2020年澳洲在线法會發言稿 4: 在协调工作中的修炼体会 (with English translation)





师父在讲法中开示:“大法弟子的负责人哪,其实只是一个协调人、联系人、一个传达人,你们不要把他们当作像师父一样,寄予那么大的希望,成了你们修炼的依靠,什么事情他都必须做的最好。” [1]
师尊在法中也一再告诫我们:“法轮大法是修炼,不是工作,我们的一切工作人员首先是个心性高的实修者,修炼心性的表帅,不需要常人式的领导。” [2]


师父开示:“碰到矛盾了,不管我对我错,会想自己:这件事情我有什么不对的地方?是不是真的我出现什么不对了?都在这样思考,第一念思考自己、想问题,谁不是这样你就不是一个真正的大法修炼人。” [3]

师父在法中开示:“你想过你所有生活的一切都在修炼当中吗?你的一言一行,你所做的那一切,你都是在修炼中,你知道吗?” [4]
当读到这段法时,我的内心一震,一思一念,一言一行都是在修炼中,所以师父告诉弟子:“世间上任何事情都没有比修炼这件事情再严肃不过的了。” [5]


师父在法中开示:“有人和我讲是不是工作能力不行,我说这是常人的讲法。关键原因是你们站长、副站长也是修炼的人,也有放不下的执着心,需要有一个去你们那心的环境。而站长与站长之间矛盾出现的时候,往往你们都用“不配合工作啦”等等,用大法的工作来当借口,推开矛盾,而不是利用这好机会向内找,提高上来。” [2]


然而师父的法却时时在耳边敲打我:“什么叫“正法时期弟子”啊?你证实法了吗?大法给你好处你来了,大法蒙难你却躲起来不敢为大法说句公道话,你连一个普通的人都不如,还谈什么在家学法?迫害中众生都被毒害着,你还躲的住?大法弟子为什么要去讲清真相、为什么要救度众生?因为这就是大法弟子的责任,我李洪志要的就是这样的生命,大法弟子就是这样的修炼人。” [6]




[1] 李洪志师父著作:《各地讲法六》〈亚太地区学员会议讲法〉
[2] 李洪志师父著作:《精進要旨》
[3] 李洪志师父著作:《各地讲法十一》〈什么是大法弟子〉
[4] 李洪志师父著作:《世界法轮大法日讲法》
[5] 李洪志师父著作:《澳大利亚法会讲法》
[6] 李洪志师父著作:《二零零四年纽约国际法会讲法》
[7] 李洪志师父著作:《二零一六年纽约法会讲法》

———  English version of the sharing —-

My Cultivation Experience As a Coordinator

By Melbourne Young Chinese Practitioner

Greetings Master!

Greetings Fellow Practitioners!

I have been a coordinator for the local young practitioners for more than a year. I was grateful to have this opportunity, yet I feel I haven’t done the job well. My cultivation state has not improved yet and is not up to the requirements set by Master. But I thank Master for giving me this opportunity so that I can discover my attachments and improve with the help of other practitioners.

  1. Rectifying Myself in the Role of Coordinator

I was asked to coordinate the local young practitioners alongside another practitioner at the end of 2018, much to my surprise. Why would they ask me? I became afraid and hesitant. I didn’t know how to coordinate the group or what kind of work I should do. More and more young practitioners were coming to Melbourne. How should I coordinate them?

I was hesitating because my cultivation state was not good. Sometimes I cultivated diligently while other times I was filled with attachments. I knew many young practitioners were far better cultivators than me. Was I worthy of being a coordinator? I realised that this precious opportunity might have been arranged by Master, and I should treasure it and do the work well. There must be attachments for me to get rid of.

The only way for young practitioners to not follow along current trends and entertainment-filled lifestyles, was to study the Fa more and study the Fa well. When our thoughts are in the Fa, we can resist the temptations from ordinary human society. We established an online Fa study group so that young practitioners could study the Fa and share cultivation experiences together. There were not many young practitioners taking part in the beginning and this became even fewer as time went on. One day an elderly practitioner at the big Fa study group said to me that young practitioners must continue the group Fa study together. I was very thankful to her. Maybe Master was encouraging me through her. Myself and another coordinator then contacted young practitioners and encouraged them to join the online Fa study.

As a cultivator, I must have problems if so few practitioners came online studying the Fa. I looked within and found that I had the attachment of validating myself.

When the Fa study group was just set up, I looked at the number of practitioners online every time. I felt happy when I saw many practitioners attending and felt sad when only a few were there. I had a notion that if a Fa study group didn’t do well, it must be the problem of the coordinator. I realised that it was an attachment to validating myself.

Master said:

The coordinators among Dafa disciples are in fact just coordinators, points of contact, and people who relay information. Don’t think of them as Master, and don’t have such high expectations that you rely on them as you cultivate and expect them to handle everything just right.” (“Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students”, Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. VI)

So Master said, “The coordinators among Dafa disciples are in fact just coordinators, points of contact, and people who relay information.” My understanding was that I should have a peaceful mind and become humble. The coordinator in a Dafa project is not the same as a coordinator in ordinary society. Whether I did well or not was closely related to my cultivation state.

Master said: Falun Dafa is for cultivation practice—it is not a job. All of our volunteer workers must first be genuine cultivators with high-level xinxing, as they are role models for xinxing cultivation. We do not need the types of leaders like those among everyday people.” (“It is not a Job, but Cultivation Practice”, Essentials for Further Advancement)

When I changed my mentality, I was no longer moved by the number of practitioners who came online to study the Fa. This wasn’t set up for me, I was helping other people. We provided a platform for those young practitioners who wanted to study the Fa with other practitioners. I learnt later on that some young practitioners studied the Fa with practitioners in their own projects. Some studied the Fa with their practitioner family members. As long as they study the Fa and cultivate, it doesn’t matter whether they join our Fa study group or how many practitioners are online with us.

I will continue inviting young practitioners to join our Fa study group. That’s not merely for numbers. I sincerely hope that we can create a better Fa study environment by having more practitioners with us so that we can encourage each other and cultivate ourselves in the Fa.

  1. Cultivating Every Thought

Many of my attachments were exposed in the process of coordination. Those attachments include fear of trouble, complaints, showing off mentality and seeking fame.

I found that some practitioners often ignored the text message notifications I sent. One day I forwarded a message sent by the main coordinator about a truth-clarification activity to the group. The next day, a practitioner called me asking for this information. I was surprised and asked him if he had read the message I sent out. He said, “No, I haven’t read it.”

Coincidently, the same thing also happened to other coordinators. It happened to me several other times too. Although I could see the funny side, I didn’t know what to do. We didn’t send the message out just because we were bored, we forwarded the message because the Association needed to notify each practitioner. Why did some practitioners not read it? If practitioners don’t cooperate, how can we get the job done?

I shared my thoughts with the practitioners who didn’t read the messages. They said that there were too many messages for them to read and that they had other things to do. Their indifference angered me. I was puzzled and didn’t understand why those practitioners paid no attention to the messages.

Master said: When you meet with a conflict, it doesn’t matter whether you are in the right. You should be asking yourself, “What on my part isn’t right in this situation? Might it really be that there is something wrong on my part?” You should all be thinking this way, with your first thought being to scrutinize yourself to try to find the problem. Whoever is not like this is not in fact a true cultivator of Dafa.” (“What is a Dafa Disciple”, Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XI)

Though Master asked us to look within, I couldn’t find where my problem was. The practitioners didn’t read the message. Was this something to do with me? One day a message from the Association had to be forwarded to practitioners. I was very busy. But the message was urgent and needed to be sent out immediately. Because this message was long and needed to be sent to many practitioners, I wanted to finish the task straight away. But the message failed to send several times from my phone and I became impatient. Then I realised that my attitude might impact the attitude of the practitioners who were receiving this message. When I failed to have righteous thoughts and had the mentality of completing a task as soon as possible, then this message might not have positive energy. Would the practitioners receiving the message also receive the negative energy I was emitting?

Though it was a trivial thing, I must cultivate my every thought.

Master said: “That’s notably so for some veteran Dafa disciples. Has it occurred to you that everything in your daily life is part of cultivation? Your every word and action, and everything you do—all of it is part of your cultivation. Do you realize that?” (Fa Teaching on World Falun Dafa Day)

My heart was touched when I read this Fa. Every word and every action was part of cultivation.

Master also said: “Nothing in the world is more solemn than cultivation.” (Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference in Australia)

Since then I have tried to do everything, even the tiniest thing seriously.

  1. From Jealousy to Cooperation

Before being a coordinator, I was not aware that some of my attachments such as jealousy were so severe.

The Association organised a Social Media project group this year so we have a greater reach in clarifying the truth. The main coordinator asked me to recommend a practitioner to help coordinate. I recommended Practitioner A to him, and Practitioners A and B started to plan and set up the project. They achieved great results in the first stages.

In one meeting, the main coordinator praised Practitioners A and B and said that they were very capable. Upon hearing his words, I became jealous. I felt like that he was inferring that I was not capable in a hidden way. It sounds laughable to me now. I don’t think Practitioners A or B knew that I was once jealous of them.

But I clearly knew that I had the attachment of jealousy. I tried to suppress it or let it go but I couldn’t. I thought about doing something to show off my capabilities. Because of my jealousy, I didn’t even want to talk to them. Although laughable, that was my reaction at that time. I said to my mum who is also a practitioner, “I never knew I had such a strong attachment of jealousy.”

I realised that the reason for me becoming a coordinator was that Master might let me expose my dirty human attachments in the process and get rid of them.

Master said: “Some have asked me “Is this because those persons are incapable of doing the work?” I say that’s how an ordinary human would put it. The crucial reason is that you, as coordinators and assistant coordinators of the centers, are cultivators who also have attachments that you can’t abandon, and you need an environment to get rid of them. But when tensions arise among those in charge, you usually use the excuse of “not cooperating in the work” or “working for Dafa” to push it aside, instead of seizing this good opportunity to search within and improve yourself.” (“A Person in Charge is Also a Cultivator”, Essentials for Further Advancement)

Actually those practitioners are capable and can do a better job in the project. Isn’t this a good thing? Practitioners, however, cultivate in Dafa and must get rid of selfishness and jealousy.

After I became clear on the Fa principles, I rang practitioner B and invited her to join the young practitioners’ Fa study group. We cooperated with each other and set up two sessions for Fa study. She was in charge of the morning session and I was in charge of the evening session. More young practitioners joined in the group Fa study because of the flexible time schedule.

We also set up a discussion group. Because of the pandemic lockdown, it was hard for practitioners to see each other. Young practitioners share their cultivation experiences and the truth-clarification experiences in the group. They can also post good sharing articles there. Though we cannot meet in person, I don’t feel separated from them.

  1. Young Practitioners Joining Face-to-Face Truth-Clarification Activities

Earlier this year, a man cut our rope and stole our banner at a truth-clarification site in a suburb where many Chinese people live. The banner was later found and returned to the site. I shared my understanding on the incident with young practitioner C. She understood that if we had more practitioners at the site, the evil would not have gone so crazy. Only two elderly practitioners were there at the time. They didn’t speak English and didn’t know how to film the incident from their phone. She suggested that young practitioners go to the site to clarify the truth.

On the sharing list, we suggested the young practitioners join the truth-clarification activities at the site, and received some responses. We decided to start that same week. As a coordinator, I felt that I should take the lead. But my fear kept coming out. I was afraid to go to this site because there were many Chinese people there. Would some of them curse me? Were there any Chinese agents?

Master’s Fa, however, came into my mind: “What is a “Fa-Rectification Period Dafa Disciple”? Have you validated the Fa? You came when Dafa benefited you, yet you hid out and didn’t dare to speak up for Dafa when it faced danger. You have shown yourself to be less worthy than an ordinary person, so what’s the point of “studying the Fa at home”? All beings are being poisoned in the persecution, so how could you feel at ease being in hiding? Why are Dafa disciples clarifying the truth and saving beings? Because that is Dafa disciples’ duty. That is the kind of being that I, Li Hongzhi, want, and a Dafa disciple is that kind of cultivator.” (Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in New York)

I sent forth righteous thoughts to clear the evil factors that damaged our truth-clarification site and also to clear the demon from my heart. I felt calm when I arrived at the site. After we finished sending righteous thoughts, Practitioner C and I started to practise the exercises. I felt serene and comfortable at the site that afternoon.

When we were doing the exercises, our eyes were closed and we didn’t see the surroundings. Other practitioners told us that many people took photos of us and many stopped to watch. One young man stayed at the site for a long period of time, watching us do the exercises. I realised that even if we young practitioners didn’t say anything, by physically being at the truth-clarification site, we were showing the truth to people. The CCP said that only old people practise Falun Gong. We were showing people that young people also practise Falun Gong. The CCP said that believing in Falun Gong is believing in the “feudal superstition”. With young practitioners standing before them, people will be intrigued as to why those young people that were brought up with atheist education, now believe in Falun Gong.

Master said:“I was thinking about these people’s ages, how long it’s been since I began teaching the Fa, and there are really many young people around twenty-five years old who have yet to be saved. They are divine beings who descended to this earth, and are spread throughout the world. Since there aren’t that many human bodies, some of them couldn’t become human beings and so they became animals or plants. So there’s a reason why in recent years regulations protecting animals and the environment have been quite stringent; it was arranged as such by divine beings, who have been driving those things. No one can see these things for what they are. They are not simple matters, though.” (Fa Teaching Given at the 2016 New York Fa Conference)

As young practitioners, we are so lucky that we have come across this precious opportunity and become Dafa practitioners. Ordinary people at our age are not as lucky. So why don’t we step out to save them?

During the pandemic, we started to distribute The Epoch Times special editions. Many young practitioners took part. They carried the papers and walked around delivering them. On the weekends, the normally busier streets are quiet and the shops are closed. I felt the urgency of saving sentient beings. After I put a copy in the mailboxes, I would say in my heart to every household, “Please read this paper. It will save you from the disaster.” While I was distributing the papers, the Hong Yin III verse, “Calmly Take A Look” resonated in my mind:


“We ask for nothing in return and have no pursuit

It’s to save you once the disaster arrives

Don’t forget why you came to this world

There are reasons for ages of reincarnation”

I hope that in the last leg of Fa-rectification, fellow practitioners will remind each other and encourage each other to cultivate diligently. Don’t miss this precious opportunity!

The above is just my shallow understanding. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

Thank you Master!

Thank you fellow practitioners!