





17歲那年我發現自己走路和跑步都感覺很累,而且沒食欲,每頓飯後都感覺心髒好像每時每刻都會停止跳動。我母親帶著我看遍了土耳其的名醫,所有的醫生都告訴我要小心,不能結婚,不能要小孩,不能做激烈的運動。事實上不用他們說,我也知道我非常地虛弱,因為不能作別人能做的事,我發現自己這樣地活著太可憐了。 但是,我還是覺得醫生沒有權力告訴我做什麼。我一直很相信上帝,我不會讓醫生來決定我的未來,因為他們不是上帝。所以我就結婚了,並生了個孩子,此舉震驚了我的家人和醫生。盡管這樣,我一直很虛弱,25年來我一直吃藥,沒有藥物,我的身體就不能很好地運作。 當我們決定來澳洲定居時,我的定居簽證申請被拒絕了,原因是由于心髒病我的體檢未被通過,後來經過長期的、艱苦的斡旋,我們才得到簽證。 我還患有
慢性竇炎,持續性頭痛和偏頭痛。 更嚴重的是,我還患有嚴重的經前抑郁癥,每個月有好幾天肚子劇痛,為此我要吃強力止痛片。我總是感覺很累,生活對我來說沒有意義。我盡我所能干好我的工作,成為一個稱職的母親和妻子,但是我卻是掙扎地做著這一切。 我還有一個抽煙的惡習,抽了近25年,從來沒想到過要戒煙,因為我知道我戒不掉。


所有法輪大法學員都有他們自己感人的故事,這就是我的故事,我不再掙扎地活著,我又成為我自己,在我一生中我第一次真正地快樂地活著,享受著人生的美好。為此,我無時無刻不感激李洪志師父為我所做的一切。 法輪大法不僅治愈了我身體上的疾病,也使我的情緒變得平靜。以前我的脾氣很壞,性情很暴烈,我是一個典型的地中海型婦女,易怒,說話沒遮攔,想說什麼就說什麼,從來不考慮是否會傷害別人,經常跟人吵架。 但現在我做事能夠考慮到別人,生活中遇到不順心事情的時候,也不再責備他人了。

對于那些想要使自己變得健康,變得快樂,變得更加寬容和善良的人們來說,這真是一個萬古不遇的機緣。法輪大法使一切都變得可能,我真心希望世上的人們能夠象我一樣了解和珍惜法輪大法,那麼這世界會變得多麼美好啊! 這就是為什麼我去中國領事館為中國大陸的法輪功學員呼吁的原因,他們也只不過和我們做著同樣的事情,但卻受到殘酷地迫害。老人、婦女、年輕人,甚至孩童都在遭受著江澤民及其追隨者們的殘酷迫害,迫害的原因僅僅是因為他們修煉真善忍。


How I wish it to be heard by all the people on earth that FALUN DAFA IS GOOD

My name is Jansin G. I come from the south of Turkey. I came to Australia in 1994 after marrying my Australian husband Peter in Istanbul in 1991. I am a teacher of English and I work at The University of Melbourne, Hawthorn English Language Centre. I teach English to overseas students.

I watched a documentary about Falun Dafa on the ABC: a program called “COMPASS”. I was deeply influenced by the practice and immediately decided to learn the exercises. This was in September 2001

The resulting change in my situation has been unbelievable and cannot be explained with the words. You can only understand what Falun Dafa and its founder Teacher Li Hongzhi is all about by practising it yourself. Otherwise you may never be able to understand how wonderful it is.

Falun Dafa changed my entire personality for the better and healed my inopperable, serious heart condition in the first three months after I started practising.
When I was 17 years old I noticed that I couldn’t run or even walk without getting tired. Also I couldn’t really eat properly since after each meal my heart would beat as if it was going to stop any minute.. My mother took me to many well-known hospitals in Turkey. All of the doctors that I saw told me that I had to be very careful and never get married or have a child or exert myself doing any strenuous exercises. In reality they didn’t need to tell me anything as I was really weak and felt miserable for not being able to do things that others could do.

However, after a while it occurred to me that the doctors could not tell me what to do. I always had a strong belief in God and I didn’t let the doctors decide about my future, as they were not Gods. So I did get married and had a child surprising my family and the doctors. Although I managed to do these things I had always been sick. I was on medication for 25 years and couldn’t function without my medication.

When we decided to come to Australia to live, my application for a permanent visa was rejected on the grounds of not passing the medical examination because of my heart problem. It took us a long and hard battle to be granted a visa. I also had chronic sinusitis, continuous headaches and migraines.

On top of everything, I suffered from severe premenstrual depression and had very bad pain every month for a couple of days, for which I had to take strong painkillers. I was always tired and lacked motivation to live. I used all my energy to do my work properly, and to be a good mother and a wife, but everything was a struggle. I also had the bad habit of smoking for 25 years and never even attempted to stop, as I knew I would not be able to. Then I found Falun Dafa.

As far as I am concerned I was re-born on the 28 September 2001 when I was taught the exercises. It was just extraordinary. I felt this warm energy flow coming down all over my body. I had this sensation for over three months continuously. I went to the practice sites three times a week and felt that I did not want to stop practising. My family, friends and colleagues saw me transformed into a new person. I lost 8 kilos and stopped smoking. I also didn’t need to have my heart medication any more since all my symptoms disappeared. To my surprise, I was not getting tired when I was swimming. I could swim non-stop. I was not out of breath anymore. This was only after three weeks of practising. I just kept swimming with tears in my eyes. I can now climb stairs with ease. I can run as fast as my 10 year-old son and clean my house without getting tired. I work all day effortlessly. In addition to this I can go out and socialise. I have this boundless energy except when I sometimes go through cleansing. All Falun Dafa practitioners have their own extraordinary stories to tell but this is my story and living is not a struggle anymore. I enjoy being me and I am for the first time in my life truly happy and I thank the teacher for it all the time.

With Falun Dafa I have not only been healed physically but also emotionally. I had a bad temper and a very fiery personality. I was a typical Mediterranean woman.
I used to get angry in a second and tell people what I thought about them, never stopping to consider If I would hurt them or not. I often used to pick fights with everyone, but now I care about other people and I don’t blame others when things go wrong in my life.

So there is a chance for everyone who wants to be healthier, happier, more compassionate, and tolerant. With Falun Dafa everything is possible. I wish all the people in the world could understand and treasure Falun Dafa and its teachings as much as I do. What a wonderful place the world would be.

This is why I go to the Chinese Consulate to appeal for Falun Dafa practitioners in Mainland China, who are being severely persecuted for just doing what we are doing here. Old men and women, young people, even children have been persecuted by Jiang Zemin and his supporters because they practise Compassion, Truthfulness and Forbearance. I sometimes wish fora very loud voice so I could be heard by all the good people on Earth and ask them to help to stop the persecution. Help us to prevent Beijing’s attempt to eradicate Falun Dafa and poison the minds of many people in the world with their lies. I want to stop them for the sake of so many other people in Mainland China who would like to practise Falun Dafa and benefit from it as I have done.
