyes were again in tears. Thanks, Master!
Although it costs money to make truth-telling calls, saving sentients beings is the most important thing, especially we are saving those precious Chinese people. So I don’t worry about how much money it would cost me. Now we have stable work, and our life is gradually becoming stable. Everything has been arranged by Master.
I also participated in projects like car rally, distributing newspaper and doing petition, etc. When interacting with fellow practitioners, sometimes conflicts occur. But I have realized that no matter others are right or wrong, it is all related to my own cultivation.
Master said,
“Look less at others’ shortcomings” (Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference in Australia)
So, I tried not to add to my mind any bad thoughts about other fellow practitioners, in this way there wouldn’t be any gaps among us, and the old forces wouldn’t be able to take advantage of our loopholes so as to hinder our efforts for saving sentient beings. I thought: If we can do anything and everything to save ordinary people whom we had never met, why can’t we treat our fellow practitioners kindly? All cultivators have the parts that have not been cultivated well. When I see their shortcomings, I should quietly cooperate and make up for the inadequacy. This is what Master wants. When doing truth clarification projects, upon seeing conflicts between practitioners, I would use my righteous thoughts to strengthen those fellow practitioners’ righteous elements and eliminate the negative elements that can create gaps between them.
I know deeply that only when I cultivate myself well can I save more people. My own state of cultivation determines the strength and effectiveness of saving people. Therefore, I require myself to proactively cooperate with others in every project I participate in and fulfil the mission that history has bestowed on us.
I finished writing this sharing with a lot of hard work. At first, a fellow practitioner suggested that I write it. I felt that I was not good at writing articles. I picked up the pen, then put it down. I repeated this several times. But then I had a dream, in which I was asked to solve two math problems at school. I didn’t know how to do them. A classmate helped me solve them. After giving them to the teacher, I got 100 points. I knew that Master was encouraging me, so I quickly made the effort to writing this sharing and gave to a fellow practitioner to revise it for me.
Thanks, Master!
Thanks, fellow practitioners!
(Presented at the 2021 Australia Online Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)