
2008年5月17日以來,在紐約法拉盛發生了多次惡意攻擊退黨服務中心和法輪功學員的事件。至今,事態仍在發展中。追查國際對這一事件進行了緊急調查。 追查國際的一名特別調查員和中國駐紐約總領館的彭克玉總領事的通話錄音表明,法拉盛事件並非偶然,是中共當局通過紐約總領館一手策劃操控的。追查國際的調 查錄音公佈以後,無論是中共的喉舌媒體還是外交部和紐約總領館都未加否認。紐約總領館和其它受中共控制的中文網站紛紛刪除了彭克玉總領事以往講話的錄像。

中共操縱的在海外對法輪功學員的暴力攻擊並非罕見。近一年來就至少在阿根廷、美國舊金山、澳洲和香港等地多次發生。這次法拉盛的攻擊事件則是利用人們對四 川地震受害者的哀痛心情煽動對法輪功的仇恨,其基礎則是中共長期以來苦心經營海外華人社區,使之成為中共國際戰略中深入西方國家的一顆棋子。

就在法拉盛事件發生前幾天,追查國際經過長時間的調查,完成了一份題為《中共對海外華人操控與統戰全球戰略實施的調查報告》。該報告於2008年5月15 日發表在追查國際網站並很快被各非中共控制的網站、BBS轉載。該報告從中共的全球統戰策略、中共勢力在海外的活動情況、中共在海外操控華人的主要手段、 通過對外開放政策謀取世界資源等多個方面,揭示了對移居海外華人實施操控,通過長期系統的意識形態灌輸、欺騙宣傳和經濟收買,改造他們的思想。中共利用華 人眷戀故土的情感,把中國與中共混為一談,促使海外華人認同、效忠中共。利用他們來拓展中共在國際社會上的生存空間。

中共式的「海外僑務」以「開展華僑、華人及其社團工作」在海外集結而成的政治聯盟,就像當年蘇俄共產黨利用「第三國際」在各國成立支部,尋找其代理人那 樣,是直接在別國社會體制內培植和建立中共勢力,通過意識形態的滲透和入侵,潛移默化的影響著所在國的價值取向和國家決策,在國際社會的眼皮底下,不著痕 跡地攫取超越國家領域的控制權。甚至在別國的領土主權範圍內迫害它們視為「敵人」的團體和個人。在世界多國版圖內已經建立了龐大的由中共控制的組織、社 團,形成了中共在許多國家中的國中之國。







World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong




Attacking on Quit-CCP Service Center in Flushing, New York Constitutes Another Crime Evidence of CCP’s Oversea Global United Front Strategy

Since May 17, 2008, numerous vicious verbal and physical attacks on the Quit-CCP Service Center and the Falun Gong practitioners have been taking place in Flushing, New York. As of today, the incident is still unfolding. The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) thereafter conducted immediate investigation with respect to this issue. Our finding, the conversation recording between one of our investigators and the Chinese Consul General Peng Keyu in New York has revealed that those attacks were not accidental, rather plotted and controlled by the CCP Regime through the Chinese Consulate General in New York. Since the publication of our recorded phone investigation, neither the CCP mouthpiece nor the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Consulate General in New York dares to deny it. Those past footages of Consul General Peng Keyu making speeches, however, were removed one after another from the websites of the consulate and the CCP controlled Chinese media.

CCP orchestrated violent attacks on oversea Falun Gong practitioners were not rare. In the past year, several similar incidents happened at least in places like Argentina, San Francisco, Australia, Hong Kong, and so on. What is going on right now in Flushing is to exploit public sorrow for the Sichuan Earthquake and incite hatred toward Falun Gong. It’s the CCP international strategy at work, through its long-term hard operated oversea Chinese communities.

Just a few days before the Flushing Incident, WOIPFG finished a long-time investigation report, entitled “Investigation Report on the Control of Overseas Chinese and the Implementation of Global United Front Work Strategy by the Chinese Communist Regime”. This report was released on the WOIPFG website on May 15, 2008 and was quickly re-published on various non-CCP controlled websites and BBS. Exposing various aspects of CCP like its Global United Front Work Strategy, its force in action in foreign countries, its major means of manipulating oversea Chinese, and its exploit of world resources through open-door policy, etc., the report reveals how CCP managed to control oversea Chinese and transform their world views through long-term ideology infiltration, false propaganda and financial influences. Taking advantage of homesickness of oversea Chinese toward their motherland, CCP brainwashed them to believe that CCP equals China, as the result, they endorse and pay loyalty to CCP. In fact, CCP just utilize them to expand its surviving space in the international communities.

With the purpose of “conducting work for Chinese Immigrants, Overseas Chinese and its Social Organizations”, the Chinese Communist’s activities of “overseas Chinese affairs” formed political alliances overseas, being very similar to the then “Third Communist International” formed by the Soviet Communists. Their purpose was to seek out representatives and to establish Communist branch offices in various countries. Such effort directly nurtures and establishes Chinese Communist influences inside the belly of other nations. Such political alliances have the same will as the Chinese Communist regime, exerting subtle and gradual influence on the value direction and national policy of residing countries through ideological infiltration and assault. In the eyes of the international society, the Chinese Communist regime is, quietly and without traces, seizing a controlling power of other nations beyond its own domain. They even persecute those groups or individuals they deem “enemy” in other nations. Now, a huge network of political alliances, organizations, social clubs and administrative divisions under the control of the Chinese Communists has been established within many countries. They have essentially become a nation within a nation among many countries.

This report also reveals that the CCP has already controlled, to various extend the majority of oversea Chinese media. CCP even regularly trained leaders of all sorts of oversea Chinese communities. This is not at all a secret in the Chinese communities for a long time, but the foreign government agencies haven’t paid enough attention to it.

Since this year, CCP has organized oversea Chinese to “protect the Olympic Torch” using “red flag sea” in the battles in US’s San Francisco, Australia’s Canberra and South Korea’s Soul, etc. It has for the first time, demonstrated to the world its capability of mobilizing and ordering oversea Chinese communities to serve its political needs in terms of scale, extend, speed and efficiency. Since not many nations responded accordingly, CCP was encouraged to plot the Flushing Incident.

A battle for the freedom has already started on the land of America. And this time, Falun Gong practitioners stand on the forefront. If we didn’t take immediate action, the freedom which we have been cherished and taken for granted will soon be nibbled away and no longer exist. Thus we would like to appeal here to the US government, government of all nations, as well as all organizations and individuals with justice to act together immediately, so as to stop this crime of the CCP and safeguard the peace of the whole world.

Thanks everyone!

p.s. WOIPFG has also prepared afore mentioned investigation reports and phone investigation recording for you reference. Thanks.
