衷心感恩师父救我 我助师父救众生
一、喜得修炼机缘 全家受益
Sincerely thanking Master for saving me, and assisting Master in saving sentient beings
By a Falun Dafa Chinese practitioner in Australia
Greetings Master!
Greetings practitioners!
1. Attaining true happiness through cultivation, and benefiting my family
Before cultivation I had thyroid cancer, and had surgery that removed half of my thyroid, which resulted in my visiting Western and Chinese doctors weekly.
In September 2004, my sister introduced me to Falun Dafa. After reading Zhuan Falun I felt emotional, as I realized this was what I had been searching for, for years. I shed tears and quickly went to find practitioners at the Darling Harbor exercise site. When I started to learn the exercises, I felt very good. Dafa has purified my body, changing my patience and temper. My body and mind transformed into something pure, which proved Dafa’s power. Although my husband doesn’t practice, he understands that Dafa can benefit people, so he completely supports me in clarifying the truth. I also try to organise time to look after my family, taking care of them well. As a result, my family feels happy.
After witnessing such changes in my body, my three daughters also wanted to learn cultivation, so we began exercising and reading Zhuan Falun together. I noticed they wanted to cultivate, so every weekend, I would take them to the Sydney Minghui school to learn Chinese and do the exercises. At the same time, I would teach them every day to practice ‘truthfulness, compassion and forbearance’. Throughout my daughter’s school years, when different opportunities arose, they would do presentations to their classmates and teachers about the beauty of Dafa. On weekends, I would take them out to participate in truth clarifying activities.
On Mother’s Day, my children would give me cards saying: ‘Thank you Mum, you guided us to learn Falun Dafa, which made us change for the better. We have received the best thing in the world!’
2. Experiencing tribulations in the initial stage, enlightenment in cultivation is most important
When I started cultivation, I did not fully understand the Fa, and hadn’t completely adopted the rationality of a practitioner. After going through some difficult times, I realized that true cultivation is very important. A cultivator must never stop studying the Fa, practicing the exercises, and clarifying the truth; and it is also important to balance work and family.
After a year of practice, I became physically and mentally healthier, and felt able to go to work. However, the busy days at work used up all my energy and time, and my cultivation became worse. Whenever I encountered conflicts with colleagues, I often forgot that I was a cultivator, and didn’t realise that it was a good opportunity to improve my xinxing. My body and mind started to weaken. I was in this state for more than three years, and my body and mind returned to the unhealthy state I had before cultivation, which resulted in my biggest tribulation: the test of life and death.
During this tribulation, I always thought of myself as a cultivator and told myself to treat problems with righteous thoughts. I realised that I was not kind enough to my colleagues when I went to work. From my innermost being I apologized to my colleagues for all my past actions. I identified the attachment of jealousy, resentment, fighting, selfishness, etc. I realized that as a cultivator, I would need to cultivate myself well and let go of all my human attachments, so that I can be truly kind to others. Gradually my body improved. I am truly grateful to Master for saving me.
From then on, I began to strengthen my Fa study, practice exercises and clarify the truth daily, but this led to another problem. I began to ignore the needs of my family and failed to uphold truthfulness, compassion and forbearance, by failing to treat them with kindness and care. As a result, my husband and daughters began to treat me poorly and complained that I was not kind.
One day I found out that my husband had done something that I simply could not accept. I knew this was a reflection of my cultivation path going astray. Because of my experience from my tribulation of life and death, it took me quite a long time to pass that tribulation. Now I am determined to quickly cultivate myself in the Fa because we are cultivating in the Fa-rectification period, and every tribulation cannot be delayed for too long. It cannot impact my cultivation and mission in helping Master save people.
I took this opportunity to look within and position myself within the Fa and reject the old forces’ plans. I understood that the difficulties I encountered on the road of cultivation were caused by my own karma and attachment. I realised I had strong Qing towards my husband and selfishly wanted to spend more time studying the Fa, exercising and clarifying the truth. I have deviated from the Fa principles that allow me to cultivate among ordinary people and maintain harmony within my family. I realized my husband is a sentient being that I must save. I must treat him with compassion, so I calmly tolerated it and forgave him, and as a result my husband was moved. He gratefully thanked Master in front of Master’s image in our home. With Master’s guidance, I was able to overcome this major tribulation in a week.
After this, my three daughters began a rebellious period. They all started to test my xinxing. One after the other, the home environment provided me with opportunities to cultivate truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. This led me to build a strong foundation to clarify the truth in saving sentient beings.
Every day I study the Fa with a practitioner. One day I read,
Master said,
“As a practitioner, you must cultivate and temper yourself in the environment of everyday people and gradually abolish attachments and various desires.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)
Master said,
“If you want to increase gong without emphasizing xinxing
cultivation, your gong will not increase at all.” (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun)
I finally understood that what I previously learnt wasn’t truly attaining the Fa. Because I did not follow the Fa standard, my gong couldn’t grow.
One day my daughter arrived home unhappy. She said her exam questions were unreasonable. I said: don’t worry, just do better next time. After hearing this my daughter got really mad. She began to ignore me and kept crying. I was confused and did not understand. I’ve just wanted her to treat it lightly, to not be upset, to just work harder next time. I didn’t say anything wrong, ‘what was the issue?’ After much thought, I couldn’t find the answer.
After some time, my daughter calmed down. I asked: “What did mum do wrong?” She said: “You did not use compassion. My classmates’ mums are westerners. They are very kind. When they encounter a situation like this, they would first consider the child’s feeling, instead of saying ‘treat it lightly’ like you did. I couldn’t feel your honesty or kindness to me.” After hearing this, I felt ashamed. I realised my compassion wasn’t enough. I did not genuinely care about her. I quickly gave her a hug and said: I’m sorry, mom understands. From now on, I will not just consider your achievements, but also care about your feelings.” My daughter smiled happily.
Master said,
“True shan is what a cultivator attains in the process of cultivation and cultivating goodness, and this is a genuine shan that is achieved by cultivation. When you interact with sentient beings, it’s not possible for you to display your successfully-cultivated divine side in full, since you still have a human side that has yet to complete cultivation. When required, you must be rational and clearheaded like a cultivator, allowing your responsibilities and righteous thoughts to direct you, and only then will your true shan be displayed. That is what’s different about a cultivator and a divine being. And that is what compassion means–not some intentional display, show of human preference for this or that, or an instantiation of, “If you’re good to me, then I will be shan toward you.” It is offered unconditionally and has no thought of reward–it is fully for the sake of sentient beings.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference”)
There was a time where I had a serious conflict with my daughter, which made us both very upset. I realised that I have the attachment of hatred, as well as imposing my own opinions on others. I also have strong qing towards my daughter. I quickly tried to remove it. I patiently explained this to my daughter. After listening she changed, and happily told me, “Don’t worry mum! I know you want us to be good. I know what to do.” Now whenever there are conflicts, the first thing I think of is the feelings of my children. To truly stand in their shoes and think of their needs by communicating with them more. From then on, no matter what conflict I encountered, it was all meant to improve and strengthen my enlightenment in the cultivation of compassion.
3.Listening to Master, sincerely saving Australia’s sentient beings
Three months after attaining the Fa, Master’s Jingwens made me realise the importance of assisting Master in saving sentient beings. The people on earth are waiting to hear the truth of Dafa. I need to go out and clarify the truth to sentient beings so that, by understanding the truth, they will be able to have a wonderful future.
I spend five to six days a week clarifying the truth in public and collecting signatures. I don’t focus on reaching a certain number but explain the truth to them. When they sign the petition, I ask “Sir, do you know what you are signing for? Do you know what is happening in China?” If they say they know, I don’t say much. After all, my objective is to clarify the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Whenever I clarify the truth to Westerners, I try to inspire them by triggering their kindness to awaken their true consciousness. This allows them to understand the evil nature of the CCP and to support an end to the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Once, a Westerner did not want to sign the petition and argued about the source of the virus, so I said: ‘If I say this reason, but you say the other, there is no way to confirm it. However, I believe the CCP persecuting Falun Gong practitioners is the unavoidable truth.’ After hearing this, the person immediately signed the petition. I know I cannot argue with them, and I won’t deny their views. As long as they know the CCP’s crimes of persecuting Falun Gong and agree that the persecution in China should stop, that is enough.
Another time two sentient beings came over and scolded us. I politely asked them: ‘Did you misunderstand us after listening to some fake news?’ Then I carefully cleared up their misunderstanding. I firstly explained to them what Falun Gong is and how it had benefited my health and that I used to have thyroid cancer. Secondly, I explained the reason behind the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong. They were from Malaysia, and I said I am also from Malaysia. I told them the Malaysian government supports China, and prevents the true situation being told in our country. I also explained to them why I stood there every day to clarify the truth. Then I gave them a lot of information to take back to read. After listening to what I said, they completely changed. They apologised for being impolite earlier and told me to be careful, and then signed the End CCP petition. They said they would tell their family and friends about this and thanked me.
This incident deeply moved me.
Master said,
“On top of that, as you go about clarifying the truth, the benevolence you exude and the righteous thoughts you project disintegrate the evil, awakening those lives you save and causing them to recover their very selves, and that can lead a person to truly come to rationally see these things for himself. And of course, as soon as people wake up, things are immediately different.” (“Teachings at the 2005 Conference in San Francisco”)
4.Master’s power in letting a non-Chinese person clarify the truth
As a Malaysian Chinese, I am not fluent in Chinese, but I always had a wish to clarify the truth directly to Chinese sentient beings. I am grateful to Master for allowing me to fulfil my wish. I had an opportunity to use the “Easy Talk” Chinese truth clarification recording to play to Chinese people to clarify the truth.
The first time I dialled the phone number, the Chinese person listened attentively to the full recording. Then I said to him: ‘I’ll give you a pseudonym to help you do the three withdrawals (meaning quit the CCP, Young Pioneers, and Youth League) so you can stay safe?’ He replied, ‘yes!’ He also said he is a party member and agreed to withdraw from the evil CCP.
Master encouraged me in that first phone call, and from that day on, I persisted in calling twice a day for about five hours in total, to truly help Chinese people understand the truth. With Master’s help, I was able to pick the best recording so that the Chinese person could understand. Even if there are some who don’t want to listen, I won’t give up talking with them.
The phone call that moved me the most was one with an elderly gentleman. He said, “Stop talking, I know all about it.”
Not fazed, I continued to play the truth clarification recording for him and told him we are sincerely helping him to realise the atrocities of the CCP and so on. He kept listening without hanging up.
At the end of the recordings, I said: “I’ll give you a pseudonym to help you do the three withdrawals, is that okay?” He replied: “Yes! Yes! Yes!’ He seemed like a different person from before.
The last recording asked him to remember the nine words: Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness, compassion and forbearance is good! Then I said goodbye.
He replied: “Thank you! Alright. Goodbye!”
In the beginning, this old gentleman was reluctant to hear the truth. However in the end his attitude changed and he agreed to do the three withdrawals. During that time, I kept saying silently from my heart: ‘I want to save you. I will not give up on you.’ My sincerity helped him change, so he listened to all the recordings and did the three withdrawals.
Sometimes, people don’t listen to me, which makes me feel very anxious and tearful. Even if I can save one person a day, I don’t want to leave behind any precious Chinese people. I will not give up even if they don’t pick up the phone, or if they hang up on me during a call. I am helping Master save sentient beings, so I will not be discouraged. I persist with righteous thoughts so they can be saved. In my heart I beg, ‘please stretch out your hand. I will grab your hand and help pull you up. It is to save you!’ I feel Master saw my heart and helped me in allowing the sentient beings to listen to the recordings to do the three withdrawals smoothly. I am sincerely grateful for Master’s help and guidance.
With “Easy Talk”, I felt like I was calling my relatives. In less than two months, I helped more than 80 people do the “three withdrawals”.
5. Sincerely grateful to Master in giving me the world’s precious Dafa
I don’t know what language to use to thank Master. It is difficult to put into words, but from the bottom of my heart I am truly grateful to Master! He gave me two lives. Master also gave me the most precious gift in the world, Falun Dafa. I am extremely grateful to Master for giving me a family with traditional culture: a husband with mutual respect, children with filial piety, friendship with siblings – our whole family is blessed. I am extremely grateful to Master for transforming me into a person living for the sake of others. I want to listen to Master’s words so I can cultivate myself better, clarify the truth to assist Master in saving sentient being and repay Master’s grace. Thank you Master!
The above is my limited level of understanding, please kindly correct me if anything is not on the Fa!
Thank you Master!
Thank you, practitioners!
(Presented at the 2021 Australia Online Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference)