世界人權執行主任: 中共站在法庭上為罪行接受制裁的時候到了

世界人權執行主任: 中共站在法庭上為罪行接受制裁的時候到了

 2007年7月20日上午10:00,來自世界各地的兩千多位民眾聚集在美國首都的華盛頓紀念碑北廣場,聲援二千四百萬中國民眾退出中共。來自紐約、波士頓的幾十位華人在集會現場宣誓退出中共, 另有二十幾位大陸民眾通過現場直播集會的希望之聲國際廣播電臺宣佈退出中共。

提姆庫柏先生, 世界人權執行主席, 受邀在多個國際人權組織前作證;在全球範圍內提倡/推動人權及民主長達15年,應邀在集會上發言。


中國的朋友們, 中國朋友們:

一位現代中國作家寫過這樣一句話: 「一個不能反思過去的國家,是沒有明天的!」

這是一句如同自然法則一樣不變的真理, 是中國受歡迎的崛起於世界舞臺的最大而唯一的障礙。不管中共在過去一年中出口了多少億美元的廉價產品; 不管今年上海又豎起了多少棟高樓大廈; 也不管明年北京奧運會將會使多少萬名體育愛好者著迷…衹要共產黨不承擔它們對中國人民所犯下的巨大罪行, 中國將沒有明天!

中共所欠的債已經回避了太久太久。 按照這個世界的人權與正義,  暴政頭頭們必須被押上法庭, 因為中國人民有權控訴審判這個毫無人性而殘暴的政權。

為了千百萬的死者, 為了千百萬幸存但承受巨大苦難者, 中共政權的豁免權必須終止。 如果不談其它的理由, 我們這一代人起碼應該能回答我們子孫們提出的問題: 你們做了什麼來紀念死難者? 你們怎樣保證這樣的事情不再發生?

中國人的朋友們! 中國朋友們!

現在發出你們回應的呼聲, 讓你們的話傳遍世界: 「聽見你! 聽見你! 聽見你了!」。 法庭即將就緒,發出通告: 「現在開庭!」。 是中共站在法律面前,為它們的罪行作出回答的時候了。

在法庭訴訟案件一覽表上的第一個案例就是: 中國人民控告反右運動施暴者。 讓受過中共侮辱和迫害的, 被強制與家人分離的, 被流放到偏遠地區苦力勞動的作家們, 醫生們, 老師們, 學生們, 記者們站起來作證。 讓他們見證/控訴中共的罪行! 讓中共為自己的罪行辯護, 假如它們還被允許的話。


第二個案例就是: 中國人民控告文化大革命罪行。 讓那些因為倡導社會理想而被打成國家敵人的,並受到毒打, 判刑和折磨的所謂「反革命」, 老師和持不同政見者站起來作證。 讓他們見證/控訴中共的罪行。 讓中共為自己的罪行辯護, 假如它們還能說出口的話。


第三個案例就是: 天安門廣場學生控告鄧小平集團。 讓天安門廣場屠殺學生的幸存者們, 那些曾看到他們的同學被射擊和殺害的學生們, 那些曾被關押和正在被關押的學生們, 那些被迫逃離中國而遠離家鄉的被流放者們站出來作證。 讓他們見證/控訴中共的罪行。 讓中共為自己的罪行辯護, 假如它們還能說出口的話。


最後一個案例就是: 法輪功控告中國共產黨。 讓那些千百萬被解雇的, 生意被毀的, 被逐出學校與大學校門的, 被趕出自己家門的, 家破人亡的, 被追捕的, 被騷擾和虐待的, 被送到勞教所洗腦的, 被酷刑折磨和挨餓的, 得知法輪功學員被活體摘除器官這個「恐怖之恐怖」的真相的法輪功學員站出來, 讓他們見證/控訴中共的罪行。 讓中共為自己的罪行辯護, 假如它們還能說出口的話。


讓法庭聽取一位曾經被610辦公室酷刑折磨、洗腦並被高壓放棄修煉法輪功的北京的大學生愛利克斯徐的證詞。 讓法庭聽到另一位法輪功學員, 詹姆士歐陽的證詞, 他曾被中國警察不斷的毒打,在生死之間面對法輪功的修煉, 心有餘悸以至到現在還不願公佈他的真實姓名。讓法庭聽到他的陳述和經歷: 「我承受了人類所能夠幹出的最壞的暴行。 他們是地球上最壞的動物。」
讓受難者站出來見證/控訴中共的罪行… 讓中共為自己的罪行辯護, 假如它們還能說的出口的話。

現在衹有受難的中國人民才能邁出這巨大關鍵的一步。 衹有你們才能像古人所說的「驚天動地」 ! 衹要你們邁出這一步, 我們今天在這裏參與集會的人都是你們的支持者, 支持你們驚天地泣鬼神的壯舉! 當正義得到伸張, 當中共退出歷史舞臺之時, 讓我們一起攜手走向嶄新的明天!


提姆 庫珀

Friends of China, friends in China,

Contemporary Chinese writer Zhang Kangkang has written, 「A country that cannot use today in order to examine yesterday will have no tomorrow.」

This truth as immutable as 「the laws of nature」 stands as the single greatest impediment to the welcome rise of China as a player on the world stage today. No matter how many billions of Yuan the CCP sold in cheap exports last year, no matter how many high-rises it builds in Shanghai this year, and no matter how many tens of thousands of sports fans it entertains at the Beijing Olympics next year, China will have no tomorrow until the CCP is held accountable for its horrific crimes against the Chinese people.

It is long overdue. By all that is right and just in this world, its leaders must be brought before the bar because the Chinese people are entitled to render a verdict on a regime that is as merciless as it is cruel.

For the millions of victims who died, and for the millions who survived and remember what they were made to endure, the CCP’s era of impunity must end. If for no other reason than for them to be able to answer their children when they ask: What did you do to remember the victims? What did you do to make sure that it never happens again?

Friends of China, friends in China,

It’s time for you to sound the call. Let your word go forth: 「Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye!」 This court will come to order, 「Let the trials begin! It』s time for the CCP to stand before the bar to answer for its crimes!」

First on the docket: The People v. the Anti-Rightist Campaign. Let the writers, doctors, teachers, students, and journalists who were humiliated and persecuted, separated from their families and sent to impoverished villages far and wide to labor hard, rise to take the witness stand. Let them testify to CCP’s crimes. And let the CCP defend itself, if it can…

Because it’s time for the CCP to stand before the bar to answer for its crimes.
Next: The People v. the Cultural Revolution. Let the so-called counter-revolutionaries, teachers, and political dissidents who were made enemies of the state for preaching social idealism and then beaten, jailed and tormented, rise to take the witness stand. Let them testify to CCP’s crimes. And let the CCP defend itself, if it can…

Because it’s time for the CCP to stand before the bar to answer for its crimes.

Next: Students of Tiananmen Square v. the Deng Xiaoping, et al. Let the students who survived Tiananmen Square, those who saw their fellow students shot and killed, those students who were jailed and remain in jail today, those who were forced to flee their country and live in exile far from their families, rise to take the witness stand. Let them testify to CCP’s crimes. And let the CCP defend itself, if it can…

Because it’s time for the CCP to stand before the bar to answer for its crimes.

And finally: Falun Gong v. the CCP. Let the millions of Falun Gong, those who were fired from their jobs, had businesses destroyed, were kicked out of schools and universities, were evicted from their homes, had their families ruined, were hunted down, harassed and abused, and sent to reeducation through labor camps, where they were brainwashed, tortured, starved, and learned 「horror of horror」of other Falun Gong practitioners who had their organs harvested, let them rise to take the stand. Let them testify to CCP’s crimes. And let the CCP defend itself, if it can…

Because it’s time for the CCP to stand before the bar to answer for its crimes.

Let the court hear from Beijing university student, Alex Hsu, who was tortured and brainwashed and forced to renounce his practice of Falun Gong at the direction of the 610 Office. Let the court hear from Falun Gong practitioner, James Ouyang, who is too afraid even now to use his real name, about how he was beaten so often and so badly by the Chinese police that he was forced to denounce Falun Gong just to survive. Let the court listen to his words about his experience "I have seen the worst of what man can do. They really are the worst animals on Earth."

Let them rise to testify to CCP’s crimes. And allow the CCP to defend itself, if it can…

Only the Chinese People can take this momentous step. Only you can as the ancient saying goes 「startle the Heavens and move the gods. But if you do, those of us you see and hear today are ready to stand with you, to help you startle the Heavens and move the gods. And when justice is done, when the CCP is relegated to history, we will walk into tomorrow together.

Shi Shi.
