法輪大法對”國際和平日”活動的支持 – Sunshine Coast Daily(September 25th, 2002)報道

上星期五,商業中心的舞台被色彩斑紛的汽球及手工制做的蓮花所點綴。本地的法輪大法學員們正在進行著支持 “國際和平日” 的活動。

數以百計的精美的紙制蓮花被免費派發出去,為的是對千百萬在中國正被(江士集團)打壓的無辜的民眾 – 這些民眾僅僅是因為修煉這個傳統的打坐功法而被打壓。

這些蓮花是用以獻給在中國的法輪大法修煉者,那群在不公正對待時仍能堅持和平最高準則的真善忍的人群。 那些令人愛不釋手的手工制做的蓮花是免費派發給公眾的。


圖注︰法輪大法學員在Sunshine Plaza 之”國際和平日”活動中派發蓮花。

Falun Dafa Support a day of peace

The River Walk Stage, Sunshine Plaza, was brimming with balloons and colourful handmade lotus flowers last Friday, as local Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) practitioners supported the ‘International Day of Peace’.

Hundreds of beautiful paper lotus flowers were handed out as a gesture of support for the millions of innocent people who are being persecuted in China simply for practicing this traditional exercise and meditation system.

The lotus flowers are a tribute to the Falun Dafa practitioners in China, who even in the face of injustice, continue to uphold the virtues of peace–Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.

The lovely handmade flowers were offered free to the public. As petals of peace, they can remind us that the advancement of world peace truly begins with the improvement of our own hearts, a spokesperson said. The presentation also included a continuous display of Falun Dafa’s five gentle exercises.

FLOWERS FOR PEACE: Falun Dafa practitioners handed out lotus flowers at the Sunshine Plaza last week celebrating the International Day of Peace.