同化大法 共同精進 Assimilate to Dafa Strive Forward Together Diligently (Chinese + English)
Group Sharing from Cairns Practitioners — (English+ Chinese)
Spreading Dafa and Assisting Master to Save Sentient Beings 助師正法 救度眾生 (English and Chinese)
办真善忍美展的交流体会 – Sharing on Truth-Compassion-Forbearance Arts Exhibition (Chinese and English)
修煉路不同 都在大法中 Each cultivator’s path is unique, but all are within the Dafa (Chinese and English)
我对议员讲真相的一点体会 – Some Sharing on Truth Clarification to Politicians (Chinese and English)
万古机缘 无上荣耀 – 在参与新唐人工作中修炼提高、助师正法 (Chinese and English)
一切为了完成自己的誓愿 To Fulfill My Solemn Vow – (Chiense and English)
做媒體協調人的修煉體會 Cultivation experience in been a coordinator for a media Chinese + English
Parramatta 学法点修炼心得 Parramatta Fa study group’s sharing (Chinese and English)
走師父安排的路 Walk the Cultivation Path Master Arranged (Chinese and English)
我在报纸经营中的修炼体会 My cultivation experience in the management of the newspaper (Chinese and English)
Integrating into the local community 溶入當地的社區中修煉 – (English and Chinese)
风雨修炼路 步步师呵护 Cultivating through the stormy path with Master’s caring – (Chinese and English)
运用电台讲真 相, 修好自己 (Chinese and English)
My drum 鼓缘 (English + Chinese)
佛恩浩荡下的感动 (Chinese version only)
踏踏实实做 点点滴滴修(Chinese for now, English version is on the way)