
Australian Falun Dafa Fahui 2013 Article Selections

 Elevating Oneself Whilst Saving Sentient Beings

万 古机缘不可衍 历经风雨志愈坚 
Cherish the Precious Chance Temper Ourselves and Meet the Challenges
以法為師,精進實修Taking the Fa as Teacher, Striving Forward Vigorously and Steadfastly Cultivating with the Art of Zhen Shan Ren Exhibition 参与真、善、忍画展的修炼体会 修去人心 圆容整体
Let go of human mind to harmonize the one body
改 变自身变异 做真修弟子 
Rectify Deviation to Become a Genuine Practitioner
RTC平 台打电话中实修 
To Cultivate Solidly in the RTC Project
点 点滴滴中去掉抱怨心 Removing my complaining mentality bit by bit 珍 惜走過的路Treasuring the Path 回 家的路
The Way Home
Overcoming the fear of public speaking and joining the Shen Yun presentation team
克服当众讲话胆怯心理 加入神韵演讲团
Cultivation reflection through fellow practitioners’ sickness karma experiences
Let Go of Ego in Coordinating Shen Yun Evaluation
 Cultivation of Xinxing as a full-time salesperson for the Epoch Times
在 证实法中实修自 

Cultivate solidly in validating the Fa

My Cultivation Experiencein the process of taking part in Fa rectification projects 
参 与正法项目过程中的修炼体会
抓 紧救众生 精进随师还 
Hurry up to Save Sentient Beings Be Diligent and Return Home with Master
Memorable Experiences and Lessons on My Path of Assisting Master in Fa-Rectification
正 念正行救众生 兑现洪愿助师行 
Saving Sentient Beings with Righteous Thoughts and Actions
堅 定的信師信法 才能過好修煉路上的每一關 
Only through firmly believing in Master can one overcome every tribulation on the path of cultivation practice
The choice of life or death, our path is becoming narrower生与死的选择 我们的路变得更窄 转变观念 无条件向内找 Changing Notions and Looking Inward Unconditionally Learning to Coordinate in the RTC to Fulfil Our Vows 在RTC平台实修中学会协调兑现誓约