师父说:“只要你提高心性,就能过的去,就怕你自己不想过,想过就能过的去。” [1]
师父还说:“难忍能忍,难行能行” [1]。经常感到我们有慈悲的师尊呵护,是何等的幸运!如果不精進何颜面对师尊和自己世界的众生!这次过关中也体会到修炼人在自己平时的修炼中真的不能懈怠,每天的学法、炼功和发正念,都是在常人的这个大染缸中洗净自己,所以不能放松,不要人为的给自己制造修炼路上的障碍。
[1] 李洪志师父著作:《转法轮》
[2] 李洪志师父著作:《二零一六年纽约法会讲法》
[3] 李洪志师父著作:《芝加哥法会》
[4] 李洪志师父著作:《二零零五年旧金山法会讲法》
[5] 李洪志师父著作:《各地讲法十》〈曼哈顿讲法〉
[6] 李洪志师父著作:《精進要旨》〈佛性无漏〉
[7] 李洪志师父著作:《致欧洲法会》
[8] 李洪志师父著作:《洪吟二》<无阻>
The experience of cultivating on the path of helping Master in Fa-rectification and fulfilling my vows
By a Falun Dafa Chinese practitioner in Australia
Greetings Revered Master! Greetings fellow practitioners!
Master said,
“The master takes you through the entrance, and cultivation is up to you, yourself. It all depends upon how you, yourself cultivate. Whether you can cultivate all depends upon whether you can endure, sacrifice, and suffer. If you can commit your mind, no difficulties can stop you. I would say that there’s no problem.” (Lecture four, Zhuan Falun)
This past year, in the course of my practice of helping Master to Fa-rectification and fulfill my vows hasn’t been smooth sailing. But fortunately, as Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples, we can still charge forward with our great and compassionate Master’s help. It is all possible so long as we look within, get rid of attachments, improve our xinxing and strengthen our righteous thoughts.
1. Cherishing the group format of Fa study and exercises Master has left us to spread Dafa
Master said,
“Group Fa study is what I left for everyone, and group exercise is what I left for everyone. Other than in situations of severe persecution, it should be done this way in other areas outside mainland China.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2016 New York Fa Conference”)
As I struggle to get up early and have to attend my everyday person job and truth clarification projects, I often can’t spare time for Fa study and exercises.
About two and a half years ago, in order to overcome this bad state and have a breakthrough in cultivation, I decided to read Dafa books with several practitioners online at 5:30 am every morning. After studying the Fa, I would do the meditation or standing exercises as long as time allowed and left for work at 8:00 am. I also attended my regular local group Fa study on Tuesdays and the Sydney’s larger group Fa study on Saturdays. By insisting on starting my day with Fa study and exercises, I feel more fulfilled and solid in my heart than ever.
I can balance my work and cultivation much better now. After finishing work at 5:00pm, I would have dinner and complete my chores and then work on truth-clarification projects. This way, I felt more stable, and the result of my work was much better. In the past, I would obsess over the fact that I hadn’t read or exercised yet and feel worried. Usually, I’d finish this program after 10:00pm. Even though this left me 5 hours of sleep each day, I felt more energetic at work than in the past.
Since the pandemic started last year, I couldn’t clarify the truth at tourist sites anymore. So, on my days off and on weekends where I didn’t have other Dafa related work to attend do, I would exercise at a park with local fellow practitioners. Outdoor exercises may seem simple, but the experience itself is also a cultivation process, and a good opportunity to improve my xinxing and remove my attachment to comfort.
For example, you endure the cold winds of winter, the heat of summer, and pests like flies, mosquitoes and ants come to disrupt you as you exercise in the grass. All these little things will interfere with your righteous thoughts and stir your mind. But when I remember that we exercise outdoors to spread the truth for Dafa, and not for ourselves, I persevere. During outdoor exercises, sometimes predestined people would come to learn, sit and watch, or sign the petition, with passing-by cars beeping their horns in support. Outdoor practice can indeed display the beauty and peace of Dafa and lay a good foundation for people to learn the truth about Dafa.
2. Change notion, seemingly bad things are seen as good things
In August last year, my right leg suddenly grew very painful, as if my whole tendon was twisted. I couldn’t bend my leg, as attempting would cause a stabbing pain. The first thought I had was a human thought: “the limestone floor I stand on at work is very cold in the winter, this must have done some damage to my leg”. So, I would warm up my leg with a hair dryer and wear thick socks and pants. However, it didn’t alleviate the discomfort, and doing single cross, let alone double cross, was very painful. When my righteous thoughts was at its worst, I was so anxious that I went to the store and bought two plasters to help me recover. However, my only remaining righteous thought told me not to, as I didn’t know in other dimensions how many eyes were watching me. Using the plaster would be an act of admitting I was sick, so I may never be able to cross my legs again.
I tried to reflect on why this bothered me so much. First of all, I regarded it as a sickness, and thus dealt with it in an everyday person’s fashion, keeping my body warm with various ways. After I denied these improper thoughts of mine, I examined my xinxing, and realized that I still have many attachments. I needed to improve my xinxing and sending righteous thoughts to deny all the interferences of the old forces.
I started reading Dafa books with my legs loosely crossed, until both of my legs were numb. Then I tried to move my legs up. After a period of time, it gradually became better, as I could double cross my legs for half an hour. However, this came with great pain that would cause me to sweat all over and wake me up at night. The problem hadn’t fundamentally resolved, as I was still so focused on the pain.
Seeing my efforts, compassionate Master gave me a hint as I read “To the Chicago Fa Conference”.
Master said,
“Whatever you experience during your cultivation–whether good or bad–is good, for it comes about only because you are cultivating. A cultivator cannot achieve Consummation when laden with human thoughts, laden with karmic debts, or laden with attachments.” (“To the Chicago Fa Conference”)
That’s right! Why had I always regarded it as a bad thing? Maybe I should change this notion and consider it as a good thing. Being afraid of the hardship, I hardly ever completed the one-hour meditation in full lotus position. I guess the pain I had to endure was making up for what I had escaped in the past.
Master said,
“Cultivators look at things in just the opposite way. They see tribulations and suffering as good opportunities for improvement. [To cultivators] these are all good things, and the more there are and the faster they come, the faster the improvement.” (“Teaching the Fa in the San Francisco, 2005”)
Master’s words awakened me. I was no longer transfixed on the cause of the pain and how to stop it; I took it as a great thing and continued to do what I should do and do it well. Dafa is so miraculous and transcendent, and gaining without pursuit is the principle. After I had improved my xinxing and no longer paid attention to the pain, it miraculously stopped, and I was able to complete the whole hour in double lotus position again. It is really difficult for everyday people to understand the results that a thought of a practitioner can yield.
Master said,
“As long as you improve your xinxing, you can overcome them. Unless you, yourself do not want to do so, you can make it, provided you want to overcome them.” (Lecture four, Zhuan Falun)
Master said,
“When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.” (Lecture nine, Zhuan Falun)
I often think of how lucky we are to have a compassionate Master to take care of us. If we are not diligent, how could we face our revered Master and the sentient beings in our own world? Through this tribulation, I learned that practitioners really can’t slack off in their own practice. Daily Fa study, exercises and sending righteous thoughts are our ways to cleanse ourselves in this big dye vat of everyday people, therefore, we shouldn’t slack off and create obstacles for ourselves in our cultivation path.
3. The workplace is a place of cultivation
Master said,
“The form that your cultivation takes has one cultivate in ordinary human society, and people in different social classes or different professions can all cultivate; and as you reside in different societies and make use of the different professions you are in to validate the Fa and save sentient beings in every corner of the world, you are utilizing this present form of society to cultivate.” (“Fa Teaching Given in Manhattan” from Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. X)
I envy those who don’t have to work and can devote all their energy to truth-clarification. Since I don’t have much time, I must make good use of it to compensate. There are many Westerners and young people at my work, so it is relatively easy to clarify the facts there. Most people can accept it. The staff members at work have lunch at different times, so I clarify the facts to those who have lunch when I do. A few dozen people have signed the petition, and I also clarified the facts to my boss, and he has signed the petition.
At Christmas time, a boss of an important customer especially turned up at my workplace to express his gratitude for my work. I am responsible for packing their company orders. Every month, there are tens of thousands of orders; my role is preparing the paper packaging with their respective products and organising the quantities. The monthly work report shows that I have a very low error rate, just one or two, with no errors in my August and September reports. Since this customer was particularly satisfied with my work, I took the opportunity to clarify the facts to him and gave him a lotus flower and truth-clarification materials.
My work unit had established a Facebook group where the daily schedule of staff members was posted, along with some notices. I invited my work colleagues to be my Facebook friends so they could see the truth-clarification articles and videos I had posted on my account. I also took care to alternate this content with photos from my daily life, so my colleagues could see that Dafa disciples weren’t ascetics. Our daily life is also happy and colourful, although we ourselves are not overly obsessed with these things.
On Mother’s Day I placed about 50 to 60 lotus flowers and some materials in the lunchroom to celebrate Mother’s Day. I also took a picture and put it on my work unit’s Facebook page, telling everyone that they could give the beautiful lotus flowers to their mothers, family members and friends. After doing so, the lotus flowers were gone in a flash, and colleagues who hadn’t gotten them or wanted more came back to ask if I could bring some more.
Recently, a new computer engineer joined our company. Seeing that he looked Chinese, I took the initiative to talk to him and we added each other on Facebook. After that, I chatted with him over Facebook and helped him withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party and its related organizations. He left the company after a short time as he told me the job was too stressful. I knew it was Master who led this predestined person to me. Thank you Master!
Although I was quite attentive in clarifying the facts, I sometimes didn’t prioritise my self-cultivation. I realized that I needed to rectify every thought of mine amidst my daily work and life environment. My workplace is an environment for cultivation, so I need to cultivate and improve myself there and help save these sentient beings. I need to put my heart into my everyday job and always remind myself that I am a Dafa disciple who thinks for others. My words and actions are to validate the Fa.
4. Hurrying to save sentient beings and becoming altruistic
Today’s beings are all here for Dafa. Fellow practitioners are speeding up to save more sentient beings, and I feel I should spend more time saving sentient beings and not slack off. In order to reach more people, some fellow practitioners are going to the beach to collect signatures for the END CCP petition. At first, I only collected signatures on streets with shops, but they were quite empty on Sundays. With restrictions in place in front of some big malls, I couldn’t collect signatures there. I wondered if I should also go to the beach to collect signatures.
But my human notions were stopping me. I thought to myself: people are sunbathing and relaxing at the beach, wouldn’t I be disturbing them? I looked within and dug deeper to learn I had an attachment to saving face. From the point of view of saving sentient beings, I was not asking them for signature, instead I was offering them the chance to be saved. After breaking through that notion, I was able to collect signatures without feeling embarrassed and the result was quite good. I often feel that one thought can determine if one is a human or divine being. Only through strengthening the divine thoughts and getting rid of the human thoughts can we continue to improve.
In order to clarify the facts better over the phone, I participated in the training run by the RTC phone team a few weeks ago which has benefited me greatly. I am grateful for this precious cultivation opportunity that Master has given me. Thanks to the coordinator and trainers’ selfless contributions, the eight-day training helped me to see many shortcomings in my own cultivation.
Master said,
“I also want to tell you that your nature in the past was actually based on egotism and selfishness. From now on, whatever you do, you should consider others first, so as to attain the righteous Enlightenment of selflessness and altruism. So from now on, whatever you do or whatever you say, you must consider others—or even future generations—along with Dafa’s eternal stability.” (“Non-Omission in Buddha-Nature”, Essentials for Further Advancement)
I came to realise that I was unable to persist in making phone calls to China in the past due to an attachment to self. Whilst clarifying the facts to sentient beings, if they didn’t agree to quit, I would think to myself: “I have told you anyway, there is nothing I can do if you don’t quit”. I wouldn’t focus on improving the quality of my clarification. Through the training, I understood that the effort I put in determined the result I’d get. Only through more reading, memorizing, practicing, speaking, and truly thinking of sentient beings, can we improve our effect of saving people.
Through the training, I also realized that although I did the three things, but sometimes I did it as if I was doing it for myself. Though I was busy doing things every day, but the first thought I had was “oh I haven’t clarified the facts today yet; I want to clarify the fact; I want to do it in a certain way…”
Whether it was participating in media projects, distributing newspapers, collecting signatures, clarifying facts through social media or doing it face to face, I always had a full schedule every day in truth-clarification activities without fail. However, my first thought still revolved around me, myself.
In order not to fall behind, I would overcome all kinds of difficulties to participate in various truth-clarification activities, as I knew that as a Fa-rectification-period Dafa disciple, I had to complete the three things. I knew my mission was to clarify the facts to save people in order to fulfil my vow, or consummation wouldn’t be possible.
But all this was rooted in a base of selfishness, and I was trying to do the three things in this frame of mind. As I hadn’t stepped out of “selfishness,” I was not able to have compassion. I felt that I often viewed making phone calls as a pressure, as something that I had no choice but to do. Sometimes, I was happy that I had already done other truth-clarification work and didn’t have to make phone calls that day.
I realized that I wasn’t seizing time to save people or considering the countless predestined beings awaiting us to save them, freeing the celestial bodies they represent from the tragic end of being eliminated and destroyed.
In fact, these sentient beings are really pitiful. Like us, they left heaven and dared to descend to the filthy three realms to save the heavenly bodies they represent. It is just that they are arranged to play the role of sentient beings who don’t know the truth in this grand show. How lucky I am to be a Dafa disciple in this life! It gives me all the more reason to fulfil my mission and truly cultivate to be a righteous, selfless being who puts others first.
Master said:
“Dafa disciples are humankind’s only hope for salvation.” (“To the Fa Conference of Europe”)
When I thought of the precious Chinese people who have waited millions of years to understand the truth today, my righteous thoughts became stronger. As I picked up the phone again to clarify the facts to them, I cherished every number, every predestined relationship and Master’s painstaking compassionate arrangement. I stopped being attached to the numbers of people quit and longed for all sentient beings to truly understand the truth. Thank you Master for giving me the opportunity to assist you in Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings, and for the honour of being a Fa-rectification Dafa disciple.
Finally, I would like to end my sharing with Master’s poem.
Master said,
The paths of cultivation are varied
But none is outside the Great Law
When one is attached to nothing
The path underfoot is naturally smooth
(Hong Yin II, Translation Version A)
The above is the limited experience at my level, please kindly point out anything improper.
Thank you, Master!
Thank you, fellow practitioners!
(Presented at the 2021 Australia Online Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)